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forgive me if these have been mentioned:


-have 2 sights. west all use the m16 sight and east all use the ak47 sight. no matter what rifel i use

-sounds are.. in need of imporvment to say the least. Kyle Sarnicks (sp?) units have wonderful sounds in them, as does INQ weapon pack. please try to use one of those 2 (or both) since as it stands right now i cant tell east from west when firing.

-magazines dont show up in the gear loadout just says "empty"


-no real problems here


-only seen the CH34 and it has the muzzel flash and light on bug


-no config.bin errors on alot of vehicles (config errors refer specificly to vehicles i cant remember them all)

-bad campaign order error crashs game at the cut scene about "norman owens" going home

-personal opinion here, but i highly suggest agasint voice acting for missions and campaigns. not just with this one but any custom campaign i really suggest agasint voice actors for several reasons ~they have no emotion whatsoever, ~half the time it sounds like they smoked half a dime bag before recording, the other half it sounds like they swallowed the mic. in my opinion amature "voice acting" for custom missions and campaigns really kill the ambiance and imersin that a decent campaign ofers.

other then my general complaint about voice acting.. the campaign is pretty good, until it crashed i mean.

Compliments: i was VERY skeptical when i heard about how much vegitation was used. i thought id be around 4fps but surprisinglu i was between 8 and 13 fps. during missions with lots of troop activity too. not thats VERY good for me. so i was surprised that the island the campaign was on played as well as it did.

Edit: if u wish i have a custom SEB weapon pack pbo (sebnam_wp?) tht uses the JJR_weapon pack and INQ weapon pack weapons and sounds for most of the guns. your RPD and SKS are very nice thou so they can replace some of the models i missed or didnt have time to change. let me know via PM if this edited pbo interests you

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@ pappy boyington

THanks for the constructive critique, much appreciated, thats what we are looking for.I'm not saying that we like it but it helps us make it better.

@ peps

I'm surprised no ones mentioned the fact that the m60 uses a m16 sight icon_rolleyes.gif .

our budget ran out when it came to getting voice actors, beer was a priority. But your right the recording session was fast and hectic. And not a lot of time was spent on the post proccess.

The ai visability , and weapon dispersion will be fixed so there wont be any more excuses about getting capped from 500 feet in a jungle you can only see three feet in, but you can still get dead just a easily from a errant round. wink_o.gif. So sneaky pete will be the modus operandi, once the ai fix is in. I've done alot of research on how teams moved through the jungles behind enemy lines ...covering 500 feet a day wasn't unheard of, to keep noise disipline, and detection. Now if your in a company going thru the jungle noise disipline goes out the window and yardage counts, but Mr charles will know where you are and might take a liking to collecting souviners.

thanks again for the feedback

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one other thing: everywhere it appears, it should be "Charlie's Jungle" not "Charlies Jungle."

Though frustratingly difficult, the demo has great visuals and great atmosphere. As has been mentioned, I would ditch the voices and go with subtitles. In the first cutscenes, there are voices I can harldy hear and others that are blaringly loud.

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Looks great and should be great, but for me its unplayable - theres a difference between fun, and getting shot every time you play without fail by an enemy you cannot possibly see and should not in theory be able to see you.

Shame, because i know its an engine fault, and not yours. Hopefully ArmA will adress at least SOME of these issues and will provide better support for your mod in this aspect, assuming you convert across.

Good work anyway guys, the atmosphere of the island was great anyway.

