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"dry" south Sahrani"

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I just installed v1.1 and have no ground textures. Buildings, trees and such are normal but the ground is just plain white.

Textures, shading and filtering all set to normal. I dont have the original Saralite or dry saralite v1.0 installed, dunno if that makes a difference.

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I'm going to try it out aswell and see if I have the same problem.

(I'll wait until I try it before I put the link in the first post, since it might need fixing)

Edit: Ah, as I suspected :/ it's white without the original in the addons folder, wich pretty much means it's still looking for the textures there, this could probably be changed with a hex-editor, I'll try it and see what I can manage. (good work on reducing the grass etc. though, looks nicer)

Edit again: Nope, dang, didn't get it working :/ the texture paths need to be changed somehow, but like I've stated before, I don't have much time to do this, I hope you can find a way OcramWeb :/. Anyway, anyone who's got the old version can download the new one and keep the old one in the addons folder if they want to play the new version with reduced grass. (if you have the original SaraLite.pbo from the demo in the addons folder, the textures will be the original green ones)

(also, OcramWeb, remember to put the readme in the .rar and not in the .pbo wink_o.gif ) Good job though!

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I obviously have the same issue, looking forward to a fix. Although the "winter" effect already looks cool, can't wait for new terrain themes now.

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Oooops, So sorry guys.

I forgot to check without the original island on.

I'll check what's up with the textures path in the rvmat

files, i had to change the 450 rvmat file probably made a mistake there...  

rofl.gif Let's say Winter island is already here....

Sorry for that again guys if you downloaded already,

At the momment it works but you need to have the org SaraLite.pbo in addons too for now.

i'll fix pistols.gif Tomorrow the latest.

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Sorry McNools, but your island is the original Sara Lite  huh.gif

Lol whatch the topic, as Visitor3 is not released yet,

changes can only be made on existing Island. xmas_o.gif

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Sorry McNools, but your island is the original Sara Lite huh.gif

Lol whatch the topic, as Visitor3 is not released yet,

changes can only be made on existing Island. xmas_o.gif

I think what he meant was that the textures were the same, wich is what happened when you had the original file from the demo in your addons folder too wink_o.gif

Edit: Also, it seems that the forest-areas are still as dense as before, but it doesn't show on the map :/

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this is why i changed all the 450 rvmat file paths, to point to drysahrani.pbo file, your rvmat where pointing to the demo file.

I found the probleme in mine the path inside the rvmat files got shortened by two bits each path:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class TexGen2 {


class Stage2 : SaraLiteDry\data\travajih_mco.paa {

texGen[] = {};


class Stage3 : teDry\data\travajih_detail_nohq.paa {

texGen[] = {""};


class Stage4 : data\travajih_detail_co.paa {

texGen[] = {"", "¡"};


class Stage5 : isek_mco.paa {

texGen[] = {};


class Stage6 : etail_nohq.paa {

texGen[] = {""};


class Stage7 : co.paa {

texGen[] = {"", "u"};


You see what i meant....

it is a binary trouble, i try to leave rvmat files un binarised

to see if it works.

-for the trees it works fine but it is a min per square , i swaped it to 0 tree min per square instead of 3, the maximum beeing computed by the pc itself, so you do have less trees in total on the map and not necessarly on the same spot.

wich is better for frame rate because of less computed objects, ...even if the eyes cannot really spot it.

crazy_o.gif ....recompiling rvmat files now ....

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Thaks ocramweb.

But I've meaning how to change the street signals. they remain with the original AA's village names.

Excuse my english

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Yes they do, sorry i thought you asked for the street name on the map...

road signs are p3d object (found inside ca\sign\object_name.p3d) and if you want to change the name on them, as far as i now you 'll have to retexture them

or maybe make a roadsign addons where you could in the init line give the name,

thumbs-up.gif would be nice .

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Sorry McNools, but your island is the original Sara Lite huh.gif

Lol whatch the topic, as Visitor3 is not released yet,

changes can only be made on existing Island. xmas_o.gif

I think what he meant was that the textures were the same, wich is what happened when you had the original file from the demo in your addons folder too wink_o.gif

Edit: Also, it seems that the forest-areas are still as dense as before, but it doesn't show on the map :/

You are right McNools.

If i put the original island from the demo in the addons folder, and the new sara lite dry 1.1 from ocramweb, the dry island has the same green textures from the original island, it is not dry at all.

And my original post was to ocramweb, not to McNools, my mistake.

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Yeah you are right.

I ' ve been able to change all rvmat texture path references

to the good place now, did the 453 files.

but same thing, it looks like i ve made a winter island  icon_rolleyes.gif

? default world wins the match ... for now.


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Yeah you are right.

I ' ve been able to change all rvmat texture path references

to the good place now, did the 453 files.

but same thing, it looks like i ve made a winter island icon_rolleyes.gif

? default world wins the match ... for now.


