4 IN 1 0 Posted September 30, 2005 for me PB is kind of "better then none" way on the anti-cheating, not really THAT useful, as even the game might/might not get MIA "in couple of weeks", i am pretty sure that PB is going to be cracked within one or so week(s), and as i said b4, you cant really get the real a$$hole who do these kind of crap Just a question, have you used dxdll or any modifications that modify the default game itself? thats the reason i vote no my friend, OFP based engine games are heavily scripted game(not the kind of MOH type you know...i mean, you should know), and as it is already unstable enought for normal MP use, i just wonder how PB is going to work in such it might be better (on anti-cheat matter) then none, but together with OFP style of handling addons/missions/whatever, it is just useless IMO Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Phobos 0 Posted October 2, 2005 I vote "no". Reasons have already been mentioned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NKVD 0 Posted October 2, 2005 hell yes, I want...need a reason ? just play several maps online and see for yourself..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Serberus 0 Posted October 3, 2005 Every time I have used Punkbuster it kicks me. I dont even know how to cheat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EiZei 0 Posted October 3, 2005 hell yes, I want...need a reason ? just play several maps online and see for yourself..... Hell no, need a reason? Just play several games that feature these anti-cheat systems online ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Moving Target 0 Posted October 3, 2005 hell yes, I want...need a reason ? just play several maps online and see for yourself..... Hell no, need a reason? Just play several games that feature these anti-cheat systems online ... Anti-cheat? What anti-cheat? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie_Mod 0 Posted October 4, 2005 hell yes, I want...need a reason ? just play several maps online and see for yourself..... Hell no, need a reason? Just play several games that feature these anti-cheat systems online ... What, like Quake 3 - the most successful online deathmatch game? Maybe you kids have your own private clans, but for the more casual player who DOESN'T want to devote much of his time to a clan and private server, we have to use Gamespy or All-seeing-eye to find matches. And guess what? They're jumping with cheats. You can't say you can spot a cheat, because even innocent people are being kicked for being too good. Tell me, oh wise ones, how do you tell, out of 16 players, who's using the "create tank" cheat? Or who is using the "everyone gets 50% damage at start" cheat? Or the "guns move up and down themselves" cheat? You can't. Therefore it is important to have a trusty anti-cheat system. Something is better than nothing. You people in private clans are being completely SELFISH. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
EiZei 0 Posted October 4, 2005 You can't. Therefore it is important to have a trusty anti-cheat system. Something is better than nothing. The point here is that something might not be better because OFP is supposed to be customizable and you can forget about stuff like (purely hypothetical) DXDLL2 that adds those wonderful DX11 effects to the outdated armed assault engine. Or not to mention those people who get e-stoned for having PB or some similar hopeless hack label them cheaters for no good reason. Quote[/b] ]You people in private clans are being completely SELFISH. No, we are just being pragmatic. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Moving Target 0 Posted October 5, 2005 "even Balance has announced that the cost of hacking on PunkBuster servers has just gone up significantly. PunkBuster now computes Hardware GUIDs for various pieces of hardware on players' systems while playing on PunkBuster servers. They now use multiple private one-way hashes so that no serial number information for individual computers can be determined by admins or anyone else who may try to obtain this information from a Hardware GUID (and as always, no personal information of any kind is examined, stored or transmitted by PunkBuster). When players raise a violation that corresponds to hacking or interfering with PunkBuster's normal operation, we now (in addition to Global PB GUID bans) are Globally banning the new Hardware GUIDs across all games supported by PunkBuster (including games supported in the future). So punks who are determined to cheat so badly on PB-enabled servers that they try to hack PunkBuster may now need a new computer in addition to a new cdkey in order to return to PunkBuster servers. As with previous PB GUID Global bans, the new Hardware GUID bans are permanent and will not be lifted. As always, players who are affected by these Global bans will still be able to play on non-PB servers. Honest users should never "test" hacks that claim to interfere with PunkBuster. We have successfully tested this new feature set over the past few weeks for a few supported games and will be rolling it out to all supported games over the next few days and weeks. Additionally, PunkBuster servers will be updated to signify whether kicks for Global bans are for PB GUIDs or the new Hardware GUIDs. " sound good, but i want to know what else they scan your system for and who they give that information to? Also, what happens if you get unfairly global banned for cheating in AA? Surely they should know now that 99% of people will not stand by and watch there PC's being blacklisted. