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Star Wars mod

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WOW that looks amazing!!!

I'll put it on the site right now smile_o.gif

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Good work on the ARC. yay.gif

I don't know if this is a concern, but I tried ordering an AI pilot in my group to land using the actions in the Menu, but ordering "[AUTO LAND]" apparently has him Activate his S-Foils and zoom off.

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I love it!

Too bad that my graphics card is "out of order" so I can't play with this beauty on max settings. confused_o.gif

MfG Lee thumb.gif

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Okedokey, i have started following ships...

-V-19 Torrent Starfighter (Of Episode II until III )



-V-21 Raptor Starfighter (Thats a self-invented-construction. I use a very very cool concept sketch which i have found in the web. It will be similiar to teh V-19 but much more cooler, i promise)


-Geonosian Starfighter (Of Episode II - III )



They will be available soon. wink_o.gif

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The scale looks fine to me,  AT-ATs arent really that big.. (if you play the Battlefront game, and Star Wars galaxies, you can see that you are about as tall as the bottom part of the foot

They are suppose to be huge... in SWG they are horribly miss scaled. Something the devs have even stated. If you have ever been to one of the events they had them at, and were able to see them really close you can tell... I stood by the head of one of them in Galaxies and my character was nearly taller then the head. When in the movies you clearly see people standing inside them with plenty of head room. I mean they are suppose to be 15.5 Meters tall... and theres no way in hell they are that tall in Galaxies.

I wouldn't know about BF... becuase I played the game for 15 minuts and it sucked so bad I took it out and un-installed it. However I can assume they were probly miss scalled in BF too. Remember EP 5 when it stepped on the Snow Speeder? Its foot covered the whole Speerer...

ha! you seen one in swg? rofl.gif . god you are lucky the devs only spawn them once a in a full moon sad_o.gif

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The scale looks fine to me,  AT-ATs arent really that big.. (if you play the Battlefront game, and Star Wars galaxies, you can see that you are about as tall as the bottom part of the foot

They are suppose to be huge... in SWG they are horribly miss scaled. Something the devs have even stated. If you have ever been to one of the events they had them at, and were able to see them really close you can tell... I stood by the head of one of them in Galaxies and my character was nearly taller then the head. When in the movies you clearly see people standing inside them with plenty of head room. I mean they are suppose to be 15.5 Meters tall... and theres no way in hell they are that tall in Galaxies.

I wouldn't know about BF... becuase I played the game for 15 minuts and it sucked so bad I took it out and un-installed it. However I can assume they were probly miss scalled in BF too. Remember EP 5 when it stepped on the Snow Speeder? Its foot covered the whole Speerer...

ha! you seen one in swg?  rofl.gif . god you are lucky the devs only spawn them once a in a full moon  sad_o.gif

Yea it was a pretty cool event. It was a server load test durring the final couple weeks of JTL beta last year. Just to show what I ment by them being under scaled in Galaxies here are a couple pictures

Walker Head

Walker Head 2

Walker in Full

As you can see they are no where near the size they were in the movies. Please guys... stick with the movie size.

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wow I see what you guys mean, that last SWG pic showed me how short the legs were.  Way too small.

I'm sure Killer-Tobias is aware of the actual scale, but if not I'll ask em to make the AT-AT a big mofo

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I hope one of your betatesters has a joystick, because the falcon is "unstearable" with stick.

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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thats why its just a beta version  wink_o.gif

For me, it's more Final than Beta.

It's just fantastic!

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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<span style='font-size:27pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:green'>CLONES PACK</span></span>

Ok, here is a pic of the Clone Commander of Episode II. (All textures will be replaced by high-res textures)


Its easy to create the EpII Clones because there are no really differences.

As i have tested it ingame i was shocked. It isnt looking like a Clone Trooper, a lot of (i think all) selecion names are wrong or i have defined section with wrong section names.


Is there somebody with person creating expierience who can redefine all sections so the Clone Trooper (movement) looks good in OF??? It will be just for this one, i will take the edited p3d as a example model than.

Its really important because i have done all EP II p3d and i have just noticed that bug.

