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+<span style='color:green'>FLASHPOINT COLD WAR CRISIS, RESISTANCE soundtrack addon</span>

|-DOWNLOAD [70 MB] (rapidshare.de)

|-DOWNLOAD [70 MB] (filefactory.com)

|-DOWNLOAD [70 MB] (armaholic.com)

|-DOWNLOAD [70 MB] (armed-assault-zone.com)

|-DOWNLOAD [70 MB] (armedassault.info)

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vyrobil / created by George Spoock





Adoon pÅ™idává do ArmA staré známé songy z Flashpointu, takže fandové staré dobré muziky nemusí již více truchlit pro staré, stále kvalitní, fláky. Addon obsahuje 35 původních songů, vÄetnÄ› 7th skladbeb z CWC a RES.



4. skladba má jistě jiný název, ale kvůli bugu v OFP (2x "Slow Blades") jsem ji pojmenoval "Peace"

+ instalace: +


zkopíruj "retro_ofp.pbo" do složkdy /AddOns





Addon added to ArmA old classic songs from Flashpoint, such that fans can´t nothing more mourn for old, but still top, songs. Addon join 35 original songs inclusive best 7th songs form CWC and RES.



Fourth song form CWC have other title, because OFP have bug in music titles (twice "Slow Blades").I renamed renamed fourth song to "Peace"

+ install: +


copy "retro_ofp.pbo" to /AddOns dir

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Clear case of copyright violation I would say...

No, only love for good things.

This addon downloading mainly ex-players and owners original OFP, so that I think that BIS will be tolerant.

We tolerant their bugs in ArmA and they must tolerant little piracy whistle.gif

New campaign is biggest shit from BIS, that I must resurrect old campaigns - this is my duty thumbs-up.gif

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Clear case of copyright violation I would say...

Offcourse this has been checked.........

At Armaholic.com we do all we can to prevent us hosting illegal content.

So you can figure what the answer was since we are hosting the file now smile_o.gif

[edit]Although I do have to state that this might change in the future!!!!!!

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Cool idea!

P.S. Spoock, did you ever realise that in the last "scene" of your sig (the bit saying "Small camp of USMC" or something) the truck and the car in the background are going backwards? tounge2.gif

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Clear case of copyright violation I would say...

How so, exactly?

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Quote[/b] ]How so, exactly?

Distributing copyrighted material. It's simple, he didn't compose and make the pieces of music so he doesn't have the right to distribute them to any 3rd party even if it's for free.

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I have patched GER version and it doesnt work, i still have th e new musics. I installed it in the addons folder as you said.

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What do ya think if you work together or send ur file to CWR?

I thibk it would fit best to that mod wink_o.gif

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