dkraver 1 Posted April 2, 2008 About the chopper taxiing. In the airport that i work there was a helicopter service some time ago. They wasnt allowed to just fly in and land and i dont think they where able to taki around on the ground. So what they did where flying a couple of meters above the ground. So worst case if you really wanna taxi around. Put on autohover, lift a couple og meters, and follow the taxiways around Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frederf 0 Posted April 2, 2008 Hover taxi is the typical method for a lot of light helicopters. Wheeled helicopters were perfectly doable in OFP so I don't know why they wouldn't be in ArmA. They actually had the bad habit of rolling away when unattended. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HamishUK 0 Posted April 2, 2008 Helicopters can taxi for short periods but it is not recommended as it creates what is called a 'hub moment' During taxi and takeoff of a helicopter, a pilot may be required to displace the cyclic forward to generate forward movement of the helicopter on the ground. However, since the wheels or skids of the helicopter are still in contact with the takeoff surface, a hub moment is created as the fuselage resists the pitching force generated by the blades that would ordinarily result in the nose of the helicopter pitching downward during flight. Since the helicopter's fuselage is not free to pitch and/or roll in that direction, the main rotor drive shaft and hub experience stresses and strains created by the hub moment. Prolonged or frequent exposure of the main rotor drive shaft and hub to these stresses and strains can result in damage to the main rotor drive shaft and hub. Having taken many flights on RAF Puma's I know from the talking with the Pilots the limitations set on taxing wheeled based Helo's. Not saying it doesn't happen and is not possible. I am just saying that it has large real life limitations set on it. Keep up the good work RockofSL....waiting for that Jaguar  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RKSL-Rock Posted April 2, 2008 Ok guys, simple solution to this. We will NOT be scripting it so the wheeled helicopters can ground taxi.  I really don’t see any great need for this feature, and given our internal time constraints and priorities it really isn't practical to add yet another feature to an already complicated set of addons and scripts. I am really sorry if you don’t like that but I’m sure someone else might be able to develop it for you.  That’s the last comment on Heli Taxing please. Keep up the good work RockofSL....waiting for that Jaguar  Thanks, its still on this list I’ve just not had much time on it recently.  I’m focused on the current active helicopter fleet atm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NoRailgunner 0 Posted April 2, 2008 Simple solutions somtimes the best ones. Looking forward to see all those beauties made by RKSL Studios in ArmA sky too and only very little time on ground. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted April 2, 2008 Yes, I'm looking forward to RKSL and UKF release. I'm sure it will be quality addons. I want to change the US-theme to UK in my arma. (If someone would be kind and make a voice.pbo with uk-voices, that would be perfect! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bravo 6 0 Posted April 3, 2008 ~ One year and four months have passed since the creation of this thread. Did i miss any Official Phase release from these huge Project? As said in 1st post RKSL will release "a series of addons in 2 phases".. Im not quite sure if the plans have been changed, but alot of things were added with time, thats why i asked. If so, can you pleate update the 1st post? Thank you, and great work you guys been doing Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RKSL-Rock Posted April 3, 2008 ~ One year and four months have passed since the creation of this thread. …and manners haven’t improved much have they. Did i miss any Official Phase release from these huge Project? You’ve missed nothing public. You have missed a significant amount of private testing and development.  You’ve certainly missed a lot of work.  You may have also missed a few posts and discussions about us having personal/professional lives that kinda get in the way of  making wonderful ‘free to use’ content for you. As said in 1st post RKSL will release "a series of addons in 2 phases"..Im not quite sure if the plans have been changed, but alot of things were added with time, thats why i asked. Specific Plans have evolved, details have changed. But the basic goal and plan remains the same as it was “One year and four months†ago. The Core project has not changed.  We plan on making as much British kit as possible.  Unfortunately the rate we can produce stuff varies due to real life as always.  Just like a lot of teams we have issues with free time, people not being able to commit the amount of time needed etc.  We were a small team to begin with, we are still small now. As for adding new projects. Some things catch our interest and get added others get added because of a specific need/requirement.  Sometimes its just because we get bored of looking at the same aircraft all the time and want to make something different. If so, can you pleate update the 1st post?Thank you, and great work you guys been doing When, the new Project update is ready this thread will likely be redundant. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Average Joe 0 Posted April 3, 2008 Keep up the goodwork Rock, as a RAF Reg gunner in training these addons have a new meaning to me Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bravo 6 0 Posted April 8, 2008 RockofSL thank you for the complete information and attention. Hope noone took me wrong with my last post. It was not meant to be a bad critic, agressive nor insultive. I really admire all the work and time the team have spent on this huge project that will bring alot of happiness to the community. Keep it up the great work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dkraver 1 Posted May 11, 2008 Any interesting news to report?? Almost two months ago that you reported on your site that Quote[/b] ]We're are in the process replacing our entire website and forums. These forums will be replaced in the next few weeks (16 March 08) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dkraver 1 Posted May 11, 2008 Have you seen the armering menu on the released F-18. And if yes is it something you would consider making for you air units?? