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UK Desert(ed) troops or BLEED

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so honestly should i dl d or wait for e cuz 56k dont like to dl things over again if you know what i mean. huh.gif

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Can you add a SAS sniper to this pack?

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper


Desert Snipers of any sort = normal guy in Desert DPM with a sniper rifle. Ie, very easy for you just to do via init code within the mission editor.

You dont reallly get Ghilies for Desert, too hot as i understand it wink_o.gif

Right...some of our snipers didn't even use them down in Kosovo when it really got warm there...and as the desert tends to be sligtly warmer... biggrin_o.gif

It is even more fun to use "your own, home made" sniper...be creative smile_o.gif

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So.....  What do I have to do to get a SAS2 to wear a patrolpack?  smile_o.gif

SAS2 only have bergen.

[From the readme included in the download]


Models containing backpacks:

BLB_DPARA.p3d (bergen) all "Para (vest) xxxx" in editor

BLB_DSAS2.p3d (bergen) all "SAS 2 xxxx" or "_SAS 2 xxxx" in editor

BLB_DSAS.p3d (patrolpack) all "SAS xxxx" or "_SAS xxxx" in editor

BLB_DWEB_W.p3d (patrolpack) "RMC xxxx" in editor. NOT "RMC (DPM) xxxx"!


confused_o.gif Why bother making those readmes...

so honestly should i dl d or wait for e cuz 56k dont like to dl things over again if you know what i mean.

The reason why I did'nt make a patch (=less size) before is that the "Patch Generator tool" from Our Weapons project only replace/adds files in the root of the pbo (i could be wrong) so if any files within maps inside the pbo need changin,it won't work. Maybe i'm doing sumthin wrong.

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When trying to select your sunglasses via the player info screen (thingy mabobben) I get errors along the lines of...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Cannot find texture blb_uk\rayban4.paa

I could include 'em but don't expect to use it on the UK units tho. 'brejle' (glasses) has been removed cos of the inbuilt shades and goggles. Pretty ironic...

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without going into much detail on our intentions, its a bit of copy and paste, as well as texture changes, additions - beret scripts - vehicle crews, a regular DPM update etc...

as for updating BLEED, thats not on our agenda. Sorry confused_o.gif

Huh? This means you'll be using bits of the BLEED guys in the UKF Desert Troops pack?

The vehicle crew changes would be nice, puting the desert landies and it being filled with normal camo guys is annoying.

Whatever, the more UK stuff the better tounge2.gif

- Ben

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lol... not quite... basically we're carrying on the work blackblood has left us with... it means you lot get updates and new versions of his excellent troops with our additions to them.

we didnt see the point of remaking an already amazing addon, so using his as a base made sense smile_o.gif

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OK, you guys. Home 'sick' with a hangover the size of Gibraltar. Status:

ECP 1.085

I tried the units 1.0d version with ECP 1.085. Smacked down a payload of gamelogics and random units galore.

No CTD, no untriggered scripts, no nothing. I don't get it?

Seems very compatable with ECP 1.085. My units gets all the nitty gritty from ECP (blood scripts, talking scripts etc).

Anyone care to try it some more in that environment?

The only gamelogic i can think of causing a CTD is "Wipman M4's" simply if you don't include it in your addon folder.


Added. Still won't work on the UK units tho (never has).

It's just a bonus for use with any other soldier.

Face wound textures

They were missing from LOD 2 and down. Fixed.

(not the same wounded texture issue as before. That was clothing related)

DPM units had a desert shortsleeve sometimes showing

LOD 2 and down. Fixed.

P226 handgun grip too low

Old and forgotten - and Fixed.

The reason why i'm still fixing this is that i want UKF to have a good template to work on. Aswell as let you guys have something to play around with until they're ready to release anything related to it. At the looks of it (UKF warrior, Landies)these guys are on a productive "hot streak"! biggrin_o.gif

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When trying to select your sunglasses via the player info screen (thingy mabobben) I get errors along the lines of...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Cannot find texture blb_uk\rayban4.paa

I could include 'em but don't expect to use it on the UK units tho. 'brejle' (glasses) has been removed cos of the inbuilt shades and goggles. Pretty ironic...

Bugger, wanted em to look even more sexy while out on ops with RAAB. Thought they'd go well with my 'tache wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]Face wound textures

They were missing from LOD 2 and down. Fixed.

Think you might have just solved the problem with the next version of GMER inlove.gif

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Quote[/b] ]At the looks of it (UKF warrior, Landies)these guys are on a productive "hot streak"!

neah, just wanted to give your guys something to play with biggrin_o.gif

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That's good news, Munk. smile_o.gif

BB: I've been playing some missions I made w/ your units and gamelogics, and I haven't had any issues w/ the new ECP. Well, at least not specific to your units.

For the person who was getting a CTD w/ ECP, I've had that w/ one mission using the ECP trigger for non-compliant addons, but I didn't have any of BB's units on the map, so I think it's something else.

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OK, you guys. Home 'sick' with a hangover the size of Gibraltar. Status:

ECP 1.085

I tried the units 1.0d version with ECP 1.085. Smacked down a payload of gamelogics and random units galore.

