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KilJoy -SFG-

Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

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Edit: Another question regarding the convoy-ambushmission: As far as we have seen, the convoy starts at a given point moving to a town, let us say it is delores, and seems to stay there. Dolores was hostile territory and we had not a single chance to destroy this convoy, neither when it was moving, nor when it entered dolores. It took just too much time to pilot the MH6 to a good spot in consideration of imperative evasion of anti-air. Is it possible to have the start- and endpoints of the convoy dynamic regarding towns and their status (liberated/occupied)? At the moment it is hilarious and suicidal to accept this side-mission. But maybe the side-mission are meant to be played by the time the primary/secondary stuff was done - yes / no?! wink_o.gif

@Hoot, OK I only do this mission when I just start out since you get good points from it. and I tend to do it alone or if I have a new player in need of points I take him/her along.

Now if you can fly a chopper you should not have a prob getting to a nice spot to ambush them as this is the point of the mission.

If you can't fly however get a hummer ready to go and then start the mission with it close by if it happens to be far away, cancel mission and accept it again this will make it pick another location for them to start off at untill you get one close to the base and do that one. I've found the ones spawning just south west of the base(Air field) as the best untill I can fly then I do em all. Yes you loose 2 points for cancel'n a mission i recon it's fair since your leaving enemy on the field of battle. smile_o.gif Hope this helps you.

@Kiljoy, If you cancel a mission the targets remain in the map at there starting point or where ever you canceled em at, I have no prob with this as it's more stuff to kill HU RAH smile_o.gif,

but this could have an adverse effect on the server if you spawn too many or if the mission start point gets repeated they might damage themselves? would be nice if they would still head to the town there heading for and reinforce em BWHAHAHAHA. Once more man Kick ass mission, Thanks for the hours of fun we've had so far and looking forward to many many more.

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What happened to the spetnaz parachuting in as reinforcement in towns? not seen any of them in 1.5(a), have they been deleted?

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@Hoot, OK I only do this mission when I just start out since you get good points from it. and I tend to do it alone or if I have a new player in need of points I take him/her along.

Ya, that's why we were trying to accomplish the mission - just to get access to some scoped weapons wink_o.gif

Now if you can fly a chopper you should not have a prob getting to a nice spot to ambush them as this is the point of the mission.

The problem was not to get there, but it was the timeframe that was taken by evading the hostile controlled cities, including their anti-air. I prefer to take a safe route, even if it takes longer and to stay below radar, using the landscape as cover and so - if possible and necessary. So the convoy was already on its route to dolores when we've arrived close-by, and we had about 20 seconds from the point we've landed behind a dune, to a safe-spot from where it was safe to open fire at the convoy. However, we've received fire from the town, and the both BMPs that were guarding the convoy. The outcome was two more fatalities *lol*. Metaphorically speaking, to attack the convoy was like to stir up a hornet's nest. Just foes around ourselves. Well it looked fine from the air and easy to take it out of the scene, but hey, Flashpoint-Skills doesn't really matter in ArmA wink_o.gif

If you can't fly however get a hummer ready to go and then start the mission with it close by if it happens to be far away, cancel mission and accept it again this will make it pick another location for them to start off at untill you get one close to the base and do that one. I've found the ones spawning just south west of the base(Air field) as the best untill I can fly then I do em all. Yes you loose 2 points for cancel'n a mission i recon it's fair since your leaving enemy on the field of battle. smile_o.gif Hope this helps you.

K, it was not the first side mission we took yesterday. It was the third i guess. However, driving from the HQ to the convoy by HMMV would take much more time, most likely and would lead through hostile territories with just the armor of your HMMV as cover. No - that's imo a bad idea. The LBs are small, fast and easy to control, ideal for rapid insertions and exfils.

They say NSDQ, but with a bullet in your head, it becomes quite hard to follow that slogan wink_o.gif

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Noobie question, so when you leave the confines of a city the enemy respawn. Is there a delay on this happening or is it as soon as you leave the area? Can this be changed somehow in the server.cfg?



Oh, and thanks for the excellent mission KilJoy. BI should put you on a commision basis as they sold two more copies of the game from friends watching me play this mission biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]This is an known bug with AA, happens in all missions.


Wait for next patch (1.07). It will be ok.

btw. the end

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Just want to clear up some points, If you cancel a mission all enemy units in that mission are deleted. Only the squad leader can see markers for the mission, but all in the squad can see the way-point. Enemy once spawned in a city do NOT respawn there. convoy starting points and end point are random , Ambush 10 start points are closer to the airport then Ambush 20 start points. If you don't have access to a chopper for transport i suggest you choose ambush 10 missions.

spetsnaz parachutes were causing errors, I have removed them for the time being until i can fix the problem. There is an issue with some secondary markers not being removed once the object is destroyed I'm looking into it. All secondary objectives are optional you don't need to do them to Finnish the mission. People have asked about both an opfor version of the mission and a Player V's Player version. For now I just want to iron out bugs on one version instead of debugging 3 versions simutainiously.