Man, that sucks :/ Keep trying!, otherwise maybe you could mail someone from BIS and ask them?

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pistols.gif lol some to do with that config class... but I got an idea

I will win the match  goodnight.gifrofl.gif

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Yes!  I won the round this time      yay.gif

Retextured Saralite from demo:

McNools Dry Southern Sahrani

perf tweaked and compiled by =DST= ocramweb


Is  now a Stand alone pbo working in game addons

folder with the original SaraLite in or not, and show up as

'Dry Southern Sahrani v1.1'

- Menu anim of island up and working

- more texture swap

better Frame rate:

- fewer and shortened grass

- shortened flowers

- less trees

- default grass replaced with desert grass

- effect/anim from wind as been cut or greatly reduced on


- Fx leafs,polen...cut

- Hawks are less shy wink_o.gif

- more wildLife

- improoved Zooming on Map for tighter placing

 of object for missions builders (on spot at once...)

- Position Gride more precise too

Sorry to whom downloaded the 'winter island' .... first try..

for now:

McNools you can 'this time' update your first post nener.gif




Dry Southern Sahrani  V1.1

                          DOWNLOAD :

- http:\\www.Team-Dst.com\ OcramWeb stand Alone McNoolsDrySahraniV1.1

obviously You will be free to host it , mirrors are welcome.gif   wink_o.gif

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I'll try it out just to be sure, then I'll add the link to the first page smile_o.gif if anyone sends you any mirrors, just pm'n them to me.

Edit: Actually, the .exe doesn't work for me :/ can you put it up as a .zip or .rar?

Edit again: A kind gentleman from ArmAholic did it for me.

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Quote[/b] ]EN: remove SaraLiteDry.pbo and Place the files "McNSaraLiteDryite.pbo" and the "SaraLiteDry.bi.bisign" in your

...\ArmA\AddOns\ directory

Where can i find the "SaraLiteDry.bi.bisign" file? it is not in the .exe or .rar version.

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Quote[/b] ]EN: remove SaraLiteDry.pbo and Place the files "McNSaraLiteDryite.pbo" and the "SaraLiteDry.bi.bisign" in your

...\ArmA\AddOns\ directory

Where can i find the "SaraLiteDry.bi.bisign" file? it is not in the .exe or .rar version.

It appears that ocramweb made a little error in the readme, you don't need that file, since it doesn't exist, so don't worry.

Edit: What it was supposed to say was that you should remove it along with the SaraLiteDry.pbo and then put the McNSaraLiteDryite.pbo in your addons folder.

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Exactly, cut and past mistakes

remove SaraLiteDry.pbo and the "SaraLiteDry.bi.bisign" Place the files "McNSaraLiteDryite.pbo" in your

...\ArmA\AddOns\ directory

You do not need the sig file anymore on v1.1

I correct the misleading info in the readme.

Thanks for the feedback Anoik

Quote[/b] ]McNools Edit: Actually, the .exe doesn't work for me :/ can you put it up as a .zip or .rar?

Well i made it as a exe for people without rar, but if the exe doesn't work evrywhere might ZIP it instead... I do not understand how the exe can't work, well problem solved

I'll let the choice

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Exactly, cut and past mistakes

remove SaraLiteDry.pbo and the "SaraLiteDry.bi.bisign" Place the files "McNSaraLiteDryite.pbo" in your

...\ArmA\AddOns\ directory

You do not need the sig file anymore on v1.1

I correct the misleading info in the readme.

Thanks for the feedback Anoik

Quote[/b] ]McNools Edit: Actually, the .exe doesn't work for me :/ can you put it up as a .zip or .rar?

Well i made it as a exe for people without rar, but if the exe doesn't work evrywhere might ZIP it instead... I do not understand how the exe can't work, well problem solved

I'll let the choice

Like I said, a guy from ArmaHolic put it in a .rar smile_o.gif so it's downloadable in .rar format too on the frontpage. It's probably just my comp that's messing with me, but it's good to have a .rar version too.

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That is what I understood, so i said i let the choice. Rar and exe.

Following your remark for the trees,with the less tree per square i also took out a class of tree from the island.

I was so happy to put viewdist up to 5400 and much more

and some hi settings,where my Radeon x600i was lagging before at 1200 on normal. thumbs-up.gif

Ps:Happy I finally managed it. I had 453 solutions...lol

Sry for the readme, I always have to forget something.

Tell me what you think.

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Yeah, I noticed there were less trees now smile_o.gif

but yeah, it's always easy to make some small mistake.

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i downloaded the RAR version and in the read me it says i need >>> "SaraLiteDry.bi.bisign" but was not inluded in the RAR crazy_o.gif

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yes, it's a mistake in the readme , you don't need that file anymore but you have to delete it from your addons folder if you have it from the previous version smile_o.gif

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