the_shadow 0 Posted September 6, 2005 i see all other cloudlets, so they are on... but i dont see any helidust from the CH53... :/ oh well.. have to check again.. [edit] i spotted the dust on the Navy sea dragon, not on the others... and that was when the rotors was of... and even then i had a really hard time to see any rotorwash... surely, a chopper of this size must produce a huge amount of rotor dust, the one that is now is almost impossible to see (atleast on my comp).. and then there is that bug with still having dust when the engine is off and the rotors are still Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dabitup 0 Posted September 6, 2005 guys, sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I havent been following this thread. I cant figure out how to make my units fastrope. I did what the readme but I still cant get it to work thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Heatseeker 0 Posted September 7, 2005 You cant fastrope, even if it says fastrope what is available is rapel and you can only drop one guy at a time, just put your squad in cargo and try to follow the readme instructions from there, i havent tried issuing the order but i have rappeled myself plenty of times, it feels great . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruff 102 Posted September 7, 2005 anychance of anyone posting the readme since ive deleted my rar copy already dunno how to rappel thanks great choppers by da way too badd i dun have time to play at the moment Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Harmed 0 Posted September 7, 2005 why doesnt it just use the BAS script that would be easy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vit-Vit Labs 0 Posted September 7, 2005 great addon!! Â but you need to add the new pilots pack Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fart-Nark 0 Posted September 7, 2005 got to say,what a great addon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mattxr 9 Posted September 7, 2005 OMG I CANT BELIVE THIS PACK IS SOO AMAZING..... q, q, q' q, Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fart-Nark 0 Posted September 7, 2005 ermm how to get the CH53 to carriey a hummer, iv tryed to but i cant, can any help me out Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
j w 0 Posted September 7, 2005 Â ermm how to get the CH53 to carriey a hummer, iv tryed to but i cant, can any help me out You should be able to use a script from like ofpec or something and execute it ingame; <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this exec "chopper_carries_hummwve.sqs" I'm not 100% sure about it but it should work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fart-Nark 0 Posted September 8, 2005 no joy, its not working its sayin ther no scripe Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Martin_BM 0 Posted September 8, 2005 Â no joy, its not working its sayin ther no scripe Everything is in readme Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eddie Haskel 0 Posted September 9, 2005 Several minor problems on my end. 1) when the chopper touches down, and I've tried with several in the set, it sinks in the ground. 2) sometimes, not always, when the soldiers get in they drop through the floor, lower half under the chopper, upper half in chopper. 3) for the humvee pickup (I was about 150m away from water), the chopper went to the shorline and waited there. replayed this, and paid attentio exactly where i picked on the map, and it was 150-200m off, and just over the water so the Humvee couldn't get under it. This happened 4 times before I quit. Positive Note: Nice looking machines, good sound, great ideas. maybe troubleshoot the vehicle pickup a little more though, within 150m of water. Eddie Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pappy Boyington 0 Posted September 9, 2005 why doesnt it just use the BAS script that would be easy because we couldnt get the damn thing to register the memory points we needed for the BAS script (which is why i had a short lived run in the project) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Katar 0 Posted September 9, 2005 It is great but I think you need to improve the maneuverability. Still it is one of the few helicopters around that are NOT a modified BIS model. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruff 102 Posted September 9, 2005 anychance of anyone posting the readme since ive deleted my rar copy alreadydunno how to rappel thanks great choppers by da way too badd i dun have time to play at the moment   please just a quick stick and paste with the readme i dont wanna dl the whole thing again just for the readme Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sanctuary 19 Posted September 9, 2005 Quote[/b] ]Copyright © 2005 Semper Fidelis Addons - OFP AddonsCH-53 Pack 1.0 ReadMe Contents A. Installation B. List of Addons C. Features D. Scripts/Markings E. Credits F. Bugs & Critics G. Disclaimer H. Change Log _ B) List of Addons West/US Marine Corp: Air/ CH-53D Sea Staillion (Camo) CH-53D Sea Staillion (Desert) CH-53D Sea Staillion (Green) CH-53D Sea Staillion (Grey) CH-53E Super Staillion (Camo) CH-53E Super Staillion (Desert) CH-53E Super Staillion (Green) CH-53E Super Staillion (Grey) West/US Air Force: Air/ MH-53J PAVE LOW III (camo) MH-53J PAVE LOW III (Grey) West/US Nav: Air/ MH-53E Super Staillion Empty/Objects (SEF)/ CH-53E Super Staillion (Camo) CH-53E Super Staillion (Desert) CH-53E Super Staillion (Green) CH-53E Super Staillion (Grey) CH-53E Super Staillion (Wreck, Camo) CH-53E Super Staillion (Wreck, Desert) CH-53E Super Staillion (Wreck, Green) CH-53E Super Staillion (Wreck, Grey) _ D) Scripts/Markings Squadron markings: There is big selection of squadron marking, but not all. To make use of them type this in the init line: this