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What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

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AI does do some of that already.Have you played the Battlefields mission? When I am outta ammo my commander is ordering me to get ammo,from dead bodies there in the field.

Unrealistically he tells me exactly which one (of course our teams other dead grenadier)

Same with when I am hurt,tells me to heal at medic.

So the moral of this story is that depending on your commander he prolly is giving those orders to his team (which you are asking for Bis to add)

We have listed hardcore features to add in several topics,if Arma is based of this same engine.I only wish for:

walking on moving vehicles

multiple firing points and firing from vehicle positions

Thats all I expect (would like lol)

of course any of the scripting commands listed in posts would be nice.

When AI is commanding the squad its not really a problem. I would likie the AI to do it on there own though when im commanding a squad. Just a few less keys to hit, and less time ordering the AI what to do.

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i hope that you can run on trucks etc...

i hope that the multiplayer kickz azz

i hope that they improved ai

i hope that many addons will be made

i hope that it runs smoothly on my pc

i hope that multiple gunning positions in vehicles are in

i hope that they made better and more realistic sounds for the weapons and vehicles

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working smoke, so that you can actually use it for cover and have the AI react to it realistically. For example if you throw one, the AI might send a few random shots into it if they know that you "might" be in it.

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i hope for more realistic details!


-better working electronic stuff like Radar or Laser Designator...

-to be able to shot while sitting in a helicopter or in a truck...

-to be able to use a knife for killing s.o. loudless

-there should be a MG on an tank

-to be able to transport things with a chinook or an other heli, plane or truck etc.

-to be able to walk in a big plane while its flying

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Ability to split into fireteams, I.E. Today commander can split the squad into teams color coded. Something like that, but to give each fireteam a fireteam leader, with ablilty to give orders to his fireteam.

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working smoke, so that you can actually use it for cover and have the AI react to it realistically. For example if you throw one, the AI might send a few random shots into it if they know that you "might" be in it.

I'm all for that AI that works with smoke.


- Bet object referancing. I'ld like to referance to droped objects on the floor... like weapons and mags.

- Accessing objects in a more object orientated way... like it would be cool to use the '.' operator to access attributes or methods.

- Make actionIDs easier to track in scripting. <- I understand why things were done the way they was.

- Linux dedi biggrin_o.gif

- Better way to navigate the action menu. I thought Battle Field seemed quite good. you look at what you want to choose as oppose to using a scrollable menu

- Mission editor control on the way JIP works in game

- Patches biggrin_o.gif

- Command Refereance manual

- Bullet holes on objects from where the round hits

- All you fine chaps in game

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i hope that AA is going to improve vehicle behaviour, especially armor. i'm not sure if anyone here has ever played a UBI Soft title "Ghost Recon", but there are some missions in which M1A2 Abrams is supporting you and your team in an urban scenario. i admit, the mere "roar" of the tank next to me had literally made the ground tremble. but it's not just about the noise. armor in that game moved slowly, and obeyed the laws of physics. it didn't unnecessarily turn a dozen times per minute from side to side, it didn't constantly swivel its cannon. it didn't race at 80mph. tanks in that game really behaved (and felt) like the real thing. even its turrent had a trademark sound, and moved much more "authentically" than armor in operation flashpoint.

so as far as one of my hopes, it's that AA is going to make armored units feel like their real-life counterparts.

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AI and squad command is the most desperate area in ofp right now IMO. It needs improvement. I would love to see a simple, yet flexible command systems like brothers in arms...I hate commanding in ofp. It's not fun, but it should be.

AI and squad command are linked...the AI never really "gets" what you're trying to tell them. I have formed complex commanding strategies before, but they usually end in disaster because of the AI incompetence. I told my ai to flank around before, hoping to get another angle on the enemy and maybe take cover in a nearby rock. The AI didn't really recognize the urgency and importance of the order-the problem is they just recognized it as "move" order. They kinda curved around right in front of the enemy's line of fire (instead of taking a more low-profile "around" route). the ones that did make it to where I wanted them to go just kinda sat there and didn't really recognize that they needed to take cover and fire on the enemy. They were all wasted within 20 seconds.

The AI has trouble thinking for its own too...yet sometimes they also think for their own too much. Sometimes they run way ahead of you, sometimes they don't even listen to you. CQB is a nightmare if you are commanding a squad, but it is a breeze to knock down platoons of men if you are alone. Why? The AI doesn't try anything daring. they recognize you are there, but just sit there and wait for you to come out. They don't try maybe flanking around or hunting you down. I've had AI run right past me before, recognizing I was there, but didn't fire because they had to "get in position". It is extremely frusterating.

I can name many things I would like to see, but I will be truly satisfied if I see these two.

