JRMZ 0 Posted January 30, 2007 Im going on 1280x768, cause im on a LCD-tv screen !Wonder why I dont get any lag... Because you're a lucky bastard I believe the drivers for the 8800 series are not at their best yet. The video card you have does have good drivers allready. It will not be long before the 8800 series also have good drivers. I pray for that day Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hansen 0 Posted February 25, 2007 Hi I just bought ArmA (UK), and boy was I disappoited. It is unplayable. I will hold on to my game in 8-10 days in the hope of a patch to fix this. Otherwise it is going back to the shop. The following points was observerd during offline play. 1. After an amount of time (5-15+ min), the texure quality drops from crisp nice ones to somthing that was good in the mid 80's. 2. After the same amount of time the geometry also begins to drop in terms of detail. 3. The level of detail (quality) in the terrian textures will also drop alot, if i use the map (press M) during the missions. 4. The user manual states that I can turn on/off HDR in the game. however the option is not present in Video/Advanced. 5. The Level of Detail has extreme lag, there can go anywhere from 10-60 sec before a sceen is at the higest LOD. I can catch up with the LOD by running. (moving from High LOD to Low LOD with out the game changing LOD) 6. Sometimes it will not recognize the DVD as the original. This is just unacceptable! This is NOT a hardware/Driver problem, i have NO other games that behave like this. This is what it looks like after i have played for some time : http://img248.imageshack.us/my.php?image=armatextureerrorskb3.jpg And this is how it looks like if i restart the game : (comming later) my Spec: XFX Geforce 8800 GTX (97.92) Intel Quad Core Extreme 2.66 Ghz 2 GB DDR800 RAM Extreme Gamer X-Fi soundcard. I run everything in the highest quality@1680x1050 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tracer 0 Posted February 25, 2007 PCFormat also mentioned a lot of what you mentioned. Thing is, it has potential and BIS have a very good reputation -if OFP is anything to go by- of patching and supporting. I myself find a lot of the things you mentioned (and more) quite weird in that i had OFP from day of release and BIS jumped on everything like a ton of bricks! So i, like thousand of other OFP originals, are supporting AmrA with baited breath. It's like this realy; They, BIS, have a lot more to lose than we do. So maybe give them the benefit of the doubt just now? A patch is forthcoming, let's hope it's the big one eh? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CoolSprog 0 Posted February 25, 2007 For any present day game to not run full quality on a system like that is a crime lol. However, we know ARMA is buggy, and i think when fixes optamize it a little more youll be flying. My spec: 4200 64bit dual-core 8800GTS 2gig RAM not quite as good as urs, running everything in high, 1440x900, AA disabled (dont really need it with that res), and anti anistrophic at very high. Works ok, aiming is hard in some places, and running into or zooming into some higher res bushes puts my PC into a cardiac. Roll on patches ey . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ck-claw 1 Posted February 25, 2007 For any present day game to not run full quality on a system like that is a crime lol. But ppl with far far lesser pc's are running it fine??? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted February 25, 2007 i know this may be bit overstatement but it's strange that most of so "terrible" results are with NVIDIA 8800 serie ... i mean on any ATI X1xxxx or NVIDIA 7xxx is less problems than with 8800 ... it may be related either to drivers or ArmA not "ready" for 8800 ... oh well ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CoolSprog 0 Posted February 25, 2007 For any present day game to not run full quality on a system like that is a crime lol. But ppl with far far lesser pc's are running it fine??? Yeah im not overlly happy with how it plays on my PC, however i got it alot better than most so i cant complain. It seems the poster has it real bad, maybe a problem with the Quad Core CPU, it runs badly with dual-cores as it is. I would personally try sticking the game to run on 1 core, seeing if those problems persist. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bunkers 0 Posted February 25, 2007 I bought a new PC with 8800GTX and have had alot of problems running ArmA on it. The same ones as mentioned here and the "white fog" issue mentioned in several other threads. My previous PC with 7900GT did much better running ArmA. It's strange. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Monkwarrior 0 Posted February 25, 2007 The 8800 series drivers have some serious problems. Not only with this game but also with some other games (supreme commander and Red Orchestra). Some things seem to be fixed when using the beta-drivers. Sure hope that helps. Monk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lee_h._oswald 0 Posted February 25, 2007 I just bought ArmA (UK) Be happy, patch 1.05 is close, very close. I bought ArmA "normal" and ArmA "Special Edition" at 30.11.2006 That's 3(THREE) month of not being able to play the game I spent my money for... Yes, ArmA sucks at the moment, but patch 1.05 is another(the last for me) chance for BIS to make this game playable. Let's wait(just a little longer...) and see what we get. MfG Lee *no smilie* Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CoolSprog 0 Posted February 25, 2007 Yeah us 8800 users must suffer the worst set of drivers in existance. I cant even run .avi videos unless i watch em in black and white or i get a bluescreen reboot. And the worse part is NVidia cant be botherd sorting us out because there to busy making Vista and DX10 drivers, so we are abandoned!!!! . