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LSR Deltas/Rangers/Weapons 2.0 Released

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man i would think i hope that LSR changes that to ur settings how and why would u have an hand gun that shoots like an M4 or what not in rang. LSR plz chang that to ruffs or take him up on that end would only make it right wink_o.gif

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First off, Killswitch has provided me with a config.cpp files which fix a number of problems, among which are "M16GrenadeLauncher" error message, handgun engagement range fix and, most importantly, addon dependency problems. Basically, he has done my work, and i'm very grateful for this. While i'm preparing fixed versions of the addons (i.e. squashing other bugs), here are archived config files.

WARNING: also keep your old config.cpp files somewhere (just in case).

And something i forgot to write off yesterday... required addons to play my "RLTW" mission.


General Barron's Editor Addon

BAS Blackhawks

Download link is broken for the configs! Anyone willing to send it to me? My email is [email protected]


Oops, disregard that. smile_o.gif

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waiting eagerly for error-fixed pbos as i'm not sure how to do the fix myself. yes, i am a damn newb.

;) ghostface.giftounge_o.gif

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I had try the pack, and it's very interesting, but I find a little bug, you forgot to add JAM_compatibility for the AT M136 and Law, can you check it please ?


Do you have in plan to update your russian weapons and unit ?

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Here's a quick tutorial I'll write up for all you guys who are newbs. wink_o.gif

First off, download these two programs:

PBO Decryptor - by Amalfi

Make PBO - by Amalfi

Then download the updated config files:


Once you have downloaded those two programs and the updated configs, extract them anywhere you please (I extracted both the PBO Decryptor and the Make PBO programs into a folder called 'Utilities' in my main OFP directory just to help keep my computer organized, but anywhere you choose is okay).

*Note: Don't extract the .CPP config files in the LSR_DeRaWP20_fixed.rar by just dragging and dropping somewhere. There are folders that separate each of these .CPP config files to ensure that you can determine which config file goes to which PBO file (or AddOn).*

Now, go into your OFP AddOns folder (or your MOD folder) where you installed your LSR Ranger/Delta v2.0 units and find each of the following PBO files and move them into a folder where you can easily reach them (aka the Desktop):







Now, open up the PBO Decryptor (or the UnPBO.exe) tool by Amalfi that I asked you to download. Once open, click on 'Open File' and then once a new dialogue box appears, find the directory in which you have stored all the LSR PBOs I asked you to place in a folder on your Desktop. Once you've found the directory, open the file called "LSR_delta.pbo" and then click on "Decompress". *Note: Depending on the speed of your CPU/hardware, this process may or may not take a while, so be patient if it does.*

Once the decompression is complete, there will be a folder that has been created in the same directory where the PBO file is that you just extracted with the name of the PBO file you just 'decompressed'. For example, if you 'decompressed' the file called "LSR_delta.pbo" there will be a folder named "LSR_delta" in the same directory. The contents of this folder are the entire 'source' files of this particular AddOn so don't mess with anything smile_o.gif. The file we will need to look for is a file called the "config.cpp" (or just "config") file. Once you've found it, rename the file "config.bak" (this backs up the original config.cpp file).

Now go to the directory where you extracted the updated config files (from LSR_DeRaWP20_fixes.rar) and open the folder corresponding to the PBO file name. For instance, if you've 'decompressed' the "LSR_delta.pbo" file, then open the folder called "LSR_delta". In there will be the new updated config.cpp file. Drag and drop the new updated config.cpp file into the same directory where the old config file (config.bak) is.

Once you've done that, open the program "Make PBO" by Amalfi and click on "Select dir.". Find the folder where the decompressed PBO file is (where you put the updated config.cpp file) and then click on "Make PBO". *Note: This WILL take a long time. The program has to compress each file to make it a smaller size and as a result consumes LOTS of CPU power. When I compressed the "LSR_uswp" folder it took me a good 10-12 minutes and I'm running a very fast CPU, so the times may vary.*

Almost done!! Now, once you've compressed the folder and made the new updated PBO, you can now move that PBO back into your OFP directory! That's it! Repeat these steps for each and every PBO file.

Also, just a little tip: You can change whether the "Make PBO" program compresses the files or not. Just click on "Properties" and check mark the files that you want to leave UNCOMPRESSED (.P3D, .PAA, and .PAC files take the longest to compress, so you may checkmark those if you want). I don't recommend this as it increases the size of the PBO and uses more hard drive space, but for all of you with slower CPUs this might be a feasible option.

