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Broadband is not always as common around the world as it is in the US. Here in Australia, less than 20% of homes use broadband, and many of those that do are running at 256k.

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Broadband is not always as common around the world as it is in the US. Here in Australia, less than 20% of homes use broadband, and many of those that do are running at 256k.

In South Africa the situation is even worse. Most people who do use broadband use 384K ADSL or one of the mobile broadband solutions. For a price of R500 per month (about 50 British pounds) you get 384K ADSL with a 3Gig monthly usage limit.

I am on 384K, but still think 100KB is too small. If you are on a 56K connection, you are not going to spend much time browsing the photography topic.

Also, pictures made up of multiple sections should be treated as one image. Would I be allowed to post a 1MB image made up of 10x100KB sections? If you don't allow that, then 3x100KB to form one image should be treated the same way.

So I think the rule should be 200 or 300KB per image and pictures made up of multiple sections should count as a single image.

Are the moderators going to consider increasing the image size and counting pictures made up of multiple images as a single image?

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Would I be allowed to post a 1MB image made up of 10x100KB sections?

Yes, you are allowed, but the image-limit of a post is 6 images, so you can cut up a 600kb images in 6 100kb slices, and "get away" with it.

But as said above, the server need to handle 6 images of 100kb each = 600kb, 6 transfers

but 1 600kb image is = 600kb, 1 transfer.

Would be better to raise the limit, but give it a few years, when it's accepted that "everyone" have a broadband.

Or the moderators could simply do a poll of what speed you have, gather some info and change the imagesize accordingly.

I'm in Sweden, where we have highspeed broadband for low costs.

Right now, I'm on 8/8 mbps, so when people have posted a few MB large pictures before (by mistake, or by not knowing the rules etc), it has loaded in just a few seconds anyways...

But this above is just my opinion


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Why does this idiot get away with just 1 WL and 48HR PR for posting this kind of Rotten/Orgrish crap, while I got the exact same punishment for "flamebaiting"?

I seriously doubt he wasn't aware of the forum rule.

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The situations as depicted above in i.e. Australia and South Africa remind me alot of the situation when I first got broadband in Holland around 2000. It was only a 512/128 connection, and at the same price that I now have a 6mpbs/768 for the same price, all of this due to increased competition (the infrastructure was already there, but as with any novelty, it takes time for the prices to drop).

I'm pretty sure that something similar will happen in Australia in a few years time. Of course it does depend if you live in a city or in the outback wink_o.gif

A large number of large pictures on a page can also cause slowdowns on older pc's, I'm typing this on my PIII 600MHz backup pc, and I'm just afraid to open any photography thread...

If people live in an area where they can't get the latest in communications technology, then chances are that they won't have the newest system either.

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This is not up for debate. If you need to post a big picture, post a link to it.

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This is not up for debate. If you need to post a big picture, post a link to it.

That's it? I just thought the moderators might listen to the suggestions from the people who use the forum. I guess I was wrong. I don't see any forum users who actually like the image rules as they are.

What about people merging sections of a picture to get around the rule? Guess I may as well do that then.

Some rules just make little sense.

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This is not up for debate. If you need to post a big picture, post a link to it.

That's it? I just thought the moderators might listen to the suggestions from the people who use the forum. I guess I was wrong. I don't see any forum users who actually like the image rules as they are.

What about people merging sections of a picture to get around the rule? Guess I may as well do that then.

Some rules just make little sense.

It's just as it is IRL: Those who like a rule just are not so noisy as those who don't.

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While we're on the subject of rules that make no sense, need changing or deleting:

The added rules for the ArmA S&F section contains the following:

Quote[/b] ]Due to unnecessary bumping, bickering and threads being used as an extension to squad/team/clan forums. The following rules are now inplace.

1. Each squad/team/clan will have one thread and one thread only.

2. Each thread will contain 1 post which in turn will contain information about the said squad/team/clan, call it your shop window if you will.

3. No further posts will be permitted, if you wish to discuss your activities do so on your own forum.

4. If you have something new to add, edit your EXISTING post.

Advertising your squad/team/clan here on the Bohmemia Interative Forums is a privilege not a right.

Breaking #2 and #3 might result in your posting rights being pulled.

I replied to someone that had opened a new fansite, giving some hints on how to improve his website and service, and got the following PM from Kronzky the following morning:

Hi JdB,

I had to delete your post in the SQUADS AND FANPAGES thread about Total Armed Assault, An brandnew ArmA Fansite!, since, per the guidelines, each announcement is only allowed one initial post, but no follow-ups or discussions.



