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German Version out!

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this is scary to me.  i ordered ARMA from a online vendor and it's the German version i will recieve very soon, Dec 5th or there abouts.

what is scary to me is the sec copy protection program that comes w/ the german verison.

questions to the community...

1.  **edited - forum rules**  

2.  here are my specs,  should i expect a crappy play and loss of FPS?



Abit KV8 PRO VIA K8T800 Chipset AGP8X

2X 512 MB PC3200 400MHz DDR MEMORY Corsair XMS High Performance


3. **edited - forum rules**  

4. what are the possibilities of the  Morphicon  delivering a fix?  is it even possible?

5.  i agree w/ ramboofp, if this is the case then i can see myself wearing an eyepatch as well.

this is very discouraging.  **edited - forum rules**

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Egosoft has released an patch/addon for X3 this month.

That patch disables the Starforce copy protection of X3.

Impossible is nothing.

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... crack it lol ... wow_o.gif

iam so upset to hear this about arma ... confused_o.gifconfused_o.gifconfused_o.gif

copy protection makes more problems as it sloves ... back to the root and back to the "fade" system !!!!!!!!

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this is scary to me. i ordered ARMA from a online vendor and it's the German version i will recieve very soon, Dec 5th or there abouts.

what is scary to me is the sec copy protection program that comes w/ the german verison.

questions to the community...

1. is there ANY WAY to disable this piece of CRAP Securom?

2. here are my specs, should i expect a crappy play and loss of FPS?



Abit KV8 PRO VIA K8T800 Chipset AGP8X

2X 512 MB PC3200 400MHz DDR MEMORY Corsair XMS High Performance


3. there HAS to be a way to pass Securom.

4. what are the possibilities of the Morphicon delivering a fix? is it even possible?

5. i agree w/ ramboofp, if this is the case then i can see myself wearing an eyepatch as well.

this is very discouraging. WTF Morphicon, I hope that the US distro does not make the same CRAP decision Morphicon made when choosing a copy protection vendor.

your rig really isnt that great... the processor is severly let down by the rest of the specs and such a system is on the lower end of the Arma requirements. Remember that athlon processors clock lower than the numbers that relate to them.

my current system is 'better' that yours, yet I'm still considering a new pc to get the best out of arma. Granted though I understand that the german version has received far more complaints/querys/comments with regards to performance than the Czech one did... so there may be something running a little deeper with Securerom...

and with regards to #3 - discussing circumventing copy protection on any level is utterly against the forum rules... to be discussing circumventing Arma's copy protection is pretty much asking for trouble on these forums.. lol

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Atleast i have to DVD drives in my system to try out. confused_o.gif

so do i...

changes nothing. or maybe it has problems with both my drives...

but i also wouldn't count on it being the securom protection. i don't see the drive being accessed while playing the game. if it is securom it's probably conflicting with the game engine somehow...


Quote[/b] ]no it has SECUROM and 14-20FPS max @ highend systems

that statement is a little exaggerated...

in one of the single missions where you have to clean a town of OPFOR soldiers i get VERY playable FPS with very high details. in another single mission however it's totally unplayable no matter what settings i choose. it always depends on where you are and in what direction you are looking.

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i bought the german version today and can confirm that the performance is horrible...in fact: UNPLAYBLE

there are parts in the game where the FPS drop below 15 even with everything on very low, incl. min. viewdistance (500)! you can imagine what the FPS are like with normal settings...

this is my rig:

athlon 64 x2 4400+

2 gig ram

ati x1900 xt 512mb

i really don't know what to think right now...

doesn't anyone TEST these games before they are released!? also if this is in fact a problem with the copy protection, what kind of message does this send to the honest customers? people who pirate the games will never have to deal with this kind of crap...

i hope this issue will be resolved ASAP or i might be getting myself an eyepatch mad_o.gif

p.s. i know BIS has nothing to do with the copyprotections and this is not supposed to be a complaint directed at BIS

So has there been a post by BIS about this ?

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I'm honestly suprised to hear all of the negative (and honest) feedback from people who purchased the game.

One of the things that really has me worried is that it seems like there will be different version of arma depending which publisher you get the game from.

For example, morphicon is releasing their "hot patch" that wasn't needed for the czech version. Doesn't this mean that morphicon's arma version will differ from the czech version? Will germans and czechs not be able to play online with each other of morphicon is 1.01 and czech is 1.00?