If you wish to fix the "M1911 shooting too high bug" as stated here in earlier posts, this is how you can fix it (this is for someone with a alittle bit more experience as you will have to edit a config.cpp file, but I will try and explain it the best I can to you newbs wink_o.gif :

First off, I recommend that you make a backup copy of the updated config.cpp file. The config.cpp file is the heart of the AddOn and if you mess it up, you have messed up the entire AddOn (unless you create a backup config file, ofcourse).

The only file you will need to edit will be the config.cpp file included in the "LSR_uswp.pbo". So once you've completed all the steps above on extracting the PBO and changing the configs, etc... Open up the UPDATED config that you have placed in the "LSR_uswp" folder in "notepad".

The values that we will need to change are "distanceZoomMin" and "distanceZoomMax".

Once it's open, click on "Edit/Find" or CTRL-F, and type "distanceZoomMin" (without quotes) then click "Find Next" (be sure that the direction is 'down'). There are multiple "distanceZoomMin" and "distanceZoomMan" lines in this config. There are one of these lines PER weapon. I had to click the "Find Next" button seven (7) times before I got to the right place. On the seventh time of clicking it, you should see:

Quote[/b] ]

class HandGunBase: Riffle {};

class LSR_socomBase: HandGunBase
















displayName="Mk.23 SOCOM";

displayNameMagazine=".45 ACP 12 rd. Mag";

shortNameMagazine=".45 ACP 12 rd. Mag";








class Single






displayName=".45 ACP";














The two lines in BOLD are the lines you will need to edit. Replace the "300" on each the "distanceZoomMin" and "distanceZoomMax" lines with "50" so you should now have:

Quote[/b] ]

class HandGunBase: Riffle {};

class LSR_socomBase: HandGunBase
















displayName="Mk.23 SOCOM";

displayNameMagazine=".45 ACP 12 rd. Mag";

shortNameMagazine=".45 ACP 12 rd. Mag";








class Single






displayName=".45 ACP";














I went through the rest of the config.cpp and changed all the "distanceZoomMin" and "distanceZoomMax" values to 50. DO NOT change those values above the place where I told you to change initially. Everything below that point is okay to change.

**Thanks to ruff for explaining how to fix this!!**

That's it! Now save the file, make the PBO, and put it back into your OFP Addons (or MOD) folder!

If you have any questions post them here, or if you need urgent help, send an email to [email protected] and I'll get to you ASAP.

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after doing all that :above:, flashpoint doesnt recognise that i have those LSR soldiers anymore?? first i get an error, saying, no m4a1 could be found or something. and the mission could not be loades.. no addons LSr_delta etc. ? any help

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Quote[/b] ]Also, just a little tip: You can change whether the "Make PBO" program compresses the files or not. Just click on "Properties" and check mark the files that you want to leave UNCOMPRESSED (.P3D, .PAA, and .PAC files take the longest to compress, so you may checkmark those if you want). I don't recommend this as it increases the size of the PBO and uses more hard drive space, but for all of you with slower CPUs this might be a feasible option.

Compressed .pbo only advantage is that they use less place in the harddrive , in opposite, there are several advantage in having uncompressed.pbo : OFP will not have to uncompress them itself when loading.

And better : uncompressed .pbo when using winrar for upload/download will be exactly the same .rar size.

So uncompress the .pbo is what i recommend, not only it is faster to re-pbo them, but you will have a better loading time for OFP.

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[quoteCompressed .pbo only advantage is that they use less place in the harddrive , in opposite, there are several advantage in having uncompressed.pbo : OFP will not have to uncompress them itself when loading.

And better : uncompressed .pbo when using winrar for upload/download will be exactly the same .rar size.

So uncompress the .pbo is what i recommend, not only it is faster to re-pbo them, but you will have a better loading time for OFP.


hm so will doing this solve my Major lag problem that i get whenever i use LSR's units?

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major lags may not be caused by compressed PBO , only thing sure is that loading time should be longer with compressed PBO.

Usually with user made addons , when major lags are experienced , it can be the result of :

-too many polygons in the screen (especially when you have a lot of units)

-too many huge textures in the memories

-scripts not very optimised for performance.

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as far as I can tell there are no desert CQB delta's like there are for the woodland deltas. Minor bug though

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Quote[/b] ]major lags may not be caused by compressed PBO , only thing sure is that loading time should be longer with compressed PBO.

