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FFUR - Huge Release !!

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Well... Gentleman,

at FIRST ... FFUR wants to replace all existing units so it is possible to play the original BIS campaigns and missions and ALL user made missions that use no addons

=> every USER MADE MISSION that uses no addons should be playable with FFUR.

from this point of view we WON'T need any "extra" units.

BUT !!! the idea of adding "extra" units like squads for SPECIAL FORCES isn't that bad and an IDEA to think about.

It would be interisting for MISSIONS (SP or MP) especially deigned for FFUR. and it could make mission making for mission maker or squads e.g. more comfortable, because you won't need o add weapons and stuff via the init line.

(I am not a mission maker so if I got something wrong tell me).

and that WOULDN'T mean to expand the chooseable weapons or units then.

but to get some difference in the units we would need to add some more models and maybe texturs for the specnaz.

but that won't increase the size form 500 MB to 1GB.

my few word about that discussion

but need to talk to Tb about that, and it all needs time ... and time is rare these days.

regards benus

tnx Benus !

that exactly why I intended that mybe new "Classes" will be added, because it is anoying to always put weapon throught the init line {espacially now when we still Dont have the weapon names/calsses so we cant really add weapons}, also new groups of SF will be good smile_o.gif

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doesnt the TQP spec ops pack have some groups like that arranged into groups forming an "A" team with all the appropriate names such as weapons officer or medical officer... wink_o.gif

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sugestion from me will be, take all the best addons, and ffur them, like take away all not neded scripts, the laggy ones, BIS its armor values, and just hav an extra addon pack, so those who want can download it, but the addons will fit perfectly with rest off ffur smile_o.gif i can remember TB said that this was a good idea long time ago..

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I never said anything about changing anything other than what 'class' or whatever they are called. everyone is basically under 'man' if i'm not mistaken. put infantry under infantry, mech infantry under that (mech infantry uses m16A4, NOT m4) that'd be the only difference, and would require little config editing. also, SF, etc. Just a friendly suggestion so there could be a clear distinction between units that are vastly different in real life

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@Benus: I like the sound of that, I certainly dont agree with new shit inflating the size of the mod.

@Olemissrebel: Thats a good idea with the Mech Inf. Im sure its easy through 'hiddenselection' to have diffferent arm patches or misc. uniform items for different types of inf.

@Helping Hand: I have often wondered myself what unit the Blackops are. I think either SEALs, because Gastovski is refered to as 'Commander Gastovski' in the CWC briefings (Commander being a Navy rank equivalent to a Major), or more than likely, a Special Forces Task Force, like the ones they have in Iraq, which have men from all different branches. This would seem likely as from aside from Gastovski's rank, they could quite easily be anything.

I know all those Editor addons do this, and I could probably do this in about 10 seconds once the patch comes out, but would you considering enabling the 'hidden' units ie. Guba, Angelina, the Civilian Militia (theyre the ones Im particularily interested in) for the editor?

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I think that adding some cooler units than the usual in a extra ffured addon pack would not be bad to ffur in any way, mission makers could do some nice missions and use other addons that would fit with the basiq ffur, and the armor values will be the same. think it was WGL not BIS that ffur use, (sorry for the misstake) maby needed to down size the textures in some case, i dont think it would be more than 10 extra addon anyway, as ffur allready use most off the best addons.

BTW. i love the 2006 pack, and the new voises for east side, i dont know if its my comp, or somthing else but the player somtimes still say things in english, i think its when spot enemy or give orders, is this possible to change??

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to be honest, the only reason i dont use FFUR at all is because of the new menu screen, the annoying thing that pops up, and the discolored mission editor that shows every tree as a rock.  the pack is pretty nice, but why mess with perfection... also, there needs to be an option for those who dont want the whole FFUR lighting effects. some like them, some dont. make the regular infantry units say 25th ID, tropical lightning, and the mechanized 3rdID. to be honest it would make a lot more sense to make the units on those bum ass islands national guard. afterall, it was a peacekeeping mission, so why not.

