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Guest RKSL-Rock

KA-52 Alligator Released

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It is intended to enter Russian sevice, alongside the KA-50 as some sort of 'command helicopter' I think. However, like every new weapons system since the collapse of the USSR, lack of funds prevents its entry into service.

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V80 is still used alongside the K52 Mi28 and hind, better to be used to blance out Apache, and V80 counter AH1. Oh58 counter balnce Mi-2, and KA60/M8/17 - UH60/UH1.

V-80 is the prototype. The Ka-50 is in service as far as i can tell. I was at the Maks 2005 airshow this year and two of them did a display and a third was static on the ground (Next to the ka-52) and none of the ka-50s were the prototype. They were all in full operational camouflage. This is only what i could figure out from what i see so im not saying im right. Would be kool if someone could also make a ka-50 for ofp... the bis v-80 looks stumpy and wrong... hmmm should i shut up now?? okay... anyone got any techniques for shootin this alligator down with a manpad... ids doing my head in.

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V80 is still used alongside the K52 Mi28 and hind, better to be used to blance out Apache, and V80 counter AH1.  Oh58 counter balnce Mi-2, and KA60/M8/17 - UH60/UH1.

V-80 is the prototype. The Ka-50 is in service as far as i can tell. I was at the Maks 2005 airshow this year and two of them did a display and a third was static on the ground (Next to the ka-52) and none of the ka-50s were the prototype. They were all in full operational camouflage. This is only what i could figure out from what i see so im not saying im right. Would be kool if someone could also make a ka-50 for ofp... the bis v-80 looks stumpy and wrong... hmmm should i shut up now?? okay... anyone got any techniques for shootin this alligator down with a manpad... ids doing my head in.

There are 8 Ka-50s in operational service for Russia. However, it appears the Russian military may be going forward with the Mi-28 instead. There are been contradictory reports on the future of both types. Two Ka-50s operated in Chechnya along with a Ka-29 (which serves in the role intended for the Ka-52).

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I searched the forums for a plugin named "fonts.pbo" or "cyrillic". This one is supposed to make it possible to see cyrillic letters in OFP, but all the download links I found won't work anymore. Is someone having a direct link to russian fonts.pbo out there?

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Yeah I know for certain that the KA-50 is in operation because I saw a Chechnyan Mujahadin propaganda video in which it showed two KA-50's flying below them in a valley hunting for them.  Also in the book, "My Jihad" if I remember correctly the author talks about shooting one down.  Whether this is bullshit I don't know.    

But for certain they are operational.  The KA-52, perhaps not.  But from a distance sometimes they are hard to tell apart.  

Sadly it may end up as a export-only helicopter.  However until then it won't stop me from making missions with this bad boy.  This has to be one of the BEST helicopter addons made for OFP.  I LOVE the animated pilot/copilot movements as they are starting up the engine and shutting it down.  Thats the first time I've seen something like that.  The cockpit interior is just superb as are all the voice sounds and engine sounds.  All of that definitely adds alot of atmosphere to the game while flying this gunship.  

Overall I love it!!!  Fantastic job all of you who took part in making it.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Yeah I know for certain that the KA-50 is in operation because I saw a Chechnyan Mujahadin propaganda video in which it showed two KA-50's flying below them in a valley hunting for them.  Also in the book, "My Jihad" if I remember correctly the author talks about shooting one down.  Whether this is bullshit I don't know.    

But for certain they are operational.  The KA-52, perhaps not.  But from a distance sometimes they are hard to tell apart.  

Sadly it may end up as a export-only helicopter.  However until then it won't stop me from making missions with this bad boy.  This has to be one of the BEST helicopter addons made for OFP.  I LOVE the animated pilot/copilot movements as they are starting up the engine and shutting it down.  Thats the first time I've seen something like that.  The cockpit interior is just superb as are all the voice sounds and engine sounds.  All of that definitely adds alot of atmosphere to the game while flying this gunship.  

Overall I love it!!!  Fantastic job all of you who took part in making it.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

Like I said, two Ka-50s were sent to Chechnya for "operational testing." Ka-52s? None.

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P.s Kamov Ka-50 is far more advanced than the AH-1

not necessarily, the later models of Cobra (especially the Z model) would more than a match for any Russian chopper.

