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KilJoy -SFG-

Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

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Very nice mission @ KilJoy [sFG]

im playin it almost all the time, but today i have seen some people using an exploid, they drive into a bush near the airfield. after that there is a 5 second lag and u spawn on PITA. can u check this for fixing?

Also i have a question for your help.

I am still learning mission creation and want to use ranked based system like u did. My next problem is that i dont know how to get a mission working with captureable citys and destruction points.

I want to learn from your mission Evolution 1.5a but i cant open it on ingame Editor after extracting the files from .pbo

also my windows editor showed me that mission.sqm is not a text readable file.

can u help me with that.

Greetz, Kev


Some Improvement ideas for your mission:

People should have the rights with Level 2 or 3 allready, that they can drive an M113 APC and maybe an M2 Stryker.

In Reallife i had my hands on such vehicles after my first duty month. It would be more interesting to hold such APC alive during infantry engagements.

Also i would agree with some more enemy tanks and stronger AI.

I mean, more AI units on expert. more AI snipers on special locations etc. so it gets more difficult.

Our record for the hole mission was 2-3 hours by 20 players.

Greetz, Kev

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I'll use myself as an example, although this equally applies to anyone in a similar situation:

With a FT job and schedule, I MAY get to play 30 minutes every-other night.  The TG server generally runs through evolution every 1-2 days.  That means I am ALWAYS at a level that I can't utilize anything of value in the rank system.  It literally has no point for someone like me in its current incarnation.

Ok, so you play about a 1/2 hour every other night... that's like 3-4 hours a WEEK.

I don't see why the mission needs to be retooled for such a unique situation as that. No mission is going to be prefectly suited for EVERYONE....

And no offense, but if you were playing 2-3 times a week, for 1/2 hour each session, and the game was JUST starting fresh and you come in as Colonel, I wouldn't want to play with you. That's just uncool, not fair, etc.

I'd suggest you get a dedicated server, run it in persistant mode, then you can take as long as you want, play whenever you want, at your own pace.

My .02

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Well my community is a tactically oriented "mature" environment, so while my time is limited, it is much closer to the norm. Our average age is in the 30s, so most of us have RL commitments to work and family that makes gameplay limited. We host two dedicated servers (and run a 3rd as needed for events), but we cater to a large player base that doesn't always want to be running evolution.

I can certainly understand your perspective, but I don't see how implementing an optional feature such as scores saved outside of a mission's session hurts your play at all, while it dramatically impacts that of my community and I assume many others out there that have also requested persistence beyond a single session in this very thread,

Regardless, this is such a requested feature from our community that it will be something we explore, though I of course would prefer the author to implement if KilJoy perceives value in this system.

I don't understand your unfair comment.. Everyone's scores are accumulated through the week, those who play more often will rank earlier, but by the end of the week almost everyone will have sufficient rank so that starting evolution will allow most players to play with high-level items from the beginning. I don't see how this is a problem.. after all there isn't a "story" about how the towns get captured and IMHO would enhance the replayability during the week as scores accumulate you would see people clearing the "close" towns with vehicles not usually available then. Perhaps the difference is that we run a passworded server with regulars and everyone squads up so someone having access to vehicles doesn't help just themselves, but the squad as a whole. I personally would love to start a mission and have a teammate with access to better assets to assist my squad in clearing a town.

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Ok here is what i've been thinking about for this mission:

1st: Retrieve chopper and truck.

2nd: After taking the first town Kick off a war. What i have in mind is that the next closest city would send forces to retake the city and continue untill they have taken control of the air base. Mission fail. The forces attacking get bigger and more power full as you get deeper into the city's. Maybe anounce a attack by the enemy. Would really add to the mission i think smile_o.gif

3rd: Captured city's become forward FARP's, just one FARP site with some protection like a frindly squad or summin.

Then I've stumbled on a AI exploit as I use my AI to bring me a chopper on the field for EVAC mostly, How I do this is I recruit one medic and leave him at base. I then take my other AI into battle with me. Now let's assume that I now need a pick-up or a chopper. I then tell the AI unit at base to Recruit me another medic and then I used to tell him to pilot a MH-6 and bring it to me. Much to my surprize the new unit Spawned on me instead of at the base. Hence what ever you need spawn a ai drop him from squad and loot his body. Or tell him to drop some stuff. Could we have the Spawn point be at the building again please or is there a problem with having it there?