setObjectTexture [0,"\SEF_Misc\_markH\HMH361b.paa"]; this setObjectTexture [1,"\SEF_Misc\_markH\HMHYNb.paa"]; Here is the full list of the available markings. The b means black letters and s is for beige letters. Should be used for the desert camo CH-53: Marine medium helicopter squadrons: HMM-161 HMM161b.paa/ HMM161s.paa and YRb.paa/ YRs.paa HMM-162 HMM162b.paa/ HMM162s.paa and YSb.paa/ YSs.paa HMM-163 HMM163b.paa/ HMM163s.paa and YPb.paa/ YPs.paa HMM-165 HMM165b.paa/ HMM165s.paa and YWb.paa/ YWs.paa HMM-166 HMM166b.paa/ HMM166s.paa and YXb.paa/ YXs.paa HMM-261 HMM261b.paa/ HMM261s.paa and EMb.paa/ EMs.paa HMM-262 HMM262b.paa/ HMM262s.paa and ETb.paa/ ETs.paa HMM-263 HMM263b.paa/ HMM263s.paa and EGb.paa/ EGs.paa HMM-264 HMM264b.paa/ HMM264s.paa and EHb.paa/ EHs.paa HMM-265 HMM265b.paa/ HMM265s.paa and EPb.paa/ EPs.paa HMM-266 HMM266b.paa/ HMM266s.paa and ESb.paa/ ESs.paa HMM-268 HMM268b.paa/ HMM268s.paa and YQb.paa/ YQs.paa HMM-364 HMM364b.paa/ HMM364s.paa and PFb.paa/ PFs.paa HMM-365 HMM365b.paa/ HMM365s.paa and YMb.paa/ YMs.paa Marine heavy helicopter squadrons: HMH-361 HMH361b.paa/ HMH361s.paa and YNb.paa/ YNs.paa HMH-362 HMH362b.paa/ HMH362s.paa and YLb.paa/ YLs.paa HMH-363 HMH363b.paa/ HMH363s.paa and YZb.paa/ YZs.paa HMH-461 HMH461b.paa/ HMH461s.paa and CJb.paa/ CJs.paa HMH-462 HMH462b.paa/ HMH462s.paa and YFb.paa/ YFs.paa HMH-463 HMH463b.paa/ HMH463s.paa and YHb.paa/ YHs.paa HMH-464 HMH464b.paa/ HMH464s.paa and ENb.paa/ ENs.paa HMH-465 HMH465b.paa/ HMH465s.paa and YJb.paa/ YJs.paa HMH-466 HMH466b.paa/ HMH466s.paa and YKb.paa/ YKs.paa FastRope inseration: Every unit inside the chopper can execute the maneuvre except the pilot. After "Fastrope" was selected from the action-menue, click on the map where you want to be extracted. The chopper then flies into postition. When it' s in position and rope is rolled down you have two options in the action-menue: 1. "Rappel": If you klick this, you gonna rappel, like the name says . If you wish one or more AI-members of your group to rappel, hit the f-key for the specific unit, then 6 and then 1 for rappeling. Selecting all units at once and then hitting 6 and then 1 is not possible due to the ofp-engine, unfortunately. you have to execute the procedure for every unit you want ro rappel, one after the other, and you don' t have to wait until the subsequent unit is on the earth. 2. "Finish rappel": Finishes the maneuvre. The rope will be moved in, the helicopter will return to formation with it' s leader. Transport: Only the leader of the chopper can execute the transport. After choosing "Initiate transport", click on the map where the vehicle is located you want to transport. The helicopter goes into pisition and waiting for the vehicle. Drive your vehicle under the rope and select "Append vehicle" from the menue to append the vehicle standing under the rope. If a vehicle was found that can be transported, the helicopter will return to formation. A second click on the map assigns the area for unloading the vehicle. The chopper will fly there, unload the vehicle automatically and then return to formation. _ F. Bugs & Critics If you find any bug or do you have some critic you can contact me through BI Forum or send me a E-Mail at [email protected] . Look there in the "Semper Fidelis Addon Studio" Thread." _ H. Change Log 1.0 - Initiale release >SEMPER FIDELIS!< Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ruff 102 Posted September 9, 2005 isnt there just a rappel script just to do it like the bas fastrope? or is it meant ot be like that? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greg147 0 Posted September 12, 2005 I've run into a problem using these chopers in a mission. About 3 minutes into the mission, I get this error: I'm not sure if this is to do with the addon or my mission, but i'm not using any scripts yet (rappeling etc). It very annoying, as it stays there until I exit the editor. Has anyone else had this error, or know how to fix it? I've tried everything I can think of, except re-doing the entire mission. Thanks. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
franze 196 Posted September 12, 2005 No such error here. Which version is it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greg147 0 Posted September 12, 2005 Choppers are v1.0, and I have SEF Misc v1.0 Is there a newer version out? Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gedis 0 Posted September 12, 2005 FK, found some bugs: 1. CH-53D external fuel tanks are not the same as CH-53E in reality(look in that H-53 pdf which i gave you) 2. CH-53D has six-bladed rotor and CH-53E has seven-bladed rotor(i forgot checked it or not...) 3. CH-53D didin't have refuel probe, it was RH-53D which had them... 4. all 53 have texture bug, when you look from it's right side to it's right engine, you will see what i mean... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
franze 196 Posted September 12, 2005 Choppers are v1.0, and I have SEF Misc v1.0Is there a newer version out? Â Er, I meant is it the CH-53D, CH-53E, CH-53 Navy, MH-53 Pave Low...? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eddie Haskel 0 Posted September 13, 2005 Hi guys!Nice Addon and works really fine But do u get this one Quote[/b] ]'0|#|:': Error unbekannter Operator by the start of OFP? I get it and some other users too. Also get that error. And I was patient, took the time to remove ALL my addons, replacing 10 at a time, until I narrowed it down to the SEF Misc v1.0.pbo. D/l'd it several times and still get that error. Anyone know a fix? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greg147 0 Posted September 14, 2005 Er, I meant is it the CH-53D, CH-53E, CH-53 Navy, MH-53 Pave Low...? Its the CH-53E I think. The Super Stallion. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites