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New Uniform

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Well if the ACU is more comfortable, and the multicam looks better, why dont they just combine the two?  wink_o.gif

I mean really, a camo that is comfortable, convienient, and looks good would really be an awesome uniform.

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Those would be great, but I want more than just communists to kill, what about some insurgents? Maybe some organized generic terrorist group? Or maybe the US and England will for some reason attack eachother. Hell, what about the UN and every single nations army into OFP? Yes I know thats WAY over the line but still, that would be the best thing ever to happen to me in my whole entire life, and everyone who plays OFP life's tounge2.gif

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Ok, we already talked about the west uniform, what about the Russian uniform, will they be looking like this ?


It would be a big change. And i would love to see this uniforms

Well, actually all of the uniforms in that page are used by garrison units. Those types of uniforms are not to be worn in combat, though the Flora pattern uniform is issued for field/combat use. You can get a better view of the modern Russian army here, most of the images are about the minister of interior troops (MVD)


You can change the pages on the upper bar, 6 pages.

Yankyballs, what do you mean by communists? The Chinese? whistle.gif

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East uniform thread merged into here, it's not necessary to have two separate threads smile_o.gif

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Well if the ACU is more comfortable, and the multicam looks better, why dont they just combine the two? wink_o.gif

I mean really, a camo that is comfortable, convienient, and looks good would really be an awesome uniform.

It doesnt matter how the camo looks as long as it does its job.

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Well if the ACU is more comfortable, and the multicam looks better, why dont they just combine the two? wink_o.gif

I mean really, a camo that is comfortable, convienient, and looks good would really be an awesome uniform.

It doesnt matter how the camo looks as long as it does its job.

Isn't the way the camo looks exactly how it does it's job? tounge2.gif

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While I'm "sure" the administrative guys who are investigating the new grey camo aren't complete idiots, I just don't see why it's good at all. In OFP, the camo of the enemy makes a huge difference in my abilily to take them out.

I just feel from a civilian point of view that this uniform is a step back in history.

It's a pretty decent urban camo i guess. confused_o.gif

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An advantage of a distinctive uniform is easier recognition. Since fatigues in U.S. Woodland pattern and derivatives have been adopted by many armies around the world, including numerous ones not entirely friendly towards the U.S., quick and correct identification of friend and foe was to some extent impeded. And with a camouflage pattern adopted like the current ACU, there may well be fewer fighting forces that want to adopt something very similar. wink_o.gif



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urgh no i dont like it .. it looks too neat and tidy.. thats like me going into battle wearing a camoed 3 piece suit.

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An advantage of a distinctive uniform is easier recognition. Since fatigues in U.S. Woodland pattern and derivatives have been adopted by many armies around the world, including numerous ones not entirely friendly towards the U.S., quick and correct identification of friend and foe was to some extent impeded. And with a camouflage pattern adopted like the current ACU, there may well be fewer fighting forces that want to adopt something very similar. wink_o.gif



What about the enemy? They'll see you WAY before you see them. Camo is supposed to make you blend into the environment, and this crap doesn't do that at all, unless your stood infront of a huge tv screen with static or something. Why can't they just combine the multicam pattern with it like someone else said? Or use woodland pattern on it. As is it looks retarded, it's as good as having a big sign saying "HERE I AM! SHOOT ME!" over his head.

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An advantage of a distinctive uniform is easier recognition. Since fatigues in U.S. Woodland pattern and derivatives have been adopted by many armies around the world, including numerous ones not entirely friendly towards the U.S., quick and correct identification of friend and foe was to some extent impeded. And with a camouflage pattern adopted like the current ACU, there may well be fewer fighting forces that want to adopt something very similar. wink_o.gif



What about the enemy? They'll see you WAY before you see them. Camo is supposed to make you blend into the environment, and this crap doesn't do that at all, unless your stood infront of a huge tv screen with static or something. Why can't they just combine the multicam pattern with it like someone else said? Or use woodland pattern on it. As is it looks retarded, it's as good as having a big sign saying "HERE I AM! SHOOT ME!" over his head.

Yes, well combining a small like pattern with a more larger one is best for camouflage. You can spot the larger pattern from far away and avoid that "black blob" effect if you only have a small, for example digital pattern that hasn't got many different shades of color. So, combining M81 Woodland with the new ACU could prove out to be pretty good.


Hey guys, do you think I'm cut out to be a military fashion designer? tounge2.gif


A simple combination of the M81 and ACU

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Yeah nice photoshop effect but eh...somehow t doesnt look right,could just be me as im ready to pass out over ere,heh >.> well im off. zzz

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hmm... im not sure but i think the camo only works from a distance. I think thats what what i heard about this camo. I donno, i just hope i don't have to wear it when I go in the service. besides, they might use it for only urban combat... i hope.