Will some addons only work with 505's version versus others? The coop server I play on (Razor's Coop) has many people from all over the world - us, uk, german, french, czech, russian, etc. I really hope we all will still be able to play with each other using arma.. I hope i'm worring for nothing. huh.gif

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There is to be no talk in the forums about the copy protection or ways to circumvent it. Edit your post accordingly.


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Quote[/b] ]Benu: But people in lots of comments are crazy about it and you know what. Morphicon knows about the problem and the official release is on the 30th of NOVEMBER ... in TWO DAYS.

I say ... we know about he PROB but maybe we have a fix there on the 30th ... then everything is OK.

If not then it sucks ... but to wait some days more won't kill anyone.

Ok, i can understand that (they still have 2 days rofl.gif ). But common, don't they test it (their extra software protection) before bulk writing? Apperently the first print of DVDs are already out the door (some already have them etc). So that means everybody that has pre-ordered ones or will be buying a german version in xx periode will have a "straid out of the box: bugged version" banghead.gif . Sorry for my comments, but i never had much faith in those 'protection' softwares.

Here is my quote from an other forum about 1/2 weeks ago regarding the news of german version with SECUROM (is it good or not?):

Quote[/b] ]Arg, i hate having a DVD/CD in my drive. I hope it won't slow things down.

I just hope the DVD is scarf free and stays that way (it won't leave my DVD after install, but still).

Why couldn't they just have gone the way BIA did. I don't meant encrypted addons and other files, but just a USB stick that comes with the box and that needs verification...less change for malfunction.

Sorry to go deeper into this (+VBS, protection discussion... etc), but if there was one thing good about VBS, it was the USB dongle. No need for mounted CD/DVD. It has shown it value i guess (more or less hack-proof), easy to use (plug and play).

I wouldn't have cared if that would mean an extra cost.

Ohwell, looks i will see it for myself soon if it is indeed a 'problem' and if we will get a hotfix soon. I know my current pc will have problems running it anyway (grafic card) whistle.gif .

A fixed DVD version (when bugfree) send to all preordered customers or a compensation of Morph would be a nice move...but goodnight.gif

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Atleast i have to DVD drives in my system to try out. confused_o.gif

so do i...

changes nothing. or maybe it has problems with both my drives...

but i also wouldn't count on it being the securom protection. i don't see the drive being accessed while playing the game. if it is securom it's probably conflicting with the game engine somehow...


Quote[/b] ]no it has SECUROM and 14-20FPS max @ highend systems

that statement is a little exaggerated...

in one of the single missions where you have to clean a town of OPFOR soldiers i get VERY playable FPS with very high details. in another single mission however it's totally unplayable no matter what settings i choose. it always depends on where you are and in what direction you are looking.

I removed the Disk while playing and it neither let the game crash nor did it improve the performance a bit. So it's probably not the protection checking the DVD all the time, but maybe something colliding game engine - protection, as you pointed out.

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So has there been a post by BIS about this ?

morphicon (the publisher of the german version) has confirmed that they are aware of the problem and working on a hotfix.

i don't think BIS has anything to do with this since the german version is the same build as the czech version (1.00.5087).

so the problem was created by morphicon somehow.

Quote[/b] ]...For example, morphicon is releasing their "hot patch" that wasn't needed for the czech version. Doesn't this mean that morphicon's arma version will differ from the czech version? Will germans and czechs not be able to play online with each other of morphicon is 1.01 and czech is 1.00?

nah, the hotfix isn't likely to change the build...the only difference between czech and german versions is that some text has been translated and a different copy protection is used. so that must be where the problem was introduced at some point.

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There is to be no talk in the forums about the copy protection or ways to circumvent it. Edit your post accordingly.


well BIS should have brought a clue when they decided on this ridiculous way of distributing this game.

If people are having problems with the German version and the pathetic copy protection your not going to allow it to be discussed here ?

just sweep it under the rug or lock and delete the thread nice work !

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seems likely...

I assume the hot fix will only affect the copy protection and its compatability with Arma... I doubt that Morphicon have the tools to edit Arma itself.

