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How Far Will You Go?

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If I get the change, money, time I'm going to the nearest country to get my version of ArmA even if it's not yet in english, can look through that. As long as I get me the collector's edition I'm happy

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Guest Ti0n3r

I will do whatever it takes to get the game on the release day smile_o.gif

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Ill playe the demo in november, go to china in december (I doubt they ever see the game there) And get my copy in Januari from 505 im affraid.

Unless we can download it ofc.

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Since the Pre-Order didnt work for me I will prob wait for the online DL version if its soon then the release for the USA(If it does get relased here)

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This should be a multiple option choice. Cause I've pre-ordered from amazon.de and will pray for an english.pbo but since a pirated version probably will be out before I get it, I'll dl that meanwhile.

If an english online version (not warez) is avail before amazon.de ships, I'll cancel amazon.de and the warez version.

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I'm gonna go to Kaliningrad to get my copy in case local publishers are too lazy to distribute Russian version in my country. 150km is not that much biggrin_o.gif. By the time english version is released i'll be certain if it's worth to get another collector's edition copy smile_o.gif.

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If I don't get it in Austria or South Germany, I'm driving 650km to Prague and snatch it off the shelves there smile_o.gif

But most probably i'll order it from one of online stores. I'm in contact with 505 for promotion and sales of english version of Arma here in Slovenia.

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I'm a patient guy so i'm waiting for my regions release. Albeit in Q1 2007 but i believe the waiting is part of the good feeling of a new game on the horizon. Plus i've got a few 360 games to get thru first biggrin_o.gif

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I'm definitely going to order it from another country (Germany), and when it's released in Holland, I'll get it again, hopefully an English special edition, if not, I'll be fine with the normal (English) edition.


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well as it looks now im gonna buy the german release and then "the real one". wink_o.gif

If downloading is an option that comes before the retail release i guess im gonna go for that one too. However this all depends on if we get demos or not before the full releases.

Geez, I have no idea now......

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I'll go as far as to download it. If I can't download it I'll probably buy it from 505, even though I'm in America.

People actually voted for option 4? mad_o.gif

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I will wait until the CD is released in the UK, I have enough on plate atm trying to finish stuff for OFP. Look at it another way if you want. If BIS managed to find a publisher thats willing to support them. Then I'm willing to support that publisher.

Quote[/b] ]People actually voted for option 4?

I think that was added just to goad BIS. But it's probably only going to affect some poor guy who has his player ID stolen sad_o.gif

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People actually voted for option 4?  mad_o.gif

I could imagine myself doing that, if there is a game that i might want to have but there is no demo i usually download the game as a demo to see if its worth buying.

In this case there is going to be a demo, but playing the same demo for 4 months while knowing that other people have the complete game already... tounge2.gif

Its not really a problem as long as they keep in SP and buy the game when it comes out in their country. wink_o.gif

Anyways, ill probably get the german version, and maybe the english version afterwards.. smile_o.gif

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56k gave me a alot of patience so I willl wait till released over here.

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If I remember correctly, even posting option 4 is breaking rules, guys.  Just a heads up before heads roll.  confused_o.gif

I'm going to wire one of my good buddies (Bence? Bravo 6? Beuller??) some money for 2x game, shipping, and their troubles to get it ASAP.  Then I'll get the total english version when it comes to the U.S. Just in time for me bro's birthday!

yay.gif  yay.gif  notworthy.gif

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It really depends. I could get by if the game was in Russian or German - as for the whole buying a foreign copy first, though I have to question whether I can really afford to buy the game twice. But I'm aiming for a digital download. I happily did that with rFactor, although the size of the download will probably a fair bit different... whistle.gif

My biggest fear though is we go to the download site in November and get a message saying "We're sorry, this feature is currently not available in your area!"

Then I may get a little desperate...

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Suffice it to say that ill eventually buy it in one form or another. wink_o.gif

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Well... When OFP was released I downloaded a cracked version of it to see if it was worth playing. I've been cheated so many times with an excellent Demo, and when the game comes, it's just crap and nothing like the demo. I guess that is good marketing, but it have teached me to play the full game before buying.

Thank god the cracked version of OFP was so good that I bought it (And now have 3 copies due to broken CD's and because it's so cheap now). I know ArmA willl be a good game, so I don't have to download it - but if the game can't be bought - well, that kinda gives me no choise, does it?

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