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hansen 0 Posted February 25, 2007 I really hopes that Bohemia is taking the issues very seriously, I was a major fan of OFP, and I had been looking forward to ArmA for a long long time, which only makes it hurt the more. I have also observed this white fog issue, but i have not played it enorgh for it to become a problem. I would be glad if Bohemia just made an annousment about these problems, so we at least kew that they where working on it. take my 4th bug report, it may seem trivial that a option is missing. But I get the feeling that who ever was responsible for writing the user manaul did not even care enorgh to take alook at how the Video section looked like (or was suppose to look like) before he wrote it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bunkers 0 Posted February 25, 2007 Yeah us 8800 users must suffer the worst set of drivers in existance.I cant even run .avi videos unless i watch em in black and white or i get a bluescreen reboot. And the worse part is NVidia cant be botherd sorting us out because there to busy making Vista and DX10 drivers, so we are abandoned!!!! . I use Vista with the latest beta drivers and that dont help alot. 100.65 I think it is now. I'm not sure who's to blame for this, but NVIDIA seems the most likely suspect. When is ATI releasing their next high-end (DX10) gfx card? I'll definitely consider it if 8800 problems aren't solved by then. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LtJamesWatts 0 Posted February 25, 2007 I'm having the same issues and I don't have an 8800 but a 6800 Ultra. At least for now because I'm planning to buy one. I've put the game aside for now though until most problems get fixed and hope by the time I get my 8800 that all these problems are gone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vilas 478 Posted February 25, 2007 there are many topics like this one yes ARMA is the worst game i ever had - graphically but it is only one except OFP that i can edit OFP was very good ARMA brokes hopes that we had for it Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marines 0 Posted February 25, 2007 Thought I'd resurrect this thread. I recently purchased a 7900 GS OC, which is a massive downgrade from my previous Gfx card, a Radeon X1900 XT. I can now run the game at max settings enabled, with no noticable lag and or foliage issues. It's very odd that I can now run the game maxed out with this mid-range GPU, as opposed to my previous card that made it extremely difficult to run at even normal settings. A simple GPU downgrade fixed all of my previous issues... go figure... Quote[/b] ] ArmA - German version/latest patch AMD 64 X2 5000+ 3G RAM GeForce 7900 GS OC Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ck-claw 1 Posted February 25, 2007 yepp i have a ocuk 7900 gs card!!! excellent bit of kit for Arma! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marines 0 Posted February 25, 2007 yepp i have a ocuk 7900 gs card!!! excellent bit of kit for Arma! Indeed it is, mate. However, I still can't quite understand how down-grading my card actually improved preformance. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ck-claw 1 Posted February 25, 2007 yepp i know what u mean! the most hassle ppl seem to have is with the 8800!!!! strange!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
whisper 0 Posted February 25, 2007 I'm really sorry to suggest, this, but did you try lowering your settings? Perhaps highest possible settings are prepared for future machine. Resistance all maxed out was unplayable with the best machines of its time, it's perhaps the same thing here. I get such horrible textures when my card is overloaded and can't load the textures fast enough. In which case I know I've set up things too high, and I do the, imho, sensible thing to do : I lower my settings. And I don't say "play on very low". Just 1 or 2 things 1 level lower may fix you issue. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hansen 0 Posted February 25, 2007 I have tried to lower the settings it did not help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LtJamesWatts 0 Posted February 26, 2007 Same here, tried it on all different settings, problem remains. Ah well, they'll solve it eventually. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
slingblade20000 0 Posted February 26, 2007 Its a shame that after the 1.05 patch and nothing been fixed in reguards to lod performance. That the calls of just wait till the US Release and what ever patch that will be will fix things. With the game set up to load LOD's by Cache Streaming instead of Grid LOD's Streaming there not a way to FIX IT. Heres a link to the Different types Link Here LOL im sure the US Version is going to KICK ASS. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Marines 0 Posted February 26, 2007 For any present day game to not run full quality on a system like that is a crime lol. But ppl with far far lesser pc's are running it fine??? Most likely related to the dev process... You can forget the supposed optimization issues. It now looks as if the game was designed using elderly tools. Thus, all the problems concerning high-end systems like mine. I actually had to downgrade my GPU in order to get it to run properly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Luciano 0 Posted February 26, 2007 Quote[/b] ]Thing is, it has potential and BIS have a very good reputation -if OFP is anything to go by- of patching and supporting. Only OFP never had such graphical problems to begin with. Its not the drivers, if it was the drivers, it would happen to any game. Also, its BIS responsability to optimize for graphic cards and drivers, not Nvidia/Ati to adapt for every game. Those bugs are kind of extreme and will take years to fix. I doubt they will be fixed everytime soon as we have yet to find out what causes them. The only thing that comes to mind is bad optimization and that takes lots of time to fix. Some games are being optimized for years before being released (example is STALKER). I doubt ARMA had any serious optimization or even beta testing. Not to mention it took less then 2 years to finish it from scratch. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites