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yeah n1...the last pic is cool...haha

thx eJay!..im looking forward to more pics by u! notworthy.gif

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thx smile_o.gif the last Screen is nice.

i say again: we can build ArmA from Screenshots. biggrin_o.gif

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A little random the screenies but the last one indeed is the best smile_o.gif


More screens of first person, iron sites, inside vehicles/houses would be good smile_o.gif (Im fully aware that the game will look different by now)

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Nice one. I like the street pic in particular smile_o.gif

Last pic...that guy looks strangely familiar...

Think we may see our old friend Guba again? tounge2.gif

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Yep they are vey nice!

And the video is awesome too... All those units in one spot without lag!!

I was shocked, how many units do you suppose that was?! wow_o.gif

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hmmm...i havent counted them...but i think that could be 100 at least...but i was always bad in guess a number...lol

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Hi all

I counted the number of groups in that part of the video and made it about seveteen. Times that by up to twelve entities per group and you are looking at about two hundred AI entities in that section of the map with no disernable lag.

The engine has always been capable of 750 plus entities per side on up to four sides but when you got around 100 plus entities in visual representation at the same time it would start to lag.

In the Video it is as smooth as babies bottom.

At the CoC this is going to mean we are going to be able to do tremendous work with the CE.

Add that to 100 plus multiplayer and the Zeus Coop Server is going to be doing some full scale wars when we get Arma.

With JIP we will have to start doing reserves and resting units out of battle. All my work on a logistics database will real be worth while.

With JIP and improved network code and maybe a little jiggery pokery from BN880 we may even be able to do server farms (hopes prays) then we can start doing continent sized battles.

A very happy walker yay.gif

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Hi all

I counted the number of groups in that part of the video and made it about seveteen. Times that by up to twelve entities per group and you are looking at about two hundred AI entities in that section of the map with no disernable lag.

The engine has always been capable of 750 plus entities per side on up to four sides but when you got around 100 plus entities in visual representation at the same time it would start to lag.

In the Video it is as smooth as babies bottom.

At the CoC this is going to mean we are going to be able to do tremendous work with the CE.

Add that to 100 plus multiplayer and the Zeus Coop Server is going to be doing some full scale wars when we get Arma.

With JIP we will have to start doing reserves and resting units out of battle. All my work on a logistics database will real be worth while.

With JIP and improved network code and maybe a little jiggery pokery from BN880 we may even be able to do server farms (hopes prays) then we can start doing continent sized battles.

A very happy walker yay.gif


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Guest Ti0n3r

It means something like 'enhanced sound simulation' yay.gif

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Add that to 100 plus multiplayer and the Zeus Coop Server is going to be doing some full scale wars when we get Arma.

Given that that company of AI (On full skill even) isn't that easily destroyable by a squad full of humans , we at Zeus will have very much fun thumbs-up.gif

*Prays for AI that survives for some time sometimes.

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The scene with all those running soldiers reminds me on the ATI TecDemo or was it the nvidia TecDemo where all those soldiers are coming out the mountain awsome to look at. And the new screens look great!

Oh and i forgot i love the second scene where Marek is standig on top of the mountain overwatching the great landscape notworthy.gif

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Is it just me, or does that chap have a German 'Potato Masher' Grenade attached to his back? crazy_o.gif

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Is it just me, or does that chap have a German 'Potato Masher' Grenade attached to his back?  crazy_o.gif

It's a shovel.

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*smacks head* I thought that was a rather inconvinient place to put a grenade..... rofl.gifrofl.gifrofl.gif I thought the shovel blade was a part of his backpack kit

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I love the self shadowing on the trees in that pic, it gives them so much depth. inlove.gif

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