.kju 3245 Posted June 18, 2006 <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Welcome fellow soldiers !</span> We proudly present you: ########################### #<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>WarGames MOD v.5</span> # ########################### a WarGames Development Production. <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Announcement</span> The WGL Mod team is proud to present the full release of WGL 5.  WGL 5 provides the most realistic, comprehensive, and tactical first-person military simulation available for the civilian PC market.  WGL 5 is the premier tactical military simulation incorporating true combined arms in a believable virtual world – not only that, but it is FREE.  Its closest competitor, VBS1, is, admittedly, more realistic, but it is also hundreds of dollars to purchase and is not designed for entertainment.  WGL 5 allows casual to hard-core gamers the opportunity to experience realistic military weapons, equipment, and tactics while still maintaining an environment that is enjoyable to play. <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>History</span> The WGL project began years ago when AngusHeaf and Tactician decided to improve some balancing and gameplay issues specifically related to online PvP gaming.  Since its inception, the WGL Mod has placed a large focus on realism and enhanced squad based gameplay.  After the release of WGL 2, Phaeden joined the team. Shortly thereafter, Dinger created the WGL mortar system.  Like its predecessors, WGL 3 and 4 were released to a relatively small group of PvP tournament players and teams.  In November 2005, a small group of WGL fans asked for a few minor tweaks to the latest build of WGL. This became WGLZ and its aims were to tweak WGL AI as best as possible. These few minor tweaks have in the last year and a half become a hundreds of modifications, additions, and improvements. On a special note, this is also thanks to these WGL fans, like Bn880, Jinef, lwlooz, Terox and the other Zeus community members ! During this time, many new members have joined the WGL 5 staff, most notably Q and Killswitch.  <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Introduction</span> WGL 5 is a complete conversion for Operation Flashpoint.  Its main goal is to create a highly realistic military simulation while still allowing for entertaining and enjoyable single player, cooperative, and multiplayer gameplay.  We have painstakingly researched real-world documentation, conducted interviews with real military members, and thoroughly play-tested this Mod to present you with something more than a game and something less than a true simulation.  The gameplay that you will experience in WGL 5 is significantly different than standard OFP - firefights are more intensive, squad tactics play a much greater role, and use of true combined arms is more important.  However, we also understand that you want to spend your time enjoying the gameplay.  A true simulation is significantly different in that it replicates the real world to a much higher degree.  This, in turn, often makes less than enjoyable gameplay.  While you could conceivably use WGL 5 as a training tool (proper authorization must be obtained first), we have not lost sight of the fact that it is a game at heart – even though our prime focus is on realism.  Learn more about Wargames The WGL 5 Experience:  As soon as you load WGL, you will notice things are different.  The user interface is streamlined.  The in-game mission editor is also significantly changed.  These simple changes are indicative of the overall changes within the Mod.  WGL 5 cuts through the fluff to bring you to the heart of the action.  In default OFP, one man’s actions can drastically alter the course of the battle.  It is possible for a lone gunman (a.k.a. Rambo) to decimate a much larger opposition force.  If you attempt similar Rambo tactics in WGL 5, you will quickly find yourself inside a coffin.  WGL 5 “highly encourages†you to work as an effective member of a team.  You now need to use tactics and firepower to overwhelm and destroy your enemy.  In the past, you could leave your teammates behind as you located, closed with, and destroyed the enemy single-handedly – such a mission in WGL 5 is tantamount to suicide.  In order to successfully complete your mission in WGL 5, you will need scouts/recon units to locate the enemy, advance your assaulting and support forces, carefully place your medical support units (as you will definitely need them), coordinate you attack, conduct your attack, and prepare for counterattack.  <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>Road to Petrovice - A WGL Flashpoint Mini-AAR</span> (AfterActionReport) Quote[/b] ]Without the zoom possible with normal OFP mounted machineguns, I found myself firing at suspected positions versus simply zooming in and picking off the enemy one by one. It was a refreshing and gameplay-enhancing change, all things considered. After a few 100-round boxes of ammo were expended, I ditched the vehicle and moved up to see what the situation was at the first HMMWV. As it turns out, we had already taken some casualties. One soldier was KIA and lay dead at the left-rear of the first vehicle, while the machinegunner on it was slumped dead over his weapon. Dismounted Goon machinegunners poured fire onto the opposite bank as bullets whooshed over us and thunked into the ground around us. I went prone behind right-rear wheel, using it for cover, and began firing at any visible enemy across the bridge. The realistic tracers in WGL had a dramatic impact on how easy it was to locate enemy positions - instead of every bullet leaving a very visible tracer, the tracers only appeared every few rounds and were much more difficult to follow back to the source weapon. The amount of dust kicked up by our rounds, combined with the ricocheting tracers, made the whole scene all the more visceral. Here you can see dust exploding from the ground while tracers flicker into the sky as myself and two machinegunners light up a running enemy soldier. Road to Petrovice AAR - Read the whole story here June 4th AAR Medic! Medic!!! AAR credits to  dslyecxi and  Shack Tactical ! <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>WarGames v5 Release - Promotional Video</span> Download it here [90mb, 17mins] special thanks again to Kenwort from OFP  MoiveMakers ! <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>More WGL Media</span> Visit the WGL gallery or  check out more ingame footage <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>WGL 5 Features</span> • Custom damage system • Improved AI • New effects (explosion, smoke, etc.) • New sounds • New GUI • Rucksack system • Mortar system • Countermeasure system for air units • New binoculars / compass / nightvision goggles • Reworked target locking system • Config_Base and Models_Base system (dynamic adjustment of certain settings and models) • No crumble destructionType for tanks • No kill messages • No MP 'P' scores overview • DMA unigen animation pack and leaning and much more ! <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>WGL User Input and Feedback</span> WarGames was and will always be very open for suggestion to further improve the MOD.  We listen to our “customers†and strive to use all feedback to make subsequent versions of WGL even better.  We highly encourage you to provide feedback – obviously, positive feedback is easier to read, but even negative constructive criticism is highly helpful. Yet please note these three things:  WarGames = realism AND gameplay WarGames will never be 100 percent realistic - that is not our primary goal! One thing you may notice about WGL 5 is that it is not really that “pretty.† We purposefully avoid using the best looking models as they demand large amounts of CPU power.  Instead, we prefer “uglier†but more efficient models and scripts that allow us to use larger numbers of troops and vehicles (even into the hundreds) on the battlefield.  We highly recommended that you check out Zeus missions to see what we are talking about!  However, it is possible for you to convert your favorite models for use in the WGL 5 combat environment.  With WGL5 Models_Base System you can easily exchange models by yourself. There is DMA Army and Naval config available with the MOD itself. Even more you can make up your own model config quite easily ! Even more we have developed the  WGL Texture / Vegetation Replacement Packs for your enjoyment. Third please drop your comment either in the BIS thread (link) or in the WarGames forum. Otherwise your comment might not be read or noticed. Thanks. <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>WGL Missions and Campaign Conversions</span> Before we finally come to the link for the MOD itself - the most important part: Something to play with ! Campaign Conversions like • CWC 1985 • Retaliation • Shadows of the Motherland • Revolution1983 • ULTOC • and more as well as various Single/Multiplayer Missions like • Zeus Community's WarGames MP Missions • Shackbattle Community Servers Converted MP Missions • BIS Single and MP Missions • DAC Coops • DMA DynamicWar • Sinews of War - The New Resistance MP Campaign • various assorted MP Missions (misc & misc2) • and more In addition we are proud to present you: <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>WGL Islandpack</span> This pack contains  20+ of best islands available in OFP (terrain- and performance-wise). Like almost everyone of them features those missions: • DAC Tankwars • DMA CCE • DMA Last Fight Also available are training and test missions to demonstrate the weapons, units, vehicles and features of the WarGames MOD, as well as BIS SP and MP Templates to create new missions easily and BIS SP Missionpack for Gaia, Samak Hills, Occasus and Messor. <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>WGL Links</span> WGL site  Download WGL 5 full WGL wiki There you find help with the installation and you are able to learn