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sorry if this has already been mentioned -- please include a moveable spawn point to this map!

The game grinds to a halt when the choppers are dead and you have to drive for 20 mins to get to the towns in North Sahrani each time you die!

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Forgive me aswell smile_o.gif

But the mission needs a "Fleep Vehicle" function. Ive had a few issues where tanks has been lost because they have been flipped.

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The Mission is compressed with Binview by Chain of Command. To uncompress it you need Binview


I have not done any editing of his mission. (I admit I have looked at) I love what he has done, and he certainly does not need my help.

I do love how he did the rank sytem. I wonder if he would be willing to put together a tutorial / basic mission showing how to do the rank system. I would love to see more missions using the rank system in the future. I would like to even see it added to C&H missions.

Well keep up the good work Kiljoy. Look forward to the next version and the A10. Plus with the view distance being able to be cranked up in the next patch, flying will be even more fun. biggrin_o.gif

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Thank you very much mate, that helps me alot.

i think too that he made a great work.

That tutorial is a very great idea. i hope he will work on it.

it will help the community.


I have taken a look at the mission. totaly impressive, but like i sayed not dificult anough smile_o.gif i dont want to explain what i mean directly because those enemy squads but i hope he will change it.

Something i dont understand and what is totaly impressive is, that rain and fog system. How did he get that out.

I mean he is not born with the skills to write an rain and fog script into arma editing.

can somebody explain me how dis script works, and where did he find that out. i have no tutorial sites with such tutorials to make rain or hook up a ranked system. somehow we must be able to learn such things. the ArmA editing guide is boring because it is totaly for beginners. sure sometimes i also take a look for reminding something but no real dificult answers.

so if there is any site out there (not BiWiki) that has many scripts, tutorials and infos on editing/creating missions please let me know.


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Motorbika and the Sopwith Camel in Evolution ??

Yesterday a guy came with a sopwith camel at the base... and some other guy with a motorbike...

So where to find these cool vehicles ?

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Forgive me aswell smile_o.gif

But the mission needs a "Fleep Vehicle" function. Ive had a few issues where tanks has been lost because they have been flipped.

Fire RPGs at them until they explode. They'll respawn on the right side.


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Forgive me aswell smile_o.gif

But the mission needs a "Fleep Vehicle" function. Ive had a few issues where tanks has been lost because they have been flipped.

Fire RPGs at them until they explode. They'll respawn on the right side.


That depends on their location. I had one become lost at sea because it was on the beach

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Maybe a function to recover vehicles using your points could be implemented.


Say you are a captain and have XX points and you want to "recover" a crashed helo. You can go to a building and use a selection menu that lists all the "downed" craft and their cost to recover. You select what you want and it appears back at base in the recoverable condition locked to all but the recovering person. The persons score goes from XX to XX - Recover Cost. The vehicle stays locked for X minutes until it becomes public again. This would allow those as Colonels to use their points for the good of the game.

I know, thi doesn't appeal to the hard line team work people, and I understand it if you have a good team on a private server that actually works together, but when you have a public server, some nut gets in anc crashes the MH's in the sea in 5 minutes you kinda need some way to get them back without restarting the server.

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1) Would you consider making Evolution a COOP 60-player mission? If not, what are the disadvantages to doing so?

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KilJoy, played on 2 different servers over the past few days and noticed the same thing on both, there seems to be a problem with the spawning Ai, after a while ingame and around 50% of the cities cleared on both servers there was atleast 12 ai units with no weapons just floating around the recruitment hut. (similar to the spawning ammo and weapons from older versions of evo) wierd thing was their standing stance animation was set for holding a rifle.

Any further news/gossip for evo 1.6? are you waiting for arma 1.07 patch? whistle.gif

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Hi great concept and mission. Been playing it quite a bit with just a couple of friends.

A few things I'd like to see.