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Some more issues:

-Muzzle smoke comes out of M60 butt

-Marine sniper has normal M14

-can't find object error for ilo ilo map

-cfgvehicles error in first mission

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i mentioned the M60 sight is the M16.... i said all the west weapons, m60, m14, all of them have an m16 sight.

but anyway. althou i died twice in the demo campaign.. both by mystery killers. i am not upset or complaining about the not being able to see the enemy.

from those who know, will tell you thats how it was. you didnt shoot at faces, people, or even shadows... you shot simply at sounds. which is why i complain about the weapon sounds cuz i dont know if im shooting at an m60 sound or an rpd sound. i noticed a tiny tiny differnce between teh M14 and the M16. its really hard to figure out who i need to be shooting at or toward.

i do have another complaint.. and question: what scripts have you implemented into these soliders that you used the eventhandlers for?

with the SEB stuff defaults carried down.. so for me, a Y2K3 user, fire fights in the jungle were horrifyingly beautiful. tracers from all directions. actualy seeing that flaming ball right before it hits you. scary, nightmarish, beautiful.

plus the blood, exploding bodies, ect were nice too.. but at the very least id like to see the bn_880 tracers introduced to the nam units to add more realizsum.

oh and before i forget.. fix the weapons.. make the weapon pack your priority (its what i would do.. but im merely suggesting) since i cant pick up and extra clips off dead bodies. i have to drop a gun and then pick up a new one. when all i needed was 1 or 2 extra mags.

anyway like i said i was very pleased with this stuff thus far. the playability of the missions and the island was truely shocking.

oh and i dont remember if it was you or another nam mod that asked.. but i also have an edited seb vehicles pbo that uses alot of 3rd party addons to make the vehicle work. in otherwords a "bmd" isnt a bmp. and a "LLVP" isnt an "M113" i found a buncha vehicles for east and west to replace the SEB name ones.. but i left the pbos intact due to i knew im the only one thats gonna use it. so if u want my collection i got here.. i can try and pack it together for u and u can take the task of seperating vehicles and textures and putting them into your own pbos.

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im in a bit of a hurry so i didnt read al the thread. First, congratulations, the jungle, buildings, units and weapons are awesome...truly.

bugs: as already mentioned rpg is only appearing in back in first person, smoke of all weapons comes out off buttstock, and blah blah, its been written. My main problem is that at a distance the low grass develops a light green horizontal texture...ill post screenies later.

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Sounds like the weapons are starting to get a mention now that the Ai prob has been hashed out. m60 vs rpd sounds very distinctively different, m14 vs m16 (m16 has a more tinny sound at the end), m14 vs ak47 .....I agree ak47 has to be changed it's to close to the m14 , thats not a big problem. muzzel flash prob is being addressed. We are going to make our weapons compatible to most likely jam2. I can go over to a dead unit and pick just mags or select weapon so I'm wondering if your running something in the background. BN_880 has given us permission to use his addon I've got it setup on mine it's very good really adds to the atmoshpere especially when laying down 5 round bursts from a M60 at night.

So the ak47 needs to be changed enabling the player to tell friend from foe, to give him a fighting chance.

what I found to make you experience last longer then 10 seconds after contact has been made, you really have to use the environment. get behind trees, logs, find a depression in the ground move from one place of cover to the next double time. make short bursts then move if your exposed, if rounds start to concentrate on your pos, chuck some nades then run like hell to another defensible position. if you stay to long in a nice cozy safe spot laying down a beautiful fan of lead you better get moving or the AI will start to rain nades down on your pos.

anyhow I've developed this technique when I was developing this jungle. I works well but a stray bullet can still find a target.

Also re the grass LODs as mentioned the distant LODs are still being developed, we are trying to keep the fps good but still give cover to the person in the grass basically the edges have to be blended, this is being done, just requires time and manpower.

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Also if someone would like to turn the island into a mp feel free to do so we just don't have to manpower to create this.

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Nice work guys

I could only play the first mission after that it locks on a white sceen

but what I have seen so far is pretty cool for a beta.

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Did you guys use the M113 in this release? It was all ready I believe, I don't think I missed anything.

Can't really try the demo, my computer is down and OFP isn't installed anyways.

Good luck guys.

By the way, Drow and I started the mod wink_o.gif, although all I did was to get the word out to some important people.

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The only thing I hate about this Mod is..,

I can't play it.

Cause of the suggested requirements!

I was really excited to play it.

But I love the screen shots!

