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Carrying abilities

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I'd like to be able to carry 2 rifles (assault, combat, or sniper), or 2 SMGs (Carry one in hand and one on back). pistols.gif

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Sorry for digging this thread but i had to share my infos.

I am a mission maker and also searching to solve a carrying and a medical issue for a long dynamic mission where if one die after 5 min of play then he might have to wait 4 hours for the next game. In these kind of scenarios i think that a magic medkit or bag is a must if you don't want players to quit the server and never comeback and telling that your missions are the worst thing the human kind have come up to.

Now for the heavy carrying needs isn't there small robotic vehicles to use as a mule or something? Isn't there UAV's and unmanned trucks used for the same tasks as previously said? What about the exo skeletons isn't any field tests or any testing programs for them currently?

These are likely to solve the 4 guys used to carry the heavy mg's and accessories. Also they can be helpful to the medics and supports. These aren't sci-fi but surely not mass produced as for now.

About carrying multiples riffles and smg's, it is possible for a soldiers to carry 2 riffles and a msg plus a pistol. There is leg,shoulders and chest holsters for pistols and smg's.

There is the mags issues now, if one carry a riffle a smg and a pistol then he should be able to full riffle ammo capacity but he must balance between pistols mags and smg's like 3 pistol mags and 6 smg's mags.

OFP already give the option of carying whatever you want using scripts like this one:



;-----------------Made by BLIP-----------------------

;Only play with the Edit section unless you know

;what you are doing.

;example: _holder addmagazinecargo ["magazinename",# of mags]

; _holder addweaponcargo ["weaponname",# of weapons]


_guy = _this select 0

_pos = getpos _guy select 2


_holder = "weaponholder" createvehicle getpos _guy


;------------Edit Weapon Here-----------------

_holder addmagazinecargo ["JAM_556M_200mag",2]

;_holder addweaponcargo ["HK",1] // if you need a 2nd primary weapons



?vehicle _guy !=_guy: goto "loop2"

_holder setpos [(getpos _guy select 0),(getpos _guy select 1),(getpos _guy select 2)-0.5]


goto "loop"


?vehicle _guy ==_guy: goto "loop"

_holder setpos [(getpos _guy select 0),(getpos _guy select 1),(getpos _guy select 2)+500]


goto "loop2"


;Then call the script using: [name] exec "MultiPurposesSack.sqs"


With this the possibilities are endless and it doesn't use much ressources wich won't make lag. Now is up to the mission maker to test and use what is the most realistic loadout.

One might have a better script, this one is old but up to the tasks so have fun and cya on the battlefield.


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hmm..I figure these ideas would most likely be in game2 since it seems to be more of a soldier sim,what with the AI responses a nd all. In terms of healing it would be kinda neat if there was something like MGS3,you would need certain tools for certain injuries like if you were shot in the arm and bleeding you could bandage it up,I just don't want to see some medic running around. "First aid here! *throws a stupid kit and soldier picks it up and is instantly healed*" stuff..I liked the OFP healing because it didn't take forever but it was kinda mroe realistic,you couldn't move or anything in that sence and the medic looked like they were doing something. So pretty much I mean that shots in some places would be savable but not every shot could be "healed".

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Soldiers are issued one assault rifle at a time. Sure, a sniper might have a sniper rifle and a back-up subgun. A grenadier with a 'nade vest wouldn't be toting AT weapons, to boot. That's why you have a SQUAD of 9 + men.

Now I have heard of soldiers being loaded down with extra belts of ammo for the mgunner, extra claymores, bandoliers of ammo (not ready to use in magazines, by the way), etc.

They don't call infantrymen "legs" for nothing. They have to "leg" all of that stuff to the battle.

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For realism sake, a medic without a rucksack or medbag doesn't fit in the scene well after one saw him running to apply bandage to 10 soldiers in a row.

So having unthrowable but spendable medkits in a medbag just force the medics and leader to resupply and manage the use of his equipment/items. Wich can be used in the strategies, logistic and gameplay.

But yeah, it might be kinda late for Arma.

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i dont know what numbers , but yes , additional rifle instead of AT/AA is a nice idea.