Usually with user made addons , when major lags are experienced , it can be the result of :

-too many polygons in the screen (especially when you have a lot of units)

-too many huge textures in the memories

-scripts not very optimised for performance.

cheers but i think its just my slow PC, afterall it cant hamdle much running at 500 mhz lol

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after doing all that :above:, flashpoint doesnt recognise that i have those LSR soldiers anymore?? first i get an error, saying, no m4a1 could be found or something. and the mission could not be loades.. no addons LSr_delta etc. ? any help

Are you sure you put the CPP file back in the PBO before you packed it?

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Hiya all.

I can't belive this, I haven't toched my PC for ages... just the keyboard, cos I can't stop playing with Laser's units and weapons, lol, I haven't even posted in this topic, lol.

Right, about this AI handgun and distances, I have a great solution, just remove the handguns by using remove weapons comand on the bloody AI init field?rock.gif?rock.gif?rock.gif?? crazy_o.gif  You won't get the AI to do proper CQB anyway.

If I only knew how to let the engine know if the AI has runned out of amunition...



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Hiya all.

I can't belive this, I haven't toched my PC for ages... just the keyboard, cos I can't stop playing with Laser's units and weapons, lol, I haven't even posted in this topic, lol.

Right, about this AI handgun and distances, I have a great solution, just remove the handguns by using remove weapons comand on the bloody AI init field?rock.gif?rock.gif?rock.gif?? crazy_o.gif You won't get the AI to do proper CQB anyway.

If I only knew how to let the engine know if the AI has runned out of amunition...



Oh, so you want to take the easy way out, huh? tounge_o.gif

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LOL, yeah, the easy way do for me lol.

I was thinking about another solution.

While messing about with my mission projects and thins that I'm doing, I was getting anoyed with the way the units in OFP are animated in "Safe mode" when they only have a hand gun, the same way to when they have a rifle, and I'm working in a mission where there is a cuple of civilians on East side from the Mapfact editor addon, that are mixed up with the rest of a bunch of inocent civilians in the middle of a town. The player won't be able to know who is the bad guy who is going to do a hit on somebody the player is protecting.

The problem was that it was evident who the bad guy was because of this pointless animation, so I removed all weapons, made a few triggers that would activate a script, every trigger would activate this script on different situations, just to make it more realistic.

Once one of the triggers activate the script, a hand gun or small weapon like a UZI or MP5 with repective magazines are added to the unit an makes the unit to get out of the "Safe mode", so when it spots you or its target there will be some bangs in the air biggrin_o.gif

If there is a way to know if the AI have runed out of amunition, then this script could be activated too, giving the AI a hund gun only when it needs one.

What do you think?


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Great job Laser on these guys,they'll see a lot of combat from me.One thing I would had loved to see was more differences between them,what I wanna say is that for ex. in your previous version the silenced delta grenadier was different from the silenced smaw delta and so on and I would also loved to see updated nomex operators for those Sam Fisher missions. blues.gif

Apart from that again good work on these,people like you make people like me happy. biggrin_o.gif

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Great job Laser on these guys,they'll see a lot of combat from me.One thing I would had loved to see was more differences between them,what I wanna say is that for ex. in your previous version the silenced delta grenadier was different from the silenced smaw delta and so on and I would also loved to see updated nomex operators for those Sam Fisher missions. blues.gif

Apart from that again good work on these,people like you make people like me happy. biggrin_o.gif

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Double post there mate biggrin_o.gif

The original Nomex still works fine with this expansion, so if you have them you can use them without problems.

The only thing about them is the lac of blood textures.



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Yea sorry about that but my net connection runs like crap right now(even worse),guess more time for me to play with these units.

About Nomex Operators,believe me or not but I didn't even knew they don't have blood textures. biggrin_o.gif

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Our server didn`t run with the new LSR units causing of an incorrect *.paa file. I`m not able to say which one because the logfile didn`t detect the name of the file... rock.gif


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Quote[/b] ]Are you sure you put the CPP file back in the PBO before you packed it?

yes im sure i did... but whats odd is that with this error, OFp takes ages to load, odd?

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i tried doing the whold PBO thing again.. but this time i got the same errors.

i tried getting rid of LSR units and using HYK's ones with thewep pack.. y knwo what.. my ofp game suddenly runs fine again smooth as well you get the idea. my point is .. that how do LSR's units slow down my pc that much even when im not using them on a mission ??,, its something to do wit the.. well i dont know. but HYK;s soldiers are high poly, so how come i can use tham with no problem?

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Hi, LSR why did you not ask for original TGA (to suchey) for your new optic ? You have use old PAC and the quality is not great... Have you in plan to do it ?

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Hi, LSR why did you not ask for original TGA (to suchey) for your new optic ? You have use old PAC and the quality is not great... Have you in plan to do it ?

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