Refuelling removed. Repairing a vehicle should be enough. Having to get an fuel truck there as well is not terrible realistic and quite complicated if using AI to do the work.

The rearming of vehicles needs to be reworked. Extra magazines arent installed. For instance a Hummer with grenade launcher wont replace used magazines.

Vehicles lost in water need to be "hauled" to the land so they can be repaired.

Ability to lock a vehicle so it cant be stolen.

Ai to automatically rearm at nearest support vehicle. If say a Vulcan is within 1 km of a support vehicle it should be smart enough to rearm itself and the return to its original position.

Enemy Shilkas seemed to be dumbed down. MAybe they could have a higher skill level.

Add a few Enemy Stingers. Just one per town would be enough

Enemy Ammo crates in each town

Advancing respwn point. Once a town like Corazol is liberated. It should be possible to choose it as a possible respawn point.

Bug ? After repairing /refuelling a vehicle and ordering an AI to get in and drive it back. They very often jumpt straight back out again. Yet the vehicle is in good nick.

Another promotional option would be cool.

Where you get promoted faster but if you die you start as a private once again. Just a few ideas. I'll add somemore as I think of them.

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Does anyone know what causes the crash "Cannot create system memory surface: 8007000e"

Seems to happen alot.

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The rearming of vehicles needs to be reworked. Extra magazines arent installed. For instance a Hummer with grenade launcher wont replace used magazines.

That's a well known ArmA bug, to be fixed in 1.06 or 1.07 patch.

Quote[/b] ]

Bug ? After repairing /refuelling a vehicle and ordering an AI to get in and drive it back. They very often jumpt straight back out again. Yet the vehicle is in good nick.

I see that, but only in captured ENEMY units - your AI won't drive them (T72, BMP-2, BRDM, etc)

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Teleporting bush? more likely there hackers trying to hide when they teleport. some bug teleports you out into the middle of the ocean but I dont think you can make it happin on command.

There are no motorcycles or camels in evolution 1.5a, these people are hackers, ban them. Civilian motorcycles spawn in the next version tho.

Quote[/b] ]

Bug ? After repairing /refuelling a vehicle and ordering an AI to get in and drive it back. They very often jumpt straight back out again. Yet the vehicle is in good nick.

This is a 6 year old operation flashpoint bug. like when you shoot a bmp's tracks it triggers a flag on the vehicle that ai must get out.

When that vehicle is totally repaired the flag is not reset. This also happens with helicopters. If its an allied vehicle and you destroy it so it needs repair once you fix it AI will board again. This also works for rearming vehicles like Mk 19 unitll 1.07 comes out.

Cannot create system memory surface: 8007000e will be fixed in 1.07.

Quote[/b] ]12 ai units with no weapons just floating around the recruitment hut.

Ive seen it to im looking for the cause.

Quote[/b] ]COOP 60-player mission

I am always trying to optimize the code so that it is less bandwidth heavy. I have made some good improvements in this in the next version so if instances of dysnc are down and connection times are quick I would consider making more player slots.

As i mentioned before I would like to play an east version and i would also like to play a realism version restricting classes to weapons and vehicles but as i still work on systems that would be common to all of these variations i don't want to have to reproduce update and debug three or more maps simultainously.

I dont think it will be much longer before i am happy with the foundation.

Some more info on the next version. Thers a new mission called defence. it takes place at one of 6 random army bases around the island.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Defend Recon Squad

A Recon unit has come under heavy attack while scouting an abandoned enemy base. Get there fast and defend them

Obj 1: Locate the Recon Team

Obj 2: The Recon Team must survive

You can review this brief via the radio (0~0~1)

When you arrive you have to defend against waves of random enemy units coming from random directions, for a certin period of time. Its quite a challenge.

Theres now mi17 rockets flying around and paratroopers are back. Citys now depopulate down to no units when friendlys are not around. This should make huge differences to the long "Receiving data" as clients wont have to be told about unnecessary units. But due to this the version i am making will only be compatible with version 1.07 of arma with the deletevehicle bug fixed. Also I'm fixing any bug / exploit mentioned here and a few I found myself. I'd like to include a reward system for reparing vehicles altho i havent started on it yet. Also considering the ticket option for an operation failure possibility. But if thats included it would be set by param and not the default option as I dont think it would work as intended on a public server.

