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little things that change life

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Hi all,

ok so these are little suggestions for Arma that BIS should really consider because It really can save lots of time for addonmakers and add fun and realism to the game.

These suggestions are I suppose not to hard to code , that's why I posted them.

* I think sky , stars , rain , GUi , clouds textures should be

separeted from the main content , so it is easily replaced without having to decompress and recompress 100Mb.

The best thing would be to be able to choose the sky , rain,... texture direcly in the editor for ex in the window where you select the weather.

* every object should able to be defined as "carryable " even if it looks horrible , being able to carry heavy MG , ammo crates ,... would definitevly be a good thing.

* make the weapons as being able to do animations , even if it simple anim like only translation , animated weapons even only for the player is a little + for the game atmosphere .

* each mod folder should have it's own mission folder.

* when you are in Arma , there should be an option " reload new content " so you don't have to restart the game each time to play or test a new addon.

* In the new visitor , would it be possible to set the height of objects and also to turn it not only around Y axis but all axis .

*last but not least ,when you are an officer you should be able to order you RPG man or GL man to fire on a spot that you just select with LB , this is really missing in the game , some king of little artillery.

Is it possible to know ( Placebo ?? yay.gif ) if the 60 m for geo lods has been fixed , I suppose it's no big secret.

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*last but not least ,when you are an officer you should be able to order you RPG man or GL man to fire on a spot that you just select with LB , this is really missing in the game , some king of little artillery.

It's funny, but I would have sworn it was possible in the early versions of OFP to have AI 'force fire' on a particular spot. However I've never seen or heard anyone mention it so I assumed that I'd imagined it (Probably confusing a night of playing both C&C RA and OFP).

The ability to have AI fire on any spot, with any weapon. Thus imitate supressive fire or simply fire through bushes etc at possible enemy positions would be good.

It would also be good if AI responded to supressive fire, if they could see the area was being targetted and not run straight into it.

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Well you can target houses and such, but you can never get them to fire. You should be able to fire on anything the game allows you to target.

Houses, empty cars, trees.

My two cents

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Quote[/b] ]* I think sky , stars , rain , GUi , clouds textures should be

separeted from the main content , so it is easily replaced without having to decompress and recompress 100Mb.

The best thing would be to be able to choose the sky , rain,... texture direcly in the editor for ex in the window where you select the weather.

I think the best way would be to make these things so good that there is no need to replace them wink_o.gif

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Good post. All of your suggestions are reasonable, doable, and they would improve the game play. I can tell that you have actually spent some time thinking how this game works and how it can be improved. I really wish that more members of this board would do the same before posting their suggestions. Respect!



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Thanks DreDay , that's really kind

Let's hope these little ideas reach BIS smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]* I think sky , stars , rain , GUi , clouds textures should be

separeted from the main content , so it is easily replaced without having to decompress and recompress 100Mb.

The best thing would be to be able to choose the sky , rain,... texture direcly in the editor for ex in the window where you select the weather.

I think the best way would be to make these things so good that there is no need to replace them wink_o.gif

Now that I agree with, though it's an uphill battle with this community.

I'm pretty sure no matter how good something is someone will have modded their own version within days of the games release. If people could change the real sky they would, arguing that their vision of the sky is more realistic icon_rolleyes.gif

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indirect fire from GLs - General Barron

supressive fire - VME-PLA mod


Good ideas, but well, suggesting things here is tricky...(nextgengame\suggestions) smile_o.gif

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* every object should able to be defined as "carryable " even if it looks horrible , being able to carry heavy MG , ammo crates ,... would definitevly be a good thing.

And it should also be possible to put ammo crates in cars, trucks and other vehicles that have enough space for it.

/me thinks about the build in CTI(capture the island) and how usefull such little things could be.

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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yeah totally agree with the ammo crates! biggrin_o.gif it takes lots of management to grab a law with 3 rounds and then put it inside the truck or jeep and then go and grab next weapon or more law rounds or something and then put it into the truck and so on before you can drive off biggrin_o.gif

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I hope the Inventory system allows you to grab anything, both for being able to to resupply mates, and for messing up by grabbing LAW rockets in a hurry and forgetting to get the launcher. I can't remember how many times in role playing games I'd feel all confident that I had a lot of the right ammo for the job -but find out when I needed it- not the gun/launcher/tool that enables it.

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Good post. All of your suggestions are reasonable, doable, and they would improve the game play. I can tell that you have actually spent some time thinking how this game works and how it can be improved. I really wish that more members of this board would do the same before posting their suggestions. Respect!



Doin a little Ali G with your Respect talk eh? hows that for thinking before posting? biggrin_o.gif

Nah great post and I agree totaly.

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A visual inventory management mode where you could pop up like a grid for your backpack and grid or list for the ammo box and just drag here and there.