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted October 5, 2005 "Moving Target" i suggest You educate self what is one-way hash before posting again ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie_Mod 0 Posted October 5, 2005 You can't. Therefore it is important to have a trusty anti-cheat system. Something is better than nothing. The point here is that something might not be better because OFP is supposed to be customizable and you can forget about stuff like (purely hypothetical) DXDLL2 that adds those wonderful DX11 effects to the outdated armed assault engine. Or not to mention those people who get e-stoned for having PB or some similar hopeless hack label them cheaters for no good reason. Quote[/b] ]You people in private clans are being completely SELFISH. No, we are just being pragmatic. OFP is also supposed to be multiplayer and if you leave the game wide open to cheats, then it'll be a dead duck. DXDLL is an exploit that exposes a "feature" in Flashpoint anyway. OFP wasn't exactly *designed* to allow that extensibility, Kegetys and wossisname must have been up all night with the tools from sysinternals.com studying how the flashpoint system loads DirectX I remember talking to Keg and Fearsumm a while ago about it. If BIS were using the COM object Library properly (and they can't have been, as they were using Win32 LoadLibrary to load the DirectX library into memory, instead of properly using CoCreateInstance to create the COM interface) then DXDLL wouldn't have been possible. You know you can use the DXDLL concept to cheat, too? Kegs and Feersumm used CRC32 to determine the texture that is being rendered - how difficult would it be, to say: IF SoldierTexture being rendered RENDER pure white (or yellow) texture all over END IF And make the soldier stand out? Luckily Kegetys and Fearsumm did not release their source code otherwise no doubt this type of thing would already have appeared. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
guerilla [mcy] 0 Posted October 5, 2005 i dont know if punkbuster is the right solution but after playing bf2 since the demo and not seeing 1 cheater since, while playing ofp the chance is allmost 50/50, i had to vote yes. For the Coop/Addon players around who fear having troubles with it, i suggest the "disable but" as mentioned x times before. you guys know the bug being shot by AI's throught bushes. just imaging it happens all the time or did you ever asked you why noone plays those nice MOD's around and ppl leaving this game not only because its old? Allmost all competitive leagues have died because of cheats, ppl have even started to cheat themself to combat those cheatos as their last solution and after seeing this vid http://univerchy.rigolage.com/kick%20the%20cheaters.wmv (20Mb) of the latest tkc-pack, i really asking myself where's the fun left. for me punkbuster is a total win/win situation for all kind of ofp players at the end even with all those unproven negative aspects of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-OGN-DarkPhantom 0 Posted October 9, 2005 Still comes down to one thing... yes or no We have been running OFP for many many years on my Aussie/NZ servers and had no problems with cheaters, so why start now?? When AA is released there will be no Punkbuster on my servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AG. 0 Posted October 9, 2005 DarkPhantom @ Oct. 09 2005,09:13)]Still comes down to one thing... yes or noWe have been running OFP for many many years on my Aussie/NZ servers and had no problems with cheaters, so why start now?? When AA is released there will be no Punkbuster on my servers. Simple answer to your question "Why start now?" Becouse on arma will be JIP, and cheaters will migrate as unstopable virus! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1125 Posted October 12, 2005 DarkPhantom @ Oct. 09 2005,10:13)]Still comes down to one thing... yes or noWe have been running OFP for many many years on my Aussie/NZ servers and had no problems with cheaters, so why start now?? When AA is released there will be no Punkbuster on my servers. i give You "fast" compare (or insight on possible future) with one "soon to be released game" ... it's named "F.E.A.R." i sugguest You visit VU games Communit y Forums ... people even use cheats on MP beta and MP demo in rapid increasing ammounts (if first day you have 1 cheater at end of week it's 100) ... yes there are cheats for game before it was released ... and for sure F.E.A.R. is not so moddable like OFPR / ArmAs ... with ArmAs it will be same within some week... wallhacks, aimbots, ballhacks, radarhacks, skinhacks, whatever ... sure people like You who plays max at private servers don't care but what about new players or people who are not part of "VIP" communities with servers ? Disable PB on server ... great ... that's why it's optionable ... but imagine if there is no PB or something like PB ... any public server will be doomed ... and even private servers will be in danger ... is that guy just good or cheating ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