So as a rifle+nade launcher ( nade vest with ~24 nades ) handgun(wont get too much use but still counts as a firearm) and AT for example RPG with 3 rockets or so , this ammount isnt allowed in OFP, because cos of the nade launcher attached to the rifle. In RL it is possible , i dont think that this nade vest of 24 nades weights uber much. correct if im wrong

Regular soldiers usually dont have multiple rifles, although Spec Ops have been known to have more than one main rifle like a shot gun or somthing....

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It probably won't be a big deal. Soldiers do carry more than one rifle sometimes, but walking around with all that weight is tough. In real life, it's probably rare for that second rifle to come in handy anyway.

In "Jarhead", Anthony Swofford wrote that he carried his Barrett, a disassembled M16, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, plus the rest of his gear. Heavy as hell even for a marine and of course he never had to use that M16 in combat.

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I like the Bergen idea mentioned earlier, all that extra equipment WOULD come in handy, but you wouldnt want to be lugging it around in a firefight. Wouldnt it be better if you could remove the Bergen before you go into a combat situation so that you'd remain more mobile when it was important? Isnt this what real soldiers do anyway (when they have the option)?

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I support the idea of a new system for carrying weapons and equipment, paticulary the number of slots and weight combo idea.

As for the medic debate ,perhaps having medkits/bandages etc as an item would be better than the current ofp method. Soldiers should be carrying their own shell dressing also (like RL). Perhaps any unit can give or use rudimentry first aid to another by using the shell dressing, and the effect wouldnt last long until a medic arrived on the scene, or was Casevac. But a Medic doing it would be more effective and quicker and the result would be more permanent. So if the medic runs out of kits/bandages, he will have to search for more on the battlefield.

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Slighty offtopic but I hope that in Arma if you fire with a weapon you picked up by the enemy or sit in a enemy tank,helicopter and your allied AI doesn't know about that fact and can't identify you,I hope they open fire on you.

Well, if enemy AI can't identify you, neither should friendly AI.

Picking up enemy weapons or using enemy material is far from real anyway. You would get killed by friendly fire in an instance since soldiers are trained to listen for typical weapon sounds. whistle.gif

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How about being able to carry more than one weapon so you can drop it by a friend in need? Or the ability to carry any ammo, even if you don't have the weapon?

Sometimes when me and my friends were playing, our AI machinegunner would run into the enemy fire and suffered a lethal case of lead poisining whistle.gif . So I would run into the fire, drop my weapon, drop my ammo, pick his weapon and his weapon, run back, drop the weapon near a friend, run back to the dead machinegunner, pick up my weapon and ammo, run back behind cover... There was a lot of uneeded running icon_rolleyes.gif

That is the main reason why I would like to be able to carry more than one weapon.

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{copy kavemans post here}

'nuff said  icon_rolleyes.gif

@ AtR: Good to know, but I think we would like it hardcoded ingame. (know I would)

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In WGL5 mod you can carry different type of ammunition no matter what weapon you have. They are in the rucksack ( bullets, rockets,mines,satchels,nades, etc )

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Correct me if I am wrong, but I read in Anthony Swofford's book "Jarhead", his sniper teams often had to haul sniper gear (binocs, ect), various sniper rifles among the team, food rations, along with the standard m-16 rifles.  Pretty poor mission practice for a recon mission, but it's an example of carrying tons of gear and times where soldiers don't have a choice of what NOT to bring.

EDIT:: Nevermind, Stendac beat me to it. And I also forgot to read page 3 before posting ^_^;;

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Quote[/b] ]I like the Bergen idea mentioned earlier, all that extra equipment WOULD come in handy, but you wouldnt want to be lugging it around in a firefight. Wouldnt it be better if you could remove the Bergen before you go into a combat situation so that you'd remain more mobile when it was important? Isnt this what real soldiers do anyway (when they have the option)?

In my original post idea, the bergen can be dropped because it's a item that goes in the secondary weapon slot. Basically it has it's own self contained extra weapon slot and a few more item slots within it.

Of course you would want to drop it before going into battle as it'll have weight + the weight of the contents you've placed in it. However after the fire fight you can go pick it back up and move to your next objective.

