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French Special forces

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Well goobjob !!! a lil question about the " cadeau bonux "folder

what i need to do with the " face " file ? it s a skin right ? so please can you help me to instal this thx wink_o.gif

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Foreign legion and gign aren' t the "1st" French Special Force.

French special force (COS): Commandos Marine (Navy), 1 RPIMa (Marines), CPA10 (Air).

This addon seems more than commando unit from regular regiment.

Wait for the FAMAS now wink_o.gif

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This is just a retex of the US Spec ops.

We have choosed to make a spec force pack because the french spec ops are using HK, M4. Realism care.

They have a UN patch and 11eme division parachutiste patch, so:

"La 11eme Brigade Parachutiste regroupe les unités des Troupes Aeroportées Françaises. Supérieurement entrainees ses unites sont en mesure d'intervenir avec un preavis de 4 heures. Elles sont destinées au combat d'avant garde ou derriere les lignes ennemies pour désorganiser la chaine de commandement, d'approvisonnement de l'ennemi.

Apte a tous types de combat, elles disposent d'unités spécialement entrainées dans les combats de montagne, dans ceux de type désertique, ainsi que dans le combat de jungle et les combats en aglomération.

Fournissant chacunes des Chuteurs opérationnels les unités de la 11eme BP composent avec celles de la 9eme BLBIMa et de la 6eme BLB le fer de lance de l'armée Française; les unités de la 11eme BP ont largement éclairé les forces Françaises lors de l'opération DAGUET (Desert Storm pour les anglo-saxons...)..

La 11° brigade parachutiste est une unité d’infanterie légere blindée spécialisée dans l’engagement par la troisieme dimension qui détient également la capacité a combattre sous blindage lorsque la situation le nécessite. Elle est subordonnée au Commandement de la Force d ’Action Terrestre (CFAT).

Sa vocation prioritaire est la projection dans l’urgence afin de fournir une premiere réponse a une situationde crise."

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About the face file, just place it in your main character folder, (must be in your documents), make sure it is named face.jpg.

Then in your character selection, in game, check the face list, the new face must be there in the list.

Be aware that most of the servers runnings have rules about custom faces. If you can't access a server, try to set a normal game face, and retry.

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Ten four !! ok thx !! it work like a charm !!! let me sing the marseillaise !!!

Allons ! Enfants de la Patrie !

Le jour de gloire est arrivé !

Contre nous de la tyrannie,

L'étendard sanglant est levé ! (Bis)

Entendez-vous dans les campagnes

Mugir ces féroces soldats ?

Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras

Égorger vos fils, vos compagnes.

Aux armes, citoyens ! Etc.


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These forums for the most part english. Please stick to the rules and use english only.

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These forums for the most part english. Please stick to the rules and use english only.

This is France's National Antem...

I never read or heard it in english...maybe it sounds nice too that way who knows biggrin_o.gif

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Having run it through Babelfish, I think it's sounds better in French.

Bit gory, like:

Quote[/b] ]Let us go! Children of the Fatherland!

The day of glory arrived!

Against us of tyranny,

The bloody standard is raised! ((a))

You in the campaigns hear

Mugir these wild soldiers?

They come until in your arms

To cut the throat of your sons, your partners.

With the weapons, citizens! Etc.

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Like the French ever won a war.

Flamebaiting is not permitted

Another crack like that, awards you a +1WL

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Like the French ever won a war.

Flamebaiting is not permitted

Another crack like that, awards you a +1WL

Now that comment has been seen like 5 times in since ArmA was released, how about just banning everyone saying that from now?

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and USA, the 1st army in the world? perhaps in Vietnam, Korea or Iraq ? I m boring of all this attack against France because our president don t follow yours in Iraq (for this result....) so shut up and talk about this addons. And if you don t like don t use!

Great to see frenchies here, before the Arma official release wink_o.gif

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Keep it on topic before this thread derails into the IDIOT ZONE and gets locked.

Last I checked, the thread title was "French Special forces".

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good job, nice texture but low weapon,

why dont use G36 like the GIGN or other special french force?

before a realese of the FAMAS

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French spec force use M4 and HK aswell.

You can always "this addweapon "g36_something"

This addon is just a aperitif, we are all waiting Ofrp units. inlove.gif

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YES i v looking screen shoot, and that is very impressive smile_o.gif

i know for the addweapon, thank smile_o.gif and that's true smile_o.gif

Merci xmas_o.gif

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French spec force use M4 and HK aswell.

You can always "this addweapon "g36_something"

This addon is just a aperitif, we are all waiting Ofrp units. inlove.gif

Anyway I hope some folk may release FAMAS and variations soon. wink_o.gif

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Fournissant chacunes des Chuteurs opérationnels les unités de la 11eme BP composent avec celles de la 9eme BLBIMa et de la 6eme BLB le fer de lance de l'armée Française;

BP I take it stands for Brigade Parachutiste; what do BLBIMa and BLB mean?

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BLBIMa or BLBMa is for Brigade Légere Blindée de Marine i.e. Light Armoured Marine Brigade.

You can have a look at 9 th BLBMa page, but it's in french ...

Of course, BLB is for Brigade Légere Blindée = Light Armoured Brigade

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This re-textured addons pack is completely compliant with OFrP COS units. I verify weapons chose with Xela (from OFrP team). I hope french guys or others "French" Fans shall edit some missions with these units until OFrP first release.

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french special forces use all kind of weapons.

French army regular weapons like FAMAS, FRF2 (bolt action rifle for marksman and snipers), long range sniping rifle .50 PGM, Minimi in "airborne" version (M249 for US forces), M2 cal.50 and AANF1 .30 MG, but also MP5s, M4s and M16s ("s" is for all the different versions), SIG rifles, G3s and G36s, FN 90 SMG.

They sometime use AK rifles for specific missions.

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