meyamoti 0 Posted October 12, 2005 "oh noes he cheats! He keeled me with 1 shot to the head!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scrub 0 Posted October 12, 2005 Quote[/b] ]meyamoti Posted on Oct. 12 2005,05:34-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "oh noes he cheats! He keeled me with 1 shot to the head!" Â Â (thats a GOOD ONE) Yup! Â I saw it! You peeked from the same hidey-hole you always do and he shot you 5 times in a row... MUST be a cheater! Â I'd like to think that both the game and the community are of a sort that discurages cheating. Â We don't do much death-match type stuff, so the kill/killed score doesn't matter as much. Â The coop missions compete against AI "YEAH! Robbie-Robot, I SCHOOLED YOU!..." Not much satisfaction to be had here. Â Capture the flag is IMO, probably the only game type that will be hit hard by cheaters. Â And then, due to the team oriented play, the cheater has to watch out for his/her own teammates throwing up a warning. Â This game just has a good nature about it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
4 IN 1 0 Posted October 12, 2005 Quote[/b] ]meyamoti Posted on Oct. 12 2005,05:34-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "oh noes he cheats! He keeled me with 1 shot to the head!" Â Â (thats a GOOD ONE) Yup! Â I saw it! You peeked from the same hidey-hole you always do and he shot you 5 times in a row... MUST be a cheater! Â I'd like to think that both the game and the community are of a sort that discurages cheating. Â We don't do much death-match type stuff, so the kill/killed score doesn't matter as much. Â The coop missions compete against AI "YEAH! Robbie-Robot, I SCHOOLED YOU!..." Not much satisfaction to be had here. Â Capture the flag is IMO, probably the only game type that will be hit hard by cheaters. Â And then, due to the team oriented play, the cheater has to watch out for his/her own teammates throwing up a warning. Â This game just has a good nature about it. CTF and CTI are the main cheater playground if i am not wrong A&D/C&H are quite likely to be cheater playground as well but with the few number of them, i just wondered and cheating in COOP.................lets see, well the "YEAH! Robbie-Robot, I SCHOOLED YOU!..." speech not only lack of satisfaction, it also makes you looks like a complete dog.......well i need to admin that some of the cheater are quite smart and creative in some matter(got to see their "creative work" like sandbags towers, always give me a real good laught) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-TS-Varg 0 Posted October 14, 2005 Vote YES!!!! Or Multiplayer community dead in max 1 month. You don't make the same error on Operation Flashpoint. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jack Boots 0 Posted October 20, 2005 Sorry if this has been posted alreadly, I voted yes, as anything that might defeat the mighty TKC whos hell bent on ruining our game. <link removed> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dynamax 0 Posted October 22, 2005 how about going with valve, and their steam software. that VAC anticheat is really good and it's self updateing. wouldnt mind having ArmAss and OFP2(game2) sitting with HalfLife2 in my steam window. i voted NO for PunkBuster. i call it game buster since all it does is mess up the games. i didnt like it in Raven-Shield and i dont want it in OFP. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Balschoiw 0 Posted October 22, 2005 Quote[/b] ]how about going with valve, and their steam software. Please no. I don´t want to be forcewd to connect to the internet every time I open up the game only to find out that I need to wait 1 hour or more to download the latest additions on ISDN. Steam is neither user-friendly nor a solution to anything. It´s more or less just an extended copy-protection I don´t want to have on my comp. Punkbuster also gets a NO from me. We just don´t need it. From over 4 years of playing OFP online I only can remember 2 or 3 incidents with cheaters who were uncovered in a sec and banned for a lifetime. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jack Boots 0 Posted October 22, 2005 I suppose I would really like AA to be free from 3rd party software and rather really on implementing its own software to stop cheats Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
.kju 3245 Posted October 24, 2005 Observer 3 Module. i utterly hope that BIS is aware that replay function is a very very important addition for combating the cheat scene (of leagues) ! (apart from a lot of other benefits of a replay function - see starcraft, warcraft3, quake series etc). BIS please use the technology at hand and add this to ArmA ! you and your fans will be thankful for a lifetime. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sicilian 0 Posted October 25, 2005 Yes Q this would be great but I think for inner game structures it is already too late. But let's not forget to hope! As a hint on a general topic: Common Anticheat Enhancements For All BI Games It's always the same as it comes up here. People who usually play coop or in private sessions don't want to get any cheat solution because they never or not often have made experiences with cheats. As the leading post says PB would be an OPTIONAL thing and therefore no "must be" for the privates and coop servers! But please explain me why we should not got such a solution at all? There are so many servers out there where you can easily find a cheater on. Don't close your eyes people! We need a better supported ant cheat solution! PB is optional so don't care! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites