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WarGames League v.5 (WGL 5) Full Release

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When I downloaded and tried to install, I got the error:

"data.pbo not found"

I tried to make a mod folder and install it manually, but then it said something about the preprocessor and config.cpp error1. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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The "improved" AI all know how to read now. In default OFP, they could really only use coloring books. All our AI now can AT LEAST read chapter books - some of the officers and SF guys can even read adult novels.

Seriously, they are smarter in that they use bullets better. They hear you and see you from further away and engage from a lot further than you want them to.

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@Rikki Tikki Tavi

you may NOT renamed the modfolders name !

it must remain "@wgl5".

try again with this settings please and report back.

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inlove.gif WGL5

..now it just need some awesome CTIs biggrin_o.gif

-If the 'repackage launcher' option was only show if near a rucksack or at least not in top of the actions menu, it would be great

edit :

Quote[/b] ]I think tanks are scared to shoot infantry.

Just a few hours ago, on zeus serveur.. a whole human squad got wiped out by a single damaged t72... icon_rolleyes.gif

you were there, don't you ? how can you say that ? ^^

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He was joking about the experiance we just had, lol.

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I don't know why everyone is complaining about the UI, at least it looks like a happy and well fed UI now. Before you needed a heavy dose of prozac just to load up the WGL mod.

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"Don't worry the tank won't bother us." Famous last words I'm afraid. lol At first, that T72 didn't bother us. He drove along without a care in the world. Then someone pissed it off with an AT round. After that, he drove in lazy circles picking us off one by one with short, neat little MG bursts.

Otherwise, that missions was really awesome. Jinef was vocalizing my thoughts (I felt like Helen Keller) as we moved the team successfully into the first town objective. We held in the town for about ten minutes just making sure it was clear. It was shortly after we got back on the road (STAG. COLUMN damn it!wink_o.gif that the tank showed up and ended our little lives.

If you haven't tried it yet, I highly encourage you to play in a MP server (even if that is not you cup of tea). The gameplay is simply awesome (even if I was using a gay G36).

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Nice WGL5 AAR Dslyecxi and Phaeden, it seems to be a good PR method, as reading them just makes me wanting to launch WGL5 icon14.gif

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Congratas on the mod,It's good!Any chance you could fix the link for the DMA random war's mission's on you're forum?

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was playing mp with a mate and found a bug, told the soldiers to hold fire then a hummer mg came past and they shot it up with RPG's etc while stil under hold fire

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Congratulations on this release WGL team. WGL5 is certainly the most visceral mod I've played.

Good stuff thumbs-up.gif

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Hey there,

Hopefully this "final" release will get WGL some more attention, which it very well deserves IMO.

On the models or "not-so-shiny-and-fancy-graphics".This is a

gameplay mod, sounds odd, but it is true.

On the "Bright Yellow strange font" UI issue,if you go into the resource.cpp and go to line ~160 all you need to do is to switch those font-macros back to what they were(the macro-names contain the fonts) and activate: "Ui-to-grey" in the config-base.hpp.

For the folks that prefer dark grey to bright bright yellow smile_o.gif

Edit:I might want to add that I want to thank the wgl team for the countless hours put into this mod thumbs-up.gif

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@Chipper - I would be grateful if you could specify how did you get the additional replacements work? ...

I dePBOed the O.pbo and the Data3D.pbo files, updated them from the previously downloaded source folders and the rePBOed them back. I put the updated files along with the WGL Gaia and Sammak Hills islands in the @wgl_islands folder, but it still doesn't work.

Moreover, that mod folder doesn't work at all although I typed the lines in the reference properly - Lllaumax Sky works from tthe reference verse, but the islands are not even present in the editor. I typed it as advised - and the way I always do that - -nosplash -nomap -mod=@wgl5 ; @wgl_islands ; llaumax. Everything works fine, the mod gets launched, I have the Llaumax sky above, but there are no islands! ...

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Guest Ti0n3r

Thank you for the time you've put into this mod smile_o.gif

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@Chipper - I would be grateful if you could specify how did you get the additional replacements work? ...

I dePBOed the O.pbo and the Data3D.pbo files, updated them from the previously downloaded source folders and the rePBOed them back. I put the updated files along with the WGL Gaia and Sammak Hills islands in the @wgl_islands folder, but it still doesn't work.

Moreover, that mod folder doesn't work at all although I typed the lines in the reference properly - Lllaumax Sky works from tthe reference verse, but the islands are not even present in the editor. I typed it as advised - and the way I always do that - -nosplash -nomap -mod=@wgl5 ; @wgl_islands ; llaumax. Everything works fine, the mod gets launched, I have the Llaumax sky above, but there are no islands! ...

Did you put the island files into @WGL_Island/Addons/Here? If you put them straight into the @WGL_Islands folder WITHOUT an 'Addons' sub-folder then they wont work. Might as well just put them in the @WGL5 folder (or whatever its called).

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how can I play this mod with usmc marines or wgl infantry

instead of the bis units which are ugly to say the least

does anyone have missions or a config to play only with this

units...please help because i think this mod is great. thanks

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@Jackal236 - the answer is: certainly yes! I have @wgl_islands folder with an addon folder inside it and that is where I put the islands along with the modified O.pbo file. Another folder in the mod folder is the data folder - I have installed that way: @wgl_islands/addons/data/html/Data3d.pbo. So I guess everything has been put in a proper destination> When I retype the reference line in the launcher icon and it goes like -nomap -nosplash -mod=@wgl_islands ; @wgl5 ; llaumax then I have the custom islands in the editor and the custom sky addon working, but the mod itself does not get launched ... And the replacement files put into the @wgl_islands mod folder do not work either.

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crazy_o.gif I didn't put the data folder into the addons one; it's @wgl_islands/data/hwtl/Data3D.pbo. I've made a spelling mistake. whistle.gif

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@burroughs: hm it has to be dta - so is it data or dta for you?

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Great job on V5! I like the approach you guys are taking by keeping things at a reasonable level of detail so everyone can play missions on the huge scale they were meant to be played.

My only critique/request is to please tone down the arm-shake and recoil values. I understand the intended result but both feel a little too strong. For example, when sniping at 700-800m, I can't adjust my fire because I can't see where my rounds are hitting.

Overall, though, this is easily the best OFP experience I've had. Too many good things to list ... suffice to say your efforts were not in vain. Thanks.

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Try it without the spaces (they're probably whats messing things up for you):

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">-nomap -nosplash -mod=llaumax;@wgl_islands;@wgl5

Note that @WGL5 is last, so that it is loaded FIRST (so you'll use its config values/GUI etc).

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@Jackal326 - thanks a lot! Your piece of advice helped a lot and really did the job. Thus I have the texture replacements work and the custom islands available from the mod folder @wgl_islands which is handy or just works and keeps everything in the right place.

No luck still with the vegetation replacements though; I have the textures on the default original BIS islands replaced with the new ones, but trees and bushes remain intact and immaculate. That's not the final effect we,ve been all working for. Any idea perhaps, please? ...

@Q - yes, it's "dta" and it has always been; I checked carefully the root, the path, the folder names and the reference line. Removing the spaces as Jackal326 advised got the whole thing working - with the exception of the vegetation replacements, but now the game with the mod launched crashes to the desktop almost as soon as I open the editor and load the stuff or start a mission ... What the ... ? mad_o.gif

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