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el Gringo Loco

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(photoshopped from a photo of the White House Situation Room during the raid)


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I meant as an anti-structure weapon that is cheap, redundant and instantaneous while sill being sufficiently accurate.

The Mk. 19 pretty helpless against a thick compound wall, and we've been wasting $80,000 javelins against individual structures. Then you have tanks which have the choice of two anti-tank rounds for the main gun. Any HEAT weapon is only going to hurt as much as a grenade if it's fired through thick masonry.

It would be nice to just fling a bunch of rockets at a compound instead of waiting for the airstrike or having to suppress everyone until the mortars land.

You are right about that, it would be usefull to have something that can easily vaporate thick walls. But isn´t that the Job of a SMAW?

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The Mk. 19 pretty helpless against a thick compound wall, and we've been wasting $80,000 javelins against individual structures. Then you have tanks which have the choice of two anti-tank rounds for the main gun. Any HEAT weapon is only going to hurt as much as a grenade if it's fired through thick masonry.

And that's why USA should dust off all those thousands of M40 Recoilless Rifles and mount them on Humvees. About 1.5km range, 105mm caliber. A pretty cheap way to knock holes in houses.

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Wont happen, its just not high tech enough^^

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Wont happen, its just not high tech enough^^

They did it with the LAW and M14.

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No Joke: Yesterday I saw some news report about the uprising in Lybia, and there I saw a pick up with a S- 5 rocket Launcher mounted on the roof. Much like this

Its amazing what can be welled on a pick up

It's not a joke at all. The Georgian Army of the 90s mounted S system launchers on various vehicles, including MT-LB and BMP-2. The Russians did the same.

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It's more firepower than anything else you can strap on top of a vehicle, and dirt cheap.

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"S rocket-system, when firepower matters more than accuracy"

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When a simple frag grenade produces deadly fragments that travel 200m, there's no such thing as an accurate explosive. Might as well spam it.

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(photoshopped from a photo of the White House Situation Room during the raid)

Typical Womans reaction to violence ..... FPDR

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Typical Womans reaction to violence ..... FPDR

You mean the one in the back?


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You will have my cookie if you can get the meaning of this picture.

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True story

When Iraq was first being invaded back in 2003 some Australian SASR troops were tasked with clearing a Iraqi held cement factory without destroying it, so they watched to factory for a few days then came up with an idea. What they did was warned the Iraqi's that if they don't come out and throw down their weapons the Aussies will bomb the factory from the air, the Iraqi's did not come out so the SASR guys got an RAAF F-18 to do a very low super sonic fly-by of the factory...the Iraqi's sprinted straight out and surrendered "Please dont bomb us" :D

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True story no BS.

A friend of mine who just graduated college decided he wanted to join the army, so I tagged along when he went to see a recruiter. My buddy wanted to go in for something involving computers, but the recruiter said all the slots have been filled, but if he wants he can go infantry and get a slot next year for the MOS he wants, first big LOL.

Anyway we continue talking like we actually believe the bs he is throwing at us. My buddy then said "I would go infantry, but I'm not into the whole going to war thing" recruiter, well you don't have to go, you can just choose not to go" Second and even bigger LOL, granted I have held all my laughter in.

Finally, my buddy says he wants to think about it (aka ask me how much was bullshit) so right as we are about to leave something beautiful happens, he says to me "you look like a good fit for the military, if you sign you can get a 50,000 signing bonus for infantry" (Its total BS, I joined the army when they were taking ANYONE any got 20,000, no way in hell they are giving 50). Anyway I get all excited and say yes, we are going over a yes and no sheet when he sees " Have you ever server in the military?" and its marked yes with writing underneath "hey, I did 2 tours, been in 5 years, wait till the IG hears about this one".

Anyway Just sent in a letter to the IG with what happened and that if serious action inst taken my buddy will be notifying the media.

Before you ask yes I am angry at recruiters. Moral of the story, don't have a fuckin army values poster on your wall and then shit on the values.

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