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I too would like to see the bradley included in the initial release of ArmAss but the Stryker is a new "toy" for us too drool over, so maybe the've replaced it with that. As for the bradley ingame, it's basically a death trap when you get in the thick of the action. So i'm hopeing for an updated armour value system.

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No, there is a BTR. If there is a Stryker, the other side will have a BTR. Plus I remember seeing one in a video, that one where they quickly go through all the vehicles.

Are you sure that it wasn't a BRDM-2?

Uhh no. I don't know how some people here do it, but it's very easy to tell the difference between a BRDM-2 and a BTR...

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Yeah I was thinking about something else when I thought of it,I wanted to say BRDM (four wheels) but my mind wound up saying BTR (eight wheels)

As for the vehicles,I don't think they will be providing screenshots of all vehicles,atleast until its released perhaps.

The Mi-24 that was in older videos was the OFP one,and I am certain they will make it less boxy this time around,it would look rather silly if it was as compared to everything else.

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Well i dunno if there will be a bradley seeing as there have been no screenshots or sightings in videos. I hope the stryker-BTR thing isn't one of those cheap "balance" in games crap where one side can't have more stuff than the other. If that's why there isnt a bradley then  goodnight.gif

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If that's why there isnt a bradley then goodnight.gif

Ah no, if anything, the current "balance" supports the notion that there will be a Bradley. Northern Sahrani forces have BMP-2s, i.e. the Bradley's arch rival.

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Quote[/b] ]BMP-2s, i.e. the Bradley's arch rival.

A BMP is a bucket on tracks. A bradley can walk over one with ease, trust me.

I wouldn't sit into a BMP heading towards a combat zone ever, it's a rolling coffin.

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Quote[/b] ]BMP-2s, i.e. the Bradley's arch rival.

A BMP is a bucket on tracks. A bradley can walk over one with ease, trust me.

I wouldn't sit into a BMP heading towards a combat zone ever, it's a rolling coffin.


the BMP-3 (default armor) can only protect against limited .50 caliber (12.7 mm) fire from 50 meters on whereas the bradley (default armor) can protect against 30 mm cannon fire. Both can be outfitted with armor upgrades, though obviously the bradley is far superior to the BMP. in OFP however the bmp-2 provided slightly more protection than the bradley and the armor values system was primitive. hopefully arma will be much better. As for the stryker replacing the bradley...that would be bad because they are almost in different categories within the APC class. The stryker's armor is much weaker than the bradley's.  lets hope we can get some screenshots with bradleys soon

armor comparison chart

as you can see there the bradley even in the a2 upgrade (which was in flashpoint) was far more superior than the BMP-3 which could only protect agaist 12.7 mm. note the basic, applique, and initial armor protection levels.

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A BMP is a bucket on tracks. A bradley can walk over one with ease, trust me.

I wouldn't sit into a BMP heading towards a combat zone ever, it's a rolling coffin.

Oh please, not again!  

Can we, at some point, move beyond the endless and pointless eastern vs. western equiment debates?

And for the record, if you are ever have the honor of serving in your county's armed forces; you will sure as hell sit in whatever they tell you to sit in, and head out where they will tell you to head out.



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I don't think a Q3 2006 release is still realistic. It's more likely that Armed Assault will be a christmas present for us.

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I don't think a Q3 2006 release is still realistic. It's more likely that Armed Assault will be a christmas present for us.

yeah right... like last year... maybe it will be for next year christmas.


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I don't think a Q3 2006 release is still realistic. It's more likely that Armed Assault will be a christmas present for us.

I wouldn't mind that. I just hope they will finish everything, especially the modular AI. inlove.gif Until then, I'll play BF2142. biggrin_o.gif

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Until then, I'll play BF2142. biggrin_o.gif


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Oh please, not again!  

Can we, at some point, move beyond the endless and pointless eastern vs. western equiment debates?

And for the record, if you are ever have the honor of serving in your county's armed forces; you will sure as hell sit in whatever they tell you to sit in, and head out where they will tell you to head out.



It's a dead horse anyway, the BMP, the T-72 and numerous other russian armored vehicles have proven they suck, time and again. From Syria to Chechnya they failed across the board. Eastern equipment is inferior, but cheaper, sometimes simpler to use and that's it, these arguments always boil down to more or less these conclusions.

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i dunno but have eastern tanks in any time fought western tanks? wasn't the gulf war and iraqi freedom operations just aircraft and chopper "sniping" tanks from a big big distance at night? tounge2.gif

anyways seriously nice screenshots thumbs-up.gif I hope it won't be a christmas release, i hope very much it will be a autumn release.... but thats just my hope anything can happen during development crazy_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Wasn't it mostly because the Abrams had better range? I can't remeber.

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Wasn't it mostly because the Abrams had better range? I can't remeber.

