Desert-Rat 0 Posted April 17, 2005 Well if someone knows the old game "Comanche maximum overkill" he will see that the comanche looks more diffrent to theone which was built would be cool if someone is interested too in this helicopter. I am no 3d modeller so i can't do it but i hope someone can do it (sorry for the large images) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MachoMan 0 Posted April 17, 2005 This is not the real commanche, the one DKM made is accurate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ag_smith 0 Posted April 17, 2005 C'mon, you don't really believe Novalogic has ever made a something realistic in their game? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desert-Rat 0 Posted April 17, 2005 I know thats why i say "he will see that the comanche looks more diffrent to theone which was built" i like thisone more than the one which was built @ag_smith Well Armored Fist was realistic one hit and your Abrams was destroyed BTW: the game was from 92 ;) i think the american have change something on the Comanche in all these years ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MachoMan 0 Posted April 17, 2005 Nah, they always intented it to be a recon chopper, the game-modelers just went wild after they saw the first army designs. The whole project in on hold anyway and it's even likely it's gonna get canceled. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wipman 1 Posted April 17, 2005 Hi, BRBSeb or something like that, was making another RAH-66 Comanche; he had it in game, flying & all... i don't know why he don't released at least, a teaser of his good looking helo; the BRBSeb or whatever... textures on his chopper looked much more accurate to me than the DMK RAH-66 1.2 textures, or model. I don't know why he never released a teaser, to let the OFP players have a much better Comanche, but it's a big loose for sure. Let's cu. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desert-Rat 0 Posted April 17, 2005 @macho_man_mathijs so you don't think the first the first step of the Comanche project looks like this? i find thisone more cooler then the Comanche which is in use ;) Yes BRBSebs Comanche was good , the last report of it was 2003 2 years ago Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NL_Nemesis 0 Posted April 17, 2005 to be exact the comanche isn't in's on the shelve for scrapping if not alreay done... believe there where some issues with funding and interrest should be an article about it somewhere..believe it was at @war Edit: found it: ps the model you see on the pictures would hold almost to none of the stealth capability because of its long rounded body... even the tailrotor in this shape would reflect so much that you would get shot in 5 sec(figure of speech) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desert-Rat 0 Posted April 17, 2005 does this Comanche exist? or was it free created? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desert-Rat 0 Posted April 18, 2005 well but all i want is this Comanche from the pictures for ofp Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mr burns 133 Posted April 18, 2005 noone will do the dirty work for ya, if you like fantasy commanches you´ve got to build your own. but hey..that way you can make it even more unique by putting some pink elephants on teh fuselage   Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vex_man 0 Posted April 18, 2005 well about a year ago I asked him why he didn't release and he said it was cus he wanted to add more scripts ect to make it more realistic so he said he will release for OFP2 MAYBE Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desert-Rat 0 Posted April 18, 2005 Mr Burns shut up with your stupid answers , if you can't make it then you don't have to post this stupid answers weakhead! and the helicopter name is "coManche" -.- and not "commanche" but i hope i musn't dibate with you about it Thanks Vex_man: Yes i heard this too Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hardrock 1 Posted April 18, 2005 Mr Burns shut up with your stupid answers , if you can't make it then you don't have to post this stupid answers weakhead! and the helicopter name is "coManche" -.- and not "commanche" but i hope i musn't dibate with you about it Stop flaming, it won't get you anywhere. He just said in a little different way what is a fact by now, there are amounts of useless addon requests every week. In fact every modeller has his own plans (and enough of them), so if you want something extravagant, you gotta build it on your own. Sorry, but that's how it is. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DKM Jaguar 0 Posted April 18, 2005 It's bad enough you treat the DKM commanche as not good enough for you, but even worse that you want it replaced by a more innacurate one.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desert-Rat 0 Posted April 18, 2005 I don't say that the DKM Comanche is not enough , it is very good , it has many functions but fact is I like this Comanche on the pics more then the accurate one (not your Addon Comanche ,Jaguar) And belive me , if i was an 3d modeller i would make it , fact is i don't have any skills in it , thats why i make a request understand? it shouldn't be an attack on your Addon DKM Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MontyVCB 0 Posted April 18, 2005 is it me or can i not see the difference? Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desert-Rat 0 Posted April 18, 2005 of the Comanche? look ant the tailrotor and mainrotor , it has an two barrel Cannon , it is longer , without stealth skills , the turbines are other and it looks better  Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hardrock 1 Posted April 18, 2005 And belive me , if i was an 3d modeller i would make it , fact is i don't have any skills in it , thats why i make a request Everybody starts at some point Or do you think modellers are born modellers? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desert-Rat 0 Posted April 18, 2005 no thats not what i think , but i tried it some time ago , the only thing i have done is this Crate from the toturial , and alone this was very difficult for me , i like texturing much more than make models , but i would do moddeling too  if i could  and here are some people like DKM Jaguar , Vit and some other who makes this models in no time , and thats what i never could make Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hardrock 1 Posted April 18, 2005 no thats not what i think , but i tried it some time ago , the only thing i have done is this Crate from the toturial , and alone this was very difficult for me , i like texturing much more than make models , but i would do moddeling too if i could Do you think we never did Brsseb's crate? (nearly) Everybody did, and it was hard for everyone. If you like this Comanche, than try to model it. It will take some time, and maybe the first version won't look too well either, but don't stop and at some point you'll call yourself skilled too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nephilim 0 Posted April 18, 2005 to be honest i wasnt that much happy with the comamnche model itself sure it was fun and done pretty well but the model has its inaccuracies true it couldve been better + i like it more in green Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desert-Rat 0 Posted April 18, 2005 @hardrock: I have no skills in it , i don't know how to start , or make a polygone or somethink , how i should make a chopper then? i mean the crate was only a crate and the chopper need much more @nephilim: I like it in green more too ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hardrock 1 Posted April 18, 2005 @hardrock: I have no skills in it , i don't know how to start , or make a polygone or somethink , how i should make a chopper then? i mean the crate was only a crate and the chopper need much more Read ... and learn Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Desert-Rat 0 Posted April 18, 2005 looks like a nice toturial , maybe there is hope for me ;) but would be cool if someone could make this helicopter but if i CAN modeling i will try to make own Share this post Link to post Share on other sites