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Carrying abilities

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Quote[/b] ]An acceptable slot system in my opinion would be with the use of rucksacks which take the secondary weapon slot and has it's own magazine slots seperate from primary slots. Just like the WGL5 rucksacks, only on a bigger scale. So you would have to choose 'Weapon Rucksack' and than 'reload m16 ruck mags' than fire, and a m16 mag appears infront of you which ou have to pick up. The rucksack should slow you down considerably, so you would have to drop it when entering combat, as the combat doctrine states.

That's exactly the same idea I put forward earlier. Only I called it a bergen, but ruck is what I meant.

It would be nice if perhaps there were three types of ruck/backpack sizes. For example a light day pack that weighs the least and contains 5 extra slots, a medium standard ruck that weighs a bit more and has 10 slots plus a weapons slot and finally the heaviest being a large long range patrol pack with 15 slots plus an extra weapons slot.

Before people complain about another weapon slot keep in mind you can't directly use anything from your ruck or backpack. You have to drop it first then gather your gear from it like a weapons crate.

Also, before any complains about the large long range patrol pack. Keep in mind it weighs the heaviest and the gear stored in it adds weight as well. In this way I'm figuring that it will weigh so much the player can only walk, not run at all. In the end every thing balances it's self out.

What would be funny is to maybe even have it where if some one carries way too much weight that they cant even stand heh heh. For example a player carrying a mortar tube in his primary slot, a long range patrol pack in his secondary slot, 3 LAWs and a hand grenade in his accessible slots plus another mortar tube in the backpack's weapon slot and an additional 5 more LAWs in the backpack's normal slots.

(My example assumes the LAW is an ammo slot only item like a hand grenade that takes up 3 slots. This instead of it being a reload able secondary slot weapon that has ammo that take up 3 slots a shot.)

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That's exactly the same idea I put forward earlier. Only I called it a bergen, but ruck is what I meant.

*cough* ... *cough* *cough* whistle.gif

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Just want to voice my support for the advanced-medic system. thumbs-up.gif

That is that the medic needs a bandage to heal people and if he is out of bandages,that's it. I am pretty much used to bandages thanks to WGL,but unfortunately the AI can't use them.

Would get at least rid of the unlimited healing that is going on.

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Slightly off topic - but still to do with carrying weapons..

Does anyone know whether you will be able to quickly drop an RPG/LAW Launcher in AA (rather than waiting for the animation) with single key press??

I hate having to wait for the the animation to put away the AT weapon and get my rifle back in my hand before I can hit the dirt! sad_o.gif

Yes I know its only a few seconds but when you have a M1 traversing its turret toward you, every second counts! smile_o.gif

Anyone got any ideas?


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Especially because a tank that has been shot knows immidiately where the shot came from, even if you took it completely by surprise. This is definately not the case with human controlled tanks on a 3rd person disabled server, quite often you can fire all your rpgs at a tank without it ever being able to do anything but escape or sit still and get destroyed.

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are you a rifleman, grenadier, or an engineer? there are no multiproled people there. thus, the weapon loadout should reflect this.

2 rifles ie m16 and m4 or saw and m14...doesn't sit well with me. makes the game go into arcade mode. want a different weapon from your original loadout when you encounter a difficult dituation? pick an enemy's gun off the ground...that's what makes the first game so fun. if you see a tank that you don't expect, you could always request for a weapon and the guy gives you the coordinates.

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Still doesn't get over the unneccessary inconvenience of having to ferry equipment when your trying to set an ambush or any of the other hundred reasons you might need to haul a bunch of crap.

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Having a lot of slots in your vest doesn´t automatically mean that you´ll get them filled. Different soldiers, different loadouts.

I don´t like the approach of the uber-soldier with 2 assault rifles and AT weapon on the back and 10 handgrenades in your pocket. It´s not realistic. If such ever should be implemented I´d like to see a great reduction of combat and movement abilities for the corresponding unit as well as a "break the ankle" feature and an "exhaust" feature that will force you to make breaks if you carry a stupid amount of weapons and ammo. Anyway I don´t see that happening with ArAs. Stick to the role defined standard loadout and that´s real anough for me. Extended carrying abilities beyond that limit may work for a while but in terms of a overall balance ingame it would be more a gag-feature than a realistic approach by the book.