more about the MOD and its features. <span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'>WGL Credits</span> A special thanks to the addon authors who graciously allowed us to use their work: <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>WGL 5 Credits</span> • Aeon - for his new Nature Sounds • DMA - Sanctuary, !TacRod and honcho (too much outstanding stuff to list) • ECP Team - for various help • JAM, !DynamicRange for great sounds • Kegetys for his excellent Spectating Script • Llauma for his great Llaumax Sky Pack • Locke@Germany for his true awesome OFP Animations Enchancement • Mikero for his persistent updating of Editor Upgrade102 • DPS for his great OSV96 Model and Textures • Hoyt for his excellent SV98 Model and Textures <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>WGL 4 Credits</span> • Laser/ORC for his fantastic russian units • Edge for his fantastic resistance units • Inquisitor for his weapons • AKM74 for his excellent Russian APC pack and Konkurs ATGM • The guys at MapFact.net who created the best base buildings, ever. • BAS for allowing us to use some scripts and units • Marfy and Sebastian for their excellent MTLB pack • DPS, Sour and KerdTo (Our Weapon) for their Mi2, great addon! • Dinger for porting many of his UA scripts to our mortar system • Jostapo for his lovely MON200 and Claymore models (sorry about the delayed thank-you dude!) • Kegetys for his sky installer • Kegetys again for his AGS-17 and RPG7/7VL models Our deepest thanks goes to the former WGL staff and all the contributors: <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>WGL 5 Supporters</span> . F . granQ . ML . Sanctuary . John Smith . Jinef, Terox, lwlooz, bn880 (Zeus folks) . Grey, IandC, pablo, twiggy, russin . Dinger <span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Former WGL Core Team (1-4)</span> . AngusHeaf . Phaeden . Tactician <span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Get involved</span> New challanges and opportunities lie ahead - share your ideas and take the chance to realize them. The development of WarGames will continue in the future and we are looking for decent and dedicated people ! WGL is based on a strong PvP and Coop Community and is supported by various groups and people. Based on a good internal development surrounding (subversion, bugzilla, ftp, irc, forum) everyone contributes to the development as far as ones own available time, motivation and skills in an organised and coordinated process. Yet we are not solely looking for core developers - anyone's help is appreciated. Take the opportunity and join the ranks. Get more information  here. So we wish you a lot of fun and a good time with the WarGames MOD ! best regards <span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>WGL 5 Core Team</span> . Phaeden . Killswitch . Q Enjoy it the next five days ... or (hopefully) more ... ;-) (22th june) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted June 18, 2006 Some Important Notes: ~ some people might have an issue with ofpc.de domain. our host tries to get this sorted asap. sorry for any inconvience ! ~ news posters get the post here as a press release here: press_release_base.rar (basicly this posts source with and without html tags) - please add a link to your news to this thread ! cheers. ~ Mirrors very welcome ! Please PM the links as well. ~ Translations into German, French, Russian, Czech would be very helpful - thanks ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted June 18, 2006 Mirrors WGL5 June 18th 2006 Release WGL Islands (Gaia and Samak Hills) WGL MOD Island Texture Replacement Packs BIG thanks ! to http://www.gotf.net/ and Rhodite. WGL5 June 18th 2006 Release (wgl5_2006-06-18) WGL USMC Gaia Island WGL Samak Hills Island WGL Vegetation Replacement Pack WGL CWC Islands Texture Replacement Pack WGL O Texture Replacement Pack BIG thanks ! to http://www.roughnecks.org/ and russin. WarGames_MOD_v5 WGL_Gaia WGL_Samak_Hills _Texture_Replacement_Pack BIG thanks ! to http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/ and scotchsoldier. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sanctuary 19 Posted June 18, 2006 Superb work WGL5 team, thanks for your time in building this fine piece of mod (edit : oops i hope i have not broken a reserved slot) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
smiley nick 51 Posted June 18, 2006 Fantastic news! Thankyou ever so much for all your hard efforts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Empath 0 Posted June 18, 2006 finally ... we've all been waiting for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nathan Bedford Forrest 0 Posted June 18, 2006 WGL5 + Final = head scratching :P Nice to see a proper public released version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-DsO- ShapeShifter 0 Posted June 18, 2006 nice, thx ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nathan Bedford Forrest 0 Posted June 18, 2006 <span style='font-size:25pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-family:Script'><span style='color:yellow'>Well, it's not bad although the font is a bit of an arse. It's quite unreadable and completely ruins the 'wargamey' atmosphere. I prefer the old one myself. Good day!</span></span></span> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ukraineboy 0 Posted June 18, 2006 Have you added custom sights for the AK line of weapons? The M16 has nice custom ones, while the AK-74 and AK-47 is stuck with old default ones. But otherwise, great work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
