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FFUR 2006 2.0 Total conversion pack

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Don´t think it´s been mentioned before but I just came across another bug. This is at the very last of the Resistance campaign. The cutscene won´t play normal. All I get is this civilian looking at a rock. I played the cutscene again but this time in vanilla and it worked just fine. Probably a FFUR induced problem.

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Can someone give me the missing .pbo BIS Weapon_Pack.

So I can run FFUR 2.0 please!

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

If you are running Resistance you should already have that huh.gif

Maybe just a missing addon error produced by FFUR?

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Can someone give me the missing .pbo BIS Weapon_Pack.

So I can run FFUR 2.0 please!

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

If you are running Resistance you should already have that huh.gif

Maybe just a missing addon error produced by FFUR?

As always Mr. Burns! "You the man!"

I uninstalled everything and re-installed it all again.

It's hard trying to find what works with FFUR 2006 2.0.

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper

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well . .  .silenced weapons arn't that quaiet . .I read somewhere that they could be heard for about 100m. is that true ? and that in the desert a gun shot can be heard for miles . . huh.gif

Well from what i read for example in Afghanistan the Soviets often hat AKMs with PBS supressors but most of the time they didnt get the subsonic ammo for them.

So if they fired you could still hear it to some degree but the enemy had a hard time to guess where the sound came from.

With the Right ammo these weaps can be pretty quit, however i doubt it that you can make a assault rifle completely silent like some MP5.

Seen vids of a BIZON SMG withqa big PBS mounted and still there was some quite noticeable sound, not realyl sounded like a bullet being fired but more like some loud metal clicking.

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Quote[/b] ]It's hard trying to find what works with FFUR 2006 2.0.

As said more than once before, the FFUR Mod has been especially designed to allow you playing your (preferably BIS) missions and campaigns, and step after step we had to figure out a large part of the addons incompatibility issue with the mod, and actually almost all of the available addons work properly (exluding some animations issue that sometimes do happen, which supposely should be easily fixed) with the FFUR 2006 2.0 (-> 2.5).

Oh, and btw...






... as promised a couple of days ago ;-)

Thanks to the following mods and people for their great input and efforts:

Mapfact for the open small tent.

Spetsnatz Mod for the wreck urals.

Wilco for the wreck Hmmwv.

ORCS mod for the Moskovitch (Thanks to the REM Mod as well).

You may notice the new FFUR Pilots and armored crews above as well (Cheers to Combat and Laser for their basic 3Ds).




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indeed it looks like a really good patch. The only think wich is looking a bit weird to me are the googles of the tank Crews.

But i think they should be easy to fix !

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Quote[/b] ]Bug in the Ural, I dubbed this one...The 3 Stoogies.

I believe that this is caused by the animations the spetz natz mod team used with the urals.

The patch is looking great. Love the screens. The crews look great.

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"Seen vids of a BIZON SMG withqa big PBS mounted and still there was some quite noticeable sound, not realyl sounded like a bullet being fired but more like some loud metal clicking."

Ok... I fire a Mac-11 and occasionally a Sten both with supressors using subsonic handloads...

Can tell you that they can be very very 'quiet.'

The metallic sound you hear is the action cycling.... that is metal on metal... and since the suppressor only affects the muzzle blast, the gas escaping the barrel, and 'helps' keep the sound of the bullet leaving the muzzle 'quieter' it does absolutely nothing to quiet the action... the bolt is still going to move back and forth and the firing pin is still going to impact the primer... those things are SET IN STONE

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Yeah i know, all i meant was that you still hear something as some here seem to think some weaps in FFUR should not even have sound smile_o.gif

Btw a intresting attempt on this is the russian PSS pistol if anyone wants to google for it, it said its extremely silent and doesnt even need a external supresor.

But we again move away from the original topic of this thread i guess... sorry tounge2.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Btw a intresting attempt on this is the russian PSS pistol if anyone wants to google for it, it said its extremely silent and doesnt even need a external supresor.

Thats true. Here a link to the weapon. http://www.world.guns.ru/handguns/hg24-e.htm

I noticed the first new screen is of ural fuels. Will there be wrecks for repair and standard urals also. Great Job

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Yes I thought your pilots looked just fine.

And ya you dont really need a G suit in a helo..

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Made a vid using FFUR so now I'm gonna pimp it out totally:

Vid on YouTube

Laggyness is due to my not so super computer. Also I got a 640x480 version but nowhere to host...

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