The ability to save a MP game state, open it in the editor and keep extending the mission.. or heck some way to edit a mission in play GM-style.

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Quote[/b] ]A visual inventory management mode where you could pop up like a grid for your backpack and grid or list for the ammo box and just drag here and there.

That would be a HELL of a lot easier then scrolling all the way down the action menu to pick up ammo and things one click at a time. Although there is a few menus pepole have made via scripting that sort of does the same thing in MP missions iv seen. Battlefield 1985 sector control mission springs to mind.

But it be nice if it was hard coded into the game.

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agree +1

something along the lines of what Role Playing Adventure Games have been doing since the begining of time would be great. Managing the kit in-game was probably the biggest thing that I had a problem with in the Resistance campaign. But perhaps this is a Game2 suggestion.

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Guest Ti0n3r
Well you can target houses and such, but you can never get them to fire. You should be able to fire on anything the game allows you to target.

3, target that house at 12 'o clock.

3, fire

... wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]* every object should able to be defined as "carryable " even if it looks horrible , being able to carry heavy MG , ammo crates ,... would definitevly be a good thing.

I think this will be more of a game2 feature. IIRC everything in game2 has a weight although I've seen a dev quote saying the ARMA inventory will be a surprise so who knows. It would be lovely and unlock so many playability possibilities. As for it looking bad, if you made a generic "man carrying crate" anim for items over a certain weight, that would be more than good enough for me.

Quote[/b] ]* each mod folder should have it's own mission folder.

You can put sub directories in OFP missions folder. It might take a minute in windows but I like this way better as it still allows you to play the same missions with different mod folders.

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Don't you wanna see animated weapons in Arma ? no more sort of hidden selection tricks but true movement of some of the weapon parts.

When I see BF2 weapons they look and feel so good compared to ofp ones (apart from all accuracy considerations).

original ofp crappy weapons is for me one of the reason many people couldn't stand the game , and BIS should realy keep an eye on this even if they probably already did quite alot , like realistic recoil , 3D sights ,...

weapons just need 2 little things , a good old hidden selection for the mag , and a little translation anim for some of the gun parts.

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Well you can target houses and such, but you can never get them to fire. You should be able to fire on anything the game allows you to target.

3, target that house at 12 'o clock.

3, fire

... wink_o.gif

yeah...then your troops look at you like "what"

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Well you can target houses and such, but you can never get them to fire. You should be able to fire on anything the game allows you to target.

3, target that house at 12 'o clock.

3, fire

... wink_o.gif

yeah...then your troops look at you like "what"

Yep. Once i told my AT-man to shoot at house where sniper was hiding... Didn't work and i haven't been trying again.

You should have command like this: Mydude fire "lawlauncher". But i don't know does he shoot where he aims, or towards sky (like with rifle)

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Don't you wanna see animated weapons in Arma ? no more sort of hidden selection tricks but true movement of some of the weapon parts.

When I see BF2 weapons they look and feel so good compared to ofp ones (apart from all accuracy considerations).

original ofp crappy weapons is for me one of the reason many people couldn't stand the game , and BIS should realy keep an eye on this even if they probably already did quite alot , like realistic recoil , 3D sights ,...

weapons just need 2 little things , a good old hidden selection for the mag , and a little translation anim for some of the gun parts.

Now, the problem here is that I believe that the methods that OFP uses and the methods that BF2 uses are quite different in terms of how they model the player's view. I may be mistaken but I believe that the weapons in bf2 are modeled in a manner similar to halflife. They're not part of the game world, and the arms and weapon are essentially 2 dimensional overlays of an otherwise clear view. These overlays take lighting information from the game world, of course, but I don't think that what you see in front of you in the third person is made of the the same vertexes as what the other players see.

In OFP, the weapons you see in your hands and your hands are the same geometry that all of the other players see. The result is that the weapons look somewhat lo-fi when brought close to the camera. Also, given the low fidelity of the weapon models to accomodate performance considerations, BIS needed to develop a way to see the iron sights of the weapons without actually wasting the polies on them- ergo, the sprite gunsights.

I do hope that they found a way to easily impliment a system of context driven reload animations (or even, context driven anims period) dependent on what you are holding. This would require quite a few more weapon classes, though. It would be cool to see, but it's certainly not a deal breaker for me. Actually, that is a bit of an overstatement. I don't actually care one way or the other, but I will appreciate the work that BIS puts into that kind of detail, where-ever it's found.

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Some of my AI squad are in jail cause they didn't follow my orders.

They are in LBJ jail for some time now after a court marechal..


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Don't you wanna see animated weapons in Arma ? no more sort of hidden selection tricks but true movement of some of the weapon parts.

When I see BF2 weapons they look and feel so good compared to ofp ones (apart from all accuracy considerations).

original ofp crappy weapons is for me one of the reason many people couldn't stand the game , and BIS should realy keep an eye on this even if they probably already did quite alot , like realistic recoil , 3D sights ,...

weapons just need 2 little things , a good old hidden selection for the mag , and a little translation anim for some of the gun parts.