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RKSL-Rock Posted May 11, 2008 Have you seen the armering menu on the released F-18. And if yes is it something you would consider making for you air units?? Its something we've been looking into for a long time. But UNN and I have other priorities right now. Â UNN's trying to finish off the Cargo System and I'm trying to get the UK JHC (Joint Helicopter Command) Fleet finished. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dkraver 1 Posted May 11, 2008 oki  When coming around to it are you thinking in terms of a ammo truck or maybe a ammo cart or both?? And how is work on the website?? Oh and thx for the fast reply  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RKSL-Rock Posted May 11, 2008 oki  When coming around to it are you thinking in terms of a ammo truck or maybe a ammo cart or both??And how is work on the website?? Oh and thx for the fast reply  To be honest I’m not sure, but I would prefer a custom object if we can do it. There might be performance advantages to that but right now we've discussed how it might work and fleshed out the ideas but not much else. The website is coming along slowly... I' about 60% done. Getting all the content together and shooting some of the vids for tuts etc is taking a lot of my precious free time. But right now I’m up to my eyes planning for some commercial projects which is why I’m 6 weeks behind on my ArmA Project Plan. Life can be a real inconvenience sometimes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MehMan 0 Posted May 11, 2008 I’m 6 weeks behind on my ArmA Project Plan.  That's why you never have plans for modding. If everything went according to plan for me I'd have had the 2nd full release of my mod right now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RKSL-Rock Posted May 11, 2008 I’m 6 weeks behind on my ArmA Project Plan.  That's why you never have plans for modding. If everything went according to plan for me I'd have had the 2nd full release of my mod right now. Well up to 6 weeks ago i was doing quite well... you'll see what i eman when the new website goes live but I lost a good contract due to software issues and im having to work my arse off to make up for it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
einsena 0 Posted May 12, 2008 hello! i've been a fan of your works since i saw a freakin ArmA AC-130 on youtube!!!!!!! been keeping an eye for your releases ever since. i never did own OFP(till it was to late lol), so i never used any of team RKSL mods before. so far the only release that i have downloaded from team RKSL is the improved A-10 AFM. it's such a joy to fly, handles more Lomac like, just beautiful. but the list of mods that team RKSL will release on page 1 are even more amazing! can't wait for your next releases! keep up the good work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MehMan 0 Posted May 12, 2008 I’m 6 weeks behind on my ArmA Project Plan.  That's why you never have plans for modding. If everything went according to plan for me I'd have had the 2nd full release of my mod right now. Well up to 6 weeks ago i was doing quite well... you'll see what i eman when the new website goes live but I lost a good contract due to software issues and im having to work my arse off to make up for it. I hope you won't mind me asking this, but do you work as a freelancer or do you own a buisness? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Synide 0 Posted May 12, 2008 "a good contract due to software issues..." - oh dear... should'a sung out... maybe I could've helped in some fashion... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RKSL-Rock Posted May 12, 2008 I hope you won't mind me asking this, but do you work as a freelancer or do you own a buisness? It's a bit of both.  I'm self employed trading under a limited company but I do a lot of different things.  Mostly consulting work in the Aerospace/Defence sector where depending on the contract where I employ people as needed. But when there are no big jobs I pick up 3D and Project work just to pay the bills. "a good contract due to software issues..." - oh dear... should'a sung out... maybe I could've helped in some fashion... Not unless you have a spare Catia V5 Generative Part Structural Analysis Suite License.  I lost my registry keys due to ArmA's Audigy/VOIP bug, I was repeatedly crashed out and that corrupted both my registry and HD FAT too.  I had to reinstall windows etc losing my license files and keys in the process.  The bugger was, that it was a bank holiday weekend and I couldn’t get a new key until the following Thursday night. But my deadline was 8am on the Friday.  Needless to say I didn't make the deadline and the client wasn’t very understanding so I lost the contract. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr_Tea 0 Posted May 12, 2008 I`m really sorry to hear of such problems, but it could have been prevented by not do gaming on the rig you need for your work. Also complete backups, that would include registry files too, should be made on a regular basis. Don`t cut your spendings on the wrong end. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest RKSL-Rock Posted May 12, 2008 I`m really sorry to hear of such problems, but it could have been prevented by not do gaming on the rig you need for your work. Also complete backups, that would include registry files too, should be made on a regular basis. Don`t cut your spendings on the wrong end. You dont need to tell me something i already know. Â Normally I wouldnt run work on the same drive install as my everyday stuff thank you. But the Catia License was coded to this Windows install, motherboard and CPU GUID. Â I didnt realise at the time of license submission... Â So once the license keys were generated I couldnt move the software to another install. Everything was backed up, unfortunately the policy wasnt the best, just backing up the registry at boot. Â By the 3rd crash I had nothing in the backup registry but gibberish due to disk corruption. Â So was royally screwed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tankbuster 1747 Posted May 16, 2008 I've just been watching your Hind vid on YT, Rock. Again, another superlative piece of work from you and Eric. One question; the 'sideslipping' (if that's what it's called), when the aircraft flies in a direction perpendicular to it's heading.. your one seemed to get up quite a speed in the sideways direction. Does the real 24 have the ability to go that fast sideways? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Commando84 0 Posted May 16, 2008 Impressive Hind! Nice that you make it workable ingame. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites