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Los Angeles

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Hello, welcome.gif

Recently I have been thinking of starting a mod for Arma,

I would like to make a replica of Los Angeles or some other American city (doesnt Have to be big). So I'm going to start Modeling In 3ds max buildings and maybe some cars too.


I would LOVE to have people helping me on this I'm going to maybe Start today on some models

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The size of an entire city would not be to big for the Arma engine.

But the workload to make all the buildings would be the overkill.

Anyway, good idea.

Good luck with that project. thumbs-up.gif

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I really would love to have a nice big detailed city, that would be useable for all types of urban combat. With such dept and detail that it would be just as good as an entire BIS-made island for all types of missions.

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A huge City Map would be great for intense urban combat [GRAW] for example, goodluck is the only word I will use! smile_o.gif

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Los Angeles is 3 times larger than the whole of Sarahni. All cities would be much too large and complicated for any practical purpose within ArmA. The best you could hope for is a 'california style' town sized area that inexplicably has city buildings in it.

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he doesnt mean huge, he means a mini version, big but not full size.

And good idea, I will download when its complete and I get ArmA. then hopfully someone will make some half decent cops, FBI, terrorists and civs and we can start running around as Jack Bauer :P

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he doesnt mean huge, he means a mini version, big but not full size.

And good idea, I will download when its complete and I get ArmA. then hopfully someone will make some half decent cops, FBI, terrorists and civs and we can start running around as Jack Bauer :P

I want to make those kinds of things.

I love getting the Feedback, I've been getting real good at 3ds max, and buildings are not that hard if they are exterior, some could be interior, like the police station, and gov. buildings maybe a crack house or two lol.

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L.A. would be impossibly huge.  As would most any major commerce center in the US.

That said, it would be cool to see a completely imaginary city that had the feel of a real one.  I don't think it would be that difficult to lay out- get a street grid, a freeway, an airport and a downtown area with tall skyscrapers and you've pretty much got yourself a city.  The buildings would need to be relatively low-poly and low res, but I don't think you'd need a whole lot of detail with most commercial type buildings anyway.

-Freeway w/ offramps

-Major and minor streets

-Parking lots / Garages


-Housing subdivisions

-Downtown district (with maybe a couple "architecturally-pleasant" buildings)




I think you could probably fit all that in an area maybe 6-7 times the size of Paraiso.

The only real problem, I think, would be the lack of traffic...

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Yeah, like Jason said, LA would be impossible to properly emulate on a 1:1 scale. Los Angeles county covers a huge area, and even the city has all kinds of suburbs and such... the traffic would definitely be hard to simulate, but I suppose a workaround could just be a giant line of low poly cars permanently stuck onto the freeways... (that's some of my cynical sarcasm by the way)

Edit: And the scripting needed to generate the giant smog cloud permanently fixed over the city would also be a performance hog.

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Well I think that it's best to create such a city with a story in mind, like a GR2 city, to get the most potential out of it straight away, without having to create a mission/campaign to set the entire setting; full of traffic, populated, rush and such things.

So a theme, like a city under siege or maybe run by gang's could save the disappointment of an empty city. But it offcourse takes a lot more of thinking to get this done right.

But as I said before, having ONE big city island/map that fit's all type of urban combat would be great!

And my last comment/oppinion for this post, I think an arabian or soviet style city would be much better then an American, even though hollywood thinks different about this.

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I think too, Small island, and one Big city's better than Sahrani islands town.  wink_o.gif

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I work in a visualization studio, and we modeled full towns in Max. Our last project was a small town in the Netherlands called Delft (excluding suburbs). The area modeled was aprox. 1x1km. and excluding traffic was 700.000 polys. Just to give you a rough estimate.

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Great idea. I'd use some tricks though to bring as many details as possible to the viewers eye without lagging everyones PC to death:

a.) Let the buildings have the most details on the ground level and simulate details on the upper levels with textures.

b.) Make the buildings loose details very quick in distant LODs. You really dont need to see things like boxes, signs or railings when 200m away.

c.) Don't make them hollow/enterable if it's not an important place to use (police station, bank, restaurant, airpost hall) in a typical mission. To get away with that have the curtains closed behind the windows or stick many posters on them from inside. Should work.

Again, i'd love to see a modern city come true in ArmA - we need some great places for SWAT missions.  inlove.gif

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I'm going to continuously post renders from 3ds max, so you dont think I'm just sitting here hoping models fall from the sky.lol.

Here is a police officers equipment belt sofar, no textures just the 3ds max colors.




The Swat truck on the bluerints is more boxier, let me know what I should do!

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Don't turbosmooth game models. its a big no no.

What are you talking about? I turbosmooth all the models I make for OFP, and I've never encountered any problems.

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Don't turbosmooth game models. its a big no no.

What are you talking about? I turbosmooth all the models I make for OFP, and I've never encountered any problems.

Look son,

You don't have a clue what turbosmooth/meshsmooth is. all you have done is spam this topic with BS. go back to the hole you came from. band.gif

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meh, it's not that big, the engine would handle it fine. The vehicle AI is all ready to go for the gridlock. If you're going to model the city, please do the post-apocalyptic version where LA drifts into the sea, and make a Kurt "Snake" Russell model too please.

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