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is there no end to youre talents ?? ...

congrats on project ( fantastic ) ... BIS hire this man !

you know it makes sense ...

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Yeah, what did happen to the cities re-enforcing themselves with the paratroopers? I liked those too.

It LOOKS like ONLY paraiso, "the first city" by the airport replenishes itself after "nobody is in the zone" for "x" amount of time... is that true?

IE, I left corazol half-beating over night, and in the morning, it looked exactly the same.

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i would love to see enemy cities to be reinforced by ground convoys (troops transport by jeeps, trucks or sometime with apc and heavy armor) etc

would pose some "deadly" suprised like ...

haha even if we all died now we got these nice new weapons lets finish that last squad ...

omfg there 5 new bmps and cant count all the soldiers.... eject ... eject !!!

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I've only skimmed over the last 10 pages since my last post, but after suggesting the point penalty for death It seemed to go from 1.4c were you set the penalty to 20% then 5% then there was talk of removing it because people got stuck in a minus score loop. I'm sure when I played 1.5a last night it was -1 point for a death?

Thats the way it should be. Maybe you need a little optional training mission in the airbase to get 5 points so everyone is off the ground, after that if you cant keep it above 0 you need to think about a bit more single player action. To help the TKing problem, can the airbase have a trigger over it so the minus score is only outside that area?


How about linking the side missions to the towns, we have all noticed 2 types of player in evolution, the mission groups and town cleaners. why not only make side missions available once a town is clear, 2 or 3 side missions within a similar radius of that town to the airbase. Of course have a few starter missions (could include the training mission)

The side missions can also get harder and give more points the further the town is from the airbase.

i.e a paraiso ambush would be a light convoy (UAZ MG, 2x ammo truck = 5 points) but a pita convoy ambush would be an armored column with AA support (2x T72, 2x BMP2 and a Shilka = 80 points)

few other ideas:

ambush an SLA camp, take out heleport, destroy a guarded bridge, beach landing, rescue blackhawk pilot, sniper SLA officer, defend farp, attack small island, taxi BLUFOR Officer.

YES it does give the overall mission more of a "fenced in" approach, forcing mission groups to help clear towns so maybe a little balancing is required, say 5 or 6 missions available at the start, no more than 10 points each and extra missions are available as towns are cleared. At the end of the day though both towns AND side missions need to be completed to finish the mission so why not tie them in a little more?

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I've only skimmed over the last 10 pages since my last post, but after suggesting the point penalty for death It seemed to go from 1.4e were you set the penalty to 20% then 5% then there was talk of removing it because people got stuck in a minus score loop. I'm sure when I played 1.5e last night it was -1 point for a death?

In version 1.5, he removed the penalty point system. The penalty point system existed briefly in the 1.4x series.

The reason it was removed, was because of an inherit problem he had related to TK'ing (as he stated in the thread).

I post this because the versions you posted are all wrong, and will likely confuse people.

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Great mission ideas red devil I really do want to do more of these now the submission system seems stable. you can rescue a blackhawk pilot in csar 20. In future id like to include the army bases around the island for attack and defence missions. and the small islands for beach landings. The old saad mission and the convoy missions foces players into towns if there not quick because convoys always go to active towns csar 20 can often end up near a town. Players generaly find this makes missions next to impossible for a small or one player group. Also having mission targets in the middle of a town under assault you can often find your mission done for you by somone else. Apart from the fact that i like to use as much of the island as possibil for varity i also try to keep players missions seprate by means of random start points for these reasons. While some people love others to do there missions for them most find it annoying.

There is also limitations to how meny units you should spawn for a player bearing in mind the possibility of 30 players choosing a mission that includes 10 units (x30 = 90) extra units on the map.

some allowances could be made for higher ranking players to have more enemy in there missions simply because there are never to many at one time. also maybe groups with more then one human player as the subordinate human can not start a mission. It would be nice to tie missions into the whole campaign in a similar fashion to the single player arma campaign. A mission could have an effect on the enemy as a whole. attack an enemy farp = no komovs for an hour, attack a convoy and maybe the enemy in the town it was destind for will not have grenades ect.

That way the missions could remain seprate but still aid town cleaners.

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I don't know yet how you are spawning the "big" enemy squads..

try not to spawn all units at the same time, use time among their spawn to reduce lag.

Imagine you want to spawn 10 or more enemys in a certain area for one of those small missions, try not to spawn all at same time, spawn in groups of 3 or 4 at the same time until you complete all squad/convoy desired. I noticed in the past if spawned more then 5 units at the same time it would creat alittle lag on the mission.

This way might prevent lag. Someone correct me if im wrong, please.

By doing this would it still be able to build and constroy successfully the little missions even the convoys with paths?

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Yeah, what did happen to the cities re-enforcing themselves with the paratroopers? I liked those too.

