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FFUR - Huge Release !!

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Well, following the fact that OFP's engine forces cars to be destroyed once hit, even if they're hit "only" by firearms bullets, we can't do anything to re-define this option, because if we'd increase the armor's value then the car will even resist to Sabot/Hit impacts.

But could you remove the explosion that occurs the moment the car is destroyed. For an example WGL's cars don't explode when destroyed.

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then what happens if someone launches a sabot round at the car ?

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Well, following the fact that OFP's engine forces cars to be destroyed once hit, even if they're hit "only" by firearms bullets, we can't do anything to re-define this option, because if we'd increase the armor's value then the car will even resist to Sabot/Hit impacts.

But could you remove the explosion that occurs the moment the car is destroyed. For an example WGL's cars don't explode when destroyed.

And what about cars which are destroyed by rocket launchers or by Sabot\hit shells ?

Cars usually burn once destroyed.

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As I understand, a sabot round pierces not explodes. If the car is hit by a rocket then the explosion effect of the rocket is enough.

A burn effect can be added without the explosion. But if you really want to keep the explosion, could you make it small and without the crater (OFP one).

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As I understand, a sabot round pierces not explodes. If the car is hit by a rocket then the explosion effect of the rocket is enough.

A burn effect can be added without the explosion. But if you really want to keep the explosion, could you make it small and without the crater (OFP one).

BIS craters automatically appear at all explosions (of all degrees), removing'em would mean that none of the craters would appear ...

Btw, I don't think it's a good idea to reduce the flames sizes of the cars burning effect cuz in fact it's quite impressive to see a such thing in real life


However I'd like to inform you that the patchs we're making will be quite huge because they will OVERWRITE a bunch of FFUR\addons files in the goal to allow you playing with "duplicated" addons without any problem.

Even if the patchs will be quite bigs (~100/200 MB) your FFUR addons sizes won't change so much,though, perhaps they'll even decrease.


Best Regards


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Dont get me wrong

Fire and burning vehicles - cool inlove.gif

Unexplained explosion killing my troops nearby because the car was hit by smallarms fire - not so cool crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Unexplained explosion killing my troops nearby because the car was hit by smallarms fire - not so cool

As I said,this is only due to OFP's engine, but maybe BIS incoming games would include an enhanced impact's system.(a bit like Ghost Recon's one)...



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i have recognized only 9 tracks-

(this is the dta/music.pbo contenent)




04=The General's Daughter -carmenii burana

05=pirates of the caribbean-main theme





10=spy game-explosion & aftermath

11=metal gear solid-End Title The Best Is Yet To Come


13=metal gear solid 3-main theme

14=russian himn


16=blak hawk down-gortoz a ran








the number 5 is not pirates of the caribbean, it is gladiator soundtrack, i really would like to know the name of the number 2 , in the player apperars Romeo & Juliet by hans zimmer, but hans zimmer did not compose the Romeo & juliet soundtrack confused_o.gif

P.D. the number 15 is great biggrin_o.gif

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01 -> USS Alabama.

07 -> US military Hymn.

sorry can't help more. (I've totally forgotten the songs names).



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07 is called the Battle Hymn. It's one of my old school's songs

"mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord,

he is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored..."

etc etc ad infinitum

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iv got an huh.gif? i dl the VME pack not yours the virtual military one iv got an blood script not found error. It does this avery time i put them on the map to play. Could u help me on this or is there someting thats would not work, so i couldent play them?

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And what does have VME to do with FFUR?

please post your problems in the appropriated threads!

Quote[/b] ]Could u help me on this or is there someting thats would not work, so i couldent play them?

OT/ Their script works very fire here, and I noticed that you usually have a bunch of weird problems with several mods (ffur,vme,y2k3...)...etc

Why don't you clean a bit your comp by re-installing ofp and doing the necessary stuff to make everything working.



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And what does have VME to do with FFUR?

please post your problems in the appropriated threads!

Quote[/b] ]Could u help me on this or is there someting thats would not work, so i couldent play them?

OT/  Their script works very fire here, and I noticed that you usually have a bunch of weird problems with several mods (ffur,vme,y2k3...)...etc

Why don't you clean a bit your comp by re-installing ofp and doing the necessary stuff to make everything working.



Wow iv just got questions thats all since ur the moder the maker of this mod, thats why im asking. In stead of assuming what kind of mods im useing ask, and saying that i need to clean my comp is not an answer for any thing in the VME or in my questions. No im not useing vme,y2k3, ur mod all at once. I play around with mods just to check them out, and i like ur mod so there is no need for 3,4,5 mods all at one time, I just got ur mod on my comp. So instead of giveing the run around plz help thats all i ask. On that script that pops up "blood script not found" can u help me on? I ask because u mite know. Just like anybody else would. Notice that i got questions and not the answers, Notice that i need help. Dont get this twisted.