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As i said on ofp.info, these look brilliant! biggrin_o.gif You gonna use lasers off the film or lasers off Battlefront? smile_o.gif

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lrameno=left shoulder

prameno=right shoulder

lbiceps=upper arm

pbiceps=left arm

lloket=left lower arm

ploket=right lower arm

lruka=left wrist

pruka=right wrist

lzadek=left groin

pzadek right groin

lstehno=left thigh

pstehno=right thigh

lholen=left lower leg

pholen=right lower leg

lchodidlo=left foot

pchodidlo=right foot

OFP does not use software driven animations but actual humans connected to wires to simulate its movements in breathing, walking, running, etc. Therefore, the model's default position in O2 is not the same as that in 3dmax.

You will find that ofp model human seem to be messed up, espacially in the shoulders and the tummy area in 02. However in game, the vertices orientates itself to the ofp human simulation and you wont see the tangles.

So you will have to place your model in the exact default position like the ofp model to take advantage of the simulation, otherwise ingame your model will react differently.

One trick is to copy the bis model into a new O2 file.

1.in the selection window, select the bis model(not the attachments).

2. Copy the model into resolution2  - ( you will see all the other blood damages, eye and mouth selections as well)

3. Put your model beside Bis model

4. delete Bis parts and rename your model's head as Bis type.

5. Do the same for the rest of the main body parts.

6. Select your model's part and weld the parts together, ensure selecting only the closest joints. If your body parts are not joined as an entire human, there wont be any animation link.

7. Align this model as closely to the bis model in resolution2( follow the yellow lines). It MUST be exact espacially at the joint areas otherwise ingame it will be horrible.

8.  Save and Delete away resolution 2. Delete away the bis model in resolution 1 then paste your own there Make a copy(minus the head) and place it in pilot view resolution. For geolod and the other lods, you can use the Bis type. You wont need many res lods, - just one more for shadows. Set the resolution at 45( =450m) and make boxes. apply a general textures on it so that from far it will match your model's colors.

(:- to get the matching blood splats, one further step is to create resolution 3, copy only the part there, eg- hand. In the selection view you will see other selection names beside lbiceps. delete away the bis hand, then apply the selection names to your model's hand and paste it in resolution2, then follow step 4 onwards.)

Would love to help you to get the parts right, but i am thousands of kilometres from my home computer, and where i work, ofp cant be played. My laptop would scream bloody murder. tounge2.gif All the best

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Here is a pic of the AAT as it looks now.


This tank has quite an arsenal.

1 turret-mounted laser , 2 laser cannons, 2 SR blaster cannons and 6 launchers. What are the limitations of OFP regarding tanks and the amount of weapons it can store?

And is there a tank I can maybe base this on?

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Tank class can hold 1 mg + 1 cannon

each cannon can fire 2 types of rounds.

additional weapons will have to be 'attached' - a separate unit using scripts to be attached to the vehicle. You can have 100 weapon attachments and ofp will not faze.

attachment in the past can only travel straight and cannot follow the terrain, but now, the limitations are over. You can check with those who are in developement over this limitations.

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Do you know someone who is familiar with those "advanced tanks"? (as you have mentioned)

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Is it possible to have two or three gunners? every with a own turret and weapon? It would be very usefull for the HAVw-A6-Juggernaut and for Cell7`s AAT.

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Multiple gunner on 1 vehicle is impossible but Colonel Klink did on a boat class with some scripting multiple gunners but he and some others said on air, tank and car class it was bugged dunno maybe there is someone who has working on a script to make multiple gunners on tank, car and air class possible in Armed Assault I am sure and hope those engine limitations we have now will all be history wink_o.gif

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It would be very usefull for the HAVw-A6-Juggernaut

will the mod be making the HAVw-A6- juggernaut?

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It would be very usefull for the HAVw-A6-Juggernaut

will the mod be making the HAVw-A6- juggernaut?

Im already working on it tounge2.gif What a pity, i wanted really multiple gunners for the juggernaut.

If there is just one gunner, how he can control multiple turrets?huh.gif

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