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FFUR - Huge Release !!

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Quote[/b] ]Biosky Posted on June 25 2006,13:28


i will change music, i don't like music in this mod!

you do that theres nothing wrong with it as far as tarik is concerned besides theres plenty of "aftermarket" music

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Aright, that's cool. But will the FFUR team release a 2006 Desert Pack? If so, when?

Can someone please answer my question? Sorry if i missedit or something.

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Im sure if we knew that you would have noticed by now. wink_o.gif

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I would like to see the join/release unit command included in the next FFUR release. (like in ecp)

Sometimes there are soldiers standing around and doing just nothing. a very welcome reinforcement to the squad by the join command.

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Hey, ch_123, im guessing thats a no? confused_o.gif If so, do you know where i can download that sound pack included in the 2006 pack? Really love. Also, will it replace even 3rd party addons (like how you guys replaced SJB's weapons with these sounds). Also i love the animations, where can i find these and how do i install both the sounds and animations?

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Hey, ch_123, im guessing thats a no? confused_o.gif If so, do you know where i can download that sound pack included in the 2006 pack? Really love. Also, will it replace even 3rd party addons (like how you guys replaced SJB's weapons with these sounds).

the sound pack for ffur '06 ad far as i know is part of the .rar archive but tarik will most probablly prove me wrong

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Anyone? I'm looking for the following:

1) The sound pack (and please tell me how i can edit the 3rd party addons to have these sounds like how the FFUR team did)

2) The animations pack

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Anyone? I'm looking for the following:

1) The sound pack (and please tell me how i can edit the 3rd party addons to have these sounds like how the FFUR team did)

2) The animations pack

Look in your Ffur2006\DTA folder and you'll find Anims and Sounds PBO

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I did, but it never worked. Does it have to be in Res/Dta? Also, is there a seperate link i can download them from? Because i deleted FFUR and the sound + animation pack.

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As previously promised, the MBTs Explosion Fx has finally been finalized:

Movie - 30 seconds

[*]Increased the level of the shockwave.

[*]Increased the level of the dust.

[*]Adjusted the explosion Fx colors (By taking out the ugly yellowish mushroom).

[*]The smoke gets dense and thicker every second.




I hope you would appreciate more the updated version. :-)

Quote[/b] ]I did, but it never worked. Does it have to be in Res/Dta? Also, is there a seperate link i can download them from? Because i deleted FFUR and the sound + animation pack.

The sounds are located in 'Addons\ffur_sound' & 'Dta\sound.pbo', a minimal 'cpp'knowledge is necessary to merely take'em out of the folders and to implement'em to your custom config. (This way isn't needed for the Dta\sound.pbo because it's already defined in the defaut config).

Quote[/b] ]I would like to see the join/release unit command included in the next FFUR release. (like in ecp)

As far as I know, people might be able to carry out such features themselves quite easily once the uncondensed version of ECP's released.

Once again, cheers for the kind words.



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Nah, just make a folder, lets say "@effects" and then put a folder called DTA in it and then add it to your mod shortcut. I should be able to upload my files, if I can find the original 2006 ones

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That was very nice smile_o.gif

again, isn't that going to reduce the FPS ? because thats a really nice effect . .

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TB any idea when you will release the update? 2006 is becoming pretty unplayable due to the crashes.

Thanks for the hard work

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Quote[/b] ]again, isn't that going to reduce the FPS ? because thats a really nice effect . .

No worries, only some drop commands have been reworked without any 'specific' additions so it would work as the FFUR euro explosion fx which was quite popular because of the lack of lag in game during huge battles.

Moreover, this script has been randomized, so you would still get the 'turrets blowing off' Fx anyway.


Quote[/b] ]TB any idea when you will release the update? 2006 is becoming pretty unplayable due to the crashes.

Keep patient, the release's getting close every day.




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thats a good point bout its release when its relased and not before because if the run into a setback and dont meet the deadline people start to ask wehen more and more

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thats a good point bout its release when its relased and not before because if the run into a setback and dont meet the deadline people start to ask wehen more and more

TB: Please don't be offended in my interest in knowing how much longer the development will take.

Additionally, Armed Assault will be out soon.

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Additionally, Armed Assault will be out soon.

Mmm....I had a similar thought around the time 2005 was being released whistle.gifrofl.gif

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Effects look awesome and the amount of smoke doesnt look too much either so hopefully it will be very minimum FPS drop not that im bothering cause my new comps coming soon. biggrin_o.gif

Anyway great work this patch is sounding better and better by the day.

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Wanted to ask a question about the video.

when the tank explodes there a white smoke near the player.

Is that an AT soldier or something or what ?

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Nice job. No more ammo explosions a few seconds after the main hit ?

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Tb is there any chance seeing the DKM aritalrry as extra addons in ffur ? whistle.gif

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Why bother? Not only is there no need for it, If thunderbird integrated them it would just make it imcompatible with other DKM/CoC artilery mods. If you want DKM just download it wink_o.gif

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I much love the new effect TB. Looking well, can't wait for the release.

This was probaly asked before but who's T-90 are you using in the new patch

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