Now if I've read these "guidelines" (a softer word for meaning "rules") correctly, they only pertain to squads, not fansites, and was only implemented by Placebo to stop the fighting amongst clans specifically. Since there is no use in repeating stuff, I will let my PM to Kronzky do the work:

Quote[/b] ]I can understand that you want to rid out the many spam and flaming comments that were usually made in that section, but if you can't even give constructive criticism than what is the point in having a forum? In that case a newssite like armedassault.info with regular updates about the community would suffice.

This community became what it was (I chose "was" specifically) because of criticism and feedback.

The section specific rules mention that you can only update. Does anyone in the moderating team seriously believe that someone will have the telepathic ability to sniff an update? A newssite goes down, posted about in a topic, but it can't post another topic when it's back up, because that would be having threads about the same subject, and it can't bump it's topic either, so the only people that would find out about it are the ones that regularly check the website, and after a longer period of downtime the visitors to a website become fewer and fewer by the week.

But of course it's not open to discussion, nothing is whistle.gif

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The situations as depicted above in i.e. Australia and South Africa remind me alot of the situation when I first got broadband in Holland around 2000.

I'm still using 56k...

The telecommunications industry here is going through a major 'shakeup' at the moment. The, government owned almost monopoly carrier, has only recently become privatised.

It owns the majority of an established high-speed telecommunications network in Australia, but has been muzzled by the consumer watchdog, from unleashing the new technology into markets (telecom exchanges) that are yet to be populated from rival carriers, who have been slow to implement new technology. Those exchanges with plans that do offer something decent (ADSL2+), are rediculously priced.

Quote[/b] ]If people live in an area where they can't get the latest in communications technology, then chances are that they won't have the newest system either.

Considering Australia per capita is one of the leading high tech gadget consumer markets, one would think the ISP's, would be scrambling for innovation.....but apparently, they like the status quo.

As for picture limits...

For photo threads, in all honesty, people should be able to post whatever sizes they like. I don't wonder into those threads because I know, that loading a page of 15 posters, if they posted 100KB images, would still take me at least 5 mins to load... and the novelty of those threads wore off on me rather quickly.

I'd be happy for photo threads to go 'unlimited'....Though I'd stop short at posting something ridiculous, such as a 550MB Hyperion scene..... but as for the rest of the forum which I tend to browse, (everything but photothreads), the 100KB limit, does seem sensible.

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I don't really see what this 100K fuss is all about.

Unless you are trying to post 1600x1200 pictures 100K should be plenty enough.

A lot of people don't see to be aware of the different compression levels you can use with JPGs.

Crank up the compression a bit, and you should easily get under the 100K size with hardly any visible degradation.

Here's a recent example:

The original one couldn't be posted because it was 170K:


So I downloaded it, recompressed it at a higher rate, and this is how it looks like at 94K: (this took me about 10 seconds!)


You show me a difference between those two pictures, and I'll agree to get new glasses! ;)

Added: And if you want to play "toggle the picture" to spot the difference, go here.

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Kronzky +1WL for posting 100kb+ biggrin_o.gif

Anyways, I am just wondering:

Why aren't any of the rules open for discussion? If people cannot keep an mature manner when discussing the subject, PR them or whatever, but I don't see why people shouldn't be able discuss the rules of the forums with moderators...

Democracy people!

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You show me a difference between those two pictures, and I'll agree to get new glasses! wink_o.gif

Here we go:

1: Berets - you clearly see the jagged edges in transition to the sky

2: Same goes for the AK barrel

3: Windows (on car and Mi-17) look more clear compared to the 100kb pic

...and that´s just the things i´ve reckognized w/o zooming in.

You guys know how i feel about the limitation, get rid of it because it suckz0rz.

PS: Should´nt you be giving yourself a +1WL for posting the 170+kb pic? rofl.gif

PPS: Let us know what type of glasses you´ll get .. Hopefully it´ll be nothing from the Elton John collection tounge2.gif

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1: Berets - you clearly see the jagged edges in transition to the sky

2: Same goes for the AK barrel

3: Windows (on car and Mi-17) look more clear compared to the 100kb pic

4. Worse quality of the colors, especially on the MGs magazine

5. Noise on the shadows edges (see on the pants of the soldier in front)

6. Noise on the faces, the AK magazine and other objects with bright color..

Just to add smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]1: Berets - you clearly see the jagged edges in transition to the sky

2: Same goes for the AK barrel

3: Windows (on car and Mi-17) look more clear compared to the 100kb pic

4. Worse quality of the colors, especially on the MGs magazine

5. Noise on the shadows edges (see on the pants of the soldier in front)

6. Noise on the faces, the AK magazine and other objects with bright color..



You've heard about the "placebo effect", have you? wink_o.gif

No, not this Placebo, but that one...

