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Faun Franziska SLT56 v3.0

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Cheers! smile_o.gif

“There was a dream once in a planet called Ofp. People dreamed upon carrying vehicles over other vehicles. But the planet had not such physic rule. Some tried and succeeded in transporting vehicles by aircrafts. However, no one could achieve this on land realistically but in air. Although some achieved this in air, cargo wasn’t seen during transportation in certain examples. Also some were using their own models instead of the real cargo loaded. In most examples, what you can load was already defined and limited so."

Time to turn the page on Ofp. Farewell static transportation! smile_o.gif

Turkish Union Mod proudly presents Faun Franziska SLT56 v3.0. Yes, we skipped 1.5 version cause it’s that fine!

Revolutionary feature: Real-time transportation!

• There is no gimmick. You can really transport your cargo visibly! There is no removal or re-creation of cargo.

• Player and ai can travel in cargo loaded while it’s being transported. Furthermore weapons of the cargo can be used during transportation! So you can make "drive-by"! rofl.gif

• Forget about limited pre-defined cargo! You can load and transport almost any official and unofficial land vehicle. There is just a simple size-oriented limitation and that’s it. Other than this the only major limitation is your imagination.

Other innovations:

• Towing is just better now. On previous version, trailer being towed was sliding to right or left on sloping surfaces even when user completely halts. Now, if you stop completely, then sliding stops as well. So you can park on slopes from now on.

• Speed limiter. Cargo reduces speed. If you’re transporting a cargo you can’t reach your full speed but a limited value from now on. Enhanced realism…

• Smart reverse flasher. When you go reverse by Franziska, flasher automatically turns on now. When you stop going reverse the system activates your previous light choice. Probably it’s the first time in Ofp.

• Better ramp and trailer way. Now driving your cargo over SLT56 is easier.

• Trailers with static M60 and YPR-765 PRI are also available for their fans. smile_o.gif

• SFOR Franziska. Now you have two Franziska. smile_o.gif

• One or more demo missions. If you want to make mission(s) for this addon PM me so we can add yours into the pack. Don't hesitate to get in touch.

We don’t want to announce any release date but you won’t wait too much. We’ll release this addon before Turkish Union Addon Pack v2.5



Cooperative military exercises…


In real life, the trailer, SLT56, isn't for transporting aircrafts. It also fails in Ofp. However, Martin's MTY HUGHES 300C chopper almost works cause it's too small to be a problem in this system. smile_o.gif


New SFOR Franziska in Feyzabad, Afgan Everon.



Stay Tuned!


Turkish Union Mod

“High-end Turkish Simulationsâ€

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Wholly Molloy that is so cool you mean any land vehicle which is within a size restrction, I can't wait to try out this addon.

Perhaps it will give addon authors the idea of mkaing see transportable cargo

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Nice one. How does it cope with crossing steep terrain and bridges. Or does it suffer from the same problems as the multi turret scripts?

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UNN posted on Oct. 30 2005,12:50

Quote[/b] ]How does it cope with crossing steep terrain and bridges. Or does it suffer from the same problems as the multi turret scripts?

Unfortunately you can't use bridges sad_o.gif Steep terrain is another enemy of the system. This is Ofp's bug. Hope game2 and/or ArmA will let us to solve this out.

Nevertheless, if you use roads (tarmac or dirt roads) it's okay even on uphills/downhills.


Turkish Union Mod

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Amazing work TURKISH UNION, this has always been needed in ofp, really cant wait for this. One question tho, does all this work in MP?

(prays it does)  biggrin_o.gif


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I think Inv44 did this (cant remember the name, some German anti-tank peice) but I think that these are different because you could only tow one thing?

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Quote[/b] ] think Inv44 did this (cant remember the name, some German anti-tank peice) but I think that these are different because you could only tow one thing?

Bratty from WW2EC did the script for marfy smile_o.gif

its on the Pak 35/36 and krupp


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Nice work - from now on I'll just have my tank driven across an island instead of relying on my idiot driver tounge2.gif. Thank you, Turkish Union!

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Wow! Very nice stuff.I have always wished for a hauler in OFP !

I thought after all this time the bridge bug would be squashed.

In the beginning of towing history i noticed...if people made maps with bridges as addons rather than integrate the bridge within the map.The towing bug doesn't exist on bridges that are placed as addons.Or didn't on the first made bridges anyways

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I think the bridge bug can be fixed, as long as you try and setpos the object outside the roadway tolerances. Which you would probably do for most transport vehicles. Sa8Geko had an example with his M1A1.

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I wonder if using a straight piece of land set low and then "disguising" it with something like this would solve the problem, if bridge addons don't work by themselves...

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BUZZARD @ Nov. 01 2005,12:21)]I wonder if using a straight piece of land set low and then "disguising" it with something like this would solve the problem, if bridge addons don't work by themselves...

what kind of bridge is this ZG?

@Gökhan: would you guys give us a video icon_rolleyes.gif

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Cheers guys! smile_o.gif

This became a long message...

Smiley_Nick posted: Oct. 30 2005,15:13

Quote[/b] ]does all this  work in MP?