Guys, you can do a search on this board and see that this topic has been braught up a million times over.



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Range, they didnt even realise how effective the m1's are at ranges even they didnt know existed until proven in battle, also good crewmanship is vital. smile_o.gif

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Well back on topic.

I would say i'm feeling pretty good about the recent screen shots released. Although the vehicles we've seen so far are really just flashpoint vehicles with better modeling and textures, i'm hopeing for a few supprises when the game does eventually hit the stores. I'm just praying that the vehicles and soldiers included in the final release are of a good enough quality that we won't have to wait for the community to make more of the same...

I wouldn't mind a xmas release date as i'm finding it hard to say goodbye to flashpoint at the moment, especially when there's still stuff coming out of the community factory.

I can understand if some members don't like this next sentence but for the love of god quit making more addons for OFP as your not making it any easier for me. The last thing i want is to have 8GB of addons to install into my Armed Assault folder tounge2.gif . How in the hell am i gonna choose which ones to have as there's so many great addons... notworthy.gif

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Oh please, not again!

Can we, at some point, move beyond the endless and pointless eastern vs. western equiment debates?

And for the record, if you are ever have the honor of serving in your county's armed forces; you will sure as hell sit in whatever they tell you to sit in, and head out where they will tell you to head out.



It's a dead horse anyway, the BMP, the T-72 and numerous other russian armored vehicles have proven they suck, time and again. From Syria to Chechnya they failed across the board. Eastern equipment is inferior, but cheaper, sometimes simpler to use and that's it, these arguments always boil down to more or less these conclusions.

Yeah you don't know anything, aren't you the guy who didnt know the difference between a T-80 and a T-72? icon_rolleyes.gif

As a matter of fact, a T-72B in Chechnya survived 18 consecutive RPG hits, they did fine in Chechnya.

As for Middle East, these tanks were export versions, they didnt even have nightvision or good optics! Heck, even early version russian T-62s had nightvision!

As for the guy talking about the armor issues of the BMP-3, they can, and are, regularily equipped with ERA to protect against 30mm rounds. Plus, the main armament on a BMP-3 is not only a 100mm gun, but also a 30mm gun AND it's loaded with the AT-10, which can hit a tank sized target from 4,000 meters with an 80% accuracy rating and can penetrate all modern MBTs (Except possibly ones armed with Heavy ERA). May I also note that the Bradley is a giant moving box, and isn't even amphibious without setup.

Don't come in here talking about shit you don't know about. Also don't be a jerk and say "oh it's a dead horse BECAUSE I'M RIGHT, RARRR, OH AND BTW LETS END THE ARGUMENT BECAUSE I'M RIGHT!". That's just childish.

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I've just bought a copy of Septembers PCZONE magazine here in the UK, and they have a two page spread of ArmA as mentioned in the Flash News 100. It's a typical PCZONE 'tongue in cheek' write up but quite interesting.

For those who can't get a copy I've scanned the two pages and put it up on my website. ....Click the links below. I've tried to keep the two files small, so the scanned images don't reflect the quality in the PCZONE magazine!   wink_o.gif


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I've just bought a copy of Septembers PCZONE magazine here in the UK, and they have a two page spread of ArmA as mentioned in the Flash News 100. It's a typical PCZONE 'tongue in cheek' write up but quite interesting.

For those who can't get a copy I've scanned the two pages and put it up on my website. ....Click the links below. I've tried to keep the two files small, so the scanned images don't reflect the quality in the PCZONE magazine! wink_o.gif


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"Armed Assault's quiet towns are in danger of communistification. Time for Violence."

LMAO! rofl.gif

Decent article, no new info or screens tho.

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Thanks a bunch for posting that Red kite, saved me a pretty fiver but, like snuffles, i cringed at "...publisher IDEA GAMES..."

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I've just bought a copy of Septembers PCZONE magazine here in the UK, and they have a two page spread of ArmA as mentioned in the Flash News 100. It's a typical PCZONE 'tongue in cheek' write up but quite interesting.

For those who can't get a copy I've scanned the two pages and put it up on my website. ....Click the links below. I've tried to keep the two files small, so the scanned images don't reflect the quality in the PCZONE magazine! wink_o.gif


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Thanks .I think its funny how Jiri keeps mentioning features already present in OPFR, lol biggrin_o.gif .

I really dont like the sound of this though:

Quote[/b] ]...its hard to ignore the fact that the game's engine is starting to show its age, dispite a myriad of updates...


Quote[/b] ]dispite the engine's revamp, its still lagging well behind the big boys

"The big boys"?? confused_o.gif ? I though OPF was the only "big boy" out there and other games were just midgets, i dont understand whats not to like about Arma graphicaly speaking, everything looks extremely detailed confused_o.gif .

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