Trapper 0 Posted August 13, 2005 If my questions were already answered before please tell me, I didn't find an answer while skimming this big topic. Is there a way to detect if the user plays with or without ECP? As my singleplayer mission gets very big I thought about reducing lag by executing a neccessary ecp restrictions script only if needed. I've tried <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (ecp_internal select 31) then {[] exec "ecp.sqs"} in the init.sqs, but the script isn't executed when ECP mod is running, too. My second question is, how do you create the light for burning objects at night without a "spotlight" effect shining through hills and without turn on/turn off fire action? Because I'm trying to create a simular small fire illumination addon for my mission and don't now much about config.cpp possibilitys. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
supergruntsb78 67 Posted August 13, 2005 when i try to use the Newland island with ECP i get a crash to desktop with the error out of reserved memory bla bla bla when i try the same island without ecp activated there is no problem anybody any idea ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 144 Posted August 13, 2005 Did some testing for a while now. I encountered some probs with random weather .I tried to disable the rw in the ECP settings. But it doesn't seem to work. It always start to rain after a couple of min. I wonder if anybody else experienced such kind of thing. AI behaviour changes drastically when using Info share script. Skill level increases very much. I turned down the AI skill level to 0 in a mission, the enemy became kind of elite soldiers. It's harder to close on objectives you need to pay lot more of attention. Mission editing with ECP is very different now. I try to avoid using lots of triggers with lot's of condition especially regarding AI behaviour. Also making cinematics became different since some AI react differently now. @ Tim Pink I loved the soundtracks you did on the videos. really fantastic @ Zayfod My compliments for all the soundediting you guys did,. this is an exellent work. It added such a great different atmosphere to OFP. You guys did a hell of a work, from weapons to radio chatter etc. I know some about sound editing, and I know how much hard work it is. Special effects and scripting is outstanding. The best mod I've seen so far. Keep up this fantastic work. Regards nettrucker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Messiah 2 Posted August 13, 2005 Quote[/b] ]when i try to use the Newland island with ECP i get a crash to desktop with the error out of reserved memory bla bla blawhen i try the same island without ecp activated there is no problem anybody any idea ? Thats because you're exactly that... out of reserved memory... OFP, at start up, loads up every addon, every mission, every editor mission etc during the splash screen. This requires alot of memory. At a certain limit, there wont be enough. Hence why when you use ECP, it wont load up, and when you dont (which means its loading up less addons/coding/etc) it does work... cut down your addons/use more mod folders/use mod folders etc. --------------------------------------------------------------- On another note: appologies beforehand if this has been adressed, but i've kept up with this thread for the most part, and i dont recall seeing it mentioned. I've made a javelin, and for some reason the backblast scripts from ECP dont work. Now, i looked at the ecp site, and the only thing it mentiones about 3rd part addons that i can see, if how to make the compatible in relation to the eventhandlers... this addon has no eventhandlers and hence im confused as to what to do to get it working. cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 13, 2005 Great job ECP team! ECP really made me go back to OFP again after a six month break. I enjoyed playing with the HYK modern infantry a lot but some - if not all - ECP effects are missing with this addon. Has it been updated to make it compatible with ECP? This has probably been asked before in this thread but I couldn't find an answer. Sorry. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MachoMan 0 Posted August 13, 2005 Make sure you use the ECP compatible version of JAM2. You can get it from the addons section of our site. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nemesis6 0 Posted August 13, 2005 To the guy who asked about players being able to surrender: I'm pretty sure they can. I was suddenly given the option while in a hopeless firefight with the enemy, but I chose not to. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 14, 2005 Make sure you use the ECP compatible version of JAM2. You can get it from the addons section of our site. That's the funny part. I use it. The BAS soldiers work fine. With the HYK soldiers I can't even hear the AI speaking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pathy 0 Posted August 14, 2005 They cant be compatable then. Solution: Place at least one BIS unit in the mission, doesnt matter if hes on an island somewhere in the middle of nowhere, you just need that 1 BIS guy I think. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