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I've try to modifie the Config.cpp that you give with FFUR1985 but i have error :

Quote[/b] ]CfgModels BMP:APC Undefined Base Class i've correct it, for this i have look the Config.cpp and that have Only Tank has base classe (and in the original config of Res is the same BMP:Tank), after this i try again and anther error occur like the previous

So i've try to test Your Config.cpp that you give and error is in it also worst of it i have transform your CONFIG.BIN in Config.cpp and error still occur.

Whyyyyy and how solve it without do a copmlete correction of your CONFIG.BIN huh.gif

I hope you will help me


PS : In Fact i try to remove the Sanct Crounch Walk he is to slowwwww

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Quote[/b] ]Wow iv just got questions thats all since ur the moder the maker of this mod, thats why im asking. In stead of assuming what kind of mods im useing ask, and saying that i need to clean my comp is not an answer for any thing in the VME or in my questions. No im not useing vme,y2k3, ur mod all at once. I play around with mods just to check them out, and i like ur mod so there is no need for 3,4,5 mods all at one time, I just got ur mod on my comp. So instead of giveing the run around plz help thats all i ask. On that script that pops up "blood script not found" can u help me on? I ask because u mite know. Just like anybody else would. Notice that i got questions and not the answers, Notice that i need help. Dont get this twisted.

Sorry but I'm quite busy with FFUR to answer you about "VME problems" you're getting, that's why I suggested you to ask'em directly in their thread, they might be able to help you.

OT/ you have to know that VME's blood is in fact ECP one.

Quote[/b] ]PS : In Fact i try to remove the Sanct Crounch Walk he is to slowwwww

We expect to release later an extra config pack which will add a few modified configs for each conversion pack, this extra config pack will bring a config without "crouching anims" as well.

Please wait instead of carrying out such changes because that might occur some issues as you're currently experiencing.



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thxs smile_o.gif so the ECP blood effect is in there config so i could not dl the pack and install it to ffur2005, because of this ECP blood config?

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Quote[/b] ]thxs smile_o.gif so the ECP blood effect is in there config so i could not dl the pack and install it to ffur2005, because of this ECP blood config?


1- Don't remove and don't change anything from this pack.

2- <span style='color:red'>Don't add any other Extra stuff.</span>


you must not combine mods! each mod has its own folder.

please read the informations/instructions included in the pack to avoid such questions.



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Hello Again,

I have found the solution, After do my modif i have transform CPP in Bin by the CCP2Bin utility and that WORK !!! :d but it's quand meme strange that the bin work and not the cpp lol.

Best regards, Exa.

PS : For extra config its a marvellous idea notworthy.gif

Ps II : Very great workkkkkkkkkk you are the best Moder !!  inlove.gif

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FFUR configs have been done specifically to be used as .bin and not as .cpp, once your modifications carried out, you have absolutely to convert the .cpp to .bin.




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Still having trouble with zeroing the sites for the silenced m1911 in FFUR 1985. Both the HUD crosshairs and the iron sites are much too low at medium range. I think this would mean that those sites are zeroed for a distance that is much too far away.

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I really like the addition of the walking crouched. Is it just me though, or is it supposed to have the character stand up first, just as you begin to move, then he crouches back down?

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Soory for disturb you again but i ask me what is the utility you use to PBO without any compression you folder, cause i use Make PBO V1.1 and the options don't permit to avoid compression of certain type of file (Example Wav).

Thx in Advance, ExA.

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Soory for disturb you again but i ask me what is the utility you use to PBO without any compression you folder, cause i use Make PBO V1.1 and the options don't permit to avoid compression of certain type of file (Example Wav).

Thx in Advance, ExA.

try winpbo, that should work

maybe pbox can it too, dunno for sure

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Thx for info i've found the utility and it's work smile_o.gif no compression.

Else just a little bug with Binocular when you use it the first time in a mission the binocular come and go off immediatly (i ve try when i do mission with only a Officier and the pb is also in this case).

Thx again for the info see you smile_o.gif

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now, i have recognized other 3 tracks!




04=The General's Daughter -carmenii burana

05=the gladiator-the battle





10=spy game-explosion & aftermath

11=metal gear solid-End Title The Best Is Yet To Come


13=metal gear solid 3-main theme

14=russian himn


16=blak hawk down-gortoz a ran








thx to thundrbird,william1 and CameronMcDonald.

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