No CTD, no untriggered scripts, no nothing. I don't get it?

Seems very compatable with ECP 1.085. My units gets all the nitty gritty from ECP (blood scripts, talking scripts etc).

Anyone care to try it some more in that environment?

The only gamelogic i can think of causing a CTD is "Wipman M4's" simply if you don't include it in your addon folder.


Added. Still won't work on the UK units tho (never has).

It's just a bonus for use with any other soldier.

Face wound textures

They were missing from LOD 2 and down. Fixed.

(not the same wounded texture issue as before. That was clothing related)

DPM units had a desert shortsleeve sometimes showing

LOD 2 and down. Fixed.

P226 handgun grip too low

Old and forgotten - and Fixed.

The reason why i'm still fixing this is that i want UKF to have a good template to work on. Aswell as let you guys have something to play around with until they're ready to release anything related to it. At the looks of it (UKF warrior, Landies)these guys are on a productive "hot streak"!   biggrin_o.gif

is there any config.cpp changes involved on the updates or just the models and other files?

im asking because ive edited the config.cpp for the 4th time and if its not changed i wouldnt have to edit it again.


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is there any config.cpp changes involved on the updates or just the models and other files?

im asking because ive edited the config.cpp for the 4th time and if its not changed i wouldnt have to edit it again.


No, not really. I removed one rayban line but that's it.

I was thinking of including AT classes to the SAS since that part is missing, but...yeah I see the problem. What weapons are you using when replacing the default?

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Quote[/b] ]What the heck is "GMER"?

he doesent know what gmer is...what a n00b tounge2.gif

also you never relly awnsered my question about there being an e pack? huh.gif

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Quote[/b] ]What the heck is "GMER"?

he doesent know what gmer is...what a n00b  tounge2.gif

ooo...damn i'm a n00b. I thought i was l33+ and Ha>< no0bs.

Gonna cry myself to sleep...

Back on topic. I have a solution that'll make both 56k'ers and config tweakers happy.

I've made a succesfull patch (2 Mb) that ONLY replaces the 3d models. That means if you've altered the config or scripts you don't have to do it all over again.

The patch do work. I've tried it several times. It was made with Patch generator 1.0. Check first page as per usual...

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thanks man

very much appreciated

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You're welcome.




About the 1.085 compatability:

The current version works with a little workaround:

Always include a default BIS guy anywhere in the editor. Does not have to be in the same group. It takes a couple of seconds to initialize...

There wont be anymore updates from me. This is it.

If or when - it's all P:UKF's call now.

If anyone wanna fix full ECP 1.085 compatability you'll have to ask P:UKF for permission to upload it. bubye!  goodnight.gif

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now that you did you final touch up on the Bleed units and lay your work in the hands of the P:UKF let

me thank you very much for this excellent and extraordinary addon you blessed the community with notworthy.gif

Also many thanks for giving your units in the able hands of the UKF mod, to keep on working on/with these excellent units thumbs-up.gif

Good luck with your future plans and have a wonderfull life smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]What the heck is "GMER"?

he doesent know what gmer is...what a n00b  tounge2.gif

ooo...damn i'm a n00b. I thought i was l33+ and Ha>< no0bs.

Gonna cry myself to sleep...

Back on topic. I have a solution that'll make both 56k'ers and config tweakers happy.

I've made a succesfull patch (2 Mb) that ONLY replaces the 3d models. That means if you've altered the config or scripts you don't have to do it all over again.

The patch do work. I've tried it several times. It was made with Patch generator 1.0. Check first page as per usual...

about that patch could u make one for the SAS units for those BIS guns to use the Wips M4s? Just asking, would be cool smile_o.gif Would be vary vary good biggrin_o.gif Plz or if some one could do this with ur word on it wink_o.gif Just an patch for the guns just the guns.

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or just use the addweapon command... people seem to be getting very confused about the stance on the BIS weapons...

remember, unfortunatly, there are 100's of bloody M4 packs and everyone has their favourites. BB would have a hard job choosing the 'best' pack to useand keep everyone happy. This way, no1 should complain, or have any right to.

in the UKF updates we'll equip them with correct weapons we've made, and no, not M4's.

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Email the patch over again, I'll sort out a mirror.

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I understand BB is done supporting these, so I'll just post this and see if anyone else has the problem, and if so, maybe UKF has an idea...

I can't seem to take any regular BIS pipebombs (Satchel Charges) with these units. Yes, I've shot/thrown/dropped my ammo, but I still don't seem to be able to "see" them when I walk up to an object that has them onboard. We're talking either a unit that carries them, or a vehicle that has them added (this addmagazineCargo "Pipebomb"). Other, non-BB units (as a player) can pick them up in the same mission. I even changed it to addweaponcargo, and then the BB units can see them, but of course, there's nothing really to pickup.

Anybody have this, or am I just missing something?

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in the UKF updates we'll equip them with correct weapons we've made, and no, not M4's.

You know Colt has recently purchased Diemaco so your C8's(asuming you will give them modern weapons) are almost M4's now icon_rolleyes.gif And if you give them 1991 equipment M16's and commandos are its precedors you have a hard time coming around AR15's with the SAS(Special Air Service, not Scandinavian Airlines System).


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