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Another question, are there any rules regarding the size of GIF images? Lately a lot of >100KB GIF avatars are showing up.

Does the image rule count here?

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Another question, are there any rules regarding the size of GIF images? Lately a lot of >100KB GIF avatars are showing up.

Does the image rule count here?

Quote[/b] ]

§16) Keep avatars and signatures within forum regulations

[*]Total maximum signature size is 600x150 px (text and/or images combined). Total maximum image size is 100KB.

[*]Avatar filesize must not exceed 100KB.

[*]Signature and avatar must be quiet, no sounds may be played back in them by any means.

Please report any post made by members having a too big avatar and explain that in the report and we will deal with it.

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Who´s in charge of http://www.armedassault.com/ ?

Need a contact badly! confused_o.gif

This is a case which illustrates the need for a "Community Manager". I remember I had some issues regarding the site as well, contacted Placebo and he passed it on, which is not possible anymore unfortunately...

Exactly! I miss paul confused_o.gif

Who´s in charge of http://www.armedassault.com/ ?

Need a contact badly! confused_o.gif

No idea if you still need it, just stumbled over this.

The site is registered to BI, so I guess you need some official from BI. PM to Maruk I'd say.

I´d still need it.

Just as i said in the "Do you want a new .. bla" thread, you´ll never know if you´re wasting peoples precious time with your requests sad_o.gif

But since i didn´t yet get a response to my previous pm´s to other people i´ll be nagging suma or maruk soon since theres no other possibility.

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Who-Is information:

Quote[/b] ]Administrative Contact:


Marek Spanel

Naskove 3

Prague 5, 15000


Phone: + 420 2 57189522

Email: info@bistudio.com

Might help smile_o.gif

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Please dont drag the "we need a community manager" into this thread.

BIS are aware of your concerns. smile_o.gif

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The right top banner is kinda annoying. Can't it be removed again?

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What on earth do we need that ad for? We're basically the only bunch where you can guarantee that most of the users will buy the game. crazy_o.gif

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We also didn't like the banner's fast blinking, that's why it now only blinks every 30 seconds. You have to live with it. smile_o.gif

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Or install the AdBlock extension for Firefox and block it wink_o.gif

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How can things be too off topic? Killing off topics and conversation for no reason? What's the purpose?

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How can things be too off topic? Killing off topics and conversation for no reason? What's the purpose?

Just read the description of our OT forums:

Quote[/b] ]OFFTOPIC

For discussions not strictly related to Operation Flashpoint. Topics should still be related in some way, for example: military, politics, science and other military games.


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Quote[/b] ]For discussions not strictly related to Operation Flashpoint. Topics should still be related in some way, for example: military, politics, science and other military games.

So nothing about your dolls, Shadow's weird habit of collecting boogers, advertising, and other subjects that break forum rules such as pro-racism and flamebaiting posts wink_o.gif

Pretty much up to the moderators' discretion biggrin_o.gif

Edit: Raedor beat me to it...

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Can we have a designated Mod for the Arma mission editing section, or at least one that is willing to clean it up once per day ?

Right now we have doubled and tripled threads and people asking the same questions over and over again.

Help ! biggrin_o.gif

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Okay you're volunteer Mod of the ArmA Mission Editing now.

The only tool you need is at the bottom right of every post - you know this one already, so you don't even learn something new. biggrin_o.gif

It's called the RTM Tool... wink_o.gif

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Ok prepare to be flooded away...

Edit: Wouldn´t hurt though if you checked the thread from time to time as discussions often run from one thread to another with the same subjects and at some points a merge would be good.

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Five reports in less then 10 mins, that's a new record I think.

Balschoiw you're fired! biggrin_o.gif

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The mission editing thread is quite lively now as more and more people who are not so long here and maybe are not used to the rules and the search option tend to post their stuff right ahead without browsing the thread or using the search. That´s why I asked for some special attention. It get´s confusing for all and I guess most people answering questions there are not willing to repeat themselves over and over again.

So have it sorted for the benfit of all thumbs-up.gif

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Wait some more weeks and becomes even more lively. A dedicated Moderator for just a Forum or even a subforum is no good idea (not even sure if it's possible) since it would be a crippled account.

The problems, complaints etc. arise once that Mod is the only active one and can't deal with issues on other areas of the board.

The report to moderator function working fine, even for the issues you mentioned. There are 10.5 Mods (I count myself as 0.5 for now) ready and waiting for reports from the board members. biggrin_o.gif

Just my 0.02€ though.

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I wasn´t really asking for a specific mod for the section.

Just for someone who looks into it from time to time (once per second or so) smile_o.gif

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I do every here and then, but it's hard to keep track on all these topics smile_o.gif

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If someone is having for example an image in his/hers signature, or an avatar that exceeds 100kb, or a signature that violates the rules, how do I report that, if I even should bother to take the 'law' in my own hands?

Should I report a post where he/she has posted and explain that his/hers signature/avatar violates the rules, or should I just PM any moderator?



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Quote[/b] ]§17) Report rule violations

If you see a violation of these rules on the board, do not reply in the thread but send a PM to a moderator or use the "Report this post to a moderator"-function instead. Replying in the thread will be considered as spam.

And the signature limit is listed as a rule.

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