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Very Important:

-Improved Sounds (Weapon sounds especially)

-Improved Vehicle Damage Models (aside from the damage model of the vehicle itself, I hope that when i shoot the front of a bus/truck loaded with men with a RPG not everybody in the back dies<--locational damage)

-Detailed Animations & Physics (No more flying Humvees&Jeeps,)

-Improved AI (i too, like many others, found it hard to baby my soldiers around during a battle)


-Improved Radio Chatter (Realistic Voices&Speech patterns if possible)

-Improved Flight Handling (Planes only)

-Weapons do different amounts of damage (AK47,74,and m16 and other US weapon variants did the same damage)

-Improved Ballistics

-Mounted Weapons On Vehicles

Somewhat Important:

-Ability to Carry More Weapons

-AI that drive better (No more driving in half circles)

-Good sountrack

-Lots of missions

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The thread is becoming more of a wishlist than a *HOPE* to be or you guys just hope for alot biggrin_o.gif .

The simple stuff like:

-Better models, sounds and textures.

-Better performance in complex missions.

-Better damage model and damage efect.

-Acurately modeled weapons and amunition configuration, armor, etc.

-Good colision detection.

-More realistic vehical simulation.

The basic stuff, there is alot i would like to see in Arma but imagining some not so demanding features in OPF are enough to make me smile smile_o.gif .

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Well seeing how BIS has said collision detection is improved I wont hope for that.

-Bigger Squads/Platoons

-Improved communications all round

-Improved AI

-Start of a physics model (even if basic wind effects)

-Real Electronics (ie Thermal Imaging, RADAR etc)

-Realistic Vehicles

-Multiple Gunners/ Firing from vehicles

and that is about all i Hope for. I WISH we were getting Artillery, love CoC UA 1.0(hurry up with 1.1 please) , and artillery that AI can use without scripts. We'll see i guess. Heres hoping!

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hmm I mostli agree with the ideas above about more realism +

there should be amphibious type manuvers,not just with troopcravlers but also with tanks like t-72 etc. for eg. leeding a tank kolumn hyden in a river ;crossing most of the rivers withaut bridges or on transportable bridges or something like that...

+troobs should be abel to "travel" on the hull of the tank for faster transport in a combination tank+squad

+use of towed artillery with artillery crew or moving artillery

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oH ,and I forgott the mine fields !!!!!

+ minefields would be tricky, not just for wehicles for people to

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A lot of the suggestions here have already been implemented in ofp through addons smile_o.gif. That includes sounds, effects, minefields, specific unit requests etc. smile_o.gif

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A lot of the suggestions here have already been implemented in ofp through addons smile_o.gif

Just because OFP was greatly extended through the use of addons is no reason why Arma should not include some of these things by default.

I don't think I'm just speaking for myself when I say that managing hundreds of addons is a real pain.


If Arma includes many of these improvements it will mean less things need to be 'fixed' by the community. We can get on with playing the game instead of downloading/patching and modding.

On the subject of addons. I hope to see a unifed and official addon system for Arma. What exactly this might entail is an official/endorsed addon repositories & mirrors, basic quality control on all addons which get released through the system and an installation prog which also handles all dependancies. So if I want the' OH58 by Smith' which also requires I have the 'X Rocket script' and 'Y Pilot Model' - I select the OH58 and the installation app automatically downloads and installs the other two as well.

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In OFP, I can't get my chopper to "roll over". That limiting factor was really annoying. It made it feel like I was playing SIMCopter... I loved SIMCopter, used to play it all the time back in its day. Then when Battlefield Vietnam came out, I bought that. The awesome feeling of freedom from a hard-capped limit to the amount you can pitch and roll changed my perspective on everything. Since then, I didn't fly choppers in OFP unless I absolutely had to.

In conclusion, the way OFP handles flight mechanics is just so unnatural. When I fly, I want my freedom! It's time to teach an old chopper new tricks.

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At least the Chinook and Hokum can be rolled with some effort smile_o.gif

There are limiters in real aircraft too to prevent pilot from causing excessive Gs for example but to be honest, OFP flight physics & controls do suck. I'm sure that most OFP fans would wan't more realistic, maneuverable and challenging choppers.

I'm surprised to see how few wish for cheat-free multiplayer. Guess everyone else is playing with folks they know huh.gif

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Cheat free multiplayer is almost impossible to achieve. It would likely consume a huge amount of developer time and in the end manage very little.

Yes I'd like to see some effort, at least a token attempt to stop casual cheats. The biggest problem I can see with anti-cheat technology for Arma/OFP is how do you distinguish between valid addons/scripts and cheats?

Perhaps the most efficient way to stop cheating would be the ability to ban by CD-Key and a centralised register of known cheats. I can't see systems like Punkbuster working at all with Arma when they aren't stopping cheats in Battlefield2.