It LOOKS like ONLY paraiso, "the first city" by the airport replenishes itself after "nobody is in the zone" for "x" amount of time... is that true?

IE, I left corazol half-beating over night, and in the morning, it looked exactly the same.

Kiljoy - can you answer this please? Thanks!

No more paratroopers?

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Great mission!

Suggestion: How about replacing the default U.S desert camo units for example EBud´s U.S units?...namely woodland...it would add more "look" in the mission.

Yes, it requires addon to be installed to play the mission but still...well just a suggestion.


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In version 1.5, he removed the penalty point system. The penalty point system existed briefly in the 1.4x series.

I'm hoping the penalty point system can be reinstated somehow eventually.

Currently, once you reach a higher rank:

- there is no responsibility associated with your rank,

- there are no repercussions for destroying each and every one of your unlocked vehicles (which other players, who have yet to reach that rank, will now no longer have any easy access to until they are repaired again),

- no severe repercussions for dying through sloppy attacks or using small groups (especially individuals).

Some of the penalty points I recommended were:

Quote[/b] ]Penalty points:

- Death penalty points:

Could you subtract some points based on your rank for each death?

Perhaps for higher ranking players only and keep it positive, or above a minimum of maybe 30 points.


-0 points for dying as a: private, corporal or sergeant,

-1: lieutenant,

-2: captain,

-3: major,

-4: colonel).

It would help prevent sloppy attacks. Not sure whether you should lose your current rank too as your score drops?

- Destroyed vehicle penalty points:

Could you subtract points when getting killed inside a destroyed vehicle.

They do this is the BF2 mod Project Reality. The better the vehicle, the higher the penalty. This is mostly for attack vehicles, not transport vehicles necessarily. This forces you to utilise your selected vehicle effectively. If you think you'll lose it, don't use it.


-1 points for any cargo seat.

-2 points for: transport vehicles,

-3: MG vehicles,

-6: light armour TOW vehicles: HMMWVTOW, Stryker TOW,

-8: light attack choppers: UH60 FFAR, AH-6

-15: heavy armour: tanks, AA,

-20: heavy attack missile choppers & jets,


- Minimal deaths bonus mission points:

Count how many deaths you had for the current mission and adjust the final bonus points based on how sloppy you were.

- Servicing points:

Award 1 point for each 80%-100% repairs/refueling/rearming somehow, if possible.

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Definately sounds like a good penalty system DR_Eyeball. The only thing I would change is the penalties dependant on rank, I think the top few ranks should have slightly more severe penalties.

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untill some Tk guy follows you around endlesly. knocking you over undetectibly with a car. he gets no minus points. you get -4. great. Or if he had a few points he could directly tk you and lose one while you lose 4.

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KJ for future update (when you solve the by vehicle TK problem)

i suggest adding point loss for loosing AI You command (responsibility for soldiers)

and maybe for SL when loosing other players in same squad on mission etc.


another thing about dynamic weather ...

i was wondering about this:

- low clouds (foggy like weather) on mountain tops (highest parts of SS and NS)

- low dense fog (in valleys)

these are independent on actual rnd or global ones ... (local "predefined" areas or based on altitude etc)

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Quote[/b] ]

- low clouds (foggy like weather) on mountain tops (highest parts of SS and NS)

- low dense fog (in valleys)

Thats a good idea.

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just wanted to add something that doesnt move the thread forward in any way but thanks so much. 3 guys that been playing since OFP demo days inside and out got bored, arma was just the same game, boooring... played this mission tonight and enjoyed it, thanks alot. OFP/ArmA is fun again =)

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I don't know if this was asked before but, what about respawning in your AI group bots instead of having to do it in the base?, this will reward the people commanding troops and will give more ambient and realism to the mission creating new instant situations.

Other (maybe too complicated?) suggestions :

-Openning a second allied respawning base in a different location once mission objectives are close to 50%.

-Create dessert storms (if possible) in the dessert zones instead of rain storms.

-Creating limited respawn vehicles (wwiiol style) for higher ranks, once the number of respawns are reached, return to base for reloading respawns.

-Adding more civilian life that will join a side if enough number of civilians are killed by the other side.

-Creating a rendition option that will send you to an enemy jail or town, then create a rescue mission for this human soldier, if the penalty system is high enough the higher ranks will prefer to get jailed and rescued by their team than get dead and loose rank, of course add a suicide option just in case...;)

This is right now the best coop mission for ArmA, thanks for it. wink_o.gif

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personally, I think it's FINE the way it is now.... crazy_o.gif

On the respawning, I agree... leave it the way it is. The mission is about doing some work, not just fire fire fire.. and that's good. Also really makes you subconsciously dread dying, so you try harder, protect yourself better, etc. The more I play this mission, the more and more I think it's fine the way it is (respawning).

If you don't like the airport thing, just use the respawning MH6 option (which I love).

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