I just would like to see the inventory worked out like I said because it would solve quite a few issues. For example, in Flashpoint missions, after a firefight every one has to go pick up weapons and ammo off the dead. Every CiA co op I play begins with a squad of RK95 armed Fins with LAW launchers and ends with Fins armed with AK74s and RPGs. With this new inventory system a co op could go several firefights with out having to forage weapons from the enemy dead.

Basically it would be like this: the squad travels to the objective. Every one drops their unneeded gear to lose weight and increase mobility speed. After the firefight is clear, squad leader orders rearm. Now in normal flashpoint that means "loot the dead" with the new system it would mean "go pick up your extra mags from you bergen and pick it back up while your at it." then the squad moves to their next objective.

I believe this would be much more realistic. If a military unit is tasked to attack three objectives, then they are issued enough ammo to complete three objectives. Troops don't go into battle with just enough to kill a patrol or two with the expectation of re-supply by looting the dead.

As for medics, I think healing should be as it is now, but the medic uses up a bandage in the process. When he runs out of bandages then it's "7:Supplies low", sort of like the traditional "7:ammo low." only for medical supplies.

If the medic has to carry bandages this will also limit the so called AT sniper medic problem. Sure a medic could still carry some LAWs and a heavy sniper rifle along with his bandages, but then his equipment weight level will slow him down a lot. He'd be much better off just carrying a carbine, some ammo and his medical gear.

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@delirium: What are you trying to say?

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That's cool and all Kyle, however

1. The weapons and ammo have no weight

2. They still can only carry ten magazines.

3. After one decent fire fight they'll have to forage ammo and arms from the dead.

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@delirium: What are you trying to say?

Isn't that clear enough?

A unit carrying a launcher + rifle with m203 + other crap.

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The ability to carry multiple weapons, lots of equipment and heaps of extra ammo should be in ARMA. Of course it would slow you down somewhat and to move at speed would reduce the distance you could travel. But to not include this would be unrealistic.

There are times, like in the ambush mission in OFP multiplayer, when a player has to run back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, ferrying mere handfuls of equipment.

There are plenty of situations where the ability to carry realistically massive amounts of equipment would be far more practical and beneficial than always being stuck with 'standard' amounts.

Some firefights can be drawn out, some missions can go for hours. Often it's in relocating that you get killed, trying to grab a few more clips from that crate in that painfully exposed position.

We need to be able to lug a bunch of crap into a building, dump it near a window and let loose. Likewise, if you need to make a getaway because of an approaching tank column, ranning back and forth between a crate and a truck is not practical. Grabbing armfuls of equipment, stuffing your pack with supplies is.

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I think Hidden & dangerous 2 has a very good system. You choose between characters with various carrying properties that range from cca 21 to 34 kg (if i remember correctly). Of course, if you take too much equipment, you're slower etc. But you can choose how many magazines you'll carry, or if you wanna take some AT mines or explosives, or maybe bazooka, it's all up to you and your preferences, and also you can drop it and pick it up again any time you want...hope this is not too offtopic wink_o.gif but maybe it's close to what Randy is saying...

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Yeah it's pretty close, though I think everyone should be able to choose to overburden themselves, with no weight classes between different characters if you know what I mean.

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There shouldn't be any of that RPG style class stuff, everyone should be able to carry the same load if they choose. After all we're playing humans here not ogres and 10th level wizards tounge2.gif

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if this is implemented, the so called 'slowing down' shouldn't just slow down how fast you run. Other effects would be.

-Slow down your aim

-make your aim more shaky

However there should be a limit. It would be great if the system was properly implemented, and the addon makers were given the ability to define how much thier infantry addons can carry. This would allow fast scouts and heavy'er armed infantry to be existent.

An acceptable slot system in my opinion would be with the use of rucksacks which take the secondary weapon slot and has it's own magazine slots seperate from primary slots. Just like the WGL5 rucksacks, only on a bigger scale. So you would have to choose 'Weapon Rucksack' and than 'reload m16 ruck mags' than fire, and a m16 mag appears infront of you which ou have to pick up. The rucksack should slow you down considerably, so you would have to drop it when entering combat, as the combat doctrine states.

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