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If securom is causing the problem(Though more proof about it would be needed) then it propably proves securom has turned to be just as crappy as Starforce is. Now all we need is people from Securom to start sending legal threats to people criticising it and posting "warez" links on their own website and they're on the same level as starforce :P

Would also mean the german publisher, like the CZ publisher, do not care about their customers. Which is rather strange behaviour considering they at the same time want you to give them your money... Now we just need to see what 505 does.

There is to be no talk in the forums about the copy protection or ways to circumvent it.

There's talk about copy protection here too wink_o.gif  band.gif

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There is to be no talk in the forums about the copy protection or ways to circumvent it.

There's talk about copy protection here too wink_o.gifband.gif

Yeah. But as you can see.. this thread was also closed, accordingly to forum rules smile_o.gif

Just wondering if Placebo will ban Maruk or just give him warning level +1 biggrin_o.gif

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-Ziggy- @ Nov. 29 2006,02:44)]help.gif  

might wanna read the performance tweaking thread,


says in there a good fps boost if you DISABLE VERTICAL SYNCH from your gfx card control panel.

hope this helps the Germans with their version and its not the 'thing which we cannot speak of'.   whistle.gif


i already disabled vsync in the control panel. i also disabled pretty much EVERY eye candy the game has to offer, set the view distance to minimum and there still are parts where it's unplayable.

morphicon themselve have already stated that this problem cannot be fixed with a little "tweak". we'll just have to wait...again

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If securom is causing the problem(Though more proof about it would be needed)

well just look around in the NWN2 Forums ..

right now the useless SF4.5 seems to be the better evil ..

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Can English be chosen for this one or no? If so I just might buy it on ebay who knows when it will arrive to the states.

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I am a simple man with a simple mind...ok im just dumb.

So to put it simply, other than the fact that a "hotfix" is on the way, what information is "Official"?

Step #9..hope there is no #10 wink_o.gif

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I am a simple man with a simple mind...ok im just dumb.

So to put it simply, other than the fact that a "hotfix" is on the way, what information is "Official"?

Step #9..hope there is no #10 wink_o.gif

i'm not sure if i understand your question...

this is a quote from the forums of armedassaults.de:

Quote[/b] ]Hallo Chris,

Problem ist bekannt und wir arbeiten mit Hochdruck an einem Hotfix.

Tut uns leid, dass du jetzt erstmal warten musst, aber wie gesagt... wir

hoffen es die Tage in den Griff zu bekommen.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Morphicon Limited

PS: Der Fehler lässt sich nur durch einen Patch beheben, weshalb du

aktuell garnicht weitersuchen musst.


Quote[/b] ]hello chris,

we know about the problem and are working hard to release a hotfix.

we are sorry, that you will have to wait for now, but like we said...we hope to get this settled within the next days.

kind regards

morphicon limited

ps: the error can only be fixed by a patch, which is why you won't even have to look any further (for a fix i guess)

that's all the "official" information i know of

check this thread for screenshots that compare FPS between the czech and the german version:


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This may sound kinda stupid.. But you cant rule out anything when trying to tweak the game and your machine..

Those of you with AMD X2 processors try disabling one of your cores. A buddy of mine tried this with BF2 because of some problem the game had with dual core cpus. When he disabled one the game ran fine. If I remember correctly it was a specific core.. Not sure which.. So if you can disable one and try it.. If it doesnt work try the other one..

Other than that I supose you just have to wait for the fix.

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When i bought Darkstar One, it had a problem with "that we do not speak of" as such it caused choppyness and lag while flying in space. Due to constant checking of the DVD in the drive. But a fix was released almost immediately for it so i wouldnt be worried about it, in the case of ArmA. Just give morphicon a few days and they will have it out.

Yeah i know its lame and annoying if you just bought it and you cant play it, but well sometimes things get screwed up and im sure morphicon was not having a secretive meeting in a dank cellar coming up with the idea to put that in so nobody can play it.

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Quote[/b] ]Wie bereits bekannt gibt es in der deutschen Version einige Performance Probleme. Wir konnten den Fehler bereits eingrenzen und arbeiten schon mit Hochdruck an einem Hotfix. Sobald dieser fertig ist, werden wir ihn umgehend releasen.

Morphicon statement on Arma perfiormance issues.


"As we know by now there are performance issues with the german version. We were able to find the source of that issue and are working hard on a hotfix. As soon as we´ve finished working on the hotfix, it will be released."


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