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UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

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Dude that camo is soooooooooo nice inlove.gifinlove.gifinlove.gif

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sounding real nice mate  smile_o.gif, you planing any woodland guys as a possible future exention to the pack?  smile_o.gif


-Singleplayer versions and experimental MP units.

-RMC, PARA and SAS in desert and desert/DPM scheme.

-Sig Sauer P226

-A lowprofile laser designator (no tripod). Thanx BAS for the idea of using two p3d's.

-Two different SAS models with applied randomness. I personally recommend latest addition: SAS2.

-Paras in berets, helmets, webbing and assaultvests.

-RMC's in berets, helmets and webbing.

-An unspecified desert unit (webbing+helmet) simply called 'UK Soldier'

-A bonus unit, and not very desert. Check the 'readme'.

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Quote[/b] ]-A bonus unit, and not very desert. Check the 'readme'

oooooooo tounge2.gif

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Quote[/b] ]It was just a question SF

And I answered it as polite and logical as I can. biggrin_o.gifyay.gif

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SAS and SAS2 (just different looks)

SAS: patrolpack, shemaghtype 1, standard goggles

SAS2: bergen, shemaghtype 2, 2 types of sunglasses (actually 6 - black,blue and yellow lenses)

No helmets for the SAS. Sue me...

So with the option of putting weapon first it's gonna look like this in the editor:

Para Rifleman (web,hlm)

Para Rifleman (web,beret)

Para Rifleman (web,hlm,brg)

Para Rifleman (vest,hlm)

Para Rifleman (vest,beret)

... I could ofcourse make a universal unit (P:UKF style)

with hidden bergens and helmets. Needs no additional modelling since it's already there.

...keep posting your opinions so we can finally have these f***ers crawling in the sand of (input desert map here)...

I supose this is going to use lots of hiden selections. Can they afect performance? In the Generic OPFOR pack I noticed a cuple of bugs, the same ones that everybody noticed  banghead.gif  I think that the lagg problem was not just to do with the scripting, but with them hiden selections, are they runing smooth for you BB? I would like to be able to make some good big battles with them.

I like the idea of being able to decide what features they will have by init input, you don't want to have a mission or campaign that at any time makes a point or coment about one or various units in the level, and end up not maching the looks of them confused_o.gif  lol.

Blackblood Posted on June 18 2005,23:13

Quote[/b] ]-A bonus unit, and not very desert. Check the 'readme'.


Thanks from many of us BB.



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Troops look good.

Going back to what somebody was saying about "5 colour" helmet covers, they're not.

It's a normal cover with another cover made of net with some sort of printed desert pattern over it.

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About the performance. My specs are:

Athlon TB 1.3Ghz

GeForce3 Ti200

512 Mb RAM

...nothing to write home about, but it works fine with the units. Tested it with 36 random guys: ~25fps.

Although it's been debated numerous times I'm fairly convinced that there will be an fps drop when 'unhiding' hidden selections. But afaik it's the only way to implement randomness. I did start a model combining SAS + SAS2 but the polycount along with texturecount went skyhigh.

The randomness is not that massive. It's simply there to take away the clone feeling.

Random stuff in SAS (model 1):

Wrapped shemagh type 1







Random stuff in SAS (model 2):

Wrapped shemagh type 2


Tactical holster


Shades type 1 x 3 colours

Shades type 2 x 3 colours



You will find generic units (no randomness) to use if it lags too much.

BTW thanx for the kind words everyone but, honestly, it's really, really not that good. It's no LSR, BAS or P:UKF, ok?

Real life forces me to let it go. *insert violins and sniffing here*

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Blackblood, dont worry m8,, they BRITISH and they look great, thats all that matters to the majority of people who want your addon.

good job yay.gif

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it's really, really not that good. It's no LSR, BAS or P:UKF, ok?

you are very wrong, you dont do yourself justice .

i played with the beta you gave to raab a few months back and

these units are outstanding...

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I second that and we only had an early beta. You've some how managed to make this pack even better, its just a shame the random gear scripts arent MP compatible (did I send you my suggestion to get around this in the end?).

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have you got a shot of the bergen and other rucksacks?

What kind of packs does the British army use? and how much Liter can go into them?

all notworthy.gif BB

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Pics of the bergen are on page 10

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If you want to see what the British Army tends to use, look here.

Look at anything which has "Official" in the description. biggrin_o.gif.

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if it makes life any easier, you're very welcome to ship the ukf weapons pbo's with your addon

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if it makes life any easier, you're very welcome to ship the ukf weapons pbo's with your addon

sounds cool

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On a sidenote, hows that new landy coming with the UKF?

The one that was better armored or so. Could be handy in use with BB's SAS, regular landies rock too for now. The cargo anims are just elite.

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if it makes life any easier, you're very welcome to ship the ukf weapons pbo's with your addon

Hell you guys should have on the UKF team notworthy.gif

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if it makes life any easier, you're very welcome to ship the ukf weapons pbo's with your addon

Hell you guys should have on the UKF team  notworthy.gif


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if it makes life any easier, you're very welcome to ship the ukf weapons pbo's with your addon


Faxing over a crate of Swedish Lager (as agreed).

In the midst of a coding marathon now, peeps. If you don't hear anything for a day...it's a good sign.

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Maybe you should release two versions, 1 with ukf weapons 1 without so people who already have them dont have to download them again?

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"Hell, you guys should be in UKF team" I think he means tounge2.gif

Units look good, really hope you either include a MP-working guy (I.e normal guy with the change gear stuff hidden), or whatever Munk suggested works tounge2.gif

HYK's units had two different versions, with two different weapon-sets, seemed to be fine, as long as you keep the classnames the same (I.e not BB_Guy1_UKFWeapons)


- Ben

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