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Bah,AH-64D can take out an AH-1Z and a KA-50 anyday....well it depends on the crew,a vet KA-50 crew would probably win,then again US helicopters never travel alone,always in pairs so surely not both crews could be inexperienced.... crazy_o.gif

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P.s Kamov Ka-50 is far more advanced than the AH-1

not necessarily, the later models of Cobra (especially the Z model) would more than a match for any Russian chopper.

the ah1 is actully compared to the mi24 because of the timeframe it was made in, I would compare the ka50 to something like the apache

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P.s Kamov Ka-50 is far more advanced than the AH-1

not necessarily, the later models of Cobra (especially the Z model) would more than a match for any Russian chopper.

the ah1 is actully compared to the mi24 because of the timeframe it was made in, I would compare the ka50 to something like the apache

Well, the AH-1 airframe was layed out long before the Ka-50, however it would be incorrect to say that the latest Super Cobras are less advanced. Almost everything on them is new. Perhaps the coaxial rotor system could be considered more advanced (although it has its trade-offs, and Kamov has been building coaxial rotary aircraft for decades, so its not "new technology"), and the pilot survivability is definitely leading edge, but in some areas, particularly acquisition and targeting systems and info sharing the latest Cobras are ahead. The operational Ka-50s are restricted to the daytime close-support role, lacking night or all-weather capabilities. Ka-50 is nowhere near as technically capable as a Longbow Apache (besides flying faster and higher).

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Quote[/b] ]The operational Ka-50s are restricted to the daytime close-support role, lacking night or all-weather capabilities

KA-50N That's n as in night They work fine in all conditions. Meh anyway ill leave it now. Will there be any upgrades of this addon?? aka\loadouts or camo? does anyone know.

Talkin of supercobra's are there any good addons out there of it?? I find Vit's cobra a bit suspect (No offence Vit) help.gif hmmm yeah

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Quote[/b] ]The operational Ka-50s are restricted to the daytime close-support role, lacking night or all-weather capabilities

KA-50N  That's n as in night They work fine in all conditions. Meh anyway ill leave it now. Will there be any upgrades of this addon?? aka\loadouts or camo? does anyone know.

Talkin of supercobra's are there any good addons out there of it?? I find Vit's cobra a bit suspect (No offence Vit) help.gif  hmmm yeah

And the Ka-50N is in service where?

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It is kind of stupid to argue if Ka-52 better then Super Cobra or other way around. Nobody knows. Americans always had better electronics, so probably Cobra has an edge there. On the other hand Ka-50 and Ka-52 are the only choppers in the world with ejection capability and ability to fly sideways at 200+ mph. So, each chopper has its advantages. So, when ppl at the forums argue who is best, it is only their national pride speaking wink_o.gif

On the subject. I have to agree that this is one of the best helis in OFP. I loved playing with it last night. I have to say that AT missiles look a little too strong, or perhaps this is just OFP engine (when M1A2 flies backwards 100 yds it looks kind of lame). Also, when AI chopper gets close to targets it stops using any missiles, it just fires AP rounds, even though it still has plenty of more powerful rockets left. Maybe another OFP bug, or maybe needs better scripting.

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Superb work, I just fell in love inlove.gif

The missile spoofing code is too strong, imho.

I fiddled a bit in the code (in sqs/cm/spoofmissile.sqs), found this :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">@ _missile distance (_plane select 0) < 700

_dirchange = 15 -random 5

_count =0


_newdir = (direction _missile) +_dirchange

? (_newdir > 360) : _newdir = _newdir -360

? (_newdir < 0) : _newdir = _newdir +360

_missile setdir _newdir


? (_count < 20) : goto BendLoop


It seems to be the code forcing the missile to change direction.

Isn't there a <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_count = _count + 1 missing somewhere in the BendLoop? Without it, the loop is infinite and the missile trajectory is modified constantly up to missile end of life. Making it miss all the time.

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Is anybody else seeing trees and buildings disappearing?...2 of us are seeing it so far.But only in the cockpit view?Can anybody confirm this?

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I don't know what you're basing your information on when you're saying that the avionics of the ka-52 are inferior. The Russians have a passive IRSTS detection system that allowed Indian Su-30's to best american F-15 C/D fighters in 90% of mock air battles. MiG-21,27,29 and Su-30 fighters have defeated F-15s and Mirage 2000's consistently in mock air battles. Russian air to air missiles outrange AMRAAMs and to not require a radar fix from the mother aircraft to home.

Now, this doesn't directly relate to the topic at hand, I'm just saying that Russians develop better equipment than the western pride/propaganda machine would have you believe. Russians adopt a different design philosophy.. it's a well known fact that russian ejection seats are superior to their western counterparts- and they are built on a mechanical clockwork system, not an electronic system.

If I recall correctly, the AH-64 is very good at killing (even friendlies), but it is very high maintenance and it is very expensive. A-10s are actually much better tank killers. I don't know if 'who would win in a fight' would be a very good measure of the capabilities of the helecopters, because it's not what they were designed for. The AH-64 has no native Air to Air armament. I wonder about the Ka-50.

edit: I should say, the AH-64A has no native Air to Air armamenet. The Longbow does.

