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Al Simmons

Entry tools

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Today i want to present you our WIP "Entry tools".

Concept, Models and Textures by me

Scripting by deanosbeano

Units (unreleased SEK and PMCs) from Peanut

Main goal is it to create a couple of units which can move on the ArmA Islands more freely.


Breaching charges (improvised and manufactured) to destroy obstacles like walls etc.

ladder to get on roofs

Flashbang (now with working stun scripts)

working smokegrenades (now the BIS ones block AI View too)

Strobelights to mark enemy positions for CAS and FAC

Lightsticks for misc. use

Note the units from Peanut are designated to use this tools but are not part of this addon.

Some of the content was taken from my recent FAC addon and has been bugfixed and improved.

If u have suggestions for further stuff please tell us here.

WIP Status is 90%

PMCs prepare improvised breaching charge to take down wall


improvised breaching charge in detail


SEK using ladder to climb roof


manufactured breaching charge WIP


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Wow looks nice, can you place a ladder everywhere or only near buildings? I was thinking yesterday that such thing like this would be very usefull with roof insertions, as most of the best roofs don't have interiours

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Wow looks nice, can you place a ladder everywhere or only near buildings? I was thinking yesterday that such thing like this would be very usefull with roof insertions, as most of the best roofs don't have interiours

yep, its planned to carry the ladder on the back and deploy it where u want,

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the SAS (for example) also uses simple large jackhammers

or shotguns to breach doors

how bout that?

btw how are you going to call that? ET1 ? lol

sorry just being nasty hihi

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the SAS (for example) also uses simple large jackhammers

or shotguns to breach doors

how bout that?

btw how are you going to call that? ET1 ? lol

sorry just being nasty hihi

maybe i should call it module just to get your attention wink_o.gif

i was thinkin about other stuff, shotguns would be possible but i dont see a way to implement jackhammers.

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ofp had a hit anim.

it did some damage if you´ve implemented it as a weapon.

can be done wink_o.gif

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This is really a nice new project for Arma Al Simmons smile_o.gif

Imagine how this can change a lot of missions.

Probably a stupid question but :

Quote[/b] ]

Note the units from Peanut are designated to use this tools but are not part of this addon.

does this mean it will actually only work on Peanuts units


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Very nice project and a good idea, Al thumbs-up.gif

This is what i need for my next missions.

Good luck with your work

Imutep smile_o.gif

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does this mean it will actually only work on Peanuts units


nope wink_o.gif i only said that Peanut will use this features for his units and they are not part of my work so there will be 2 releases, my standard BIS units equiped with my stuff and another release from Peanut.

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Wow looks nice, can you place a ladder everywhere or only near buildings? I was thinking yesterday that such thing like this would be very usefull with roof insertions, as most of the best roofs don't have interiours

yep, its planned to carry the ladder on the back and deploy it where u want,

but will it function on a roof to go down? it sounds really handy for spec-op and infiltration missions

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Great idea and I'm looking forward to this one. I'm curious what are the explosive values of the various explosives compared to other known explosives in Arma such as a satchel charge or grenade?

Also how many equipment slots does this take up? It seems to me if they take one slot you would be just as well to carry satchel charges for breaching?

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but will it function on a roof to go down? it sounds really handy for spec-op and infiltration missions

yes this works from roofs which are not higher than 5m.

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Great Idea! Might I suggest you darken the wood texture a bit though to make it less cartoony? It just kind of looks like they just bought a plank of wood from Home Depot. But otherwise, awesome mod.

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i know that the wood looks very fresh, maybe i give it a more used look

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PMC = Private Military Contractors wink_o.gif

Or simply mercenaries

So I guess you guys sould call them Mercenaries or MERCS then as PMC has been our organization name since the early 80's.

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PMC = Private Military Contractors wink_o.gif

Or simply mercenaries

So I guess you guys sould call them Mercenaries or MERCS then as PMC has been our organization name since the early 80's.

i guess u should relax a little.

First: its not me who has made the PMC addon.

Second: PMC is the official short version for security contractors.

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Guest RKSL-Rock
PMC = Private Military Contractors wink_o.gif

Or simply mercenaries

So I guess you guys sould call them Mercenaries or MERCS then as PMC has been our organization name since the early 80's.

PMC is the proper anacronym for these kinds of units. Its an unfortuate coincidence, just type PMC into google and see how many other competitors you have :P

Getting back on topic... the breaching charges. What effect do they have on structures? Do they just flatten them in the normal destruction model?

Do you know if they are planning on making a "special" door addon so we can do proper breaches?

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DeanosBeanos will be able to answer that one I should think with his destructable walls and buildings project smile_o.gif

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@ rksl I would certainly hope in time we will have doors windows and most other things ,ending up with a complete building.

As for what happens to bis buildings ,well it will kill/knock a standard bis wall down at this present time, altho it can be configured to destroy any given class.

here is a w.i.p i have made earlier today whilst testing a new brick model ,that al simmons made for me .

The video apologies for music.

@ nephilim as far as i am aware the hit anim was removed from arma .

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Great ideas really. Those charges will come in handy.

Any chance for a knife tool / special spray that would cut holes into metal fences ? smile_o.gif (spray scene appeared in "The sum of all fears" movie)

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)rStrangelove @ Jan. 10 2007,00:21)]Any chance for a knife tool / special spray that would cut holes into metal fences ?  smile_o.gif  (spray scene appeared in "The sum of all fears" movie)

"ice piss" it's called apparently. Even ye goode olde wire cutters would be great too!

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this looks really cool , however i have a few questions confused_o.gif ....

i've noticed that some objects (buildings/walls) in arma aren't destructable , do the breaching charges work on all the walls you've tested?

also biggrin_o.gif do breaching charges take down a whole building when you use them?

anyway keep up the good work

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