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Can sombody confirm this plz???

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From Arma US page...

Quote[/b] ]Completing these and many more challenges will score you points, which in turn unlock more equipment

Nothing against the armoury, but doesn't it sound like an attempt to lure BF2 and Arcade fans ?

If that only means more tutorial missions, that's alright, but otherwise, what's the point of locked equipment in Arma when you have the editor ?

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"har har, at one point in a recent military campaign, a friendly aircraft accidently attacked a group of friendly ground vehicles, the aircraft in question being the topic of this thread! I shall make a witty post joking about this, because I am just that cool"

Obviously you're not....sorry

ONE point? One point? We wish mate, we dearly wish.

By all means, please continue making fun of tragic accidents. Don't let me stop you.

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"har har, at one point in a recent military campaign, a friendly aircraft accidently attacked a group of friendly ground vehicles, the aircraft in question being the topic of this thread! I shall make a witty post joking about this, because I am just that cool"

Obviously you're not....sorry

ONE point? One point? We wish mate, we dearly wish.

By all means, please continue making fun of tragic accidents. Don't let me stop you.

1. It wasnt an accident, it was manslaughter perpetrated by amateur, murderous imbeciles.

2. I'm drawing attention to it because the matter has not been resolved, i.e. the perpetrators, who will forever be associated with the A10 aircraft, have not yet faced justice.


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"har har, at one point in a recent military campaign, a friendly aircraft accidently attacked a group of friendly ground vehicles, the aircraft in question being the topic of this thread! I shall make a witty post joking about this, because I am just that cool"

Obviously you're not....sorry

ONE point? One point? We wish mate, we dearly wish.

The point is that some jokes are getting really old, sometimes.

Being french and reading some Yanks reactions on boards, I can fully understand Falken.

Everytime, for example, OFrP have made a post here, a witty guy came up with his oh so fun jokes.

Exactly the same here.

All done mainly because people making these jokes don't know what they're talking about

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I wouldn't say that, there are bug fixes, feature upgrades, etc. To me, those are more important.

Please tell me you're aware of the fact that new vehicles/weapons/etc can be created completely independent of bugfixes and stuff, right? You don't seem to understand the separation between programmers and artists.

Quote[/b] ]Nothing against the armoury, but doesn't it sound like an attempt to lure BF2 and Arcade fans ?

If by "lure BF2 and Arcade fans" you mean "make it easier to try out weapons/vehicles/addons without having to deal with the mission editor", perhaps. I don't see the problem with this. Sounds like a good way to quickly showcase the game's equipment to new players.

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Lunar cycles? ive never seen the tide being lower or higher at different times of the day.

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Lunar cycles? ive never seen the tide being lower or higher at different times of the day.

Try it wink_o.gif

Set different times of day, different dates...

It works xmas_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Please tell me you're aware of the fact that new vehicles/weapons/etc can be created completely independent of bugfixes and stuff, right? You don't seem to understand the separation between programmers and artists.

now now

in the first you have links to the company so you have a bias opinion

in the second he made a very valid point and now points

and finaly why have you turned this way, i was one of many that begged bis to let you review arma instaed of all the none playing over paid bullshitters that didnt have a clue and were so biased against arma that the reviews were flawed from the outset.

please dont turn it 180 degrees and become so bias that you wont let anyone make a valid criticism or it would be a shame. your a good fps reviewer in text and pics , pls dont sour it.

and finally i shall add no i dont think it influenced many people from here asking to appoint you as a reviewer ,but the fact is we did.



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I think the A10's fixed gun will be hard to use with the new flight model, it was already hard in OPF, i can imagine it now...

Im looking at it from a gameplay perspective, 95% percent of people who take off with it will go for a spin around sahrani, get bored, eject... i will have fun flying the A10 around but i would be happier if something more usefull had been considered.

SLA could use a better atack helicopter and a wheeled APC, these would greatly help adversarial MP missions.

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Lunar cycles? ive never seen the tide being lower or higher at different times of the day.

Try it wink_o.gif

Set different times of day, different dates...

It works xmas_o.gif

yepp it does!

Try placing a unit near the shore line!

then change the time of day/month etc,hey presto he's suddenly up to his waist in water! smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Please tell me you're aware of the fact that new vehicles/weapons/etc can be created completely independent of bugfixes and stuff, right? You don't seem to understand the separation between programmers and artists

Of course I do.

Tell you what, instead of throwing a temper tantrum because I asking a legitimate question, you could have answered it this way:

Q. Does the Ai engage ground targets while flying the A-10? Currently it does not while using the Harrier.

A. <link to bug report> It is a known issue and has been fixed with 1.06

My response: Great.