Edit: I had to split the images into two (just cropped from the originals), since merging and re-saving them introduced new artifacts.

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You've heard about the "placebo effect", have you? wink_o.gif

No, not this Placebo, but that one...

So why can i tell at first look that the upper part is the jpg´d pic? pistols.gif

edit: forgot a whole word banghead.gif

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So why can i tell at first look that the upper part is the jpg´d pic? pistols.gif

Indeed, saw it at the first glance.

C'mon, get those glasses and WL yourself biggrin_o.gif

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Why there's no discussion on the rules? As we're no democracy.

Remember Placebo (he's the guy you're all crying for the most time when discussing rules): "It is not a right to have a thread in the BI forums, it is a privilege." Same goes for posts and pics... wink_o.gif

You all can follow the rules or, if you don't want to respect them, leave the forums. smile_o.gif

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.. leave the forums. smile_o.gif

Och nöö...

We´re just having some fun, don´t we? smile_o.gif

It´s just hard to understand .. and you know we always need an extra explanation biggrin_o.gif

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Why there's no discussion on the rules? As we're no democracy.

Remember Placebo (he's the guy you're all crying for the most time when discussing rules): "It is not a right to have a thread in the BI forums, it is a privilege." Same goes for posts and pics... wink_o.gif

You all can follow the rules or, if you don't want to respect them, leave the forums. smile_o.gif

The mods are suppose to organise the forums and look after them, but don't have any more ownership over them than the members. smile_o.gif They are called "Bohemia Interactive Forums", since that's who owns the forums.

So yea I think the rules should be open to discussion. If we think a rule is stupid, there is nothing wrong with stating that - and that's exactly what some of us are doing.

Please increase the size limit, it's what the users want.

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Why there's no discussion on the rules? As we're no democracy.

You all can follow the rules or, if you don't want to respect them, leave the forums. smile_o.gif

Simple logic dictates that 350 (lets say that is the amount of really active members at any one time after a large release) people know more and come up with more good ideas then 10 moderators. Of course that doesn't mean anything when you have your own little playground to irritate people and rule over your kingdom.

Also people leaving the community because of moderators/developers feeling like all-knowing Gods = loss of revenue for BIS. In a community where everyone loves the game and there are only 2 or 3 unhappy people that is no problem, after a release like ArmA that some people love and some people hate, that is troubling.

Apperantly the only thing that people are allowed to post in this thread since Placebo left is something similar to "we love you moderators".

As said before by Placebo, these are the BIS forums, and that means that every action of the un-paid moderators reflects on BIS' image as a company.

Quote[/b] ]You all can follow the rules or, if you don't want to respect them, leave the forums. smile_o.gif

Ok, and moderators don't have to respect members then? Just shut up and behave or feel our wrath?

I was the english section moderator on OFP.info for a few years, and I too refused to accept anyones advice or feedback, strictly enforcing the rules "or else" and banning everyone that thought otherwise. It seemed to work at first...

In the end, it drove members away in large quantities. Apperantly the new BIS forums moderators still have to learn that lesson. Just enforcing the rules you think are right and ignoring user-input is not always the best thing to do. There is no golden way of moderating that always works.

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I can't see any difference between the shots, to be honest. If you want a bigger version, just link it or use thumbnails. Not that unusual for me to make 2 versions of an image, a sub-100kb one and a full-sized one. And I think that alteast every serious photographer will have something like PS with a "Save for Web" function. Not saying that the pics turn out perfect, but... they're enough. When I opened the photography forum some days ago, took me few mins to load the page, just to show the pics at the bottom.

Reading some of the other posts, well, I can't actually say that I'm in such a huge disadvantage. 256k is pretty much the lowest connection rate you can go here; my 512/512 costs around 20-20 euros per month AFAIK. I could get a 100/100 Mbit connection, should I want to, but that costs about 25 euros more. And with government support (being a student) is about 32 euros per month and father being retired due to certain unfortunate and random reasons, that really doesn't leave much to spare for a 100/100 connection. And 512/512 with not-the-best computer, high preferences and i.e. MSN on and browsing multiple forums/threads simultaneously... I'm sorta with the mods here, then. Or is OFP/ArmA a "1337" community now...? huh.gif

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Kronzky that 170kb just about killed my entire internets please stop posting such huge files I did not come here to see photos that large wow_o.gifmad_o.gifbanghead.gif

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