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UK Elections

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Mehh , problem is all polititions probly start out with good intentions ( W Hauge exluded ) but soon enough they get embroiled into the whole scheme of "how its done" , if their ethics get the better of them .. they are either hounded out or they leave ... to quote Mr Ben ... " I am leaving the government to continue my career in politics"

Its a very large mess indeed .

Ever wondered why " it was better in my day " ?

Because back just after the war .. people where still quite basic , and the average mans needs where quite easily met ...

todays man is fed a diet of wants and needs that not many can afford to maintain ...

Welcome to the world of finance and loans . unclesam.gif

It can only get so much worse before something snaps , and they know it . The single thing they fear the most is civil uprising , and rather than let one happen they introduce laws that cover pretty much everything to do with gatherings of like minded people , most may think that these laws were created to keep a few raggy arsed travelers in line .

Anyways ... polititions can kiss my arse  , none of them offer anything remotley like a future that i would want to raise a child in , most of my mates have kids... and i dread to think what kind of world that these children will have to raise their own kids in ...    these people are messing with there futures but no one seems too bothered .

ahhh well


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Wonder if there are going to be any US papers with "How can millions of people be so stupid" headlines...Tony is in Iraq too after all...

lol, i was actually thinking about that when i made this article. im actually hoping Tony Blair will get re-elected by a land slide just so i can see all the red faces on those liberal bastards who published crap.

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I'm not a Brit.

But if I was.

I would have voted for Tony Blair's party.

So I'm glad Tony Blair won.

In my opinion I think Tony Blair is a good fair Prime Minister.

Sincerely, MilitiaSniper


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Wonder if there are going to be any US papers with "How can millions of people be so stupid" headlines...Tony is in Iraq too after all...

Ah, Tony yes, but they are not electing Tony! The UK has a parliamentary system - the people vote for a party and the majority party chooses a PM. Labour was mostly against the war - Blair went against the party majority and got a vote through in parliament with the help of the conservative opposition.

And the Tories were all for the war.

So, if you are opposed to the war, you should have voted for Labour or the Lib Dems. The problem with the latter is that it's like voting for Nader in the US elections. They're too small to actually be elected while it's mostly ex-Labour voters that vote for them.

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And I thought American politics sucked ass! crazy_o.gif

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And I thought American politics sucked ass! crazy_o.gif

ALL politics sucks ass, period.

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The problem is this:

Tony Blair (labour)- not many really trust him anymore, not just over Iraq but over quite a few domestic things that have been BS. However, still probably stands out as the best of a bad bunch. Besides, voting him in keeps Brown as chancellor, and Browns done a bloody good job of keeping the UK economy stable while the rest of the world has suffered economically.

Michael Howard (cons) - ask yer Parents or yer granny about how this guy was as home secetary, and theyll say bloomin awful. As far as i can see hes outdated and borderline racist, well his views on immigrants anyway. Also, things like, he supported Iraq war at the time but now claims to have been anti from the start make me think this guy is just a typical politician...changes with the wind.

Charles Kennedy (lib dems). Adressing the lib dems as a whole, its a shame, they have some good ideas and policys that make you think for a second "hmm maybe these guys would be OK in power".Then you remember these are the guys who come up with things like "free Go Karting for Joy Riders". Thats the classic example. Basically, they must have thier brainstrom seshs down a pub, at the start they make some good stuff up, but as they get more wasted, the ideas get crazier or something. crazy_o.gif

So, who the hell do you choose? I´m not voting this year, being out the country is a good enough excuse for me. I wouldnt want to vote for any of the big 3.

Any other group is just crazy or facist in my opinion. smile_o.gif

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Well, it's official Labour has got 324 seats which means it won.

It looks like they'll have a significantly reduced minority, undoubtedly because of Blair's Iraq adventures.

The Lib Dems seem to have gained significantly while the Tories got a few more seats as well. So basically, everything is going as expected.

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You known, all this squabbling reminds me of why my ancestors hopped on a boat and got out of Dodge, except for the traitor Sir George Downing. I'm not too thrilled that that he just deeded over that chunk of land to the crown without consulting me his cousin's n-th degree great-grandson, or at least putting the proceeds into an annuity earmarked to my behalf. wink_o.gif

Where's the old Crown that ruled the seven seas and kept us rebels on our toes? C'mon, put down yer pint, get off yer butt's, and do something about it. If the NHS don't care to see you, mass the peasents with pitchforks and torches and make yourself univited. Where have all the hooligans gone? Or have you outsourced your politicing to the French as well? tounge_o.gif

If you pumped half as much money into investment and private medical accounts and economic reform as you do into ale and government subsidies you'd actually amount to something again, and God forbid, make us your Mexico again. Maybe the solution is to send all the aristocracy's spoiled rich kids off on another Crusade to Mecca to clean out the rot between the ears. They should have no trouble wholesale surrendering to the slavers in exchange for their hostage videos being shown on VH1. crazy_o.gif


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Quote[/b] ]So, who the hell do you choose? I´m not voting this year, being out the country is a good enough excuse for me. I wouldnt want to vote for any of the big 3.

You CAN vote from the UK embassy/consulate right? I thought this was an option available in most countries to people. No escaping polllssss biggrin_o.gif .

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your right i think Ace as i think kenji voted at the embassey/consulate thats in tokyo

I voted snp smile_o.gif

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Info about the parties and results.

Independent Kidderminster Hospital and Health Concern?

lol, funny party name. tounge_o.gif

What about the other things a goverment must do?

EDIT: Whats up with this Gordon Brown? Heard that he is going to take over for Blair.