Instead, you had to turn it into some little back and forth thing. Maybe that's how you do business, but I'm used to handling things like an adult without the need for temper tantrums and sly comments such as:

Quote[/b] ]You don't seem to understand the separation between programmers and artists

Asinine and unneeded. Sorry if I feel that fixing a bug is more important than adding a potentially half-functional feature. Sorry if you feel the need to escalate what began as a simple question.

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I think the A10's fixed gun will be hard to use with the new flight model, it was already hard in OPF, i can imagine it now...

adversarial MP missions.

Ye, just like the harrier and SU now, it impossible to hit anything with it with mouse/keyboard.

In OFP it was way better because the noce always pointed where your cursor was. No you roll if you do left/right.

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Quote[/b] ]If by "lure BF2 and Arcade fans" you mean "make it easier to try out weapons/vehicles/addons without having to deal with the mission editor", perhaps. I don't see the problem with this. Sounds like a good way to quickly showcase the game's equipment to new players.

@Dslyecxi : If you read my statement and the quote, you would understand that I said I had nothing against the armoury in itself, which is probably a nice feature, what I was expressing surprise about was the whole GAIN POINTS/UNLOCK WEAPONS system, which does sound very BF2/Arcade-like to me.

Arma is about staying alive and doing the job, not getting points an unlocking secret stuff. What's the point with the editor anyway ? This is probably just a PR stunt to showcase new training missions, though.

But, any effort to make the whole game more user-friendly for newcomers (and not only for OFP die-hard fans) is a good thing. The more copies they sell, the more support we will get.

You had a bad day at work or what ? you seem like a nice person but today you read everything with the glass half-empty.

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I think the A10's fixed gun will be hard to use with the new flight model, it was already hard in OPF, i can imagine it now...

adversarial MP missions.

Ye, just like the harrier and SU now, it impossible to hit anything with it with mouse/keyboard.

In OFP it was way better because the noce always pointed where your cursor was. No you roll if you do left/right.

I can't imagine it being any harder than a flight simulator though. LOMAC is pretty difficult to get your A10 (or the SU25, which is insanely difficult at first) on target when you're getting used to the game. But you learn. Just gotta start flying like its an airplane and not a floating gun that can defy the laws of physics.

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Quote[/b] ] in the first you have links to the company so you have a bias opinion

If you want to discuss personal matters, take it to PMs. You seem to be working under some false assumptions at the moment, but I'm not inclined to discuss it all in this topic, considering what it's supposed to be about.

Quote[/b] ]in the second he made a very valid point and now points

Your view, not shared by me.

Quote[/b] ]and finaly why have you turned this way, i was one of many that begged bis to let you review arma instaed of all the none playing over paid bullshitters that didnt have a clue and were so biased against arma that the reviews were flawed from the outset.

So the fact that I'm not fond of watching people take something cool (a new vehicle, and new functionality in the form of the Library) and turn the thread into a complaint department suddenly means that I've "turned 180 degrees and become so biased I won't let anyone make a criticism"? There are plenty of complaints that can be leveled towards ArmA, but I do not think that this is the place to air them out. It comes across as pretty jaded in my eyes.

Quote[/b] ]and finally i shall add no i dont think it influenced many people from here asking to appoint you as a reviewer ,but the fact is we did.

Thanks I guess, but I don't see the relevance here.

Clav, do you not see the difference between these two quotes?

Quote[/b] ]Q. Does the Ai engage ground targets while flying the A-10? Currently it does not while using the Harrier.
Quote[/b] ]Do the A-10 AI pilots engage ground targets? If not..then what's the point?

The first one is neutral, the second one is hostile. Had you posed the first, the response would have been different.

Quote[/b] ]Sorry if I feel that fixing a bug is more important than adding a potentially half-functional feature.

My point, which you are ignoring, is that the two are not mutually exclusive.

Quote[/b] ]@Dslyecxi : If you read my statement and the quote, you would understand that I said I had nothing against the armoury in itself, which is probably a nice feature, what I was expressing surprise about was the whole GAIN POINTS/UNLOCK WEAPONS system, which does sound very BF2/Arcade-like to me.

I don't understand how this was surprising to you. ArmA has mission unlocks to begin with, after all. The second half of the SP missions must be unlocked by beating the first half.

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Quote[/b] ]If you want to discuss personal matters, take it to PMs. You seem to be working under some false assumptions at the moment, but I'm not inclined to discuss it all in this topic, considering what it's supposed to be about

wtf ?

you have just openly admitted your job links you to laserspot and bohemia in another thread .

Quote[/b] ]Uh, how is that mysterious? My job involves VBS2.