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Hey TB !

some bugs {or not even armor}

T-80 needs 5 round to take out abrams, but abrams need about 3-4 rounds to take out t-80. thats sireosly not evened. also t-80 sometimes miss the target.

Mayb you will consider to put the BIS armor values ?

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to be honest, the only reason i dont use FFUR at all is because of the new menu screen, the annoying thing that pops up, and the discolored mission editor that shows every tree as a rock.  the pack is pretty nice, but why mess with perfection... also, there needs to be an option for those who dont want the whole FFUR lighting effects. some like them, some dont.    make the regular infantry units say 25th ID, tropical lightning, and the mechanized 3rdID. to be honest it would make a lot more sense to make the units on those bum ass islands national guard.  afterall, it was a peacekeeping mission, so why not.

erm thats been fixed now so you can play it lol wink_o.gif

an mp what do you mean? a T80 can take out an m1 like that because otherwise you could have one m1 defeating horde upon horde of t80's whic would be rather strange besides that the new UM and UM-1 versions feature much improved ECM, ERA and above all a new 125mm gun

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sweet. also, IRL, infantryman don't run around in combat with a rucksack on.  you get exhausted in a few minutes doing 3 to 5 second rushes without one, much less with 65 lbs on your back. and is this update going to be a patch, or another full download. just curious

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how would one go about editiing the game to make that enact though would be good if we could *looks to KS to provide an answer*

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no you, in 1 on 1 tank battels the m1 always wins ! {in FFUR case, m1a2}, i checked it myslef, it took 5 t-80 shells to destroy empty m1a2 , and 3 or 4 {i can't remmember} shells of m1a2 to take out t80 - that's sireosly unbalanced, check it your self {make in the editor you as t-80 commander and tell the gunner to shoo an empty m1a2. use the defualt ammo {the one you start loaded in the gun} . . .[of course im talking about that while playing FFUR, not in a non-moded flashpoint]

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how would one go about editiing the game to make that enact though would be good if we could *looks to KS to provide an answer*

Editing the config?

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Hey TB !

some bugs {or not even armor}

T-80 needs 5 round to take out abrams, but abrams need about 3-4 rounds to take out t-80. thats sireosly not evened. also t-80 sometimes miss the target.

Mayb you will consider to put the BIS armor values ?

Hopefully the new T-90 will balance things out smile_o.gif

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Hey TB !

some bugs {or not even armor}

T-80 needs 5 round to take out abrams, but abrams need about 3-4 rounds to take out t-80. thats sireosly not evened. also t-80 sometimes miss the target.

Mayb you will consider to put the BIS armor values ?

The M1A2 Abrams is a much more modern tank then the T-80 and it should easily be able to destroy it in a couple of shots.

And as CH_123 said the introducion of the T-90 should give the russian tanks a better chance of beating the the US ones.

To the subject of spetz natz adding some new models would not take up 100's of megs more like 5-10 megs of space, I don't mean to go back on this but some of you guys are talking like it would really be that hard to add 2 or 3 new models to the FFUR.

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Problem is mate, if we add two or three more, then people will want to add another three more, and another three more..... smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]The M1A2 Abrams is a much more modern tank then the T-80 and it should easily be able to destroy it in a couple of shots.

And as CH_123 said the introducion of the T-90 should give the russian tanks a better chance of beating the the US ones.

depend on what T-80 it is, and what kind off ERA (reactive armor) it´s equiped with, and what kind off shell the M1A2 fires. And yes the T-90 have better protection against kenetic energy than the T-80, but im not sure that the T-90 can be equiped with Shtora Or Arena(Missile defence) like the T-80 can, it would not do any difference agains a M1A2 any way, as it dont fire missiles, but a T-80UM1 or UK like a extra addon would be nice smile_o.gif

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I tried to edit the "editable config" from the FFUR 2006, but it is full of errors.

