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Sprocket Troubleshooting thread.

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Hi to everybody,

i apologize for this stupid question, bud I just have to ask...

What exactly is a sprocketidea free coupon.Does it means that I am able to download some game free?because I can't find answer on sprocket page...really sorry for this dumb asking... sad_o.gif

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yeh i need my refrance # because they sent it to a no longer active email and to get your cd key just make a sprocket account and log in twice and it should be there

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I have softwrap version but I cant find the CD KEY ughhh I might as well ask for a refund go to best buy and buy QG for myself

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I have softwrap version but I cant find the CD KEY ughhh I might as well ask for a refund go to best buy and buy QG for myself

Have you tried forwarding your purchase confirmation Email to their support system and explain this to them? I haven't bought any direct download software but if I did I'd burn the installer to a DVD and write the CD-Key onto the disk (plus saving it somewhere on the PC) common sense I think?

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I have softwrap version but I cant find the CD KEY ughhh I might as well ask for a refund go to best buy and buy QG for myself

I am not sure I understand the problem as there is no CD key for Queen's Gambit - but you need Arma and that has its own CD key that has to be obtained separately.

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I mean the Activation Key sent 5 emails to support softwrap and nothing so far I really hope im patient crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif or its pistols.gifpistols.gif

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What dates were the 1st and 5th Emails sent? What Email address for softwrap are you Emailing? Feel free to Email me with your information and I'll try to hurry them up a bit (Placebo@bistudio.com), obviously I'm not affiliated with Softwrap but I'm happy to try to help, can't hurt at least wink_o.gif

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What dates were the 1st and 5th Emails sent? What Email address for softwrap are you Emailing? Feel free to Email me with your information and I'll try to hurry them up a bit (Placebo@bistudio.com), obviously I'm not affiliated with Softwrap but I'm happy to try to help, can't hurt at least wink_o.gif

Ok sent you the email with the dates recorded the 6th was an annoying day.

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I replied to the Email, I don't want to communicate via the forums as it's a poor way of retaining dialogue and history.

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Yeah your email got me a response but they thought CD-key not Activation so they asked for a screenshot and well I sent it now I got to wait heres my screenshot that so many others have as well

The DOH!

and #2


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Just to confirm Halochief89 now has a working Queen's Gambit, took a bit longer than it should but his problems are resolved, if anyone else is having problems with Sprocket/Softwrap that don't appear to be resolved via the normal Sprocket support channels feel free to contact me and I'll stick my big feet in and try to help smile_o.gif

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OK I give up! I have been searching around here and other places to find a solution but I cant find any specific help... Yes I have searched...

Basically I cant open the ARMAGEENG file that I downloaded from sproket... And they dont seem at all interested in helping me sad_o.gif

When I run it, it just starts thinking, my HD starts blurring away, but nothing happens... for agaes. And the only way to stop it is to open the Task Manager and stop it there.

I am running vista 32... I know this is not supported but other peeps here seem to be playing ARMA on vista!

Any help appreciated!


Chris Gee

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i live in canada. my paypal account is in US currency. i do have a sprocket account. but whenever i attempt to purchase the game, i get a web page stating, "This recipient is currently unable to receive money." does sprocket not have paypal?

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i live in canada. my paypal account is in US currency. i do have a sprocket account. but whenever i attempt to purchase the game, i get a web page stating, "This recipient is currently unable to receive money." does sprocket not have paypal?

Hi, i am working for sprocket. Sprocket is using paypal, maybe there is problem on their side, we recently had some problems with using their services as well.

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im trying to re-activate my downloaded(sprocket) copy of arma, but after i put the cd key in succesfully, it comes to the softwrap license bit, i try to reactivate and it says it doesnt recognise the code, i have got the emails from them with the codes on so they are correct, for the record i am re-installing arma on a new OS.

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Hello there,

contact me at support@idea-games.com in this matter, this seems like ordinary problem and using faq's should help.

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I've been trying to download Armed Assault again. Unfortunately, because of a glitch in the system, there isn't a download link to Armed Assault in my account anymore. It appears to have been exchanged with a Queen's Gambit download link.

I am now stuck with two download links for Queen's Gambit, in two different languages and no Armed Assault.

I've tried contacting Sprocket quite a few times about this issue, even going as far as to forward the original Purchase reference email to them but so far, no success in getting my download link back.

Help would be appreciated!

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Tried support@idea-games.com 4 times so far.

First two times when attempting to recover my ArmA CD-Key I got told that I had not bought Armed Assault.

Third time I was again reminded that I apparently had never bought Armed Assault and asked where I had bought it from.

Fourth time I was told they had no record of my purchase in their system and asked if I had the purchase reference number for my Armed Assault purchase(Nevermind the fact that it was included in my original support request banghead.gif ).

Trying again tonight. Went a step further and included the whole Purchase Confirmation email I received back when I bought ArmA in my support request. Hopefully it works this time.

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I just downloaded ArmA:gold from sprocket after losing my 505 serial number in a house move.

Downloaded fine, activated fine. launch... crash.

updated to 1.14. launch... crash

uninstall, registry cleaned. reinstalled, didnt ask me to re activate... launch... crash.


now what?

edit: reinstalled it 4 times now it only ever asked me for my activation code the first time... useless.

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Vex: what did your crash look like? I've been having problems myself with dtarting my sprocket bought version, no matter what I do the startup crashes because there's an error in an animation file...

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Yep, lovely. Would be nice if sprocket put up a warning banner that said 'DO NOT USE PAYPAL'..

My Queens Gambit download is screwed because I have no activation code, hence now that the install setup has been closed because I could not get the code, it wont work again.

All I have now is to sit and wait and hopefully their pathetic support gets me a code to install the bloody thing within the next 2 days..

Wow. What the heck kind of screwed up company is this? Its quite clear by the tons of posts that PayPal does not work with downloading games/expansion packs.. but whatever, they got my money, I guess thats all that matters.

This is not Bis's fault, but its hard to believe they are relying on a company this corrupt to get their product out.. mad_o.gif

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Think im screwed. Support wont respond to my emails, my setup purchase wont work because it tells me that the product is already downloaded..

I was dumb enough to buy the thing again, and now im stuck with 40 bucks lost, and 2 queen gambits that I cant download. So much for ever using sprocket, ever.

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Was able to figure out what went wrong and got the product installed. After having sent 3 emails to Sprocket, with nothing but an automated response for each, in the last 12 hours, I can say this company is horrible.

I suspect I will never get a response from any of the messages I sent either, because I can see clearly what sort of company this is.

Worse, I couldnt even find another site to download the english version, which means sprocket is relied on for the expansion..

Sorry for all the negativity, but this is the first time Ive ever made a purchase of a game expansion online, and I will never do it again. So hopefully any further expansions actually hit the shelves at Best buy sad_o.gif

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