As an aside, there is also the question of what constitutes a cheat. I've seen people on these forums openly talk about changing the FOV. To me changing the FOV on a monitor is cheating - it certainly isn't realistic to give yourself a wider perspective than you would have in real life.

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At least the Chinook and Hokum can be rolled with some effort smile_o.gif

I've managed to roll an OH58 in OFP:E. I don't know if they changed the handling in Elite or whether it was a fluke. I didn't intend to roll it!

Plunging to the ground upside down was scary for a second until I remembered it was just a game tounge2.gif

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Yeah, global cd-key banning would be a good anti-cheat measure, but only if the cd-key is not hackable. A portal system would be good for this, so that once someone is confirmed to be a hacker or a cheater, he simply can't connect to multiplayer games anymore through the portal, at least not without buying a new copy of the game, maybe even changing some of his hardware and ISP to avoid detection.

I know it's quite impossible to prevent all cheating but that's not a reason to overlook the issue completely. It'd be great if there was a system that at least detected all the publicly available cheats. It's not that big of a problem if you see some hacker every now and then doing something funny that doesn't ruin the game, but the numerous sad cases who couldn't really even hack their piggy bank, that just download the hacks off a website and systematicly ruin/lag/crash games for fun.

I don't consider changing fov a cheat, because high fov on a 4:3 monitor has it's obvious disadvantages. And in reality, fov is something like 180 degrees, in games it's usually only about 90. And buying a bigger monitor, better mouse or a faster computer also gives an advantage, but I wouldn't call it cheating really.

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I'd like to see some or all of the following;

-Destructable buildings and vehicles that remain deconstructed from mission to mission in this all new campaign.

-New units. Like artilery or how about soldiers with different builds...tall ones...short ones...musclie ones and fat ones.

-Seasonal weather. Such as wintery conditions in the winter months and blazing sun (maybe even heat shimers) in the summer....

-NPC personalities. Remember 'Full Spectrum Warrior' or 'BIA' when your guys would be talking to each other? Or to have your team mates exclaiming when shots are fired close to them. General ambiant speach would be a nice touch, not via the radio, but in the game 'world'.

-Animated rather than static animations for ready stance. You know the kind of thing; people shifting weight from foot to foot, or checking theire weapons (kind of like the animation for pasingers in vehicles...)

-Quicker troop control. Kind of like the method used in BIA, simple right clicks to send guys places etc. By all means keep the current system for more intricate commands....

Failing that how about these:whi: ;

-A playable demo....

-A estimated price.

-An explination :- Will ArmA come with the old original campaigns, misions etc. or are they mearly 'compatible'?

-If this is the case is ArmA an Uber expansion/upgrade?

-When in the name of Dave Armstrong will it be comming out!!! crazy_o.gif

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Cheat free multiplayer is almost impossible to achieve. It would likely consume a huge amount of developer time and in the end manage very little.

If you really really want cheat-free MP you just need to find some nice password-protected servers and play with your friend who can be trusted. I only seen a few cheaters around and entire clans that used the same ID in OFP. =) but I indeed hope that BIS will make their own system for this.

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I would like to see most of the single player campaign missions available to play in co-op multiplayer. A bit like all the Rainbow Six and Redstorm Entertainment titles.  wink_o.gif  OK I know OFP plays differently to these games, but I'm sure that many if not most of those single player missions could be easily converted to co-op.

Since I'm lucky enough to have a wife who also enjoys FPS games, we often link up PCs and go co-op on shooting games!

Yea, I know there were some 'out of the box' co-op missions with OFP and there were a host later from the community and there was always the editor! However, it was too few 'out of the box', too much sorting out of trash and extra addons from the community and spending hours making missions in the editor is fine for a while until U realise it's taking up all of your time perfecting them and no time left to play them!  mad_o.gif

So yea, more co-op missions 'out of the box' with Arma' please! tounge2.gif

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I hope it comes out!!

P.S: The Scale of OFP2 With the aiming of Americas army and the urban settings of the same, and the fun of BF2, with the personal combat of Tekken.

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P.S: The Scale of OFP2 With the aiming of Americas army and the urban settings of the same, and the fun of BF2, with the personal combat of Tekken.

...that would be a hell of a game!

So, if codemasters own the name Operation:flashpoint, could game2 be called simply "Flashpoint 2"? That would work, wouldn't it? I mean no one actually calls it Operation Flashpoint, do they?

I would also like to see;

-More than three opposing forces. I don't know have many times I’ve needed this when creating missions.


Setting=BAS Tonal island.

Plot=US troops, Tonal Government + TSF, Rebel forces and the Militia are fighting to eliminate all other forces.

I thought you might be able to do it for a while by using the civians, but they side with the Resistance.

Oh well. Never gonna happen i guess....or could it...?

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