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It´s german version. It has been made available for download for magazines for reviewing purposes.

Got a link?

Just kidding wink_o.gif

I'm not. huh.gif


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Mmh im a little bit disappointed about the game. It was mentioned that the javelin should be aviable as an anti tank weapon, but i cant find it in the "all units photo pack"... I hope it will be handed later in one of hte future patches xmas_o.gif

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Nice pics T 2000! Even normal details looks great! wink_o.gif

Also thanks Forrestal for the line up of units!

This is my favourite though!  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

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This is my favourite though! biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

one thing i never understoold:

why the wheels are not perfectly round? In OFP i could understand but in ARMA i don't.

notice the front wheels.

Can someone explain me plz?


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This is my favourite though! biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

one thing i never understoold:

why the wheels are not perfectly round? In OFP i could understand but in ARMA i don't.

notice the front wheels.

Can someone explain me plz?


Because it doesn't matter how pretty the graphics are, every model in every game is still just a mesh of several triangles.

I promise you there's not a single game on the market today that has perfectly round tires.

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Come on what do you think?

Complete round tires require too many polygons and it creates lag.

Since when are OFP'ers graphic whores, btw?

BIS did a marvelous job with the new graphics, i never expected them to be this good.

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because in 3D modeling there is no such thing as a curved face... everything is made up of flat planar faces... and i mean everything.

a cylinder isn't truely a cylinder in 3d models... its a polygon made up of sides... a cylinder could be 5 sided, 20 sided, or 500 sided... but its still not perfectly smooth, and never will be in technicality, although the more faces you use, the more round it will look... BUT the one draw back is number of pollys... cylinders are the quickest way to add pollys to a model, and in terms of wheels its astounding how much they take up

that appears to be an 18 sided cylinder... and assuming each faces uses 4 vertexes, then the entire cylinder is 34 faces. Lets double it to make it more round... so 36 sided polygon/cylinder... thats 70 faces... and thats assuming a flat end on either side. Start working some detail into it, then it quickly adds up.

as correction said, no game on the market has truely round wheels. What i do find interesting about the picture is the wheels in terms of the suspension... look how the wheels are lower out of their 'housing' when no weight is on them - looks like better modeled and simulated suspension smile_o.gif

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Thanks Forrestal, thoses screenshots are very much appreciated for those of us who still have a few months to wait.

I was quite supprised at a few missing vehicles like a Hind, and more importantly a larger gunboat for the east side. I was also supprised to see the south side have the AH6 helos but no MBT. There's only about 6 differant civis which is a shame as more t-shirts could of been applied instead of giving the same shirt to three guys. I know that sounds like i'm going too far but i'm thinking of the editor list drop down menu.

This is also my own opinion but i would of prefered the US to have the newer trucks instead of the old but fun to drive 5 tonners.

Also is it just me or does the US officers cap look like a marines. Or do all US soldiers caps look like that.


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Can someone explain me plz?


You need lots of segments of polygons to make a wheel appear perfectly round. Normal maps won't help since the shape is the same. You could waste a ton of polys on them but then performance will suffer.

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Lovely screenshots Gaia!

Are these photoshoped or is the focus thingy something from the game (a new camera command or so?)

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Lovely screenshots Gaia!

Are these photoshoped or is the focus thingy something from the game (a new camera command or so?)

the focus blur is part of Arma above a certain detail level in the visual settings (i.e. you need a certain decency of pc to utilise it)

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Quote[/b] ]the focus blur is part of Arma above a certain detail level in the visual settings (i.e. you need a certain decency of pc to utilise it)

for all you with weaker machines, you can have the same effect by getting drunk or playing ArmA for 18 hours straight biggrin_o.gifwhistle.gif

great pictures! inlove.gif

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Have the colors and levels been photoshoped? If you have done anything more than merely resized it please mention it.

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Real great screenshots everybody notworthy.gif

Thanks to everybody taking the time to make screenshots and post them.

You make a lot of people smile biggrin_o.gif


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Wow, those shots are very good! I´m impatiently waiting for the first well done cutscenes, can´t imagine how nice they will be with the focus-effect.


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Also is it just me or does the US officers cap look like a marines. Or do all US soldiers caps look like that.

Great points, as for the Officers cap, it is a USMC style top while in ACU. It backdrops with the USMC/US Army blending of the BLUFOR units. BIA/BIS probably did this to promote to both sides to gain interest from the Armed Forces for the simulation use. Why have a VBS2 Lite when you got ArmA? tounge2.gif

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