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Be 32K

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Since it seems to be an optional upgrade of some sort. Rough quess is that they are maybe some of the following (IR jammers, counter measures of jamming, jammers, improved communications array)

or none of the above biggrin_o.gif

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The stubby lil winglike things : I think it's a "Bieriozka" radar warning antenna according to reference documentation I have. I have a photo of a Hind E clearly showing it on both sides.


But other models or versions may not have it, I'm not an expert. That's maybe why the guy never saw it on a hind D

Edit : added image

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It is clearly a Soviet upgrade for "middle versions". Or has anybody seen them on the latest versions (with thermal imaging etc.)

And the biggest question should be: do they have any use/functionality in ArmA? If not, then choppers can do without them. How much of electronic warfare can be simulated with the game engine any way?

The biggest concern to me is the flight model. Hind should be quite heavy (not very agile), but yet quite fast.

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Quote[/b] ]@Törni

Ill talk to Gran or Mecha and ask what mission is made and then i give you contact what else could be made, SP or MP.

However if we can release within next few days then maybe its better you make one after the release.

What comes to missions I would like to make single player stuff. Possibly using GroupLink with 6ht Sense add-on.

The specops part in fact exists already. It is just matter of substituting Hinds and re-balancing plus othet adjusments that have to follow after a new aircraft is introduced.

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Maybe you can start using the Mi-8 for now smile_o.gif

Also thanks to EricJ for the info very helpful, also i finally know what the black lines indicate, time to edit the textures again tounge2.gif

Think we keep it on Es and Ps and remove it on the Ds

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A pleasure.

Actually I didn't know there was already a hind coming, so I started modelling a hind myself, but yours already looks superb and much more advanced (I'm just UV mapping it...)

I got a whole pack of wonderfull references if you need some.

The only comment I would have regarding the model is about the rotor which doesn't seem quite right from what I could see in the few pictures posted.

But then again, if I hadn't started modeling one I wouldn't have noticed... The rest seems spot-on.

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Quote[/b] ]Maybe you can start using the Mi-8 for now

The SpecOp mission already exists. Currently it has no helos as none of the Eastern vehicles are functional all-around choppers or can function under AI piloting in any significant role.

It is the early part of war as SLA performs pre-emptive strikes against the unprepared south as a prelude of the invasion to come.

Upcoming patch 1.06 hopefully fixes most of the targeting problems related to game itself. Perhaps there should be a separate thread for Hinds.

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Anyone thought of doing a Hind A , I suppose I'm thinking specificaly Afrika during the 70's, but the 70's dont seem very popular game wise?

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Let's see if they can come up with a working conversion without proper tools. I'm happy if Hind of any kind eventually makes an appearance in ArmA.

MP is not enough, should work with AI too. For example BMD-1 is still semi functional. It's a complete dud under AI guidance = no use for SP mission designers.

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edit: ahem, yea, nice video and cool music.

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Exelent video. Some parts looks photorealistic. I love the moment when it drop shels while fireing canon ! inlove.gif Cant wait to pilot this "big boy". Great job RHS ! notworthy.gif

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Biggest thanks should go to GranQ and Mecha Stalin for all the work done so far smile_o.gif

Lets see if we can make this Hind our Easter Egg wink_o.gif

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Err, if we're waiting for test missions now I can do 2 or 3 wink_o.gif

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Hi, a really good video, i like a lot that Hind; will be possible to

make the rockets display a black or dark gray smoke trail? instead

the white default smoke trail. To add even more realism and make

it even more scary; i want to piss over myself when i see that flying

towards my squad, and i want to prey for my live; that darker rockets

smoke trail will help a lot. Im not easy to scare >>;-) let's C ya

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But we need a firing Hind, as chopper (AI manned) seems not to fire in Arma !

Last time i tested the Hind fired at tanks and soldiers but he rarely uses anything else than rockets.

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the ai are certainly hard work in choppers. i think maybe its a price were paying for something , i dont know exactly what tho.

for instance 2 ai in chopper and you on ground

your role :leader

pilot is 2

gunner is 3

order = 3 target that m1a1(empty)

result = bang bang , 3 rattles a few off with cannon then stops

order 2 target that m1a1

result = 2 says 3 target that m1a1 ,boom boom 4 rockets and goodnight m1a1

weird city

btw i have this little thing so far

clicky >> here is a video << clicky

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Is it ready to release??? I guess that to achieve full functionality of helicopters we will have to wait till BIS releases the next patch.

If it works in multiplayer, it should be just about fine at this point.

For example it is impossible to get a Kamov work correctly in game

at the moment under AI guidance it just won't fire at infantry. (With a good luck maybe now and only if targets move full speed in careless mode).

AH-6 and MI-17 with rockets are complete failures under AI piloting.

For some reason Cobra is the only attack helicopter that works correctly and engages targets with different weapon systems correctly. This uneveness between units and vehicles is something that I find peculiar in ArmA.

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Will the hinds have countermeasures and did you manage to apply normalmaps like on the bmd?

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Did you/they manage to fix BMD-1's AI driving issues?

By the way what was this topic all about... yeah Be32K tounge2.gif

It works nicely. Tested it with few parachute drops.

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Public beta update is available! Now we can test the changes made to the game. Just check the News section for more details. It promises to have a helo targeting fix.

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Still need to change the "UN" font text... and i wished someone would tell me why the damage textures doesnt work.

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