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper


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Quote[/b] ]Sounds like the weapons are starting to get a mention now that the Ai prob has been hashed out. m60 vs rpd sounds very distinctively different, m14 vs m16 (m16 has a more tinny sound at the end), m14 vs ak47 .....I agree ak47 has to be changed it's to close to the m14 , thats not a big problem. muzzel flash prob is being addressed. We are going to make our weapons compatible to most likely jam2. I can go over to a dead unit and pick just mags or select weapon so I'm wondering if your running something in the background. BN_880 has given us permission to use his addon I've got it setup on mine it's very good really adds to the atmoshpere especially when laying down 5 round bursts from a M60 at night.

i still feel that the JJR and INQ sounds are the best suited for the job. but if u dont feel the same.. then perhaps at some point ill do the same thing i did to the SEB stuff and go ahead and swap out everything for my choices. once the mod is more concrete (not beta)

and i dont run anything in the background besides messengers. i dont use ofp launchers or crap like that.. i edit shortcuts like we used to do in the old days icon_rolleyes.gif

the not being able to pick up mags off dead bodies was noticed only in the campaign.. i havnt tested anything individualy. i only played the campaign and based my bug reports from that

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Sounds like the weapons are starting to get a mention now that the Ai prob has been hashed out. m60 vs rpd sounds very distinctively different, m14 vs m16 (m16 has a more tinny sound at the end), m14 vs ak47 .....I agree ak47 has to be changed it's to close to the m14 , thats not a big problem. muzzel flash prob is being addressed. We are going to make our weapons compatible to most likely jam2. I can go over to a dead unit and pick just mags or select weapon so I'm wondering if your running something in the background. BN_880 has given us permission to use his addon I've got it setup on mine it's very good really adds to the atmoshpere especially when laying down 5 round bursts from a M60 at night.

So the ak47 needs to be changed enabling the player to tell friend from foe, to give him a fighting chance.

what I found to make you experience last longer then 10 seconds after contact has been made, you really have to use the environment. get behind trees, logs, find a depression in the ground move from one place of cover to the next double time. make short bursts then move if your exposed, if rounds start to concentrate on your pos, chuck some nades then run like hell to another defensible position. if you stay to long in a nice cozy safe spot laying down a beautiful fan of lead you better get moving or the AI will start to rain nades down on your pos.

anyhow I've developed this technique when I was developing this jungle. I works well but a stray bullet can still find a target.

Also re the grass LODs as mentioned the distant LODs are still being developed, we are trying to keep the fps good but still give cover to the person in the grass basically the edges have to be blended, this is being done, just requires time and manpower.

Demo is really great for a beta from what I've seen! Love that thick forest. Atmosphere is great (the fog really adds a lot in this case), you really start to panic a bit when you don't know from where they're shooting at you, thanks to that forest. It wasn't that impossible to survive for long, it just really required very slow advancing, alot of crouching etc, which is realistic and has great impact on the rather gritty atmosphere, so Keep to that slow-pace advancing! It may have quite a hard impact on gameplay, but not negatively, it just makes the game harder and more realistic which is afaik a good thing! The grass looks great as well (when your troops are kneeling in it, shooting as some enemy...), Like the new anims as well.

Is it true that it doesn't have its full density in this release? Would be great if gets even more denser...

The island and campaign run great on my pc (2800 athlon, 1 gig ram..., radeon 9800 and about 10 progs running in the background biggrin_o.gif ). Only bad thing atm is that I get about three error messages about missing stuff before even starting the campaign. I'm runing the mod together with the newest ecp.

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Wow it's not even too big to download like VTE was for example... Plus that it looks great and I'm a 'Nam freak...


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Quote[/b] ]-Muzzle smoke comes out of M60 butt

-Marine sniper has normal M14

-can't find object error for ilo ilo map

-cfgvehicles error in first mission

M60 we know about, sniper rifle is being made, you got all of ilo ilo stuff? where abouts was this error?

Oh btw people the Marine chopper is from TOW Mod, it is not ours, we havn't edited it.

