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Zeus Gaming Nights

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Hehe Mr Cheese.

I'm suprised noone noticed. However as I was repeatedly typing to Bravo to halt and not get on the south side of the drug plant it seemed to me I had lost control. So I simply gave the CAS free reign to smash the plant to smithereens ...

and any disobedient subordinates in the process ...

An order which the CAS pilots performed exceptionally and I soon had control of Bravo again.


It's hard to make such choices as OC tounge2.gif

Sounds like something I'd do, only the GST addon pack has amazingly fantastic CLUSTER BOMBS that kill everything.

Didn't notice you shouting at Bravo as I was returning from apache-aided medivac biggrin_o.gif

Second AAR? Did Looz not have his make-up on for the first?

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Second AAR? Did Looz not have his make-up on for the first?

Funny you should say that.

No his makep was running as he was crying with joy after beating the East OC. biggrin_o.gif John Looz Wayne, we love that wanker.

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Grrr.. that Bn.... banghead.gif

You give him one suggestion on how to improve BECH and he takes it personal inlove.gif . Anyways.That second AAR was made for fun and was not meant for the public.But enjoy yourself anyways wink_o.gif (its not very funny tho...).I think Regina Assault is a cracking mission,but I also wish we had more PaiPai(People with Ai vs People with Ai -> my silly name for it) missions.So if anyone feels bored,would be cool if there were more missions of this type smile_o.gif

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Oh please, that's the lamest "saving face" I've read in weeks.


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pffft and nobody gives a rats ass about Alpha squad who gave their lives in the first contacts that lead to victory.

shame.....shame on you....go.....go have your 'I am a good commander' speech on public forum and sound like the Dad's Army grumpy old fart. Me and the rest of Alpha were the true heroes of that war *salutes + puts up two fingers*  nener.gif

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New improved Drug Raid 2 is now available for a test run with as many people as I can find.

After the successful outcome of the mission on Skye we now find ourselves with another drug factory on Trinity to destroy before more heroin reaches our shores.

If you feel strongly about keeping our kids free from drugs and put a dent in the terrorists bank account come along to Errpas server on Thursday night..................full details on the home page


Full version of WGLZ and Zeus common needed.

Mission start time 20.00ish pistols.gif

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i had fun tonight; i really enjoyed the mission, i think zeus should focus on playing one new mission every tues/sat gathering, on less well known islands (freya as opposed to everon). anyway, here're some pics i took:


it may be hard to make out, but there are two other squads in the distance; the landing was intense, we came in right on top of an SA-13, but all the choppers were able to drop off the infantry (not sure who destroyed the SA-13). i wish i could get gamecam to work on my laptop, as it would've made a really nice video...this pic just shows our squads regrouping, right after our helicopters had left the LZ.


after getting our bearings, jinef organized the 3 squads into a column with a couple hundred meters between each. then we started on our 3km trek to the town...this picture shows loos in front (bravo squad leader), with warrior-x on his left and nezz on his right.


with about 1km to go, we encountered some resistance and lost a couple players (to disconnects), which meant bravo was recruited to take point. this pic just shows loos stopping to say 'hi' to jinef, with warrior-x in back.


a pic of the town we were supposed to attack (had to kill the quality to get it below 100kb, probably because of the red marker overlay). the black boxes are 100m across, so to imagine how far away the LZ is, just multiply the distance from the town to the bottom of the screen by ~3.5.


upon approaching the town we lost 2 helis to an SA-13 in town, but after some heavy street fighting we were able to make it to the embassy. i ditched my ak/gl for an svd an ai in my squad had dropped, and took up a position on the embassy roof, where i was able to take out a few enemy soldiers. one thing i noticed was that the enemy soldiers didn't seem to have waypoints; for future versions of the mission, i would suggest using an infoshare script or something to make sure they don't just stand in one location.


another pic from the embassy roof; this is warrior-x on the north side of the embassy, firing on ai in the NE end of town. a few minutes after this my computer crashed mysteriously (i was easily pulling 20-25 fps with the whole town in view, so idk what would have caused the crash).