echo1 0 Posted June 18, 2006 I was wondering when I was gona see the full version, nice one lads Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shashman 0 Posted June 18, 2006 Having been in the select few who enjoyed the WGL mod from the very beginning (Phaeden and Angusheaf, you may remember me if you're reading this ) I don't have to hesitate for a split second when it comes to downloading and immersing myself into this masterpiece. Congratulations guys for keeping the WGL mod alive and kicking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
william1 0 Posted June 18, 2006 thank you very much ! i have downloaded all your betas and now at last the final release , incredible the amount of work and quality that can be found here , congratulations masters ! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Snafu- 79 Posted June 18, 2006 Sounds interesting, i'll definitely give this a try! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MEDICUS 0 Posted June 19, 2006 Looking forward to play this on Zeus Thx for the work! MfG Medicus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jblack 0 Posted June 19, 2006 Really thinking about downloading this and getting into MP... only thing I don't like is how they still use old units. Can a mod change this? Also what is the most played mod online? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phaeden 0 Posted June 19, 2006 We have created a "bridge" system that will allow any user to use their favorite models with WGL. Â Our default models are "low quality" (read as low poly count) so that we can use computer resources for gameplay instead of appearance. Â However, you can use any model(s) you want - it is not too difficult to convert any model to use WGL values. Below is a picture taken from a Coop MP Mission on the WGL Enhanced Everon (textures and vegetation packs). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chipper 0 Posted June 19, 2006 dude this looks awesome!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nubbin77 0 Posted June 19, 2006 Congratulations on a great release. You guys deserve all the praise you receive. I've been following your work closely and it never ceases to amaze me the great efforts the OFP community puts out. From what I can gather, every decision that you all make as to what goes into the mod is carefully thought out well before any work is done. So please don't take the following comments as criticisms, rather I am curious as to a couple of your design decisions: The default BIS stuff: Why not incorporate all the enhancements that you made directly into the default BIS units? (ie weapon sites, weapons, models, handgrenade time simulation, smoke effects) all the things you put so much effort into to make the wgl experience absolutely amazing, yet you can't play any default missions with the enhancements without replacing all the units and redoing the mission. Seems almost illogical since you start out with such large base of great missions right from the start. I can only assume either: a) you didn't want to mess up any of the default BIS missions, therefore just keep it all the same, or b) To incorporate the effects / enhancements into the default BIS stuff would have required too much time, since the original concept was strictly to have "wgl" units. Multiplayer: I rarely play multiplayer since I have limited time or I just play coops with my brother and our own modificiation. That said, I think I'd really like to join up with the wgl guys and play since what you do is right up my alley. So pardon my ignorance on this next question - If I use the improved textures and vegetation replacement packs, does that mean I won't be able to join in a multiplayer game? That would really suck, because I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to use those packs. Taking it a step further since I really hate the default BIS weapon sites and some of the gun models, I replaced them within the data3d.pbo with the wgl one's (that was in response to some of the first item above, but I still don't get the effects with the BIS units). If I have done that does that also mean I would be labled a cheater as I join an MP game? That would suck, but I guess I could live without those things. I would hope at a minimum that most wgl servers would at least use / require the texture and vegetation packs. Again, great job. The effects are top notch. Certain things take a little getting used to, but its all worth it and almost always for the better (I wish my eyes were better LOL for the lack of zoom). I just wish I could enjoy ever aspect of this thing including the BIS stuff even if it breaks half the missions. