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Be 32K

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very beautiful and useful addon thanks thumbs-up.gif

btw , why does the USA version have a SLA pilot ? nener.giftounge2.gif (nevermind , i fixed it myself)

hmm, stupid stuff like this... wasn't reported during the looong (1 hour) beta test.. shouldnt have rushed it.

Wonder if I should release a super quick fix, or just leave it and release fix when have done more stuff...

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arr.. my hard drive is down, i can't try your plane, which is looking good smile_o.gif

about the bomb, i'm not sure if it concerns russians too, but generally, the blue line paint on it means not explosive device, kind of dummy or training device.

oh, and if you could also write "FAB" in cyrillic, that would be nice too thumbs-up.gif

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arr.. my hard drive is down, i can't try your plane, which is looking good smile_o.gif

about the bomb, i'm not sure if it concerns russians too, but generally, the blue line paint on it means not explosive device, kind of dummy or training device.

oh, and if you could also write "FAB" in cyrillic, that would be nice too thumbs-up.gif

thanks.. the list grows.

Remove blue color on FAB 250

Change pilot in USA one.

Working now to see if I can fix the dampers aswell, give nicer "heavy" feeling.

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Remove blue color on FAB 250

Change pilot in USA one.

don't forget to write FAB like this : lmcl011.jpg

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not sure if this has been mentioned:

3rd bomb on a SU-34 seems to swap velocity with plane, bomb takes off like a missle and plane comes to a stop.

Nice work

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not sure if this has been mentioned:

3rd bomb on a SU-34 seems to swap velocity with plane, bomb takes off like a missle and plane comes to a stop.

Nice work

you have any addons like the scud launcher, bmp and so on?

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I had a few things so I only loaded rc_be32k.pbo and beta 1.09

and at certain turn/dive angles on the su-34 the bombs and plane

would defy the laws of Arma physic's.

In a sharp turn, wings vertical, it happened every time, dropping the bombs as fast as possible.

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I had a few things so I only loaded rc_be32k.pbo and beta 1.09

and at certain turn/dive angles on the su-34 the bombs and plane

would defy the laws of Arma physic's.

In a sharp turn, wings vertical, it happened every time, dropping the bombs as fast as possible.

i will try recreate.. thats all i can say now.

Can't think of any bug that I made that would affect it..

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Just tried the SP demo mission and my 3 man team start in the water.  Are they suppose to have a boat? You may want to check that out.  

GD Mast

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I just want to say great job. the bomber version is exactly what the game needed

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I just want to say great job. the bomber version is exactly what the game needed

´thanks, no matter how many that said it before.. people saying thanks are my only salary and its really nice..

Anyway small checklist:


nothing left

Edit, because I am making some UN mission I will also improve the alouette with the new stuff, rvmat, bikey and binarize it..


Fixed the classnames and demo mission..

Right crew in Be32 US and UN

fab 250 in russian letters..

fab 250 damage tweaked.

No blue color on the fab 250

Working dampers

Front wheel steers on ground.

Improved rvmat for UN and windows

Windows remapped, works better now.

Alouette changelog:

Added some Rvmat

Changed the flightmodel slightly..

Removed the "RACS" text that was under the chopper on the UN version.

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How about adding a RACS version of the plain FAB250 bomber and the transport?

Also some type of sighting would work. I think a simple downward looking rifle scope would work. A bit like B-17 style. Obviously it wouldnt be accurate but it would be better than goign to 3rd person and guessing.

PS i still think this is a great mod and would like to see these versions. I use the UN version frequently in my missions as well as the bomber now.

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Thanks for this update ! The planes are nice, especially the UN and US versions, which are good place holders (waiting for a certain C130...)

I think most bugs have been fixed and improvements seem quite good. I have one problem though : as pilot, the windows of the aircraft turn all blank when facing (even remotely) the sun. Is this is a problem with rvmat, maybe worsened by ArmA lighting defiency ?

Other remark, the door at the back of the plane should open in the other direction : currently, if you open the door in flight, it should get torn away. It should open forward instead of backward.


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Thanks for this update ! The planes are nice, especially the UN and US versions, which are good place holders (waiting for a certain C130...)

I think most bugs have been fixed and improvements seem quite good. I have one problem though : as pilot, the windows of the aircraft turn all blank when facing (even remotely) the sun. Is this is a problem with rvmat, maybe worsened by ArmA lighting defiency ?

Other remark, the door at the back of the plane should open in the other direction : currently, if you open the door in flight, it should get torn away. It should open forward instead of backward.


window, don't know.. but redoing the .rvmat some.. i have zero, (0), problems with the windows.. so its very hard for me to "recreate". I do my best..

the doors.. easy thing to fix, will put that on the "todo list".

Also, alouette's "getout point" needs to be moved.

The super bomber.. no, simpel reason.. its against my formulas.

Playvalue_if_done / Effort_Required > 1 == do the addon.

This will also be my reply on the RACS version. They got the alouette II.

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Hi GranQ !

OK, I believe the problem with the window is limited to my computer. As I recently reverted back to older nVidia drivers, that may be the cause.

One RACS version would be nice, too wink_o.gif


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forgot whats left to fix..

what I know its only the door, that i think i will leave as it is. Didn't find anything that said it couldn't be like that during my 2 min research on google..

So i will bin, upload, make a readme.. and do the Alouette at the same time.. then my UN air project will retire for a while.

Will probably release my UN peackeeping forces at the same time, just because, and retire even more from arma.. will be back later for sure. Just same i took a break before xmas.

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OK, GranQ, any update will be welcome smile_o.gif

No prob with the door, it's just cosmetic, in my opinion.


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take a look at the UN model in the editor it appears that the wheels and propellors are painte dover in white too. other than that great work on the aircraft. No other bugs to report

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ok, would like 3-5 beta players to test this for a week and report bugs.. AND make some "good" (they don't have to be so fancy) demo missions..

Exemple of demo missions have to include:

Overview (if singelplayer)



Include the be32.. flyable, as a transport, as an objective to kill.. doesn't matter.

Exemple of demo missions could be:


SF Insertions, (fly the plane under radar to a place)

Bombmissions, take out enemy factory/stronghold

Cargo, fly between different airports on Sahrani.. time records.

Your own creativity.

If you onto making a UN mission I will give you a WIP of my UN soldier, jeep and alouette II..

HOWEVER, I mostly want Be32 standalone stuff..

so anyone up for the challange?

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I'm already in the process of making a fairly large mission using your plane as the primary transport for paratroopers.

I could cut it down as a demo mission though.

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I'm already in the process of making a fairly large mission using your plane as the primary transport for paratroopers.

I could cut it down as a demo mission though.

nothing wrong with big missions.. as long its fully working (endtriggers and stuff)..

Can send the file later tonight to you or something like that.. got one strange visual bug left.. really annoying.

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I have a heavily modified version of Domination you might want to take a look at. Its rather Add On intensive PM if you would like

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