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Gordon Brown is gonna be the next pm give it a couple of months and Blair will step down

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Never mind... crazy_o.gif I wonder what would of happen if the Torries got the power.

Got the power? The power of Grey Skull!

Tories? Well they would have probably starting testing foreigners for AIDs at Heathrow airport, and set fire to all the gypsy camps......

There policies consisted of borderline racist immigration controls, and dismantling the NHS. Other than that, both parties are effectively syaing the same thing.

I voted Lib Dem, only because I see there outlook on politics as fresh compared to the other parties.

Anyone who votes for UKIP or Veritas however should have their voting rights taken away. Kilroy-Silk is a bigot and a racist, who's polocies are ill thought out and impossible to implement. He tends to attract those 'kick those brown people out', and 'I was on TV so I must be honest' voters.

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Couldn't the government just give 50 dollar to everyone who votes? It's not much for the richer people but they already vote but it will definitly get the unemployed and young to vote. It would propably cost around 2 milliard (billion US) dollars if everyone in UK voted but that would be worth it. So if the election is every fourth year to cost would be just 1/3600 of the total GDP during those four years.

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So first the people demand they wanna vote and now they want money to do it as well crazy_o.gif .

I thought Bush said freedom was priceless tounge_o.gif .

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Voted Labour, the seem less likely to screw the country up as much as the rest. Unfortunatly I couldnt run for President this time around, after all the campaigning ive done its a real kick in the nads.

Howards stepping down as Tory leader now.

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Thank god I aint old enough to vote yet, thats all I can say to be honest.

The problem today with UK politics is people seem to consentrate to much on the leader of the party (no thabks to the media) and not on the acctuall party policies or the under lining messages that they are saying.

The funny thing is about UK politics, the parties there are, for example there is the blatent racist BNP party, who once said, "I'm not racist, I just dont like balck people" They got quite a vote this time around as well. The funnyist party that acctually got the least votes ever and was still standing was the "Rainbow, Vote for Your Self Party" I wonder who voted for her then...

UK politics = damn well confusing and annoying.

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I was so happy today when I found out HOwards going, won't have to hear that smarmy voice again.

I doubt our politics are much more confusing than any where else, most of Europe have far-right parties and weird parties.

Kilroy, It's not so much the racism I dislike, the BNP are worse for example, but the fact that he's a mentalist in love with the sound of his own voice.

I voted labour cause their the best of bad bunch. Or least worse, whatever.

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I voted Labour but the Tories got in in the Wrekin seat. I'm just happy the Lib Dem candidate didn't win, he's a twat: He had fishing on two local ponds banned and had all the geese eggs there destroyed to stop them reproducing and crossing the road with their chicks; so they don't slow him down on the way to work.

Happy Labour won though. Maybe Blair'll start listening to what his party and the country has to say a bit more now they've lost so much ground.

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He had fishing on two local ponds banned and had all the geese eggs there destroyed to stop them reproducing and crossing the road with their chicks; so they don't slow him down on the way to work.

Next there'll be a ban of Fox hunting.

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By-Election is staffordshire. Hopefully Veritas can win their first seat here. They will, i think, put up a fight here.

Quote[/b] ]Kilroy-Silk is a bigot and a racist, who's polocies are ill thought out and impossible to implement. He tends to attract those 'kick those brown people out', and 'I was on TV so I must be honest' voters.

Hahaha, was that a joke?

If its not, then i wont be surprised if you're a looney liberal. Did you vote lib dems?

I would of voted Veritas but not old enough.


Nick Griffin wears anti-racism band at election count.

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Quote[/b] ]Kilroy-Silk is a bigot and a racist, who's polocies are ill thought out and impossible to implement. He tends to attract those 'kick those brown people out', and 'I was on TV so I must be honest' voters.

Hahaha, was that a joke?

Its quotetime!

"They [Muslims] are backward and evil and if it is racist to say so... then racist I must be — and happy and proud, to be so."

- Daily Express, 25 February 1991

"Moslems everywhere behave with equal savagery. They behead criminals, stone to death female — only female — adulteresses, throw acid in the faces of women who refuse to wear the chador, mutilate the genitals of young girls and ritually abuse animals."

- Daily Express, 15 January 1995

(ed. note: the dumbass doesnt even know that 50% of those female genitalia mutilators happen to be christians, its a local thing not religious)

"A country peopled by peasants, priests and pixies."

- Describing Ireland, Daily Express, 9 November 2002

"The indigenous population is not responsible.... It is the foreigners that we have to focus on."

- Discussing a rise in HIV infections in Britain, Sunday Express, 1 December 2002

"The orgy of thieving in Iraq has more to do with the character of the people than the absence of restraining troops. And to think that good, decent, law-abiding young British and American men and women laid down their lives to liberate this thieving mob."

- Sunday Express, 4 May 2003

"If you make me look bad on camera, I'll wrap that thing around your neck" the 'thing' in question being the walking stick of an elderly gentleman who had informed Kilroy he would not be voting for him in the forthcoming election, on camera.

This asshole is hardly qualified to run a shitty column much less the goverment.

Or is this yet another case of "misunderstanding" and "misinterpretation" like some people like to say regarding controversial figures like this?

Personally I think it's great that populist right wing parties are filled with ignorant short tempered egomaniacs who barely tolerate each other. At least parties run by, you know, adults will remain in power.

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Kilroy-Silk is the worst kind of low-life populist appealing to the most primitive traits in people. He is like a British tabloid that has taken the form of a person.

Anwyay, he didn't get a place in parliament.

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