benus 0 Posted August 14, 2005 got one question. ECP uses a new model for the NV_goggles and you have the possibility to choose from differnt NV screen layers. but how does it work that the DXDLL effect (when using NV-goggles at day it is to bright to see) still works with those what is the difference to all the mods like FFUR or Y2k3. they replace the NV_goggles ... and the textures I think to get a clear view. but how is it done in ECP ? what is replaced and changed or what is not replaced and changed so that it works? thx benus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr_Tea 0 Posted August 14, 2005 I had a question some time ago, but I get no responce. So, again. What is this ECP sealevel detection good for? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapper 0 Posted August 14, 2005 What is this ECP sealevel detection good for? Well I've got no response on my question, too... Height above sea level is something you can't measure in OFP without calculations. The default height measurement of OFP is height above ground/radar height. So if you need an easy way to measure height above sealevel you can use this function included in ecp. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MachoMan 0 Posted August 14, 2005 Trapper wins the dishwasher and goes on to the next round! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trapper 0 Posted August 14, 2005 No not the dishwasher, answer my question please Is there a way to detect if the user plays with or without ECP? As my singleplayer mission gets very big I thought about reducing lag by executing a neccessary ecp restrictions script only if needed.I've tried <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (ecp_internal select 31) then {[] exec "ecp.sqs"} in the init.sqs, but the script isn't executed when ECP mod is running, too. My second question is... obsolete Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bunkerslusken 1 Posted August 15, 2005 Sorry if somebody already asked this before, but is it possible to turn off the "Flashbang" effect for the grenades? Just the visual "Blinding" effect, I'd like to keep the shock sound... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Taconic 0 Posted August 15, 2005 but how does it work that the DXDLL effect (when using NV-goggles at day it is to bright to see) still works with those They use the BIS textures. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zayfod 1 Posted August 15, 2005 Trapper, the ECP sea level detector is just that, a sea level detector. ECP uses this object to accurately obtain the rise and fall of sea level. That data is then used internally for any scripts that require "over water" knowledge. It's not much use for anything else.  Bunkerslusken, the grenade suppression is either off or on, so you can't have just the sound without the white out effect. We may update that option in the future if there is call enough for it  Nemesis6, neither the Player nor any unit in the players group will surrender. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Messiah 2 Posted August 15, 2005 appologies beforehand if this has been adressed, but i've kept up with this thread for the most part, and i dont recall seeing it mentioned.I've made a javelin, and for some reason the backblast scripts from ECP dont work. Now, i looked at the ecp site, and the only thing it mentiones about 3rd part addons that i can see, if how to make the compatible in relation to the eventhandlers... this addon has no eventhandlers and hence im confused as to what to do to get it working. cheers sorry to quote myself, but i fear that the ECP team missed my problem (or dont care - lol) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nemesis6 0 Posted August 15, 2005 ...Are you sure about that Zayfod? I could have sworn I was given the option to "Surrender" in the action menu. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zayfod 1 Posted August 15, 2005 Messiah, give the Jav to a standard BIS unit, and fire it, Let me know what happens. Do you get 1) Backblast Visual FX ? 2) BackBlast Damage FX ? 3) Rocket trail FX? What is the init velocity of the Jav missile? Also please try it using standard BIS sound setup rather than DR sound. Nemesis6, yup. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Messiah 2 Posted August 15, 2005 Zayfod: 1: No 2: No 3: Yes Init Speed is 6 - yes its slow, but these things do have a rather meaty backblast in rea life due to the size of the flame emitted from the rear... I'm assuming the backblast scripts are set for a certain init speed then? cheers Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zayfod 1 Posted August 15, 2005 Trapper, In the mission init.sqs <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Trapper_ecp_check = false IF (format[{%1},ECP_path] != {scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef}) THEN {Trapper_ecp_check = true;hint "ECP is loaded"} ECP_path is established instantly without delay upon start, it would be the most reliable and fastest way to establish if ECP 1.085 is present. Messiah, ok so u have no ECP backblast visuals or damage. Are you sure the rocket trail FX is the ECP FX? Yes, ECP does check the missiles init speed but if you are seeing the ECP rocket trail FX then the other FX should also work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Messiah 2 Posted August 15, 2005 Quote[/b] ]Messiah,ok so u have no ECP backblast visuals or damage. Are you sure the rocket trail FX is the ECP FX? Yes, ECP does check the missiles init speed but if you are seeing the ECP rocket trail FX then the other FX should also work. well, i'm pretty sure it is... I have no other effects packs loaded, and I sure didnt make any smoke trail for it... it looks like the ECP smoke trail to me... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zayfod 1 Posted August 15, 2005 Ahhh, ok I don't think it is mate. Thats a Jav based on Earl and Sucheys Marpat marines? Really looks like their smoke trail and not ours, in which case no ECP FX at all are working, which makes sense. Your Javs Init speed is too slow. We actually did this on purpose so the Marpat Marines FX did not clash with ECP FX as their Jav starts slow also. Hmm, maybe we will remove the check in the next version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Messiah 2 Posted August 15, 2005 Ahhh,ok I don't think it is mate. Thats a Jav based on Earl and Sucheys Marpat marines? Really looks like their smoke trail and not ours, in which case no ECP FX at all are working, which makes sense. Your Javs Init speed is too slow. We actually did this on purpose so the Marpat Marines FX did not clash with ECP FX as their Jav starts slow also. Hmm, maybe we will remove the check in the next version. yes it's based off earl and suchey's javelin, though i really dont think i've copied any kind of smoke script across with it - just the mag and the weapon parts. very confused Share this post Link to post Share on other sites