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who should i contact if i want Zeus guys to take a look at my mission? smile_o.gif Maybe i'll join in tonight , got to get me some cola and stuff to boost my performance biggrin_o.gif

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Hi M8,

If you want to pass your mission on to me I will try to help failing that I will enlist Terox or Jinef to help out.

Try to pop along we will be starting in 15mins or so from this post.

check out Zeus website for any addon info and TS and server ip smile_o.gif

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thanks for a great time fellas biggrin_o.gif Was a bit messy to play in vet. mode but i might have to get used to it if im going to start play online more often tounge2.gif

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Join Zeus tonight as we may have a PvP Coop going if enough people attend. Should be good.


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.pablo. please don't hotlink images greater than 100kb.

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Big pvp coop planned for tonight, get ofpwatch going, see when the players get on and then join yourself. Varta Heights is the mission. Can the US finally prevail against the russian assault?

Looz wants to prove himself as the russian OC. Lets greet him shall we? pistols.gif


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i already had fun playing alone in your empty server.defending the fort alone against wacky resistance who wanted to kill arheologists?!

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Can the US finally prevail against the russian assault?

Looz wants to prove himself as the russian OC. Lets greet him shall we? pistols.gif

They (we wink_o.gif ) did prevail ! !

OC Og beat OC looz' sorry ass nener.gif

The night ain't over yet...

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Wicked game there, just wicked, organized chaos.

I don't like to toot my own horn but that was a very satisfying battle. Ive played it (Varta Heights) as an OC 3 times, been victorious 3 times. (the statistics are against me now, I know, dont pick my team next time of you plan to win wink_o.gif

I wish all of you guys had seen/heard what happened the 2nd time I OC'ed as the russians. It was a clusterfuck of proportions, confusion was high, the number of friendly armored vehicles were getting low (they all got destroyed), morale was nonexistent. Even a person on my team with the initials J.S wanted to surrender!! wink_o.gif (inside joke) We still came out on top at the end though, Hollywood style. Turning the tide. Classic. Definitly Oscar material, with bugle horns in the background and someone raising the national flag. At one point I even think I saw Tom Hanks doing a salute in there.

This (tonights game) was the first time that the west got the win and it was a battle where LWLoozer lived up to his nickname biggrin_o.gif

All the yelling, sighing and tearing my hair out was worthwhile! thumbs-up.gif

Its great being the OC at times guys. When you see it all coming together mainly because of your decisions and one sees the players reacting accordingly, theres nothing that beats such an OFP experience. I hope all you others enjoyed it as well (my team: Baz, Lupus, Pablo, Baron Hurlothrumbo, Hellwig, Sassyboy, WhereIsMyRabbit, Sami, some other guy from the RAAB and Eestikas88)

Basically, we had a massive turnout. Nice to see in these "soon" to be ARMA days.

Im sorry for Cibit who always picks the wrong team or gets his squad TK all the time smile_o.gif We all love you though *hugs and pats on back*

Thanks for Jay 56K sitting on the sidelines and cheering us on in global chat and Looz getting pissed at him for doing so nener.gif

For all the other players; I figure it can be a bit tedious at times when your just a small cog in the machine and you don't get to be the center of the action at all times.

Then again I know some of you enjoy that too, its a flavour of realism, an acquired taste.

Hope to see you back guys.


PS: Oh, theres an AAR out guys, get it before Looz gets you tounge2.gif I have an effin lisp on TS..lol...only on TS though.

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*Hugs Cibit and pats him on the ar.. back*


Well done everyone, great to see ZA so active.

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hmmmm....i think you guys sent me to front to scout but i ended up behind enemy lines somewhere near Blata.Then i returned and stole a RPG 7 and i wanted to bombard the church area,but the mission ended too soon.

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Would have been helpful if we still had arty left to bombard South of Varta and West runins area of Varta Heights.

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Im sorry for Cibit who always picks the wrong team or gets his squad TK all the time smile_o.gif We all love you though *hugs and pats on back*

Nm methinks I shall turn the tables and go OC I will kick your asses pistols.gif

nice games though BTW biggrin_o.gif

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rahh! after reading about this last week games, you cant know how im hating my mid-term exams, but oh well, nice to see a full house


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