# even the wesite you link says it, of course your biased ffs

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Clearly BIS shouldn't have implimented the A10, I now realise my mistake being excited about getting to pilot the coolest fixed wing of death. I should have understood that the Combat Warthog drains vital rescources from the bug fixers. We must demand BIS to refuse to cater to the fanboys with corrupting addons, before every little bug has been located and terminated. Thank you for helping me change my happy go lucky attitude, to a defetist and unhappy one.

Irony implied.

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Quote[/b] ]I don't understand how this was surprising to you. ArmA has mission unlocks to begin with, after all

I may be nitpicky but this clearly isn't the same :

A) Complete previous objective to unlock next mission

B) Create a point ladder to unlock new weapons.

It may just be a way of formulating the PR statement, but option A is the definition of any structured mission/campain while option B sounds like an attempt to reach BF2's fanbase (which is not meant as a bad comment, on the contrary actually, but a marketing analysis).

Do you get the difference ?

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<Pointedly ignoring assorted pissing contests above whistle.gif >

One encouraging aspect is that Atari clearly have at least half a clue about marketing. Hopefully this can make ArmA a success in the US with a corresponding increase in users here in Europe.

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Quote[/b] ]If you want to discuss personal matters, take it to PMs. You seem to be working under some false assumptions at the moment, but I'm not inclined to discuss it all in this topic, considering what it's supposed to be about

wtf ?

you have just openly admitted your job links you to laserspot and bohemia in another thread .

Quote[/b] ]Uh, how is that mysterious? My job involves VBS2.

# even the wesite you link says it, of course your biased ffs

what the.........

he works for laserspot and laserspot is co working with BI related to VBS2, yes, but so the #### what should these all mean?

its just like assuming that Suma couldnt posting on this fourm to tell how he enjoy the game himself without a single words abouts bugs just because he's the developer

yes he really never did such kinds of things and he is rare to be acturally seen unless very needed, but really there is no law really prevent him to do so.......

p.s. sorry to get OT that far, but cant help myself

anyway, those A10 really do looks good

p.p.s. seems someone really miss the point, i am talking about the way you quote someone, and for the love of god do you really take sig seriously? holy mother of god someone really have no sence of humor

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Getting pretty heated in here. It might go without saying, but I'll do so now - It's possible there are unstated changes or features that would facilitate use of the A-10.. Like Dslyecxi stated, these two topics will not exclude each other. And it's also very possible that the A-10's handling will be MUCH different than the Harrier, much akin to the differences between the Blackhawk and LittleBird. The Devs have stated more than once that the flight models are continuing to be tweaked.

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Getting pretty heated in here.  It might go without saying, but I'll do so now - It's possible there are unstated changes or features that would facilitate use of the A-10.. Like Dslyecxi stated, these two topics will not exclude each other.  And it's also very possible that the A-10's handling will be MUCH different than the Harrier, much akin to the differences between the Blackhawk and LittleBird.  The Devs have stated more than once that the flight models are continuing to be tweaked.

i really wish that they have them very improved, might be even better to have different one for chopper, fixed wing and VSTOL

oh BTW, aint SU34 are a fighter boomer in the first place? oh and were is the toliet everybody are talking about? is it modeled? tounge2.gif

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Quote[/b] ]what the.........

he works for laserspot and laserspot is co working with BI related to VBS2, yes, but so the #### what should these all mean?

its just like assuming that Suma couldnt posting on this fourm to tell how he enjoy the game himself without a single words abouts bugs just becausehe's the developer

yes he really never did such kinds of things and he is rare to be acturally seen unless very needed, but really there is no law really prevent him to do so.......

hmm mork calling orson come in orson.

typical kind of response from someone with that sig. one of the original idiots who dont like anyone asking about or mentioning bugs.

read the thread you tool , i wasnt saying he could not i was saying ,his belief that the ai not being ale to shoot at the enemy from the air was not a valid quaetion is a biased view.

now either read the whole thread ir go and make up another stupid reason for people not to report bugs and stick it in your sig ffs .

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From http://www.armedassault.com/us_armory.html...

Quote[/b] ]

<span style='color:red'>Jump your off-road 4x4 off a concrete ramp on the mobility range</span>, keep flying your helicopter below a ceiling of 30 meters, or hit as many targets as possible with your sniper rifle on the firing range. Completing these and many more challenges will score you points, which in turn unlock more equipment.

A small set of quality missions and more templates to compensate the not very incredible campaign would be just fine, that stuff sounds more gta alike crazy_o.gif .

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Why don't you guys just let it go. Just let it frigging go. You're fighting on the internet. It's not frigging worth it after four posts.

Will we be getting Mk82s with the A-10? Dunno about the use of LGBs on A-10s.

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