Placebo 30 Posted June 16, 2006 But what about the TOP TV vid? Did they used TIR?[ig][/img] [im][/img] No they didn't, footage they aired was of me playing with regular keyboard/mouse Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Big Dawg KS 6 Posted June 16, 2006 In the right hands, a mouse and keyboard will get you just as far as all that fancy gaming hardware. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxqubit 1 Posted June 16, 2006 Plz expand your horizon. Do you seriously think evolution stopped in 200x with the advent of mouse and keyboard as THE input for a.o. playing games? :) And ppl tend to forget the table that goes with it. So it is mouse + keyboard + table as human ultimate answer to 'How to play a proper fps' LOL:) Ok, so it's OT, but BIS made progress by designing OFP:E with the controller as input device:) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strango 5 Posted June 16, 2006 In the right hands, a mouse and keyboard will get you just as far as all that fancy gaming hardware. TrackIR for infantry use in ArmA will be about the same as it is for racing games. It's not going to make you a better player and give you an advantage over people who don't have it, but it will add to the immersion factor a ton. In racing games you have your look left and look right keys to survey your sides. In OFP you have keys to look around. TrackIR just lets you have a floating view of looking around which adds to the feeling of being in the game. Now where TrackIR will give players an advantage is with aircraft. Yes you can use the HAT to look around, but it's not smooth. When you're in a fast moving vehicle having an independent smooth view adds another level of awareness that you just can't get any other way. Does everyone need to go out and buy a TrackIR? No. Do you have some extra cash and want to add to your ArmA experience? If Yes I suggest you buy one. You won't regret it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Garcia 0 Posted June 16, 2006 I can't think of any better way than playing FPS with than with a mouse as the "aiming device". All other forms for controll won't give the accuracy that a mouse will give. Some may mean that a PS/Xbox controller is better, but no matter how good you are with a xbox controller, a person who's good with a mouse will be able to aim accurately much much faster (I actually got video proof from CoD2, a shot made by a mate of mine. There is no way in hell anybody could move the sight as fast as that with a controller). So, I agree with Kyle...mouse and keyboard for me, even though I may sometime have the money for TIR. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadow 6 Posted June 16, 2006 I can't think of any better way than playing FPS with than with a mouse as the "aiming device". But the TIR is not a aiming device. Its a viewing device. The only benefit a TIR user might get over a non-TIR user is added situational awareness because the TIR user will look more around himself simply because it takes absolutely no effort to do so. Other than that its like Strango says, its an immersion-booster. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bravo 6 0 Posted June 16, 2006 does this Track Ir glasses cause any anoyment/pains in the head if used for several hours? I really like to buy it but i need to know if it creats some second effects.. anyone experienced bad moments with it? Will the image be as clear and nitid as the one in the screen? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Garcia 0 Posted June 16, 2006 I can't think of any better way than playing FPS with than with a mouse as the "aiming device". But the TIR is not a aiming device. Its a viewing device. The only benefit a TIR user might get over a non-TIR user is added situational awareness because the TIR user will look more around himself simply because it takes absolutely no effort to do so. Other than that its like Strango says, its an immersion-booster. I know it is a viewing device, it was a comment on maxquibits sentence: Quote[/b] ]So it is mouse + keyboard + table as human ultimate answer to 'How to play a proper fps' Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strango 5 Posted June 16, 2006 With TrackIR you use a hat. There's 3 reflectors on the hat (for the ones that support vectoring). So as long as you don't have a problem wearing a hat then you shouldn't have any secondary effects. Without vectoring you just need one reflector. They will give you a bunch of stickies you can use and stick them anywhere that will move with your head. You can also use the hat if you like. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bravo 6 0 Posted June 16, 2006 im been looking for info and images and i noticed there are different Trackir's TrackIR-4-PRO, TrackIR-3-PRO and this one in the E3 eMagin Z800 3DVisor Stereoscopic Headset -> it's Video there are much more Trackir but look too much expensive.. Wich one is better? Can anyone help, plz? edit: remember: Play only 1 hour with it or your head will start to hurt.. 1 hour?! yeah right.. 1 mission in average takes me an entire hour, I need to think twice about this extra.. I bet people will play arma for more then 4 hours straight.. I will for sure.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strango 5 Posted June 16, 2006 I haven't used the eMagin so I can't comment on it other than what's in the video. It appears to be an aiming device that you use in place of your mouse which is totally different from what TrackIR is. With TrackIR the first question is what other games are you going to use this with? If you are only going to use it for ArmA I'd suggest just getting the TrackIR-3-PRO. You won't get vectoring with the TrackIR-3-PRO unless you also buy the Vector PRO upgrade. As of right now I don't know how much the vector expansion will add to ArmA. We need to wait for Shins to release his next video. If you are leaning toward getting the Vector expansion it's best to pay the little extra money and just buy a TrackIR4-PRO which already comes with Vector support. For the extra money you get a larger sensor that can read in a larger area. With the other you need to take more care when you center your view in the software. Due to the limited area you need to insure that your chair is centered with the sensor that you'll place (most likely) on your monitor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bravo 6 0 Posted June 16, 2006 I haven't used the eMagin so I can't comment on it other than what's in the video. It appears to be an aiming device that you use in place of your mouse which is totally different from what TrackIR is. from what i seen/heared from the video, the fat man said the mouse and keyboard will work aswell and that eMagin Z800 3DVisor Stereoscopic Headset will only work to see things around, when you more your head the image will also move, so i think the eMagins is like the other TrackIr's? Correct me if im wrong. If i buy an TrackIr, i will use it only for ARMA, at least thats the main idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strango 5 Posted June 16, 2006 Well he says that, but if you look at gameplay in the video he's always looking straight ahead and the crosshair for where the gun is going to hit is always in the middle of the screen. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bravo 6 0 Posted June 16, 2006 maybe the fat man should test that eMagin Z800 3DVisor with ARMA demo from E3... edit: anyway does anyone knows what kinda trackir was used in that TrackIR demo we seen recently about ARMA? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deanosbeano 0 Posted June 16, 2006 track ir3 Quote[/b] ]We've put together a little video showing off some of the things you can do with Naturalpoint's TrackIR head tracking system. This first video was made with the Track IR 3 and shows the basic head movements. Hopefully tomorrow we'll post one showing off the lateral leaning and zooming that's possible with the Track IR 4 or Vector expansion pack for Track IR 3.Enjoy the vid. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strango 5 Posted June 16, 2006 When the video starts it says he is using a TrackIR-3. His next video is suppose to show what the Vector Expansion will be able to do in the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bravo 6 0 Posted June 16, 2006 this hardware looks so fragile Maybe the game we see in that video is just like BF2 and others where your not able to look arround with your head and have your weapon still Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andersson 285 Posted June 16, 2006 I do not have a trackIR nor a z800 but I have done some research (will buy a trackIr some day). @bravo6: I´m sure the trackIR will not give you headace or anything. But alittle info about the z800: Quote[/b] ]It appears to be an aiming device that you use in place of your mouse which is totally different from what TrackIR is. Nope, its not totally different. The z800 is a combination of stereo-glasses (to small displays instead of a monitor that will give a 3d effect) and something similar to TrackIR (instead of ir it works with gyros). So it has the same function as TrackIR but with added 3d. From what I have read about z800 its one of the most promising VR products. But the things that I do not like (besides price...) is that the displays only have a resolution of 800x600. I also read that there is a small delay tracking the headmovements from the gyros (not as fast as trackir). They recommend to take a break after one hour because, that the combination of info from the virtual world and inner ear can be confusing for your brain. The small delay from the gyros do not make it better.. That MAY make you sick. I might consider to buy one when it has higher resolution and as fast head tracking as trackIR as it must be one of the better immersion-gadgets. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxqubit 1 Posted June 16, 2006 Well with the Z800 being at 4-5x the price of TrackIR, i will start my 'immersion' trip with the TrackIR. I said before the money can't be an argument, but i have to admit that $900 is out of my league. But i would love to try one of those Z800's with ArmA. Edit: I see that Z800 is selling for $550 now ... still 3x TrackIR but it is interesting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest _Aragon_ Posted June 17, 2006 it is nice to see that track IR is in Armed Assault. I love the Armed Assault TrackIR preview at P.S that Black Shark preview below the Armed Assault one comes in a massive 107MB download (DVD quality but 4:3 aspect) on the impressive stuff but doesn't have the ground element we have in OFP and next Armed Assault. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Espectro (DayZ) 0 Posted June 22, 2006 YAY! Just got mine today (TrackIR4:pro). I will be trying it out later, and see how it peforms. Right not, I only have my laptop (other PC simply burned out (!?) ). I am planning to get a new computer early july, so stay tuned for a review Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pierrot 0 Posted June 22, 2006 TrackIR will introduce a lot of benefits to choppers. A pilot can control the cannon without a gunner. He views a target and just simply pull the trigger on it because the cannon always turns toward as same way as he sees. A pilot can choose and lock on a primary target among many enemies. He just simply see it and lock it on. Men, is there any ideal way of using TrackIR? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Espectro (DayZ) 0 Posted June 22, 2006 TrackIR will introduce a lot of benefits to choppers.A pilot can control the cannon without a gunner. He views a target and just simply pull the trigger on it because the cannon always turns toward as same way as he sees. A pilot can choose and lock on a primary target among many enemies. He just simply see it and lock it on. Men, is there any ideal way of using TrackIR? I never thought of that... YAY! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
messiahua 0 Posted June 22, 2006 A pilot can choose and lock on a primary target among many enemies. He just simply see it and lock it on. Another superb function for trackir That's what you can't do in heli or plane flying with joystik in OPF. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shadow 6 Posted June 22, 2006 A pilot can control the cannon without a gunner. No. In theory, yes. But its not a viable option. The TIR doesnt have the resolution required to be that accurate. Its best kept to be used for panning your view and its awesome at that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites