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LOL  rofl.gif

Fredyy's got fingered? rofl.gif


I't probalby prealpha soldier model or mod called "finga' extra" fo throwing multiple grenades yay.gif

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Maybe he has some extra strength in that finger so he can hold SAW like that...

Edit: Quote from the interview: "Real constellations and tides: Armed Assault's great depth even includes such features as fully simulated star maps. Navigate at night by following the stars. Lunar cycles and tides are also fully simulated."

Maybe we could locate Sahrani by positions of the stars. All we need is astronomer. Anybody knows one? wink_o.gif

Another quote: "It features a blend of large-scale military conflict spread over large areas alongside more in your face closed quarters battles."

CQB? Hope we could have better ones than in OFP.

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Edit: Actualy, upon closer inspection, #5 is a finger, but your #2 and #6 are infact the same finger, it's just very long like the one on the other hand... confused_o.gif

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The right soldier on the back looks like an Ape running..

Is that the wildlife in ARMA? rofl.gif

ps- i really like all news and info, BIS dont take us wrong we just simply love you smile_o.gif

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I was wondering about something else: there are 12 missions in the campaign, right? If you want something like 15-20 hrs of playing, those missions should be atleast 1 hour long, probably twice than that. I don't know exactly how long were the missions in OFP, never timed them, but these missions are gonna kick ass!

BTW, thanks for the info, Red kite

Bravo 6: "The right soldier on the back looks like an Ape running.."

OMG, you're right! LOL! But come to think of it, there are lot of different characters in any army, this actually looks like RL biggrin_o.gif

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what you see there is one frame in the middle of some action without any context. Is he running like an ape? Is he running at all? You can't tell.

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Guest Ti0n3r

Just a guees;

Average mission lenght in CWC: ~15 - 25 minutes

Average mission length in Resistance: ~30 - 45 minutes

Of course there were longer missions though... whistle.gif

Edit: I can tell that the "ape man" is running.

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Just read the interview. BIS, if you didn't think of everything, ya got most of it. yay.gifyay.gifnotworthy.gifnotworthy.gif

Thanks Placebo for a great interview! thumbs-up.gif

BUT: (there's always a but...) 250 square kilometers? You just said that to stirr the pot, didn't you?!?! banghead.gifbanghead.gif

(here we go again) nener.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

He said 250 square miles fy-fon.gif

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Shheewwww!!! thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou...

*grumbles something incoherent about conversion factors*

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Just a guees;

Average mission lenght in CWC: ~15 - 25 minutes

Well, lets say that's so. There are ~40 missions in CWC. 25 (minutes) * 40 (missions) = 1000 (mins) / 60 = 16,67 ~ 17 (hours).

So there's ~17 hours of effective play in CWC. If BIS wanted to equal that in ArmA, or lets say they extended that to 20 hrs, the missions would have to last atleast 1.5 hours. Those would be monster missions, if i'm right of course. I hope so! biggrin_o.gif

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I'm guessing that the campaign is just there for the quick SP experience, as they are probably concentrating the work on the engine.

My bet is that BIS is relying on community to make mission content this time.

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Or maybe they think that we'll spend so much time playing the CTI mode that we'll forget all about SP... heh.

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Quote[/b] ]My bet is that BIS is relying on community to make mission content this time

i agree with that.makes sense really, arma was an afterthought spawned by ofp-elite,it has turned out to be a game in its own right ,but initially was just a placeholder for game2.i think thats where all the storywork is concentreated right now in game2 smile_o.gif.

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True..AA was mostly intended to simply be an upgrade but I guess that since they couldn't find a publisher,they decided to work on it a bit up to what it is today,maybe..As for the missions I somehow doubt they meant campaign mission,how many "single missions" were in OFP+Resistance? You know what I mean,not the campaign but the missions.

And yeah that guy does look alittle apeish..or he's about to go prone from running...bet thats fun irl... "*run run run,THUD* OW son of a @#!$ Damn rocks!"

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Quote[/b] ]My bet is that BIS is relying on community to make mission content this time

i agree with that.makes sense really, arma was an afterthought spawned by ofp-elite,it has turned out to be a game in its own right ,but initially was just a placeholder for game2.i think thats where all the storywork is concentreated right now in game2 smile_o.gif.

Normally missions are made and created by inspirations.

Hope BIS give us good inspirations...

Good Inspirations => Good Missions

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or if you read the interviews carefully it talks about branching objectives which means maybe each mission takes several hours to beat.

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Guest Ti0n3r

BIS relying on the community to create SP missions? LOL

That's not the case, I can guarantee it.

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I've never had SAW in my hands so i'm asking you guys: can he hold it like that and run? I found on the internet that their weight is 16.5 lbs (around 7.5 kg?). I'm confused. help.gif

7.5kg huh.gif Thats bloody light. That must be the weight of it unloaded wink_o.gif

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Looks like shadows are not perfect yet..

Are shadows part of animations?

Maybe the shadow really is there; we just can't see it.  The bottoms of the soldier's boots are cut off because he's on a little ridge.  It looks like the ground slopes downwards in front of him a bit.  It's possible that his shadow is being cast in front of him onto this slope that we can't see.  This is caused by the camera angle being so close to the ground.

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Guest Ti0n3r

It's hard to find words... Just look at those damn pics! wow_o.gif

This sounds pretty nice too;

Quote[/b] ]Paul: Yes, if all goes to plan we will initially release a multiplayer demo and then a little closer to the game being published we intend to release a singleplayer demo.

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