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The trouble is that the kind of fighting faced by dismounted troops nowadays puts them in clear view of an opponent anyway. The ranges in an urban environment where forces are now deployed are too short to effectively blend in with the environment. In such a situation quick and reliable identification of friend and foe has a higher priority. The distinctive greyish appearance of the ACU assists in that. Since the lethality of the armament of western forces like the U.S. army is greater than that brought to bear by the average opponent, being seen and recognised by your own side may well take precedence over the importance of not being seen by the other side.

On the one hand standoff engagements may be taking on a greater role in higher intensity conflicts, but the lower intensity conflict demands that troops are often deployed in situations where it is not only hard to hide, but where deployment in the open is an essential part of the mission (e.g. the policing role in a counter-insurgency campaign) and camouflage has low practical value. When patrolling a street clad in body armour, clutching heavy weaponry, accompanied by noisy and large vehicles it is going to be quite difficult blending in regardless of the colours of your clothing.



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The trouble is that the kind of fighting faced by dismounted troops nowadays puts them in clear view of an opponent anyway. The ranges in an urban environment where forces are now deployed are too short to effectively blend in with the environment. In such a situation quick and reliable identification of friend and foe has a higher priority. The distinctive greyish appearance of the ACU assists in that. Since the lethality of the armament of western forces like the U.S. army is greater than that brought to bear by the average opponent, being seen and recognised by your own side may well take precedence over the importance of not being seen by the other side.

On the one hand standoff engagements may be taking on a greater role in higher intensity conflicts, but the lower intensity conflict demands that troops are often deployed in situations where it is not only hard to hide, but where deployment in the open is an essential part of the mission (e.g. the policing role in a counter-insurgency campaign) and camouflage has low practical value. When patrolling a street clad in body armour, clutching heavy weaponry, accompanied by noisy and large vehicles it is going to be quite difficult blending in regardless of the colours of your clothing.



You make it sound like that, the military will only fight in urban areas. The woodland combat is a serious issue, and if the US troops go into such combat, wearing the ACU they will surely stand out more than than, let's say a OPFOR clothed in only khaki. Though ofcourse, the ACU will be only handed out to the units operating in urban areas?

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What about a unit creation option in the main menu? (as in: "Campaign, Single Mission, Multiplayer, Map Editor, Unit Creator etc)

I'm not sure how many people have played "Warhammer 40K: Dawn of War" with it's "create your own chapter" menu, but somthing similar could be untilized for OFP2.

For example:

You could mix colours to suit your current terrain environment to get the perfect camoflauge, and an option to create a custom platoon/regiment badge. This idea sounds as if it could only be done for MP, but it would be handy for Online Squads/Clans/Guilds.

This could open up the player's choice a little more, rather than the default camo settings.

Another Idea is a program such as Oxygen actually integrated into the game, but I'll leave that for another topic. icon_rolleyes.gif

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There's a Japanese scientist who invented an invisible jacket. Now, just get that enviro-endurable and we got the best camo you can ask for.

ACU looks like a comfortable uniform, but not a working camo.

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well this is only rumors but some say that the ACU was never tested but that the coulors was taken form a not good at all test pattern called all over track( some of you might remmember the patterns that was meant to compeat for the next us cammo pattern) and then merged with MARPAT. And that actualy Multicam was the leading camouflage. Also Multicam has been used in promoting FCS.



@kin hil

I thort H.C. Andersen who was the first to make invisible clothing. wink_o.gif

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There's a Japanese scientist who invented an invisible jacket. Now, just get that enviro-endurable and we got the best camo you can ask for.

ACU looks like a comfortable uniform, but not a working camo.

That sounds pretty intresting you got a link or any thing about it? I wanna get myself one of thous tounge2.gif


Found a link! sadly i cant find any pictures of it yet but its still pretty intresting Clicky!


Found a pic!


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I know those are supposed to be pixelated but um...the pixels arent supposed to be that big O.o wooo.

I prefer current urban camo over the erm....grayish digital camo but thats not my choice.

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marpat and multicam are the best usits i must say...

blend in purfectly



the ACU .. well the eyes hurt lookin on it...

You need some better textures.

It should look more like this(disreguard the woodland arms):




Should be looking like this when finished:


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Quote[/b] ]You make it sound like that, the military will only fight in urban areas. The woodland combat is a serious issue, and if the US troops go into such combat, wearing the ACU they will surely stand out more than than, let's say a OPFOR clothed in only khaki. Though ofcourse, the ACU will be only handed out to the units operating in urban areas?

Not exclusively, but predominantly as the destructiveness of precision guided munitions is forcing opponents to seek refuge precisely there were some measure of protection against these is available: densely populated areas where the threat of possible civilian casualties is more likely to deter, though not necessarily prevent, Western armies to drop heavy ordnance. There is much less chance of harming innocent bystanders in the woods, so artillery and bombs can be employed there with less discretion.

The pattern is intended to be a jack of all trades (but a master of none). Various patterns and colour schemes adjusted to different environments had originally been tested for the new uniforms, but in the end it was decided to adopt a pattern in single colour scheme for the usual reason (saving money).



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