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e3 is from may 9th -12 camando bud

but i might just go here  biggrin_o.gif  notworthy.gif

Bohemia Interactive to demonstrate Virtual Battlespace (VBS) at ITEC 06 - 3.5.2006

Bohemia Interactive shall be attending the ITEC conference this year and will be demonstrating the VBS product range. ITEC is to be held at ExCeL in London from May 16 - 18, 2006. Bohemia Interactive will be located at booth 268, co-located with our HLA/DIS integration partner Calytrix. Registration to access the exhibition is free - see http://www.itec.co.uk

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For a new game with a completely new engine, I can wait the wait. But for a 1.2 engine? 4 years seems a bit too long imho. I am glad as heck I come here rarely. lol Cause I`d have gone crackers along time ago sitting around here watching the cobwebs grow. ;p

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Good stuff! Alltho the animations seem a little weird. IS it reallt possible to hold a HMG with one hand at the trigger? wink_o.gif

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^ I'd say that the M249 is not a HMG, if you mean Heavy Machine Gun. It is a Light machine gun. HMGs must be something like tripod mounted .50 cals.

In case of LMG, it indeed is possible to lift it by one hand. At least the Finnish army's machine gun. But to operate it with one hand... not feasible.

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There's a part2 to the IGN interview, seems I talked to much and they had to split it into two parts wink_o.gif Unfortunately I don't know when part2 will be put online.

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Just saw a link on Bluesnews to this interview at RPGVault.

Some screens atleast I have'nt seen before.

Awesome screens! Impressive heli guns!

For arma/VBS2 I think it's the same core, so same game. Differences are in the use. VBS2 dynamical MP with a powerful workshop, AA an immersive story for single player.

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Quote[/b] ]Alltho the animations seem a little weird. IS it reallt possible to hold a HMG with one hand at the trigger?

icon_rolleyes.gif If they can run with dislocated arm (i just checked how far my arm can go to the back..and heard small **crack**...MEDIC!!wink_o.gif, i guess that is realistic as well (commenting on some pictures of that latest interview). Ok, meant as possitive comment guys, but still... whistle.gif . Anyway, nice updates on the features (at least on the multiple gunner pos.).

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Guest Ti0n3r
Quote[/b] ]

Ballistic kinetic energy: Bullet accuracy and damage are dependent on a number of factors such as wind resistance and distance to the target.

That's something new wow_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]and fighting inside and around the numerous buildings and structures, as is normal in modern urban combat, so the surroundings will reflect that as well.

So the German preview was probably wrong. Looks like the buildings will be 'entrable' after all.

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Quote[/b] ]

Ballistic kinetic energy: Bullet accuracy and damage are dependent on a number of factors such as wind resistance and distance to the target.

That's something new wow_o.gif

Oh damn there goes my usual killing spree with sniper on Lost squad ._. or other maps.

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Guest Ti0n3r
Quote[/b] ]You freeze and think "This is it; I'm dead now", only to hear a bang from behind you, and the enemy drops. You turn round, and Will Porter is standing there, but you have no time to thank him for saving your life; you have to move on with the mission.

Oh my wow_o.gif

Btw, I was thinking; It would be nice if they (or we) created a MP mode similar to BF2.

You start as a private and have access to some basic weapons. You will gain 'points' for killing oponents, completing objectives etc. When you have enough points you will gain rank and you'll be able to 'buy' a new less basic weapon. If you've played BF2 then you know what I mean.

I know, BF2 suxorz icon_rolleyes.gif

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icon_rolleyes.gif If they can run with dislocated arm (i just checked how far my arm can go to the back..and heard small **crack**...MEDIC!!wink_o.gif, i guess that is realistic as well (commenting on some pictures of that latest interview). Ok, meant as possitive comment guys, but still...  whistle.gif . Anyway, nice updates on the features (at least on the multiple gunner pos.).


That must have hurt!  brilliant.gif

I think the shoulder should move back a little also for that possition to be gained. But hey, who cares .... as long as he can still fight!  biggrin_o.gif Crutches.gif

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His arm looks about right as you are looking from a lower level up at him. My arm can extend that far in full run,

i am however a little more concerned that his gun strapped to his back is half lodged into his spine. Now that's painful.

new type of grunt perhaps biggrin_o.gif

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sorry I take that back, its a radio and I'm a muppet.

I'll go quiet for a while I promise goodnight.gif

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icon_rolleyes.gif If they can run with dislocated arm (i just checked how far my arm can go to the back..and heard small **crack**...MEDIC!!wink_o.gif, i guess that is realistic as well (commenting on some pictures of that latest interview). Ok, meant as possitive comment guys, but still... whistle.gif . Anyway, nice updates on the features (at least on the multiple gunner pos.).


That must have hurt! brilliant.gif

I think the shoulder should move back a little also for that possition to be gained. But hey, who cares .... as long as he can still fight! biggrin_o.gifCrutches.gif

Looks like ARMA soldiers can fight with Broken Fingers too Crutches.gif


click to enlarge

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Guest Ti0n3r

I guees they'll fix that sooner or later. Crappy animations is so last year biggrin_o.gif

It would make more sense if the sprint animation looked something like it does in Sanctuary's pack (Maybe it'll look different depending on what weapon you have, who knows).

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true, animations will be the last thing.. so BIS are doing some improvemente on other fields then..

I like any arma news smile_o.gif

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http://www.fotocraft.org.uk/images/arm_aw.jpgThat must have hurt!  brilliant.gif

I think the shoulder should move back a little also for that possition to be gained. But hey, who cares .... as long as he can still fight!  biggrin_o.gif Crutches.gif

lol why do I start thinking at lego-men when I see this..

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BIS also have humor, these pics made me laugh tounge2.gif

A smilly day is better then nothing..

I wonder when part 2 comes out.. we need it confused_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]

Ballistic kinetic energy: Bullet accuracy and damage are dependent on a number of factors such as wind resistance and distance to the target.

That's something new wow_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]and fighting inside and around the numerous buildings and structures, as is normal in modern urban combat, so the surroundings will reflect that as well.

So the German preview was probably wrong. Looks like the buildings will be 'entrable' after all.

I don`t think there has ever been an issue if buildings are to be entered or not, it is just about the sheer number of them.

As in All-Most-Some of them. smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Btw, I was thinking; It would be nice if they (or we) created a MP mode similar to BF2.

You start as a private and have access to some basic weapons. You will gain 'points' for killing oponents, completing objectives etc. When you have enough points you will gain rank and you'll be able to 'buy' a new less basic weapon. If you've played BF2 then you know what I mean.

Place says

Quote[/b] ]There is no "earning" weapon system or anything like that. This is a realistic game, so there's none of the "kill 50 tangos and earn points to unlock shiny new gun" nonsense. It's also possible to retrieve weapons from the bodies of fallen compatriots (and enemies).

I think that pretty much explains that


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Guest Ti0n3r

Yes, but he was talking about SP. I was talking about MP. whistle.gif

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There is already something like that for OFP: crBF (made by cleanrock who made crCTI)


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