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Well the vikhr supersonic anti tank missile has been tested and has engaged air targets sucessfully. it can also be armed with... i think theyre called iglaa theyre aa. AH-64 carries stingers doesnt it  are these the same as the manpad stingers or are they more sophisticated?? hmm mod makers kinda quiet is he actually on these forums or just ofp ru??

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I'm intruigued though, looking at this war of words on the various merits of the AH1 and AH64 variants vs. the Ka-50 and 52 variants; but (and that's a big but, as I can't find many Russian sources) the U.S. Army alone will eventually have Five Hundred and One Apache Longbows. The Russians will have Twenty-Four Hokum As. As I say, I couldn't find much info on the matter, but all I did find was "two more in field service every year for fourteen years". Apache wins on sheer numbers.

I have to say I love the Ka-52 model, and i hope that it's updated a bit. This really does close a (small) gap in my East>Air offensive capability. smile_o.gif.

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Evgeniy might not speak English, if you notice it was someone else who started this thread. About Russian/American avionics. I am 100% agree with Plaintiff1 about very successful western propaganda. Soviets/Russians never used media for good propoganda purposes. US media, on the other had, is master of propganda, even sometimes of complete bullshit. But you have to give them a credit. Most ppl in the world believe that noone else can make weapons, but the Americans. Russians always had better avionics, but the Americans always had better missiles. When ppl say that the F-15 is better then anything Russian, they should be talking about the missiles. All the way up to end of 80's Russian were behind on AA missile technology. Recently some missiles were designed that are as good as the US. But over all US has an edge, but not as good as their propaganda will make you believe. Russians have the technology, but no money to develope it into something the size of the US army.

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The number of helecopters does not equal their individual merits as weapon systems. A war between the US and Russia would involve more armies than just the USA and Russia's... and is very unlikely to happen, indeed.

The longbow has a stinger system because it requires a radar, I think. The vanilla AH-64 does is not capable of being armed with stingers, at any rate.

Communist: The research I have done has said the opposite of what you say in terms of avionics and missile systems. The articles I read in preparation for the last post stated that American Radar is better than Russian systems. To counter this, Russia developed some passive systems that detect infrared and radar wavelength radiation, and can lock on to an active radar system without any emissions. This makes them especially dangerous to AWACs. They also stated that Russian missiles are superior to the current generation (or generation just past) American missile systems. The equivalent missiles carried by their air superiority fighters are capable of outranging AMRAAMs and are fire-and-forget.

And I really doubt that there isn't thick nationalist media in every country with a large media industry. I mean, I would be surprised if there wasn't.

So, what I'm saying is that whether the Ka-50/52 is better than the ah-64/longbow is probably not a question that is possible to answer at this point in time. The Ka-50 was designed a stable gun platform with high crew survivability that could be fielded with only 1 crew. I read some time ago that it has a lot of advantages inherent to its design, but I forget them now. The only one that really sticks with me is that the maneoverability of the helecopter surpasses the turn rate of any turret, and therefore, a traversing turret wasn't needed. Without the need for a turret, it was able to accept an incredibly large cannon while keeping a compact over-all size. I don't know much about the ka-52.

Questions as to who would win in a fight are even more dubious.. it depends on a lot of factors, foremost of which are the intended role of the weapon system. I mean, if you pit an attack helecopter vs. a tank, the tank usually loses... but they still make tanks for some reason.. which include the fact that tanks aren't primarily intended to fight helecopters. So, like Robocop wasn't intended to be fighting Godzilla, Aliens, Predator or Batman, the Ka-52 may have a role that doesn't include air to air combat or fighting alone without any support from other branches of the army.

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Well I still maintain my position on US/Russian missile balance. Only recently (90's) Russian were able to close the gap. Introduction of R73 was a serious blow to the American superiority. But before that Americans and Europeans had the edge. Even in Vietnam F-4 had inferior performance to Mig-21, but the fact that the Mig's missile was a complete failer, saved F-4's. Most of the Mig's kills were scored by cannon.

During the Israel/Syria war again the American missiles performed much better. But no matter how good they were, the American missiles were no match for Mig-25. So, Russians did have a very good avionics, but lacked in missile technology. Avionics gap was even more widened by the introduction of super manuverable Su-27 and Mig-29. But only with a new generation of missiles like R-27 and R-73 Russiansare able to compete with the Americans. Some of the new missiles were so good that the Americans, for the first time, were buying Russian made missiles. I am talking about the anti-ship missile Sunburn. Find it on the net. So, I would say only recently the Russins were able to catch up. But due to lack of funding, most of the research and development is progressing very slowly. Something that will be changed dramatically in the next 5 years.

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Quote[/b] ]The longbow has a stinger system because it requires a radar, I think. The vanilla AH-64 does is not capable of being armed with stingers, at any rate.

Stinger is an IR missile. Longbow's radar is not for air-to-air weapon guidance.

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