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bravo 6

WaterFalls in Arma?

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Before you vote read some posts. (it might be locked)

We were said (few months ago) that ArmA would not have rivers or steam of any sort, But..

...Since ArmA is using new engine, and BIS is making it better and better every single day, can we talk about this special effect for ArmA at this stage? (hope so)

BIs can/might change their idea about this waterfall subject, why not? Community would love it!

For those who don't know, Sahrani is a tropical island.

Some info we can confirm.

This place is hot, which is nice, but when I say hot, I mean “hot in a way that it’s never hot in Rhode Islandâ€. Not only is it hot, but it’s humid, and that means it’s hot and wet, and that’s. . . unpleasant.
<ul>link source

These "particular places" normally have waterfalls, rivers or steams..

The North part of Sahrani have lots of natural elevation. Some can/might be cliffs, why not implement waterfalls?

This would be another big step for "The Main Objective".

edit 1:




edit 2: we love you bis! inlove.gif

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Would be very very nice, but I doubt it'll happen sad_o.gif

But then again.. my fx5500 probably won't handle the HDR anyway sad_o.gif:( Looks like time for an upgrade icon_rolleyes.gif

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Why isn't there an "I hope so" choice? smile_o.gif

I voted no though.

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IF rivers are supported, I think its a community thing to make waterfalls of them. (just 90 degrees rivers with another texture?)

But then we would need river support anyway.

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Well ArmA will support limited rivers (I think BIS mean rivers don't have waves in them or something). But don't think there will be waterfalls wink_o.gif.

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Is it possible to have an animated texture? That and sound-effects is enough to make an illusion of a water-fall, isnt it?

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Guest Ti0n3r

Don't think there will be any.

But it wouldn't be too hard to mod it.

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Wouldn't it make more sense to include rivers before you add waterfalls? Where would the water come from?

I voted no.

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Wouldn't it make more sense to include rivers before you add waterfalls? Where would the water come from?

I voted no.

from springs below ground smile_o.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r


Btw, did anyone notice the pond just south of Le Moule in Elite? wink_o.gif

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moved this to this poll.

Well Chunder, this as to do with some pics we have so i believe its not exactly offtopic. (in this thread but ill post it here anyway)



Do you believe thats a road?

A road with 2 km to a big natural elevation and no connection to anyother place/city? (i dont think so)


Wouldn't it make more sense to include rivers before you add waterfalls? Where would the water come from?

I voted no.

Some rivers start from a natural source and small "ping" of water joining to biger and bigger place creating rivers.

Why not just have a Small waterFall moving to the see and disapear?

In OFP we have fontains, some can have water and sound..

Like the way BIS posted this image i believe in everything...

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would be a nice touch.... I don't think it would be impossible to do. Maybe a mod...

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jesus bravo , dont make us wait anymore , we will take it as it is and let the community do the rest ,lol wink_o.gif

next you will be wanting golden showers rofl.gif

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jesus bravo , dont make us wait anymore , we will take it as it is and let the community do the rest ,lol wink_o.gif

next you will be wanting golden showers rofl.gif

aww comon deanosbeano.. biggrin_o.gif

don't say that kinda things or the god will come and spank me again..

just saying my opinion about natural willdlife tounge2.gif

(dont worry i dont want golden showers, my name is not Saddam nener.gif )

Posting ideas is good, no?


I would like to add this famous quote from Marek Spanel (pag. 48 and pag. 49)

"Of course it's ambitious! Why make games if not to be ambitious?"

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I vote no if its going to set the release date back at all for yeah, for sure for game 2. But why just waterfalls (which could be done easily with the right animated texture)?

What would be nice would be everything from small easilly passable streams to rocky streams to larger slower moving rivers to fast flowing rivers that are unpassable or sweep you down river.

Now that would be worthwhile.

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i voted yes but im unsure, i think things look more and more that armed assault progresses in many areas so maybe there will be water falls and rivers but they probably won't be very advanced like say different speed of water and stuff. They got to save some stuff for game 2 tounge2.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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I believe we already going to have that.. just read interviews.

Animations are the last thing BIS is going to improve.. i think they are at this stage if not they are about to, no? tounge2.gif

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moved this to this poll.

Well Chunder, this as to do with some pics we have so i believe its not exactly offtopic. (in this thread but ill post it here anyway)



Do you believe thats a road?

A road with 2 km to a big natural elevation and no connection to anyother place/city? (i dont think so)


Wouldn't it make more sense to include rivers before you add waterfalls? Where would the water come from?

I voted no.

Some rivers start from a natural source and small "ping" of water joining to biger and bigger place creating rivers.

Why not just have a Small waterFall moving to the see and disapear?

In OFP we have fontains, some can have water and sound..

Like the way BIS posted this image i believe in everything...


Hope there will be waterfalls but I doubt it.

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guerilla @ May 07 2006,16:14)]i voted no as i would like a good performance for an intense war and not eyecandy for holidays

Ehm, that's no argument, because you can easily make a waterfall without loosing performace, AEF did that already in OFP whistle.gif

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guerilla @ May 07 2006,16:14)]i voted no as i would like a good performance for an intense war and not eyecandy for holidays

Ehm, that's no argument, because you can easily make a waterfall without loosing performace, AEF did that already in OFP whistle.gif

Yea, but the water still just moves up and down in OFP, here you also need different heights were water can be placed on maps.

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I think it goes without saying that waterfalls go with rivers. Whether spring related or not. Waterfalls add atmosphere though, maybe for a wow factor.

The whole point is that there are not many towns that are not situated near a water source. 2/3rds of towns that I drive through have a watercourse running through them or nearby them, and ALL the big towns have them thus presenting a natural obstacle that must be overcome when bridges and whathaveyou arn't nearby.

It's not a matter of eyecandy or holidays, it's just 'Real' to have such obstacles. They present interesting scenarios, realistic bottlenecks that present tactical problems, they provide a natural defensive barrier, for instance blowing up the bridges creates a problem. Your can also hide & drown in creeks as well as create scenarios e.g 'go kill the enemy thats poisening the water source'. Infact it's such an important thing that most respectable armies have a large engineering corps with equipment to move armies over such obstacles. Modern Day Humans use water at such an atrocious rate that most towns simply couldn't exist without a decent watercourse or major source of groundwater, but on sahrani, there are mountains everywhere - in a tropical area where the ground gets waterlogged which creates runoff, which creates streams... Depending on the length of the watercourse, the bigger it gets in many cases.

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well if ArmAs allows add custom shader effects (modding) it means waterfall like effect in better quality than You can imagine smile_o.gif

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