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Guest RKSL-Rock

KA-52 Alligator Released

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Most significantly lacking in ofp is the range of weapon systems for helecopters. Even the optics in most helecopters I've flown in ofp don't have the correct zoom capability that I've seen in military footage. It would be really nice to engage targets it 7km with the hellfires. This sort of view distance would be insanely demanding on the computer system, though. All in all, ofp is a really great... for lack of a better term... allegory to modern joint combat. It has a great dynamic between all of the different services, and real tactics do work.. It's just that everything happens in a compressed scale.

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About OFP terrain being better suited, true, but I think OFP islands are too small for correct helicopter deployement

I'd say that 50x50km is the minimum size required for helicopter operations on a map. Longbow 2 featured a 50x50km combat zone.

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Most significantly lacking in ofp is the range of weapon systems for helecopters. Even the optics in most helecopters I've flown in ofp don't have the correct zoom capability that I've seen in military footage.

With around a 4-5 klick detection radius, no matter what the sensors are set for, and the small view distance (even if customizable), it makes no sense to add more zoom than required.

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you can't detect infantry smile_o.gif

You aren't going to be able to see infantry from 5 klicks out, no matter your zoom factor, if your aircraft is consistently moving around. Some people can't even see infantry at 100m away. tounge2.gif

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I tend to move very slowly and use the terrain. I've noticed that having an optical viewport in the gunner position that zoomed in more would help me aquire infantry targets while I'm out of range of their machineguns... especially when someone on the ground is telling me that they're there but I can't engage them without moving in much closer than I should have to. It's not a big thing, but it's not really that realistic.

I was trying to duplicate some military videos one time and I found that it was impossible given the limitations of the helecopter's gunner optics.

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Ehmmm...has anyone FIXED the cockpitview on this puppy??...to stop the pop-ups? smile_o.gif

Also has anyone fixed the missle loop script mentioned about 5 pages back. There has been so much jibberish about ka50 vs apache I think we lost site about the addon itself. Please stick to the mod, not the real thing. Thanks.

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nope no mention of anyone even doing so unless the inital maker was going to which is doubtful. Try pming the addonmaker to see its still thier project after all.

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