As for this mission crash? can someone help me out? No one on the team is having this problem banghead.gif damn ofp lol


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This post is for peeps that have difficulty installing the mod, i am here to help you a bit  welcome.gif

Okey then time for a step by step install instruction  help.gif

1) Download all the required addons;

2) Unzip the folders;

3) Read below:

When all is downloaded for the mod you will have 3 folders:

- Unsung Demo folder;

- Unsadditionaladdons folder;

- Icprpg folder (get it here you will need it: ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/unofaddons2/icprpg.rar).

Now then we start with the Unsung Demo folder:

Open it up untill you reach the page where you have a picture file in it.

There you have 2 folders, 1 readme and 1 picture.

The @Unsung folder goes completely into your OFP main directory, do not edit anything in there. Next open up the campaign folder and copy the Charlies Jungle.pbo file into your OFP campaigns folder. And for the pic, print it and put it on the wall next to your pc  wink_o.gif

Next we have the unsadditionaladdons folder:

Open up this folder completely untill you get to the 7 .pbo files. Copy all these folders into the @Unsung/Addons folder (The folder that was copied in the previous step into your main OFP directory).

You now have left the Icprpg folder:

Open up the folder and copy the icprpg.pbo into your @Unsung/Addons folder. (Just like with the Unsungadditionaladdons folder)

Well now you have all the addons in place and it's now time to get them started up.

For this you go into your ofp directory and right click onto the icon you use to start up your ofp installeation. Remember you will need ofp 1.96 so use the icon that says: Flashpointbeta.exe! So you have it right clicked now create a shortcut. Then right click on the newly created shortcut icon. Open up the properties of the icon.

The properties will say if you have the right icon:

"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE"

Change this into the following:

"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint\FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE" -nomap -nosplash -mod=@Unsung"

Then press ok, and it will save the properties you just filled in. Then if you want to give a specific name to the shortcut you can also do that by right clicking on it and choosing rename. For convenience name it: 1.96 Unsung. Press enter and you will have renamed the shortcut.

Now you have just set up your addons by a mod folder and set up a shortcut to run that mod folder with OFP. The only thing now is to Double click on the newly made shortcut and go play!

Tadaaa meet The Unsung Vietnam War Mod  thumbs-up.gif


Warrior Xâ„¢ {The Unsung}[Zeus]

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Oh btw people the Marine chopper is from TOW Mod, it is not ours, we havn't edited it.

and might be under update right now wink_o.gif

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Excellent you can fix that annoying bug on start up biggrin_o.gif

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im in a bit of a hurry so i didnt read al the thread. First, congratulations, the jungle, buildings, units and weapons are awesome...truly.

bugs: as already mentioned rpg is only appearing in back in first person, smoke of all weapons comes out off buttstock, and blah blah, its been written. My main problem is that at a distance the low grass develops a light green horizontal texture...ill post screenies later.

Something like this wink_o.gif

I tried many settings in preferences and even my gfxcard.

Really thought it was my system causing this, because noone mention it untill I saw warrior x his screenshots in the photography thread..same trees from a small distance.





*downgrades his PC*  tounge2.gif

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Uff. Really nice SF Base out there. But:

1) Bunkres on the border have no ground textures.

2) They are too small. When I crouch in them, I cannot shot. When I stand, OFP has clipping problem and everything is shaking.

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Yeah we know about that. It's do with the LOD at different ranges I think. The further away you are the crapper it looks but it reduces lag at long distance. icon_rolleyes.gif me think tounge2.gif

Hopefully there will be a better way of dealing with that later on.


Yeah thanks for saying. We knew about this already. It will be fixed in the main version. Non of the current team designed those objects. Will be fixed though biggrin_o.gif

Campaign fix will be out soon hopefully. wink_o.gif


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Then lower your viewdistance and add some fog or help us sort it out.

Okay people check the bottom of first post for an update to the campaign, hopefully it's fixed huh.gif



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