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One of the most usefull facilities I first found with OFP was the ability to transfer weapons to a vehicle for storage of for transportation.

I would like to see this function 'tweaked' so that it is easier and quicker to do. Perhaps in the menu screen an option will appear to inspect the vehicles cargo, a screen will appear and its just a case of moving stuff from your inventory to the vehicle inventory, like in a RPG game. This could allow you to transfer individual magazines, binos and NVG etc if there is a need to do it.

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One of the most usefull facilities I first found with OFP was the ability to transfer weapons to a vehicle for storage of for transportation.

I would like to see this function 'tweaked' so that it is easier and quicker to do. Perhaps in the menu screen an option will appear to inspect the vehicles cargo, a screen will appear and its just a case of moving stuff from your inventory to the vehicle inventory, like in a RPG game. This could allow you to transfer individual magazines, binos and NVG etc if there is a need to do it.

Thats just how it should work.

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I would like to see this function 'tweaked' so that it is easier and quicker to do. Perhaps in the menu screen an option will appear to inspect the vehicles cargo, a screen will appear and its just a case of moving stuff from your inventory to the vehicle inventory, like in a RPG game. This could allow you to transfer individual magazines, binos and NVG etc if there is a need to do it.

Commandos 2 comes to mind. It sure would be quicker than the old system. Something similar was in Hidden & dangerous 2, if i remember correctly.

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hmm that ingame shot remind me on question , in ArmAs is it possible to fold/unfold gun's bipod ...

if not by default i hope scripting support exist ...

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Some food for thought.

Carrying a lot of gear in combat situations (along with a rucksack) just isn't proper practice for fatigue reasons. For much the same reason, try carrying a .50 Cal with accompaning ammo around the field...

When I was thinking about 'carrying' I was thinking of perhaps 'picking up' and interacting with objects. I know for various reasons that some of these would be unable to be done but oh well.

*picking up a stone and being able to throw it...

*picking up a rifle by the butt and knocking something out, for instance that local dog that is really unfriendly...

*being able to undo your canteen and refill it and being able to drink from it or perhaps being able to use your canteen somehow to help a wounded soldier...

*being able to pick up a spare granade (unarmed) and throw it to a soldier to replenish him, as well as magazines, and lighter weaponry e.g pistols if he can't get to the rearm point because of suppression fire, or your on top of a building and he's not, or your flying in some ammo crates, or your a soldier in a helicopter, throwing out some mags to help your surrounded troops.

*being able to arrange your own sandbag defences to some degree.

That sorta nifty fun stuff that 'picking up' and interacting with allows.

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Carrying a lot of gear in combat situations (along with a rucksack) just isn't proper practice for fatigue reasons.

Someone should tell the British Armed forces that, marching, patrolling, tabbing with a heavy bergen seems to be what they do most of the time. smile_o.gif

We may see less of that type of combat in Iraq, for example, because the troops are operating from fixed bases against an inferior force. However where troops are constantly advancing/retreating they will carry their personal supplies with them most of the time, only dropping them when engaging the enemy.

This is even more true for long range recon, special forces or in environments where ground/air vehicles can't or won't be used.

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Reality is though Carrying around a 20-30 kg rucksack all day, hurts your energy & manauverability. Just because it is done for phisique reasons doesn't mean it's good operational practice. Thats what makes helicopters so handy confused_o.gif

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lol i see this coming like in Oblivion,

real encumberance mod, real thirst mod, real hunger, real fatigue smile_o.gif))


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A great fall in combat effectiveness is a given: it's been said and agreed upon more times than I can count now in this thread.

It would be a great convienience to still be able to overburden ones self. For the reasons I've previously stated, such as moving bulk equipment in preparation for an ambush or relocating a temporary supply camp to higher more concealed ground.

I don't know about you, but in OFP, some of my multiplayer missions would go for hours and hours.

Also, like I have already said, running to the thoughtlessly placed ammo crate for a resupply is what will get you killed.

Fact: Nobody in real life would have their supply crates sitting in the open. If they were, perhaps having been unloaded by a truck, they would be moved quick smart to a better more secure location.

With the current system this is impossible to do in any practical timeframe.

To recap: The combat effectiveness of a soldier carrying too much equipment is not in question. Please shape further responses into something other than "A soldier never ever carries anything except standard issue into combat." Yes, agreed and understood.