Now, the problem here is that I believe that the methods that OFP uses and the methods that BF2 uses are quite different in terms of how they model the player's view. I may be mistaken but I believe that the weapons in bf2 are modeled in a manner similar to halflife. They're not part of the game world, and the arms and weapon are essentially 2 dimensional overlays of an otherwise clear view. These overlays take lighting information from the game world, of course, but I don't think that what you see in front of you in the third person is made of the the same vertexes as what the other players see.

In OFP, the weapons you see in your hands and your hands are the same geometry that all of the other players see. The result is that the weapons look somewhat lo-fi when brought close to the camera. Also, given the low fidelity of the weapon models to accomodate performance considerations, BIS needed to develop a way to see the iron sights of the weapons without actually wasting the polies on them- ergo, the sprite gunsights.

I do hope that they found a way to easily impliment a system of context driven reload animations (or even, context driven anims period) dependent on what you are holding. This would require quite a few more weapon classes, though. It would be cool to see, but it's certainly not a deal breaker for me. Actually, that is a bit of an overstatement. I don't actually care one way or the other, but I will appreciate the work that BIS puts into that kind of detail, where-ever it's found.

That's little reason why there can't be a different model object that everyone else sees than what the player sees and have them both move in sync. Bring the rifle object up to your eye in first person and it comes up to your eye in 3rd person, it's just the difference between a 1000 poly rifle object in first person and a 30 poly rifle object in 3rd person.

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Don't you wanna see animated weapons in Arma ? no more sort of hidden selection tricks but true movement of some of the weapon parts.

When I see BF2 weapons they look and feel so good compared to ofp ones (apart from all accuracy considerations).

original ofp crappy weapons is for me one of the reason many people couldn't stand the game , and BIS should realy keep an eye on this even if they probably already did quite alot , like realistic recoil , 3D sights ,...

weapons just need 2 little things , a good old hidden selection for the mag , and a little translation anim for some of the gun parts.

Now, the problem here is that I believe that the methods that OFP uses and the methods that BF2 uses are quite different in terms of how they model the player's view. I may be mistaken but I believe that the weapons in bf2 are modeled in a manner similar to halflife. They're not part of the game world, and the arms and weapon are essentially 2 dimensional overlays of an otherwise clear view. These overlays take lighting information from the game world, of course, but I don't think that what you see in front of you in the third person is made of the the same vertexes as what the other players see.

In OFP, the weapons you see in your hands and your hands are the same geometry that all of the other players see. The result is that the weapons look somewhat lo-fi when brought close to the camera. Also, given the low fidelity of the weapon models to accomodate performance considerations, BIS needed to develop a way to see the iron sights of the weapons without actually wasting the polies on them- ergo, the sprite gunsights.

I do hope that they found a way to easily impliment a system of context driven reload animations (or even, context driven anims period) dependent on what you are holding. This would require quite a few more weapon classes, though. It would be cool to see, but it's certainly not a deal breaker for me. Actually, that is a bit of an overstatement. I don't actually care one way or the other, but I will appreciate the work that BIS puts into that kind of detail, where-ever it's found.

That's little reason why there can't be a different model object that everyone else sees than what the player sees and have them both move in sync. Bring the rifle object up to your eye in first person and it comes up to your eye in 3rd person, it's just the difference between a 1000 poly rifle object in first person and a 30 poly rifle object in 3rd person.

Actually this is one reason that OFP stands head & shoulders above the rest. The weapon you see in the 3rd person is indeed the same weapon you see in 1st person, but it goes beyond that. In other games, 1st person means you're a disembodied viewpoint with a high-poly gun overlay, but in OFP your entire body is still modelled even though you obviously can't see it. Check out your shadow, and even some camoflauge when sniping.

I prefer this sort of integrity to the shallow but impressive eye-candy approach, I never really notice the gun model in any case, I'm more concerned with what's going on. The current modelling is functional, and can be improved with mods & addons etc.

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That's little reason why there can't be a different model object that everyone else sees than what the player sees and have them both move in sync. Bring the rifle object up to your eye in first person and it comes up to your eye in 3rd person, it's just the difference between a 1000 poly rifle object in first person and a 30 poly rifle object in 3rd person.

Well, this would sort of defeat the purpose of what the technique of rendering the arms and weapon is for- You have have much more complicated models and animations if you render them seperately. I think that even in counterstrike, there wasn't any difference in how the player models reloaded their weapons when viewed from a third person viewpoint. It was only in the first person that you see the complicated reload sequence. This was true for all weapon classes, even the machineguns were reloaded the same as the m4 and the ak. I don't think any game has a complicated reload animation for every weapon in the third person. People just don't notice that stuff.

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