Good question. I don't know. tounge2.gif Basicly we are focusing on SP game for Franziska but we can try if it works. you can also test current franziska and inform us about the result. we appreciate any feedback.

jankyballs posted: Oct. 30 2005,18:41

Quote[/b] ]I think Inv44 did this (cant remember the name, some German anti-tank peice) but I think that these are different because you could only tow one thing?

wildo posted: Oct. 30 2005,20:35

Quote[/b] ]Bratty from WW2EC did the script for marfy. its on the Pak 35/36 and krupp

akd posted: Oct. 30 2005,20:59

Quote[/b] ]this ain't just towing...

akd summarized the point perfectly. This is transporting another vehicle on your custom trailer addon which is towed by your truck addon. In fact, before making Franziska 1.0, we examined every similiar addon -towing some vehicle- ever made. Krupp's Pak 35/36 was one of them. To be honest, when we tried its script with SLT56 it didn't work very good. Our initial towing script which we used for Franziska v1.0 was better than any similar towing script written in this scope. We claim that our towing script is the best. There is no better towing script than this right now. If you know a better one, please inform us so that we can use it. Krupp's addon works better on sloping surfaces because their artillery piece is extremely short when compared to SLT56. In towing, longer trailer means worse results as far as I'm concerned.

BraTTy posted: Oct. 31 2005,05:55

Quote[/b] ]The towing bug doesn't exist on bridges that are placed as addons.Or didn't on the first made bridges anyways

Sounds wonderful! smile_o.gif I'll talk to Murat if we can make some bridge as an alternative to "Davle Bridge" in Nogova. - I named it "Davle bridge"  tounge2.gif -

UNN posted: Oct. 31 2005,16:48

Quote[/b] ]I think the bridge bug can be fixed, as long as you try and setpos the object outside the roadway tolerances. Which you would probably do for most transport vehicles. Sa8Geko had an example with his M1A1.

Man, where can I find and download Sa8Geko's example? This would turn the tide! I tried to make the trailer float half a meter above the ground and this worked on slopes somehow but not on Davle bridge in Nogova. Bridge problem is different, man. we use setpos command to set the altitude of the trailer as same as the truck's altitude. On bridge, the script "miss-detects" truck's height and set the trailer height as 0. Guess what?! The trailer sinks into the water under the bridge. Because the truck's height is not 0 on Davle bridge! crazy_o.gif 0 means sea-height! goodnight.gif I don't think this problem is about roadway tolarance.

[ZG]BUZZARD posted: Nov. 01 2005,13:21

Quote[/b] ]I wonder if using a straight piece of land set low and then "disguising" it with something like this would solve the problem, if bridge addons don't work by themselves...

Very creative smile_o.gif may work. we should try...

Tomislav posted: Nov. 01 2005,14:33

Quote[/b] ]@Gökhan: would you guys give us a video

You're reading my mind  biggrin_o.gif if I can find some time, I'll do it.

So long,


Turkish Union Mod

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Looks fantastic smile_o.gif

Other than having triggers on the entry/exit of bridges that setpos z to the height of the bridge within the script I couldn't get my fuel bowser to work. Unfortunately this ties the addon to a single map, hopefully ArmA may provide a more efficient work around.


well its about a Turkish tank (M60?)

A friend brought this photo back from Northern Cyprus (he was stationed there back in the 50's during his national service) and there was a tank half way up a hill knocked out. He knew I spoke a little Turkish so I got the photo.

I get as far as "This tank  .... and .. with *something* .." but I think its a memorial.

A translation would be appreciated.

Thanks, Matttur_tank.jpg

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BUZZARD @ Nov. 01 2005,12:21)]I wonder if using a straight piece of land set low and then "disguising" it with something like this would solve the problem, if bridge addons don't work by themselves...

what kind of bridge is this ZG?

@Gökhan: would you guys give us a video icon_rolleyes.gif

This *cough* is an old Pontoon Bridge made by BW Marine Mod a long time ago... you can find the addon itself on Ofp.info possibly here... ...

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Quote[/b] ]Man, where can I find and download Sa8Geko's example? This would turn the tide!

I don't have it at hand, try and PM Sa8Geko. I'm sure he will sort you out with a copy.

Quote[/b] ]I tried to make the trailer float half a meter above the ground and this worked on slopes somehow but not on Davle bridge in Nogova. Bridge problem is different, man. we use setpos command to set the altitude of the trailer as same as the truck's altitude. On bridge, the script "miss-detects" truck's height and set the trailer height as 0. Guess what?! The trailer sinks into the water under the bridge. Because the truck's height is not 0 on Davle bridge!  0 means sea-height!  I don't think this problem is about roadway tolarance.

It's easy enough to setpos something onto a bridge when it sits on the road surface, like a trailer. Gets a bit harder when you want to suspend an object in mid air, above the bridges roadway. Which I'm assuming you do for the cargo scripts?

Here are a couple of threads, that cover most of the testing I've done. It boils down to roadways using two different types of Z position for GetPos & SetPos, then add to that, the bridge tolerance and tides.



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thanks man, there are lots of stuff there. I must read like hell smile_o.gif I'll try to find some solution. I'll message you if I can't succeed in cause you tested this phenomenon and have positive results.


thanks for your interest. I committed my military service in northern cyprus as well! I'll post the words on the photo in English as soon as I got some leisure time.

so long,


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Quote[/b] ]thanks man, there are lots of stuff there. I must read like hell  I'll try to find some solution. I'll message you if I can't succeed in cause you tested this phenomenon and have positive results.

Sure, PM me if you want to discuss it further. I have made more progress since posting on those threads.

Looking forward to trying out your transporters thumbs-up.gif

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