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Some food for thought.

Carrying a lot of gear in combat situations (along with a rucksack) just isn't proper practice for fatigue reasons. For much the same reason, try carrying a .50 Cal with accompaning ammo around the field...

When I was thinking about 'carrying' I was thinking of perhaps 'picking up' and interacting with objects. I know for various reasons that some of these would be unable to be done but oh well.

*picking up a stone and being able to throw it...

*picking up a rifle by the butt and knocking something out, for instance that local dog that is really unfriendly...

*being able to undo your canteen and refill it and being able to drink from it or perhaps being able to use your canteen somehow to help a wounded soldier...

*being able to pick up a spare granade (unarmed) and throw it to a soldier to replenish him, as well as magazines, and lighter weaponry e.g pistols if he can't get to the rearm point because of suppression fire, or your on top of a building and he's not, or your flying in some ammo crates, or your a soldier in a helicopter, throwing out some mags to help your surrounded troops.

*being able to arrange your own sandbag defences to some degree.

That sorta nifty fun stuff that 'picking up' and interacting with allows.

You forgot being able to pick up wounded team mates tounge2.gif..would be kinda nice if all units could do this but of course throw off of take away your aim completely...but we'd have to have a "resistance" option otherwise somebody might get bored one day,grab a wounded fellow soldier and chuck him/her off a bridge.

1*picks up wounded soldier*

3: 1,take wounded soldier to the back of the base at (insert location here)

1: roger

*moments later*

1: damn your heavy....hey you still have one good leg and both arms right?

2: yeah..

1: oh good! *throws 2 down a hill*

2: you bastaaaaaard!

If it were implimented then we would probably be "correct" with it most of the time,but we all know there would be a time or two that we would want to chuck somebody into the ocean or off a building or bridge...I know I would.

TK Victims strike back

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I don't have any problems with options to carry more.

What frightens me more though is people running along with heaps of weapons and ammo loaded up all arnie style. 'Damn i've run outta ammo on my machine gun, lets toss it aside, i've used it enough anyrate, I can call on my trusty assault rifle.... oh, damn it's no good, time to unsling my sniper rifle instead... oh i've run out of ammo, now it's time for the assault rifle.... lets throw it away, oh look i'm getting lighter, lets find these 10 or so grenades I got tucked away here.

thats what i'm worried about. Especially in the more short lived multiplayer maps.

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Indeed...here come all the rambos.. crazy_o.gif ,unless the system were to also have a kind of slot thing,not just weapons weight but slots FOR the weapons..I think as it is is fine but the only change if possible that I would add would be,the more you have,the slower you move.

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The more you carry the slower you move, turn and aim. Carry more than two rifles/law/mg then you shouldn't be able to shoot OR aiming from a standing/kneeling position should be nearly impossible.

Firing a rifle is unrealistic to do without both hands free and a certain degree of movement.

A combined slot/weight system is best. This would account for weapon size as well as weight.

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Quote[/b] ]Indeed...here come all the rambos..  ,unless the system were to also have a kind of slot thing,not just weapons weight but slots FOR the weapons..I think as it is is fine but the only change if possible that I would add would be,the more you have,the slower you move.]

 Has any one read my idea? At tops you could only carry 2 rifles. One in weapon slot one and one in weapon slot 2 or one in weapon slot 1 and another inside the extra weapon slot inside the large back pack that is in weapon slot 2.

 As for the one in the large backpack you have to set your pack down and take it out it like an ammo crate. In that situation you'll have to put your slot 1 weapon into the pack and pick it back up, or pick up the new rifle into slot 2, but then you can't pick up the backpack as slot 2 is full.

 My whole idea with the weapon slot,inventory slot system along with a weight system is to take mass into consideration also.

 Another situation. If you are carring a machinegun in weapon slot 1 and a sniper rifle in slot 2 then you only have 10 item slots for ammo that you'll have to divide ammo into for your two weapons. That's the trade off for putting a second weapon in slot two instead of a backpack. Sure you can access it instantly like a rocket launcher that way, but you have almost no ammo for either weapon.

 In my opinion the current system is the Rambo system. You fight and then throw your empty gun down and pick up another off a dead enemy. Lather rinse repeat adnauseum.

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