I tried to convert the config.bin to cpp, but i got same errors like with the "editable" one.

Does anyone have a working CPP version?

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Quote[/b] ]The M1A2 Abrams is a much more modern tank then the T-80 and it should easily be able to destroy it in a couple of shots.

And as CH_123 said the introducion of the T-90 should give the russian tanks a better chance of beating the the US ones.

depend on what T-80 it is, and what kind off ERA (reactive armor) it´s equiped with, and what kind off shell the M1A2 fires. And yes the T-90 have better protection against kenetic energy than the T-80, but im not sure that the T-90 can be equiped with Shtora Or Arena(Missile defence) like the T-80 can, it would not do any difference agains a M1A2 any way, as it dont fire missiles, but a T-80UM1 or UK like a extra addon would be nice smile_o.gif

my point exactly like i said a um or um-1 could stand up to an m1

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Hey TB !

some bugs {or not even armor}

T-80 needs 5 round to take out abrams, but abrams need about 3-4 rounds to take out t-80. thats sireosly not evened. also t-80 sometimes miss the target.

Mayb you will consider to put the BIS armor values ?

The M1A2 Abrams is a much more modern tank then the T-80 and it should easily be able to destroy it in a couple of shots.

And as CH_123 said the introducion of the T-90 should give the russian tanks a better chance of beating the the US ones.

To the subject of spetz natz adding some new models would not take up 100's of megs more like 5-10 megs of space, I don't mean to go back on this but some of you guys are talking like it would really be that hard to add 2 or 3 new models to the FFUR.

Wrong. The worst thing you can do in this game is speculate speculate speculate. Question. As a Modern Russian crewed T-80UM or T-80U ever squared off with an M1A2 Abrams? No. As such, you cannot and will not make such stupid claims about how "great" the Abrams is since it has never happened. Best to keep it evened out since we do not have the answer.

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Quote[/b] ]Ukraineboy Posted on June 14 2006,17:10


Quote (Big-Rooney @ June 14 2006,01:02)

Quote (mp_phonix @ June 14 2006,17:25)

Hey TB !

some bugs {or not even armor}

T-80 needs 5 round to take out abrams, but abrams need about 3-4 rounds to take out t-80. thats sireosly not evened. also t-80 sometimes miss the target.

Mayb you will consider to put the BIS armor values ?

The M1A2 Abrams is a much more modern tank then the T-80 and it should easily be able to destroy it in a couple of shots.

And as CH_123 said the introducion of the T-90 should give the russian tanks a better chance of beating the the US ones.

To the subject of spetz natz adding some new models would not take up 100's of megs more like 5-10 megs of space, I don't mean to go back on this but some of you guys are talking like it would really be that hard to add 2 or 3 new models to the FFUR.

Wrong. The worst thing you can do in this game is speculate speculate speculate. Question. As a Modern Russian crewed T-80UM or T-80U ever squared off with an M1A2 Abrams? No. As such, you cannot and will not make such stupid claims about how "great" the Abrams is since it has never happened. Best to keep it evened out since we do not have the answer.

that was what i was thinking to..

have there been any tests off how mutch damage M1A2 or A1 can take? im not sure, and then why?

also the turret flying off in 2006, it look cool, but im not sure what you have to fire at a tank, to make that happen, (nuke?)

here is some pics on how tanks T-90/80 look like when being hit 5 times from rpg-29 and 5 times from ATGM Kornet.

should look like shit?


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yea, the turret flying off isnt exactly realistic. just take whatever model for the tank you have, and make a damaged model with a hole in it?

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Quote[/b] ]olemissrebel Posted on June 14 2006,18:00


yea, the turret flying off isnt exactly realistic. just take whatever model for the tank you have, and make a damaged model with a hole in it?

it would look better if it was just kind off torch flame comming from the tank,( not to big, maybe from turret area) one or two sec after the hit. now its more like the tanks mother was a gas station and the father was a nuke.... smile_o.gif ? banghead.gif

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