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chipper 0 Posted June 19, 2006 The default BIS stuff:Why not incorporate all the enhancements that you made directly into the default BIS units? (ie weapon sites, weapons, models, handgrenade time simulation, smoke effects) all the things you put so much effort into to make the wgl experience absolutely amazing, yet you can't play any default missions with the enhancements without replacing all the units and redoing the mission.  Seems almost illogical since you start out with such large base of great missions right from the start.  I can only assume either: a)  you didn't want to mess up any of the default BIS missions, therefore just keep it all the same, or b)  To incorporate the effects / enhancements into the default BIS stuff would have required too much time, since the original concept was strictly to have "wgl" units. Multiplayer: I rarely play multiplayer since I have limited time or I just play coops with my brother and our own modificiation.  That said, I think I'd really like to join up with the wgl guys and play since what you do is right up my alley.  So pardon my ignorance on this next question - If I use the improved textures and vegetation replacement packs, does that mean I won't be able to join in a multiplayer game?  That would really suck, because I can't imagine why anyone wouldn't want to use those packs.  Taking it a step further since I really hate the default BIS weapon sites and some of the gun models, I replaced them within the data3d.pbo with the wgl one's (that was in response to some of the first item above, but I still don't get the effects with the BIS units).  If I have done that does that also mean I would be labled a cheater as I join an MP game?  That would suck, but I guess I could live without those things.  I would hope at a minimum that most wgl servers would at least use  / require the texture and vegetation packs. As for the replacement idea I think that would be good to do, but in the mean time you can use a tool to replace the units in the mission with the ones you want without having to do it all yourself. But I forgot what it was called maybe someone else knows. And about the multiplayer problems, don't worry when you enter the game with motified textures it will display a message saying that you are using them. Just tell them it's the wgl texture replacements if they ask. EDIT: I found the tool. It's called OFP Replacer v1.0 http://ofp.gamepark.cz/index.php?showthis=8180 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phaeden 0 Posted June 19, 2006 Thanks for the input. As for default BIS units/missions, you can download all of the BIS missions can campaigns that have been converted to WGL standard. Regarding multiplayer, it will depend on each server, but you should not have any problem using texture/vegetation packs (I played a mission yesterday with a different pack than my teammate with no problems). I recommend the Zues server/missions as they really highlight WGL's benefit of tactics and teamwork. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jblack 0 Posted June 19, 2006 can i use the OPF Replacer in MP? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chipper 0 Posted June 19, 2006 Not sure on that b/c you'd have to unpbo the mp mission open the mission.sqm and modify it then repbo. After you modify the mp mission .pbo file the server might make you download the original copy w/o the changes u made. but lets not go to off-topic here. Also I can't seem to be able to install any of those extra texture replacements that require use of the pbo-patcher program. I get this error when I start the game. Warning: preNLOD format in object data3d\hoizont.p3d Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shinbusan 0 Posted June 19, 2006 Hooah! My most beloved mod at last as full release. I am really happy and regards for all WGL team members and all WGL fans like me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shinbusan 0 Posted June 19, 2006 And about the multiplayer problems, don't worry when you enter the game with motified textures it will display a message saying that you are using them. Just tell them it's the wgl texture replacements if they ask. Well, unfortunetly it is not so easy with replaced islands. We had to go back to standard islands and not all of us have so powerful computers to use them, and a lot things look different on both packs of islands (WGL and BIS) and something what was clear and visible for me, was not seen by people using BIS islands, and often they saw as one INSIDE a tree. So if we are going to play in realistic manner (very detailed orders) then we have to use only one pack in MP, and due to performance, it will be BIS ones Sorry for double post Share this post Link to post Share on other sites