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Kiljoy, after a few mates and I have finally completed the mission, over 4 nights, a reward for recovering vehicles would definitely be appreciated.

After every engagement, we meticulously recovered ALL of our damaged vehicles, a tedious task, requiring skill in the utilisation of AI, adn one which took a considerable amount of time.

We felt it was necessary to do this to ensure we had a decent assault force assembled near the next objetive, adn it made taking the objective so much easier with a show of force.

Whilst we all chipped in in repairing, refueling, rearming and relocating, it was largely a thankless task on the rank scheme. If you manage to work it in there please bear in mind that quite often a squad leader uses his AI to do most of the leg work, with the player taking over typically at the abandoned vehicle jumping in and out of trucks and vehicles to effect the repair. Then AI would be tasked to move the repaired vehicles to the forward base accompanied by the service vehicles.

Whilst it was tedious, and at times a pain in the ass managing the AI to do this, the logisticl problem itself became one of the challenges af the mission and I see no need to make it any easier, just perhaps a little bit of recognition for the work involved.

Thank you for a great mission and many late nights of fun.

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@ May 10 2007,04:01)]
Quote[/b] ]12 ai units with no weapons just floating around the recruitment hut.

Ive seen it to im looking for the cause.

Theres no need to look for a cause. Its part of the map. Or at least i think it is. If you leave an AI near the recruitment center you can order him to recruit a soldier for you when you are really far away. That prevents having to babysit the AI (or occupy room with them on transport) till desired destination.

Thats why ppl leave AI near the recruitment center. You can call them when u want and they will spawn right next to you.


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Quote[/b] ] If you leave an AI near the recruitment center you can order him to recruit a soldier for you when you are really far away. That prevents having to babysit the AI (or occupy room with them on transport) till desired destination.

Remote recruitment was never ment to be possibil if it was i would just allow it by radio menu or somthing. Its to much of an exploit because units are free and you can litiraly wipe out an entier town by sitting on the sideline spawning in new ai and marching them forward like lemmings. Next version there set to only respawn at recruitment, you can still remote recruit tho so maybe you can get them to come to you in a mh6. Only thing is the unit left at base spends a lot of time doing nothing, seems like a waste.

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@ May 10 2007,12:47)]you can litiraly wipe out an entier town by sitting on the sideline spawning in new ai and marching them forward like lemmings.

Maybe that could be.. but the player doing that wouldnt receive any points for it. So, no sense for him doing it, i think.

Anyway, since you changing it, the debate became empty about that issue.

Get along, get along, nothing to see here nener.gif

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we played Evolution last week-end (4 then 5 guys in total) on a LAN server.

It took us quiet some time to finish the mission !

Anyway, it was fun but we have some comments about the mission.

Here they are:

Missing features:

* the ability to save the choosen weapon so that we don't have to reselect weapon at each death

* give points to all pilote, gunners and commander of vehicule for kills.

* IA should give points to the squad leader when they're doing kill. It's already the case for medic (BTW this seems to be easy to abuse).

* mobile respawn point

* more 5t truck. We need them to move tons of IA (necessary because they can't properly handle bridge)


* far too much fog on all the map: we were unable to see anything once we are at altitude of 300/400 m. I tried to setup a viewing distance of 10km in the video options but it didn't change anything.

* too much night (we were playing with the 1h = 1 day option): we'd like to attack the 21st of june when the day is the longest possible.

* repairing vehicule is far too tedious, especially with trucks having to be refueled. I think giving infinite fuel for the trucks would make if far better. A simple set of truck (fuel, ammo, service) would then be enough to repair vehicules except when they are destroyed by the ennemy.


* the M1A1 gunner gets no points if a commander from a different squad is in the tank

* points for clearing a city or destroying a secondary objective should be awarded to all players

* Corazol secondary objective destroyed using a vulcan without been noticed by the server (the tower is destroyed but we didn't see the message)

* unable to destroy the secondary objective of Bagango (IIRC)

Thanks for this great mission !


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